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17-Year-Old Student Admits Fatal Bangkok Bus Shooting, Police Say


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Student admits fatal bus shooting, police say

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- A 17-year-old student who police say admits shooting at a public bus in Don Muang last week expressed remorse yesterday for the death of two passengers but denied intending to murder anyone.

"I'm so deeply sorry for what I did and accept the mistake," said the student, who cannot to be named.

Metropolitan Police nabbed the Don Muang Technical School student while he was walking near a restaurant in Tambon Lam Sai of Ayutthaya's Wang Noi district.

Police claim they found a pistol, bullets and the black jacket that he wore while shooting at the bus.

Last Friday, the Central Juvenile and Family Court issued an arrest warrant for the student for killing another person by using a firearm, possessing a weapon without a permit and carrying a weapon in a public place.

The teenager confessed to police that he fired into the Rangsit-Victory Monument bus on Wednesday because he saw a group of Thaivichitsilp Art School students on it and they were the enemies of his school.

He made the decision to shoot at his foes because he saw them pull out knives. His gunshots killed a Thaivichitsilp student and a 48-year-old woman passenger and wounded two other passengers.

After that, he ran away and took a taxi to escape.

"I also want to tell my school-mates and the other school not to follow my example because your parents will regret it. You should study hard rather than do wrong things," he said.


-- The Nation 2012-06-18

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Confession is good for the soul, and the impending jail sentence?

This theme of violence and antipathy towards "the other side" is pervasive and corrosive in Thai society nowadays. In condemning their children's acting out, adults should see how their own attitudes and examples encourage such idiocy.

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"I also want to tell my school-mates and the other school not to follow my example because your parents will regret it. You should study hard rather than do wrong things," he said. And the Oscar for best actor goes to 'the 17-year-old student who cannot be named'

The Oscar for best screenwriter goes to 'The boys in brown'

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It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

Why is no one really having a talk with these kids, on ALL SIDES,

with graphics like Drivers Ed Crash aftermath photos, Scared Straight style.

Why should there be any reason that art students should EVER be considered

a threat to Tech School students except on the sports pitch and no further?

We have to blame the adults,and society as a whole,

for it's role as role-models to these poor kids.

It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

so what's your cure then?

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In Canada that's 15 years minimum if tried as a juvy. 25 to life if tried as an adult.

What will be the result this time - a slap on the wrist? 'There, there...We know you are still a child...Still so much to learn...Say your sorry like a good little boy you are.'

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It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

Why is no one really having a talk with these kids, on ALL SIDES,

with graphics like Drivers Ed Crash aftermath photos, Scared Straight style.

Why should there be any reason that art students should EVER be considered

a threat to Tech School students except on the sports pitch and no further?

We have to blame the adults,and society as a whole,

for it's role as role-models to these poor kids.

It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

so what's your cure then?

Well for a start, you can begin by expelling any student found carrying weapons and inciting or being involved in violence against the students from the 'other' school.

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It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

Why is no one really having a talk with these kids, on ALL SIDES,

with graphics like Drivers Ed Crash aftermath photos, Scared Straight style.

Why should there be any reason that art students should EVER be considered

a threat to Tech School students except on the sports pitch and no further?

We have to blame the adults,and society as a whole,

for it's role as role-models to these poor kids.

It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

so what's your cure then?

Well for a start, you can begin by expelling any student found carrying weapons and inciting or being involved in violence against the students from the 'other' school.

i may be going out on a limb here, but i suggest that's already the modus operandi.

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It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

Why is no one really having a talk with these kids, on ALL SIDES,

with graphics like Drivers Ed Crash aftermath photos, Scared Straight style.

Why should there be any reason that art students should EVER be considered

a threat to Tech School students except on the sports pitch and no further?

We have to blame the adults,and society as a whole,

for it's role as role-models to these poor kids.

It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

so what's your cure then?

Well for a start, you can begin by expelling any student found carrying weapons and inciting or being involved in violence against the students from the 'other' school.

I am going to disagree with your idea, but the problem then would be you would

have youths who have been expelled from school roaming the streets all day and

they are armed.

This type of crime is an issue world wide. IMO it starts at the top, parents and

leaders need to play a bigger role in their youths lives. They need to be more

involved and they need to pay more attention to what their kids are doing.

Sitting a kid in front of a TV or video game is not called parenting. IMO these

two thing do not teach kids social skills and the games that are full of violence

just promote more violence. call it a learned behavior.

These kids need activities that promote good living, increase social skills and

give them more exercise. When I was young we used to get a soccer ball, basketball,

a hockey stick and a puck for Christmas. I am not saying team sports is a cure all

but it is a lot better than giving them a video game.

Parents need to learn who to parent

Just my opinion

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It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

so what's your cure then?

Well for a start, you can begin by expelling any student found carrying weapons and inciting or being involved in violence against the students from the 'other' school.

I am going to disagree with your idea, but the problem then would be you would

have youths who have been expelled from school roaming the streets all day and

they are armed.

This type of crime is an issue world wide. IMO it starts at the top, parents and

leaders need to play a bigger role in their youths lives. They need to be more

involved and they need to pay more attention to what their kids are doing.

Sitting a kid in front of a TV or video game is not called parenting. IMO these

two thing do not teach kids social skills and the games that are full of violence

just promote more violence. call it a learned behavior.

These kids need activities that promote good living, increase social skills and

give them more exercise. When I was young we used to get a soccer ball, basketball,

a hockey stick and a puck for Christmas. I am not saying team sports is a cure all

but it is a lot better than giving them a video game.

Parents need to learn who to parent

Just my opinion

I agree, however the first deterrent must be removal from the school. At that point the parents will soon take an interest, as schooling does tend to hold some importance. The issue of effective parenting will take generations to instigate and some form of action is needed now. Education of the kids, yes parental responsibility, yes, zero tolerance, absolutely. At the moment I am afraid all the kids at the school would do with your christmas gifts would be to use the hockey sticks to beat each others brains out.

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Any body that fires a gun at a crowded bus and then claims he didn't intend to kill anybody is guilty of terminal stupidity to start with.

Try the mongrel as an adult for intentional murder. when he's found guilty, sentence him to execution, and after a few months commute it to a good few years.

You have to let these kids know that what they are doing is totally wrong or it will never even slow down, let alone stop.

BP reported yesterday 2 schoolies caught with knives "for self-defence" were fined B100 each. that's a deterrent?

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In Canada that's 15 years minimum if tried as a juvy. 25 to life if tried as an adult.

What will be the result this time - a slap on the wrist? 'There, there...We know you are still a child...Still so much to learn...Say your sorry like a good little boy you are.'

That would depend on who his parents are and how much baht they have.

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Who is going to teach them parenting skills? They learned from their parents, who learned from their parents, who...

As long as society tolerates this behavior it will continue. Everyone complains about it, but no one does anything effective to change it. Start with a mandatory 15 year sentence for any civilian caught with a firearm or other concealed weapon. No excuses, no trial, nothing but prison. Enforce that and you will see these young punks cut down on this behavior.

Either that, or just send them to Detroit with their weapons and let's see how tough they really are.

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Schools A and B are close to each other and students have a violent clash. Punish severely any offenders caught. Warn all students that if there is a repeat there will be draconian result for ALL students.

If another clash occurs, choose a random selection process (odd and even birthdays or similar) and transfer half of school A to B and vice versa, no exemption, no excuses. Those that don't like it can drop out. Warn them that further clashes will result in the same thing happening again using a different selection process.

Edited by OzMick
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Well for a start, you can begin by expelling any student found carrying weapons and inciting or being involved in violence against the students from the 'other' school.

A lot of the students involved in this stuff have already been expelled or are backed up by 'seniors' who have already left school. They maintain their allegiance even if they've been kicked out.

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In Canada that's 15 years minimum if tried as a juvy. 25 to life if tried as an adult.

What will be the result this time - a slap on the wrist? 'There, there...We know you are still a child...Still so much to learn...Say your sorry like a good little boy you are.'

Don't be so ridiculous.He will obviously get a long jail sentence. Why do people like you think no-one in Thailand gets sent to jail? The jails here are overflowing with criminals.

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The problem as has been talked about for many years, is that Thailand in common with many other nations in the developing world does not like to look at social failings within their own society, and would much sooner just read the news-reports of the 'symptoms' rather than read the often neglected statistical data relating to the 'cause'.

Lack of respect for law officers is a major factor, if children see police corruption as normalised they will respect neither the police nor the laws that the police are paid to enforce. Bad parenting is not a Thai-specific problem, there are bad parents and good parents in every nation on Earth. Nor is it a poverty issue, I know a Thai single Mum raising two girls without a father for twelve long years in Bangkok, she works twenty hours a day to put those kids through school without any state support and high uniform prices etc. Both those girls are intelligent and wellbehaved and hardworking like their Mother. So I don't really see Thailand as a example of bad parenting, obviously there are terrible parents here but very good parents too.

Ultimately the reason citizens work and pay taxes is to enable the government to fund a good holistic school system which teaches behaviour alongside maths etc, and a police force who behave (for the most part) with honour and integrity. When the government funds and enforces those two things, children will learn to respect the law and to behave with decorum in their personal lives.

Obviously there is always going to be freak events, school shootings which happen in the richest countries around the world too. But the aim of a well-managed government is to fund and enforce programs to institutionally lower the fail-rate during the building of young citizens.

Edited by Yunla
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Of course, this will just be swept under the rug and talk of the tiny slap on the wrist he'll get will never be heard. His parents will make some standard small payment to the victim's family, so in the eyes of Thai society they've done the proper thing. The17-year-old thug has confessed and made the BIB's job easier, so he's viewed favorably by them. And of course, he's made the usual pubic apology, regardless of how hollow and typical it is, so there isn't really a problem here anymore. He's not likely to see any real punishment or hardship for his actions, and once again the message has been sent loud and clear that minors in Thailand have carte blanche to kill those they wish as long as some money exchanges hands and all the superficial gestures of remorse are followed. It gets rather sickening that we see this far too often. The problem with school rivalries is a long-standing one, and I'm not aware of how it can be positive. Certainly, school pride is wonderful, but that's vastly different than despising other people to the point of murdering them, solely on the fact that they go to a different school.

Until Thai society, in general, grows up and starts to face its problems with with some true resolve to change things, the country will never climb out of its hole and see the light of the 21st century. It will slide further and further behind the more civilized world (and it's maturing neighbors). The extreme importance of saving face and a simple insult being justification for lethal violence bewilders many of us, but not Thais. I live here and accept many aspects of Thai society that I don't like or agree with, but it would be nice to see some changes that put Thai values and attitudes more in alignment with the rest of the world.

Edited by Wavefloater
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I am going to disagree with your idea, but the problem then would be you would

have youths who have been expelled from school roaming the streets all day and

they are armed.

This type of crime is an issue world wide. IMO it starts at the top, parents and

leaders need to play a bigger role in their youths lives. They need to be more

involved and they need to pay more attention to what their kids are doing.

Sitting a kid in front of a TV or video game is not called parenting. IMO these

two thing do not teach kids social skills and the games that are full of violence

just promote more violence. call it a learned behavior.

These kids need activities that promote good living, increase social skills and

give them more exercise. When I was young we used to get a soccer ball, basketball,

a hockey stick and a puck for Christmas. I am not saying team sports is a cure all

but it is a lot better than giving them a video game.

Parents need to learn who to parent

Just my opinion

Sorry also to disagree, but you dont know how many time, i read on the thai news similar article.

I mean school boys shooting school boys from another school.

Just do a search on this web board and you will find in thailand its a common occurence.

Back home, It can happen but in fact we rarely heard of story like this(except in usa).

Back home we have also video game, violent movie etc. But we dont have murder between school mate.

Ask yourself why?

A rotten and corrupted society to the core produce only children with corrupted value.... my 2 cent.

Edited by Bender
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I am going to disagree with your idea, but the problem then would be you would

have youths who have been expelled from school roaming the streets all day and

they are armed.

This type of crime is an issue world wide. IMO it starts at the top, parents and

leaders need to play a bigger role in their youths lives. They need to be more

involved and they need to pay more attention to what their kids are doing.

Sitting a kid in front of a TV or video game is not called parenting. IMO these

two thing do not teach kids social skills and the games that are full of violence

just promote more violence. call it a learned behavior.

These kids need activities that promote good living, increase social skills and

give them more exercise. When I was young we used to get a soccer ball, basketball,

a hockey stick and a puck for Christmas. I am not saying team sports is a cure all

but it is a lot better than giving them a video game.

Parents need to learn who to parent

Just my opinion

Sorry also to disagree, but you dont know how many time, i read on the thai news similar article.

I mean school boys shooting school boys from another school.

Just do a search on this web board and you will find in thailand its a common occurence.

Back home, It can happen but in fact we rarely heard of story like this(except in usa).

Back home we have also video game, violent movie etc. But we dont have murder between school mate.

Ask yourself why?

A rotten and corrupted society to the core produce only children with corrupted value.... my 2 cent.

I realize it happens a lot in Thailand

but it happens a lot worldwide

Use to happen regularly in the western city / country where I used to live

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The news reports the killer as a 17 year old. Is it usual practice in Thailand to conceal the identity or, is it as some speculate, that he has "connections"? No doubt this case will go the same way many others do and slowly vanish from the public eye.

As far as I am concerned, he intended to do harm as otherwise why would he be carrying a loaded weapon.

And, as another poster pointed out, the gun seems to be a single shot weapon, requiring a quick reload. Not a crime of passion I think.

Also am I correct in thinking that he is guilty of murdering the Arts student, because he saw him with other students with knives, and the female passenger (collateral damage?) is manslaughter (not premeditated).?

He says he meant to harm the students, but accidentally killed another passenger.

Interested to see what happens.

Every night Thai soaps contain many scenes of gratuitous violence. Husbands beating wives, hi-so types beating their maids. Shootings and the appearance of guns is common and violence here is accepted as a norm. Kissing is considered disgusting and the sight of a bare breast or a cigarette is enough to send the censors into orbit. A breast gives life, a gun takes it away.

R.I.P. to his victims and condolences to their familiessad.png

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It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

Why is no one really having a talk with these kids, on ALL SIDES,

with graphics like Drivers Ed Crash aftermath photos, Scared Straight style.

Why should there be any reason that art students should EVER be considered

a threat to Tech School students except on the sports pitch and no further?

We have to blame the adults,and society as a whole,

for it's role as role-models to these poor kids.

It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

so what's your cure then?

Apparently you didn't read the first paragraph....

Show them it isn't soap opera shenanigans,

but real world pain and suffering they create.

Scare them till they pee thenslves if that's wat it takes.

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I have seen schoolchildren younger than this buying 'weapons' being openly marketed in shops on the top floor of Fashion Island. Why is no action taken against these people, who obviously have no inhibitions about the damage they are promoting.

Edited by Suzy
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I am going to disagree with your idea, but the problem then would be you would

have youths who have been expelled from school roaming the streets all day and

they are armed.

This type of crime is an issue world wide. IMO it starts at the top, parents and

leaders need to play a bigger role in their youths lives. They need to be more

involved and they need to pay more attention to what their kids are doing.

Sitting a kid in front of a TV or video game is not called parenting. IMO these

two thing do not teach kids social skills and the games that are full of violence

just promote more violence. call it a learned behavior.

These kids need activities that promote good living, increase social skills and

give them more exercise. When I was young we used to get a soccer ball, basketball,

a hockey stick and a puck for Christmas. I am not saying team sports is a cure all

but it is a lot better than giving them a video game.

Parents need to learn who to parent

Just my opinion

Sorry also to disagree, but you dont know how many time, i read on the thai news similar article.

I mean school boys shooting school boys from another school.

Just do a search on this web board and you will find in thailand its a common occurence.

Back home, It can happen but in fact we rarely heard of story like this(except in usa).

Back home we have also video game, violent movie etc. But we dont have murder between school mate.

Ask yourself why?

A rotten and corrupted society to the core produce only children with corrupted value.... my 2 cent.

I realize it happens a lot in Thailand

but it happens a lot worldwide

Use to happen regularly in the western city / country where I used to live

World wide ??? How you can be a specialist about world wide.... let alone thailand as you dont know not that much. How long you have been here?

You missed my point: Shooting in western city happen, but its still a super rare occurence. In Thailand its clearly not.

It s a common occurence. Here just few example:

A 9 years school boys got shot in a bangkok bus , the culprit a 16 y.o. thai. source http://isaanstyle.bl...hot-dead-going-


A bus driver was shot by a angry student source http://www.thaivisa....ngry-passenger/

last month another bus driver who got shot by vocational student http://www.subzerosi...rompts-searches

another brawl, this time with home made bomb http://www.thailandn...awl-in-bangkok/

A 20 y.o was shot during a student brawl source

A teacher was shot in the face during in a student brawl source

etc etc etc

Here a just few example but I can go on for hour and hour. In thailand its a normal occurence, that it!

But YOU said

Use to happen regularly in the western city / country where I used to live

really wonder in wich westen city you use to live? You just talk about thing that certainly you dont know absolutely nothing: thailand.

certainly a thai apologist...

Edited by Bender
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