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Daily Police Stops In Bangkok

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Yesterday I was stopped 3 times in less than 15 minutes. I have been noticing more and more police stops, but now they are almost daily, and in the same locations and always targeting motorbikes. I usually just ride around the cops if I know I am doing nothing wrong, but they are getting more aggressive about blocking the way. Yesterday, I was stopped for getting over too early to make the u-turn right at my soi. He told me he recognized my bike and I should know better. 100 baht. So I proceed and make the u-turn and going back the other way, the cops on the other side of the road of the SAME location stopped me. I was telling them all I just got stopped on the other side as I was pulling over. I argued with the cop I have talked to before. He has pulled me over now twice and never ticketed me or asked for money. He just keeps checking my plate and registration and my motorbike license to make sure it is in order. They let me go, no fine.

10 minutes later I get to a stop location and the cops locked arms in front of my bike! Said I was too far over from the left - I was riding the white line. 100 baht

So, I guess if you travel the following locations by motorbike, be aware there are almost daily stops here and they are doing their best not to let anyone pass by on a bike if they want you to pull over. Sukhumvit just before and/or after BTS On Nut I see them just about daily. Rama 4 near Bangkok University in front of Big C several times a week.

They seem to be mostly targeting motorbikes of all sizes.

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I witnessed a guy on an Aprilia get stopped on Monday I think on Rama 4 just up from Big C. The BIB pointed at a printed card like a <deleted> menu. Not riding in the left lane I assume which is BS because that is NOT a special law for bikes.

The stopping decision though seems to be made by the BIB with a radio who is about 100-200 meters back up the road hiding behind a tree.

I do have a theory though based on revenue per square metre. Not that it helps. At that location they could not stop as many cars at one time as it would clog the road completely, so they target motorbikes. Side note I believe most drugs are transported by bike also so...

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welcome to my world.

they stopped me many times nearly everyday in Bangkok but now, they know me - including all police station they drove me and their chiefs hahaha - and they do not bother anymore, They now my red bike, red helmet and red jacket so all good now.

Still, in Sukhumvit, which is away from my daily route, they stop all the time.

they also have a tendency not to stop big bikes and they like to stop smaller bikes as i am sure someone with a big bike can be a rich and connected guy and can create problems for them.

It was worst with cbr 150 for that reason.

and, once they stop you, they find a way to take 100 thb with or without reason but after 5 years of driving in Thailand now i manage to get away with a 50 thb smile.png

still good man, i like it this way as in my country, they charge you a hundred time more than a 50 thb for any fault on the road. i love Thailand!

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i had this shit last week ,first time i flew past them in the 4th lane (the overtaking lane in some countries )

he waved me to pull in but i didnt see the wave and hammered on

on the way back (on a differnt route of course ) i gets stopped again ,i was in lane 2 of 4 lanes BUT THE INNERMOST IS A HARD SHOULDER which was

blocked by police vehicles and desks and chairs

I only had a 1000 ,a 500 and a 100 in my pocket, i offered to pay 100 since i had done nothing wrong

he said to just give him the 500 or we go police station ,

I laughed and put it back it back in my pocket

i refused to hand him over my licence and asked for proof i had been in the right lane for this immaginary offence

he then got flustered and and said my hat was illegal ,tinted visor is illegal so hes correct

so again i told him i can pay 100 or nothing? ,up to you ? I tell him im going to need a photograph of his police ID number

and record this incident because he is most definately in breach of the rules and took out my phone as if i was going to record him on video

he flipped and tried to grab the phone but i stepped back and lowered the phone before he decided to shoot me

he calls over a superior officer and i explain that i was in the left lane all the way from the intersection to the checkpoint ,he said maybe that police made a mistake about the lane but would have to give me a fine anyway for the illegal hat (which i accepted )

i decided at that point ,these monkeys at the side of the road werent getting any cash from me and then requested an official ticket so i can pay it in my own time

i took that fine and went on my way ,i ask someone to read it for me

(written in thai of course ) and i WAS FINED 400 THB FOR RIDING IN THE WRONG LANE !!!

night time comes andi was riding again and came around a corner straight into a checkpoint and they pulled the same shit and about lanes


i just showed him my ticket from the morning and they wanted to fine me again ,but id have to pay cash ON THE SPOT :)

i had about 30k in my pockets but i wasnt pulling that out so i asked for a ticket to pay at the station because i had not money

After a few minutes deliberation ,they asked me if i have ATM card ,also i had about 6 cards in my wallet but i smiled and said no,thank you

il pay at the station , just write me a ticket please......

they went back and conferred and surprisingly came over and said ok,now u go ( for free after 15 minutes of detention and deliberation they must have decided i was wasting more time than i was worth )

yesterday i was riding again and i see a checkpoint in front ,i switch right in behind a fast moving fortuner and ignore their waves to pull over again

its getting beyond a joke , 6-7 checkpoints in a week and they want usually 400 if they can get it whether youve done anything or not

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Phuket also! Had a legal license, legal bike & legal helmet. The cop told me the same BS about not being over in the left, I pointed out that the street is 1 way so all lanes are left, and that in the left of left we have around 10 illegally parked cars which I must go around in order to proceed forward... Wasnt impressed and told me, he will be watching me very carefully! as he can remember my helmet & bike....<deleted> is this? so today I take the wifes bike & spare helmet :)

Edited by eezergood
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Yes lots of police in Pattaya, stopping bikes all over the place, be careful if your turning left at the lights as many have signs now saying to have to wait for the green light before turning left.

Correct, I was sitting on the PCX on south Pattaya road today waiting for the green light for a left turn, one bike passed me turning left and when I finally could go he (Thai) was in the process of paying the ticket.

Yesterday in Jomtien I saw a Thai couple without helmets and going wrong direction on the one way road and saw a police man on bike spotted them and he went after them like a bat of of hell, so be careful out there and better follow the rules.

In Pattaya I haven't seen the police stop you for silly things and just wants money, Bangkok seems to be bad.

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So you are all complaining about breaking the law and having to pay a fine? You're lucky you don't get 3 points on your licence too.

I travel on all those roads like Rama IV and Sukhumvit. I know where the check points are and I make sure I'm in the left lane, and guess what... they don't stop me.

Before you all say that driving on the left is not a rule of law then think again. I, like you guys, thought this was the case too, but I have now seen proof of this law on these forums.(also if turning right, you cannot move over unless you less than 100m from the turn) It's even written on the bloody ticket when/if they give it to you. So live with it and stop bitching about it, or perhaps you would prefer it if they stopped you everytime you were in the wrong lane, on the footpath, making an illegal U-turn, illegal right turn, illegal left turn, no helmet or passenger helmet, after market exhaust, 3 on the bike, on the wrong side of the road, jumping a red light, changing lanes without indicating, no licence, tinted visor and speeding????? (I'm sure there are more). We have all done some or even all of these things at various times but thank god they are not usually enforced. So stop complaining when the BIB finally get off their ass and enforce the law and require you to pay a few dollars for your trouble, it's most definately a small price to pay when considering the alternative.

Edited by macknife
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So you are all complaining about breaking the law and having to pay a fine? You're lucky you don't get 3 points on your licence too.

I travel on all those roads like Rama IV and Sukhumvit. I know where the check points are and I make sure I'm in the left lane, and guess what... they don't stop me.

Before you all say that driving on the left is not a rule of law then think again. I, like you guys, thought this was the case too, but I have now seen proof of this law on these forums.(also if turning right, you cannot move over unless you less than 100m from the turn) It's even written on the bloody ticket when/if they give it to you. So live with it and stop bitching about it, or perhaps you would prefer it if they stopped you everytime you were in the wrong lane, on the footpath, making an illegal U-turn, illegal right turn, illegal left turn, no helmet or passenger helmet, after market exhaust, 3 on the bike, on the wrong side of the road, jumping a red light, changing lanes without indicating, no licence, tinted visor and speeding????? (I'm sure there are more). We have all done some or even all of these things at various times but thank god they are not usually enforced. So stop complaining when the BIB finally get off their ass and enforce the law and require you to pay a few dollars for your trouble, it's most definately a small price to pay when considering the alternative.

Where is the proof? Never seen it my self. I even remember seeing a thai newspaper debunking the whole keep to the left idea.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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No problem in the sticks, only helmets on market day.

^^ YipYip..not producing your licence is probably an offence.

i had my licence and when i was relieved of it at the first checkpoint earlier in the day ,how could i have it again to produce at the next checkpoint and the next one after that ?

(if you get an official ticket ,you have 7 days to pay the bill from the date on it ) )

multiple checkpoints on the same day are going to result in some people being stopped 2-3-4+ times if you need to do a lot of driving like i do

they could have all gotten a small bribe from me but if they want to be extra greedy ,il ask for an official ticket each time

Might be time to start riding a scooter again ,big shiny bikes give the impression youre loaded with cash

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Ummmh karlos...that's a finable offense since you are not displaying your tax sticker required for signage that has non-thai script bigger than the King's language.


LOL, that wasn't my picture, i just Googled for an example of an old ideai once had. I'm yet to do it myself, the tax disc 'sticker' is mounted else where on the bike, so no need to worry about that :)

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i have a license but i never show it to them. Do not show or give your license to them It creates more problems as they try to take it.

They lost my license at the police station once as i lost the receipt they gave me and they never found it.

So, i always say: " I don't know, i no English, no Thai" what ever they say to me.

They mostly let me go most of the time.biggrin.png

Try and see, you will understand me. haha

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Ummmh karlos...that's a finable offense since you are not displaying your tax sticker required for signage that has non-thai script bigger than the King's language.


LOL, that wasn't my picture, i just Googled for an example of an old ideai once had. I'm yet to do it myself, the tax disc 'sticker' is mounted else where on the bike, so no need to worry about that :)

Karlos. Dave meant the tax you have to pay for sign writing :D

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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i have a license but i never show it to them. Do not show or give your license to them It creates more problems as they try to take it.

They lost my license at the police station once as i lost the receipt they gave me and they never found it.

So, i always say: " I don't know, i no English, no Thai" what ever they say to me.

They mostly let me go most of the time.biggrin.png

Try and see, you will understand me. haha

i tried that once at suvaranpuum

pretended i couldt understnd anything ........

they radioed for a pick up to bring my bike to be impounded at the station (i was thinking they might be stealing it because it was a grey import also )

You need some sort of licence to drive anything in thailand ,at least in BKK

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So you are all complaining about breaking the law and having to pay a fine? You're lucky you don't get 3 points on your licence too.

I travel on all those roads like Rama IV and Sukhumvit. I know where the check points are and I make sure I'm in the left lane, and guess what... they don't stop me.

Before you all say that driving on the left is not a rule of law then think again. I, like you guys, thought this was the case too, but I have now seen proof of this law on these forums.(also if turning right, you cannot move over unless you less than 100m from the turn) It's even written on the bloody ticket when/if they give it to you. So live with it and stop bitching about it, or perhaps you would prefer it if they stopped you everytime you were in the wrong lane, on the footpath, making an illegal U-turn, illegal right turn, illegal left turn, no helmet or passenger helmet, after market exhaust, 3 on the bike, on the wrong side of the road, jumping a red light, changing lanes without indicating, no licence, tinted visor and speeding????? (I'm sure there are more). We have all done some or even all of these things at various times but thank god they are not usually enforced. So stop complaining when the BIB finally get off their ass and enforce the law and require you to pay a few dollars for your trouble, it's most definately a small price to pay when considering the alternative.

Feel better ?

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Ummmh karlos...that's a finable offense since you are not displaying your tax sticker required for signage that has non-thai script bigger than the King's language.


LOL, that wasn't my picture, i just Googled for an example of an old ideai once had. I'm yet to do it myself, the tax disc 'sticker' is mounted else where on the bike, so no need to worry about that smile.png

Karlos. Dave meant the tax you have to pay for sign writing biggrin.png

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Call me thick but i still don't get it? It's been a long day :D

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i have a license but i never show it to them. Do not show or give your license to them It creates more problems as they try to take it.

They lost my license at the police station once as i lost the receipt they gave me and they never found it.

So, i always say: " I don't know, i no English, no Thai" what ever they say to me.

They mostly let me go most of the time.biggrin.png

Try and see, you will understand me. haha

I have laminated copies of everything, insurance certificate, driving license, green book etc etc under the seat of both bikes.

This makes it a little more difficult for kamoys to reregister either of my bikes and proves to the fuzz that i do have the required papers, if they get arssey then i pull the real item out of my coat pocket :D

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Ummmh karlos...that's a finable offense since you are not displaying your tax sticker required for signage that has non-thai script bigger than the King's language.


LOL, that wasn't my picture, i just Googled for an example of an old ideai once had. I'm yet to do it myself, the tax disc 'sticker' is mounted else where on the bike, so no need to worry about that smile.png

Karlos. Dave meant the tax you have to pay for sign writing biggrin.png

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Call me thick but i still don't get it? It's been a long day :D

Blimey... ok. If you have sign writing on a vehicle or establishment in Thailand you have to pay a tax for having it. It is charged per letter. And costs more for non-thai script. Once paid you get a recipe to show .... ok

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Ummmh karlos...that's a finable offense since you are not displaying your tax sticker required for signage that has non-thai script bigger than the King's language.


LOL, that wasn't my picture, i just Googled for an example of an old ideai once had. I'm yet to do it myself, the tax disc 'sticker' is mounted else where on the bike, so no need to worry about that smile.png

Karlos. Dave meant the tax you have to pay for sign writing biggrin.png

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Call me thick but i still don't get it? It's been a long day biggrin.png

Blimey... ok. If you have sign writing on a vehicle or establishment in Thailand you have to pay a tax for having it. It is charged per letter. And costs more for non-thai script. Once paid you get a recipe to show .... ok

sent from my Wellcom A90+

I didn't realise there was such a tax, but TIT... Even so Thailand still has alot less taxes than back home in Old Blighty :D

Grrrr bloody max quote this max quote that!

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No matter what you do the police here will pull you over and sometimes for doing nothing at all.

I just try to be nice to them.(krap) for everything. And if I'm in a hurry. Tell them that I'm running late for work and I don't have time. They have usually let me go to work after that. But I am still polite to them.

I found it helps sometimes get better service when you are polite to Thai people!!

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