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Red Shirts Still Want Vote On Charter Change Bill


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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

The DEMOCRATS did that?

I must have missed that news too.

Sent from my shoe phone

get real, you haven't missed anything, you are just in denial.


You know for a fact who shot and killed those people?

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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

Really? You know for a fact that either the Dems or the Yellow shirt shot at those people?

I think the ability of your posterior to talk should be registered with Guinness

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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

"... but don't be blind to one side."

That would have to be the most hypocritical statement for some time, perhaps ever.

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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

"... but don't be blind to one side."

That would have to be the most hypocritical statement for some time, perhaps ever.

get a life ozmick - you're like a GD stalker.

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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

The DEMOCRATS did that?

I must have missed that news too.

Sent from my shoe phone

get real, you haven't missed anything, you are just in denial.


You know for a fact who shot and killed those people?

are you trying to say that it was NOT the military?

Come on, now.

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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

Really? You know for a fact that either the Dems or the Yellow shirt shot at those people?

I think the ability of your posterior to talk should be registered with Guinness

please join ozmick in getting a life.


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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

Really? You know for a fact that either the Dems or the Yellow shirt shot at those people?

I think the ability of your posterior to talk should be registered with Guinness

please join ozmick in getting a life.thumbsup.gif

Tom, no offence, have you ever considered taking your own advise?

Edited by rubl
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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

Really? You know for a fact that either the Dems or the Yellow shirt shot at those people?

I think the ability of your posterior to talk should be registered with Guinness

please join ozmick in getting a life.


Some people are stuck in a rut and echo the poliical bend of their Neighbours., spouses and peers, others are misguided and cant think outside the box, some are just trolls who wind others up for fun. Still others are paid for comments, the spin doctors and liars. Then theres the fanatics. these people just cant see past there own ego.thumbsup.gif

Edited by waza
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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

Really? You know for a fact that either the Dems or the Yellow shirt shot at those people?

I think the ability of your posterior to talk should be registered with Guinness

please join ozmick in getting a life.


Some people are stuck in a rut and lack the ability to think laterally, others are misguided and cant think outside the box, some are just trolls who wind others up for fun. Still others are paid for comments, the spin doctors and liars. Then theres the fanatics. these people just cant see past there own ego.

And then there are others who although they disagree with you on occasions, may just be right, have you ever considered that?

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"And then there are others who although they disagree with you on occasions, may just be right, have you ever considered that?"

My goodness Phiphidon if your not ,misdirecting a topics your making it personal. Get a grip on your ego, Phiphidon, its not always about you.

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"And then there are others who although they disagree with you on occasions, may just be right, have you ever considered that?"

My goodness Phiphidon if your not ,misdirecting a topics your making it personal. Get a grip on your ego, Phiphidon, its not always about you.

It's like a remedial reading class on here at times - where in the above sentence did I refer to myself. You just dissed a whole group of people by insulting them and I had the temerity to suggest maybe some of those people might disagree with you but they may still be right.

Don't bother with an apology

Edited by phiphidon
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"And then there are others who although they disagree with you on occasions, may just be right, have you ever considered that?"

My goodness Phiphidon if your not ,misdirecting a topics your making it personal. Get a grip on your ego, Phiphidon, its not always about you.

It's like a remedial reading class on here at times - where in the above sentence did I refer to myself. You just dissed a whole group of people by insulting them and I had the temerity to suggest maybe some of those people might disagree with you but they may still be right.

Don't bother with an apology

Did it occur to your red soak brain that I may have been defending Tom? Or do you see everyting in black and white, or red and yellow?

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"And then there are others who although they disagree with you on occasions, may just be right, have you ever considered that?"

My goodness Phiphidon if your not ,misdirecting a topics your making it personal. Get a grip on your ego, Phiphidon, its not always about you.

And of course your comments, and those of ozmick, and those of moruya are not personal.

This place is a joke. you guys can't actually string together a coherent argument, so you just hurl insults at posters or return to the red-shirts are thugs and thaksin is the root of all evil mantras.

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"And then there are others who although they disagree with you on occasions, may just be right, have you ever considered that?"

My goodness Phiphidon if your not ,misdirecting a topics your making it personal. Get a grip on your ego, Phiphidon, its not always about you.

It's like a remedial reading class on here at times - where in the above sentence did I refer to myself. You just dissed a whole group of people by insulting them and I had the temerity to suggest maybe some of those people might disagree with you but they may still be right.

Don't bother with an apology

Did it occur to your red soak brain that I may have been defending Tom? Or do you see everyting in black and white, or red and yellow?

if that is indeed true, then I apologize for the last post, as I did not interpret it in that way.

Have a good night - whichever was the case ;)

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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

Really? You know for a fact that either the Dems or the Yellow shirt shot at those people?

I think the ability of your posterior to talk should be registered with Guinness

please join ozmick in getting a life.thumbsup.gif

Tom, no offence, have you ever considered taking your own advise?

no offense taken.

Life is Good.

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"And then there are others who although they disagree with you on occasions, may just be right, have you ever considered that?"

My goodness Phiphidon if your not ,misdirecting a topics your making it personal. Get a grip on your ego, Phiphidon, its not always about you.

And of course your comments, and those of ozmick, and those of moruya are not personal.

This place is a joke. you guys can't actually string together a coherent argument, so you just hurl insults at posters or return to the red-shirts are thugs and thaksin is the root of all evil mantras.

Tom, please keep in mind that things work both ways. Nothing personal, only comments, only a personal opinion, ...

Saying "you guys can't actually string together a coherent argument, so you just hurl insults" is not really a strong argument either ermm.gifwai.gif

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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

Really? You know for a fact that either the Dems or the Yellow shirt shot at those people?

I think the ability of your posterior to talk should be registered with Guinness

please join ozmick in getting a life.


I have a life that I am very happy with and a value chain that meets my principles

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are you trying to say that it was NOT the military?

Come on, now.

You said it was the Yellows and Dems that shot those people.............

Now you're saying it was the "military".

I ask again - do you know that for a fact?

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you did seem to miss the news, ...

just shot monks and nurses in a Wat and used snipers for getting the excellent head-shots...

sure - let's get into a spitting contest... the violence was deplorable all round, but don't be blind to one side.

"... but don't be blind to one side."

That would have to be the most hypocritical statement for some time, perhaps ever.

get a life ozmick - you're like a GD stalker.

Thank you for that advice Tom - i would have replied earlier but my lady and I were out socialising until late last night.

Another difference between us is that I don't claim to be unbiased. I also try not to criticise actions and reactions of those in the news, based on my own slanted views, without offering viable alternatives.

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"And then there are others who although they disagree with you on occasions, may just be right, have you ever considered that?"

My goodness Phiphidon if your not ,misdirecting a topics your making it personal. Get a grip on your ego, Phiphidon, its not always about you.

And of course your comments, and those of ozmick, and those of moruya are not personal.

This place is a joke. you guys can't actually string together a coherent argument, so you just hurl insults at posters or return to the red-shirts are thugs and thaksin is the root of all evil mantras.

Mr. Lansford.

I would happily share a beer and a laugh with you.

And just as happily disagree with your opinions. As I'm sure you would mine

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The DEMOCRATS did that?

I must have missed that news too.

Sent from my shoe phone

get real, you haven't missed anything, you are just in denial.


You know for a fact who shot and killed those people?

are you trying to say that it was NOT the military?

Come on, now.

So, was it the Democrats or the military?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The red shirts are disappointed - they had better to get accustomed to the feeling, there's a lot more to come.

more Red Shirt disappointment coming now as...

The Red Shirts want the Pheu Thai Party to throw Somsak under the bus for his blowing off their demands...

Good luck with that ever happening.

now Somsak's blowing off their demands entirely...

Somsak to ask Sonthi, Pheu Thai to withdraw reconciliation bills

House Speaker Somsak Kiatsuranon said Thursday that he would ask the sponsors of reconciliation bills to withdraw them from House agenda to reduce political tension and graphics.

Somsak said four reconciliation bills are pending the first reading when the next parliamentary session begins on August 1, but he saw that the bills should be first withdrawn.

Somsak said the bills should be withdrawn pending public hearings on reconciliation measures as suggested by the King Prajadhipok's Institute.

The four bills were sponsored by Matubhum Party Leader General Sonthi Boonyaratglin and Pheu Thai Party MPs.

Somsak said he raised the suggestion with Sonthi but the Matubhum Leader, who headed a special House Committee on Reconciliation Measures, had not yet accepted or rejected his proposal.

Somsak said he would also raise the issue with the strategic committee of the Pheu Thai Party.


-- The Nation 2012-06-28

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