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Eventually they showed up near 17:00. They measured the lines with some tools and changed some thing and my upload got much better. The download had been good 5-7Mbt for the whole day. 10 min after they had left the download speed was down to 0.2 again sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Daytime it works good but drops after 6-7pm. GF will call them again....

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Sophon and me was meant to have an appointment today at 17:00 and now it is 19:15 and no one from Sophon have yet showed up. Thank you Sophon as i had plans to go shopping this afternoon.

Internet did drop as usual at 18-19:00 from wonderful 5-7Mb down to 0.2-0.5Mb. Nothing works now. Better to go out and drink a beer or five instead of tormenting myself with this crap.


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Sophon and me was meant to have an appointment today at 17:00 and now it is 19:15 and no one from Sophon have yet showed up.

I have only ever had them out a couple of times and each time they came within hours of my call and were very punctual.

Maybe you should set a morning appointment as they are unlikely to be delayed for that.

Another possibility is that you have annoyed them somehow and the techs just dont want to see you any more. It may not apply to you but I have known several farangs here who have terrible attitude problems and get abysmal service in restaurants etc. where I get excellent service. Actually two of those farangs are just plain embarrassingly rude to service staff. If they were to try that in the UK they would be nutted in seconds or have someone tip crap in their food, and rightly so.

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I had Sophon people out here today again and they did some adjustments and measurements. They also upgraded me to 10Mb but told me that something is wrong with the cable. They promised to change the cable within a week. Hopefully that will solve all my internet problems. They seemed to be very concerned about the problems.

It is strange though that all problems start around 7pm and last till 3-4am and works fine to 7pm when the speed drops down to 0.2-0.5Mb again.


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I have to give Sophon credits for its effort to solve this problem. After changing cables, connection, done measurements, testing and 5 visits later they seems to have solve it.

Wonderful speed just now. But i'll have to see later around 7-8pm if it drops.


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I'd suggest checking with Sophon Broadband. Myself and many others I know in Jomtien have it. It's Cable, not ADSL. They provide Fiber-Optic direct from the Internet Gateway in Bangkok.

4 Mb is 690/month if you pay a one-year contract up-front. They have higher speeds if you need it. They frequently have specials with free installation and modem. Additionally, an Ethernet Router is highly advisable. Available from Sophon or TukCom for as little as 1100 Baht.

Their phone is: 038-423-000 -- Their office is on Pattaya Tai.


"They provide Fiber-Optic direct from the Internet Gateway in Bangkok." ... I am sure that is not exactly what you meant. Or what was implied is not what was meant. There is zero chance this is true logistically. I could bore with the details but I wont except to say, the connection probably goes something like this....

your room (condo) then to the demarc in the building (or if you have a house, then just from your house)

to the POP that is local to your city, or potentially more than one (you get aggregated here into switch and then to a router with everyone else and then that is forwarded)

then to bkk to another POP (point of presence) (potentially a POP or two between depending on the wavelenght and repeaters needed)

then potentially thru many interconnects (just patch junctions no repeaters)

then to the the main data center for your ISP and thru some routers for sure and into some sort of switch to aggregate the nodes up to an outbound router.

then to the govt owned routers/filters

then to "the internet gateway" (there are more than one for thailand).

I'd say a trace route would show at least 5 or 6 hops inside thailand (hops are route points and you'll have multiple layer 2 connections that don't show up).

I think the point you are making is that they claim you will get your bandwidth all the way out of thailand and really, nobody can promise that.

I have 3bb 12mb (had 16mb for a year). I am very happy with it as compared to what I can get for similar prices. I wish the upload was 4mb+ but that might take a while. I get generally teh advertised speed to Los Angeles (speedtest dot net)

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"They provide Fiber-Optic direct from the Internet Gateway in Bangkok." ... I am sure that is not exactly what you meant. Or what was implied is not what was meant. There is zero chance this is true logistically. I could bore with the details but I wont except to say, the connection probably goes something like this....

your room (condo) then to the demarc in the building (or if you have a house, then just from your house)

to the POP that is local to your city, or potentially more than one (you get aggregated here into switch and then to a router with everyone else and then that is forwarded)

then to bkk to another POP (point of presence) (potentially a POP or two between depending on the wavelenght and repeaters needed)

then potentially thru many interconnects (just patch junctions no repeaters)

then to the the main data center for your ISP and thru some routers for sure and into some sort of switch to aggregate the nodes up to an outbound router.

then to the govt owned routers/filters

then to "the internet gateway" (there are more than one for thailand).

Actually as far as buildings like mine with FTTH go, it's coax to the Sophon equipment downstairs then fibre to Sophon in Pattaya. From there it goes directly to CAT in Bangkok and onwards.

Yes, there are various switches junctions and routers along the way, but the basic routing is quite straightforward and relatively fast, and it is fibre all the way from my building.

And I'm still getting 11mbs/1mbs to Singapore on my 4mbs Sophon package.

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