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When it comes to water, in the L.O.S. , what do you drink when thirsty?

1. Tap Water

2. Boiled Tap Water

3. Mineral Water from 7/11 or Family Mart

4. Water from the big white plastic bottles (10/15 baht)

Anyone any ideas how to cut down on drinking water costs, eg. filters, treatment cylinders etc.

How much do you spend on drinking water per month?

Am I paranoid about water from the Thai taps, is it safe to drink when boiled?

Is it raw or does it have harmful minerals? Should I drink tea/Coffee?

All input appreciated.


Syd, there was a thread about this a few weeks ago. They say you can drink the water out the tap in Bangkok, defiantly OK boiled. Filtered water is OK. I fill up a bottle at work everyday, not so much because of the expense but because it saves me going to the 7/11 to get it. I have been drinking my tea using unfiltered tap water for years.


syd; We buy the big bottles to use in the kitchen and the 6 pks of quarts to keep in the fridge,it is R/O water,and the water from our taps is harvested roof water with plenty of bird shit like most drinking water from the large Thai water jars of rain water.We use this for sanitary water for laundry and bathing.So our out of pocket cost for potable water is about 500 baht per month.

So I think it would depend on where you live,but I would drink no raw water from any taps in thailand. Remenber toxin said,,"We have no bird flu in thailand"Kinda like Dubya Bush and the WMD's in IRAQ


The water in Bangkok is treated and safe when it leaves the plant. However, it is not considered safe to drink from the tap in all areas of the city and with the very low pressure (and the pumps sometimes directly pulling from the supply lines) I would and do filter with the normal charcoal/resin/filter candle that most shops use.


As Lopburi3 said it is safe when it leaves. However with the warm temptures we have to deal with bacteria and parasites such as Guardia and ton of others that I can’t spell. Plus the crap in the pipes Lead and stuff like that.

You can get a filter that will take out all the crap if the water is good. I.E in the major parts of BKK. They’re cheep and cost around 1500 - 2500 baht available at Big C. The say they last a year but I would say around 6 months.

So much easer than lugging bottles around and far cheaper.

However if you are in a bad water area I would still get bottled.

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