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17-Year-Old Student Admits Fatal Bangkok Bus Shooting, Police Say


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The boys in brown managed a quick arrest in this case because the deaths of a middle aged female bystander and a female student caught the media's attention and the commander knew he would otherwise face a transfer to a police station in a poor district of Isaan with limited opportunities for extortion and bribery. There are many other murders committed in these school kid gang wars that are not resolved like this and don't get any media attention. Some years ago while he was at college, my brother-in-law's best friend was killed by a shot to the head while walking down Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok. The murderer was a vicious thug from a rival technical school who casually leaned out of a bus window and shot the boy to show off his virility to his friends without knowing or caring who he was. The police arrested the killer immediately but let him go without charge because he turned out to be a local junior policeman's son. Later they threatened to murder the victim's father as well, if he didn't stop bugging them by demanding justice for his son. The police managed to keep the story out of the media completely and years later no charges have ever been brought against the killer who roams freely in society and has probably racked up several more victims with impunity since then.

Edited by Arkady
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Any body that fires a gun at a crowded bus and then claims he didn't intend to kill anybody is guilty of terminal stupidity to start with.

Try the mongrel as an adult for intentional murder. when he's found guilty, sentence him to execution, and after a few months commute it to a good few years.

You have to let these kids know that what they are doing is totally wrong or it will never even slow down, let alone stop.

BP reported yesterday 2 schoolies caught with knives "for self-defence" were fined B100 each. that's a deterrent?

I agree - total accountability for these school-teens actions - including the accomplices running along side this 17 year old ADULT- the only way the real message of accountability will get attention is to trial this 17yr old as an adult and sentence him accordingly - plaster his face all over the news - this message would permeate throughout the culture here of "shoot first - ask questions later" attitude that is rampant here is to add accountability for each and every person that exercises such severe and fatal acts of violence towards another human being - does everyone making comments here on TV forget about the innocents that died here - the shooter most likely never met the student he killed and certainly never met the innocent lady riding the bus - the way it runs course now - the shooter is so isolated and insulated from the real issue of him killing someone - its like he did nothing wrong at all

Edited by metisdead
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"Last Friday, the Central Juvenile and Family Court issued an arrest warrant for the student for killing another person by using a firearm . . . " Otherwise known as metaphorical murder!

Just what kind of education does this kid receive at Don Muang Technical School?

According to his confession, his 'foes' pulled knives. On the bus? What did he suppose they were going to do? Throw them at him?

He was, so he would have us believe, unable to connect carrying a gun with intent to murder. What other purpose does he suppose a gun serves?

Does he have any real idea of what an enemy actually is - one that could, and would, kill him, as soon as look at him?

Does he have any concept of the difference between a mistake and an act of monumental folly.

And his concern for his and his mates' parents is admirable. A pity such concern doesn't seem to extend to his 'enemies', or to their parents; or to his non-'enemies' - who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time - and to their families.

And however he got hold of the gun, someone else, besides him, is culpable.

Edited by JohnAllan
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In Canada that's 15 years minimum if tried as a juvy. 25 to life if tried as an adult.

What will be the result this time - a slap on the wrist? 'There, there...We know you are still a child...Still so much to learn...Say your sorry like a good little boy you are.'

Anyone who buys a gun, carries a gun in the street, and randomly shoots at a passing bus for no other reason than 'some' of the passengers are from another school - is clearly not a kid. 25 years to life!! Not so long ago the leaders of these technical schools were reprimanded for encouraging this violence. Nothing happens, and the wars continue...

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The news reports the killer as a 17 year old. Is it usual practice in Thailand to conceal the identity or, is it as some speculate, that he has "connections"? No doubt this case will go the same way many others do and slowly vanish from the public eye.

As far as I am concerned, he intended to do harm as otherwise why would he be carrying a loaded weapon.

And, as another poster pointed out, the gun seems to be a single shot weapon, requiring a quick reload. Not a crime of passion I think.

Also am I correct in thinking that he is guilty of murdering the Arts student, because he saw him with other students with knives, and the female passenger (collateral damage?) is manslaughter (not premeditated).?

He says he meant to harm the students, but accidentally killed another passenger.

Interested to see what happens.

Every night Thai soaps contain many scenes of gratuitous violence. Husbands beating wives, hi-so types beating their maids. Shootings and the appearance of guns is common and violence here is accepted as a norm. Kissing is considered disgusting and the sight of a bare breast or a cigarette is enough to send the censors into orbit. A breast gives life, a gun takes it away.

R.I.P. to his victims and condolences to their familiessad.png

Aye, show more boobs on TV and less guns....make love not war!

I'm not sure about anyone else but at 17 I was obsessed with seducing the opposite sex; shooting rival school children couldn't have been further from my thoughts and the only ammunition I required was a pack of Durex not bullets.

School rivalry was played out on the Rugby/ football pitch, and resulted in a few strong tackles and the occasional punch up. All conflicts generally resolved with a liberal spattering of beers in the club house after... how the world has changed!

Guns are far too readily available and people have been desensitised to their use by one too many Hollywood action flicks... clearly this issue is not one that can be easily solved but strong punishments and enforcement of the law would be a good start.

When major public figures in Thailand have literally got away with murder however, how can anyone expect Thai school children to act any better?

Thai society openly rewards the corrupt, the greedy and the violent, that is the message that is clearly being delivered and quite comprehensively; do whatever you want providing you have either the money, the power or propensity for violence to ensure you don't get punished for it.

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"He made the decision to shoot at his foes because he saw them pull out knives... but denied intending to murder anyone."

Let me get this straight. He is on the street. The other students are on the bus. He shoots at the bus because he saw other students pull out knives and he never intended to kill anyone.

Well, if he is on the street and they are on the bus, he could have just walked away...and...Why did he buy the gun in the first place? All guns were made to kill. Hand guns were made to kill people! If he shoots at people, he intends to kill someone. Otherwise he might have shot in the air to scare them. These stupid rivalries are compounded by the fact that innocent bystanders also become the victims.

Then he is aware that if he B-Ss and shows false remorse, he will receive a shorter jail sentence and not have to fully experience the penalty for multi homicide. He has learned well from his elders and role models. This is the logic and justice we constantly see in Lieland.

Which idiot wrote this comment.

For example, handguns are commonly used for hunting and target practice - Olympics for example...

So, handguns are not made for killing people. Guns are just a tool, like motorbikes and cars.

If someoen runs you down with an auto, shouls all autos be banned from Earth..??

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"He made the decision to shoot at his foes because he saw them pull out knives... but denied intending to murder anyone."

Let me get this straight. He is on the street. The other students are on the bus. He shoots at the bus because he saw other students pull out knives and he never intended to kill anyone.

Well, if he is on the street and they are on the bus, he could have just walked away...and...Why did he buy the gun in the first place? All guns were made to kill. Hand guns were made to kill people! If he shoots at people, he intends to kill someone. Otherwise he might have shot in the air to scare them. These stupid rivalries are compounded by the fact that innocent bystanders also become the victims.

Then he is aware that if he B-Ss and shows false remorse, he will receive a shorter jail sentence and not have to fully experience the penalty for multi homicide. He has learned well from his elders and role models. This is the logic and justice we constantly see in Lieland.

Which idiot wrote this comment.

For example, handguns are commonly used for hunting and target practice - Olympics for example...

So, handguns are not made for killing people. Guns are just a tool, like motorbikes and cars.

If someoen runs you down with an auto, shouls all autos be banned from Earth..??

I'm sorry, but are you really going to compare a gun to car?

If someone buys a gun, it is probably to shoot someone or something.

If someone buys a car it's usually to get from point A to point B. I don't think people buy a car with the intention to run people down.

Edited by arkom
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w11guy, you said a poster was ridiculous --and added that the Thai prisons were overcrowded. YES THEY ARE with the kids of the 80% the kids of the 20% are not in there - I wonder why ?? the poster you replied to was telling you what his view was, your view was correct, BUT -- see above.

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This theme of violence and antipathy towards "the other side" is pervasive and corrosive in Thai society nowadays. In condemning their children's acting out, adults should see how their own attitudes and examples encourage such idiocy.

Look on the bright side - while they're busy killing each other we get left alone.

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"He made the decision to shoot at his foes because he saw them pull out knives... but denied intending to murder anyone."

Let me get this straight. He is on the street. The other students are on the bus. He shoots at the bus because he saw other students pull out knives and he never intended to kill anyone.

Well, if he is on the street and they are on the bus, he could have just walked away...and...Why did he buy the gun in the first place? All guns were made to kill. Hand guns were made to kill people! If he shoots at people, he intends to kill someone. Otherwise he might have shot in the air to scare them. These stupid rivalries are compounded by the fact that innocent bystanders also become the victims.

Then he is aware that if he B-Ss and shows false remorse, he will receive a shorter jail sentence and not have to fully experience the penalty for multi homicide. He has learned well from his elders and role models. This is the logic and justice we constantly see in Lieland.

Which idiot wrote this comment.

For example, handguns are commonly used for hunting and target practice - Olympics for example...

So, handguns are not made for killing people. Guns are just a tool, like motorbikes and cars.

If someoen runs you down with an auto, shouls all autos be banned from Earth..??

I'm sorry, but are you really going to compare a gun to car?

If someone buys a gun, it is probably to shoot someone or something.

If someone buys a car it's usually to get from point A to point B. I don't think people buy a car with the intention to run people down.

I hope so, but sometimes it feels like it when I participate in Thai traffic

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In Canada that's 15 years minimum if tried as a juvy. 25 to life if tried as an adult.

What will be the result this time - a slap on the wrist? 'There, there...We know you are still a child...Still so much to learn...Say your sorry like a good little boy you are.'

Don't be so ridiculous.He will obviously get a long jail sentence. Why do people like you think no-one in Thailand gets sent to jail? The jails here are overflowing with criminals.

yes, skint ones

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Schools A and B are close to each other and students have a violent clash. Punish severely any offenders caught. Warn all students that if there is a repeat there will be draconian result for ALL students.

If another clash occurs, choose a random selection process (odd and even birthdays or similar) and transfer half of school A to B and vice versa, no exemption, no excuses. Those that don't like it can drop out. Warn them that further clashes will result in the same thing happening again using a different selection process.

novel idea, but brilliant , what have they got to loose ?

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It is amazing that schools allow this school rivalry crap to go so far round the twist.

Why is no one really having a talk with these kids, on ALL SIDES,

with graphics like Drivers Ed Crash aftermath photos, Scared Straight style.

Why should there be any reason that art students should EVER be considered

a threat to Tech School students except on the sports pitch and no further?

We have to blame the adults,and society as a whole,

for it's role as role-models to these poor kids.

"We have to blame adult society as a whole for it's role as role-models to these poor kids" - this type of foolish sentiment is exactly why these "poor kids" are out of control. As an adult I can assure you with 100% certainty that I didn't cause any of this violence and my example for the younger generation is a good one. These "poor kids" behave the way that they do because foolish bleeding hearts excuse them for their actions and blame everyone else except for the kid who committed the crime. For sure there are acts from kids that show lack of judgement but firing a gun into a bus of commuters ... what the hell did he think would happen? That goes beyond lack of good judgement, anyone could have predicted the outcome of that action. He should be punished accordingly and that may stop the next idiot from doing the same thing.

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In Canada that's 15 years minimum if tried as a juvy. 25 to life if tried as an adult.

What will be the result this time - a slap on the wrist? 'There, there...We know you are still a child...Still so much to learn...Say your sorry like a good little boy you are.'

Don't be so ridiculous.He will obviously get a long jail sentence. Why do people like you think no-one in Thailand gets sent to jail? The jails here are overflowing with criminals.

yes, skint ones

Ha ha sad but true.

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"He made the decision to shoot at his foes because he saw them pull out knives... but denied intending to murder anyone."

Let me get this straight. He is on the street. The other students are on the bus. He shoots at the bus because he saw other students pull out knives and he never intended to kill anyone.

Well, if he is on the street and they are on the bus, he could have just walked away...and...Why did he buy the gun in the first place? All guns were made to kill. Hand guns were made to kill people! If he shoots at people, he intends to kill someone. Otherwise he might have shot in the air to scare them. These stupid rivalries are compounded by the fact that innocent bystanders also become the victims.

Then he is aware that if he B-Ss and shows false remorse, he will receive a shorter jail sentence and not have to fully experience the penalty for multi homicide. He has learned well from his elders and role models. This is the logic and justice we constantly see in Lieland.

Which idiot wrote this comment.

For example, handguns are commonly used for hunting and target practice - Olympics for example...

So, handguns are not made for killing people. Guns are just a tool, like motorbikes and cars.

If someoen runs you down with an auto, shouls all autos be banned from Earth..??

I'm sorry, but are you really going to compare a gun to car?

If someone buys a gun, it is probably to shoot someone or something.

If someone buys a car it's usually to get from point A to point B. I don't think people buy a car with the intention to run people down.

I hope so, but sometimes it feels like it when I participate in Thai traffic

I think we know who the idiot is in this thread. I'm sure all of the people who go out to buy hand guns do so because they have a dream to compete in the Olympics or maybe they are big game hunting in the streets of Bangkok, some of those sewer rats and soi dogs can get pretty big I hear.

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But YOU said

Use to happen regularly in the western city / country where I used to live

really wonder in wich westen city you use to live? You just talk about thing that certainly you dont know absolutely nothing: thailand.

certainly a thai apologist...

You could not be further form the truth on many points

I have been here long enough to know and not long enough to want to leave

It is not a matter of where I have lived or what you think I might or might not know,

it is a fact that it happens world wide

I am not a Thai apologist, I ma a guest here who calls them as I see them

You can say I am wring all you want, but I am not wrong.

You seem to think that Thai is so much worse than everywhere else, where do you live here?

If so why do you stay?

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In Canada that's 15 years minimum if tried as a juvy. 25 to life if tried as an adult.

What will be the result this time - a slap on the wrist? 'There, there...We know you are still a child...Still so much to learn...Say your sorry like a good little boy you are.'

I think it depends on the wealth of his parents. sad.png

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Have a look at the gun. This little sunshine had to manually extract each spent cartridge and insert a new after each shot. No way did he panic.

That's a good observation. I didn't notice that before. It's something that the prosecution in the case should focus on because as you said, he couldn't be panicking and would have to deliberately decide to reload and continue shooting. Lock the little piece of crap up and throw away the key.

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