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Thaksin Billionaire Before Entering Politics: Noppadon


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Around 2000 he lost a ton in the dot com crash.

That's ok, because in just a few years his brilliant financial wizard, in the form of his 20-something college student daughter, singlehandedly turned the family stock portfolio around enough to become....For the second consecutive year.....

Thaksin's Daughter Thailand's Richest Stockholder

Started by george


Edited by Buchholz
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They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status. He can work for Amsterdam's team of the dubiously qualified


Why not?


Because why?

Because why not?


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Why the fuss. It was well known he was rich. His family was wealthy and he had the patronage of a very senior retired general. He bought his way to power. He didn't stand for election, just set up a party and put himself at the top of the party list. Before the general election he stated that if he could remain in power for eight years, two terms, Thailand would never be the same again. It isn't and won't be. That does not mean he did not abuse his power in office to further enrich himself and his cronies. He did.

Edited by writeshack
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I did read his personal stock market gains were in line with the SET Index while in office.

He did not have any personal stock market shares while in office.....according to him.

So impossible for any gains.

Unless wholly illegal.


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He was listed in Forbes as a USD Billionaire before he became PM. In the top 3 in Thailand I recall.

Thanks for confirming he falsified his sworn asset declaration letter when he stated under oath to only having 25 US millions or so.

So he started his blatant pathological lying over a decade ago and hasn't skipped a beat since.


So on what date did he state under oath he had $25 million dollars? 2001?

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I did read his personal stock market gains were in line with the SET Index while in office.

He did not have any personal stock market shares while in office.....according to him.

So impossible for any gains.

Unless wholly illegal.


You ever bought any gold?

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William Monson gave him his start..ummm.... Errrr....I mean stole his start.

Funny how the Thaksin acolytes try to pretend this guy doesn't exist and ignore what happened with him

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then, if only he would have paid the few billion of baht of taxes owed for the sale of his so profitable company, than he might still be in public office?

but, why when you have already so much, go for public office ? only one reason : the bag of the devil is never full, as they say in my home country

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He was listed in Forbes as a USD Billionaire before he became PM. In the top 3 in Thailand I recall.

In the late 80s he was selling radio and pagers and doing telecommunications deals all over SE Asia.

In the early 90s, it was very difficult and very expensive to get a phone line to your home in many places.

Thaksin was there when cell phones took off.

Around 1994 he launched SatCom 1 and was building skyscrapers in Bangkok.

He bacame a telecommunications tycoon.

I believe he had 60 companies going.

Didn't he produce multi Billion surpluses when in office?

He may be corrupt (who isn't in Thailand?) but he is a smart guy that can run big operations.

I think he was railroaded by the Army thugs and high level scoundrels that really run the show around here. There futures looked dim with a task master/CEO as PM.

This gang espouses Democracy to grab the cash from the USA but roll out the tanks when they don't like electoral results. Scammers.

Gee, your positively gushing. Contain yourself man...

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He started out in the police force ... enough said

He also leased computers to the government ... enough said

He had a 10-year sole license (monopoly) here for cell phone usage. .. enough said

While PM, only he and his friends got a hold of 1/3 of the shares of PTTP between government forced bankruptcy many years prior, and shortly before the shares became available to the general public.

He tried to privatize the the national water supply, and who do you think would have become its owner?

He has the police let lose killing thousands on an anti-drug operation, but where are the arrests?

He runs from a prison sentence.

He finances and orchestrates riots and arson.

..please feel free to add in whatever you would like.

All of SE Asia was doing well in the 2001 - 2005 time period because they were all coming out of their slump. There was not miracle economic recovery in Thailand, it simply was in the same current and situation as the rest of SE Asia.

Where did he ever make an honest buck?

Seems like he's a very naughty boy.

I've decided I don't like him. coffee1.gif

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He was listed in Forbes as a USD Billionaire before he became PM. In the top 3 in Thailand I recall.

So, he lied on his asset declaration then.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I actually give him credit if he hid his money from the Army/courts.

Smart move for sure when the tanks are always warmed up ready to go.

In fact I recall they did take as much as they could get their hands on.

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He was listed in Forbes as a USD Billionaire before he became PM. In the top 3 in Thailand I recall.

So, he lied on his asset declaration then.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I actually give him credit if he hid his money from the Army/courts.

Smart move for sure when the tanks are always warmed up ready to go.

In fact I recall they did take as much as they could get their hands on.

A true believer who denies the possibility of any wrong done by his chosen side. I'll keep one hand on my wallet...

Edited by somtumlion
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He was listed in Forbes as a USD Billionaire before he became PM. In the top 3 in Thailand I recall.

In the late 80s he was selling radio and pagers and doing telecommunications deals all over SE Asia.

In the early 90s, it was very difficult and very expensive to get a phone line to your home in many places.

Thaksin was there when cell phones took off.

Around 1994 he launched SatCom 1 and was building skyscrapers in Bangkok.

He bacame a telecommunications tycoon.

I believe he had 60 companies going.

Didn't he produce multi Billion surpluses when in office?

He may be corrupt (who isn't in Thailand?) but he is a smart guy that can run big operations.

I think he was railroaded by the Army thugs and high level scoundrels that really run the show around here. There futures looked dim with a task master/CEO as PM.

This gang espouses Democracy to grab the cash from the USA but roll out the tanks when they don't like electoral results. Scammers.

When you say

"I think he was railroaded by the Army thugs and high level scoundrels that really run the show around here"

Are you saying that he was being honest when he filled in his assets reports and they changed them?

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He started out in the police force ... enough said

He also leased computers to the government ... enough said

He had a 10-year sole license (monopoly) here for cell phone usage. .. enough said

While PM, only he and his friends got a hold of 1/3 of the shares of PTTP between government forced bankruptcy many years prior, and shortly before the shares became available to the general public.

He tried to privatize the the national water supply, and who do you think would have become its owner?

He has the police let lose killing thousands on an anti-drug operation, but where are the arrests?

He runs from a prison sentence.

He finances and orchestrates riots and arson.

..please feel free to add in whatever you would like.

All of SE Asia was doing well in the 2001 - 2005 time period because they were all coming out of their slump. There was not miracle economic recovery in Thailand, it simply was in the same current and situation as the rest of SE Asia.

Where did he ever make an honest buck?

Yes. That nasty drug war.

Wonder why the army and democrats never got around to checking it out?

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They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status. He can work for Amsterdam's team of the dubiously qualified


Because either he or Thaksin is being dishonest about Thaksin's assets and the truth should out.

I take it your information is better than Forbes. I think not. I think you are making it up. If you are not list your information. If not admit your lie.

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He was listed in Forbes as a USD Billionaire before he became PM. In the top 3 in Thailand I recall.

So, he lied on his asset declaration then.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I actually give him credit if he hid his money from the Army/courts.

Smart move for sure when the tanks are always warmed up ready to go.

In fact I recall they did take as much as they could get their hands on.

Didn't the tanks come 5 years after his asset declaration?

I take it you are saying he lied to get into office right from the start.

Was he ever honest. We know today he is not.

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They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status. He can work for Amsterdam's team of the dubiously qualified


Why not?


Because why?

Because why not?


Did someone tell you that was cute? Or funny? It is 10 year old humor level. Well then I imagine you are too young to have children but that is pretty common among 10 year olds.

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Did someone tell you that was cute? Or funny? It is 10 year old humor level. Well then I imagine you are too young to have children but that is pretty common among 10 year olds.

Well, your "Why" wasn't that brilliant either.

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Did someone tell you that was cute? Or funny? It is 10 year old humor level. Well then I imagine you are too young to have children but that is pretty common among 10 year olds.

Well, your "Why" wasn't that brilliant either.

The statement was, "They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status. He can work for Amsterdam's team of the dubiously qualified." That alone makes no sense at all. There is no rational reason for stating that. The perfect question to understand the posters point was, "Why."

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Around 2000 he lost a ton in the dot com crash.

That's ok, because in just a few years his brilliant financial wizard, in the form of his 20-something college student daughter, singlehandedly turned the family stock portfolio around enough to become....For the second consecutive year.....

Thaksin's Daughter Thailand's Richest Stockholder

Started by george


If you read this article, it sounds like the Walton (Walmart) family, except the Waltons are not trying to take over the United States.

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He started out in the police force ... enough said

He also leased computers to the government ... enough said

He had a 10-year sole license (monopoly) here for cell phone usage. .. enough said

While PM, only he and his friends got a hold of 1/3 of the shares of PTTP between government forced bankruptcy many years prior, and shortly before the shares became available to the general public.

He tried to privatize the the national water supply, and who do you think would have become its owner?

He has the police let lose killing thousands on an anti-drug operation, but where are the arrests?

He runs from a prison sentence.

He finances and orchestrates riots and arson.

..please feel free to add in whatever you would like.

All of SE Asia was doing well in the 2001 - 2005 time period because they were all coming out of their slump. There was not miracle economic recovery in Thailand, it simply was in the same current and situation as the rest of SE Asia.

Where did he ever make an honest buck?

Yes. That nasty drug war.

Wonder why the army and democrats never got around to checking it out?

As I pointed out elsewhere, http://www.ias.chula.ac.th/file_dl/Articles/RCRA_A_155628_P.pdf . The Democrats didn't get back the government seat until 2008. 4 years in between and guess who had no accountability.

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Did someone tell you that was cute? Or funny? It is 10 year old humor level. Well then I imagine you are too young to have children but that is pretty common among 10 year olds.

Well, your "Why" wasn't that brilliant either.

The statement was, "They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status. He can work for Amsterdam's team of the dubiously qualified." That alone makes no sense at all. There is no rational reason for stating that. The perfect question to understand the posters point was, "Why."

So you haven't been paying attention to the unstoppable stream of Noppadon's statements. Good, you didn't miss anything important. Anyway, let me brief you.

Noppadon is Thaksin's secretary for propaganda. His job is to keep his Master's name in the media when Jatuporn or the other redshirts take a leak.

He will tell the public:

a) where Thaksin will be travelling to

b] where Thaksin will under no circumstances be travelling to

c) that Thaksin is still alive

d) that Thaksin will retire from politics

e) that Thaksin will not retire from politics

f) that Thaksin will come home soon

g) that Thaksin will not be coming home soon


Occasionally he will tell us that Thaksin was invited as guest speaker by some honourable committee like the US Helsinki Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, which will turn out to be a hoax.

Right now he is making doubtful statements about Thaksin's asset declaration.

You still want to know "Why"?

edit: kicked smiley

Do you think telling the truth according to the anti T posters on Thai Visa is part of a lawyers job? Or do you think all lawyers who don't tell the truth as you see it should be disbarred? Or do you think all lawyers who make doubtful statements should be disbarred?So the question remains, "They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status." Why? He is not doing anything else that one could hire a lawyer to do in almost any country anywhere in the world. You know there is more to reality than just Thaskin bashing on Thai Visa. Not everyone believes you.

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They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status. He can work for Amsterdam's team of the dubiously qualified

I have always thought that you hired a lawyer to tell lies on your behalf in court. thumbsup.gif

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They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status. He can work for Amsterdam's team of the dubiously qualified

I have always thought that you hired a lawyer to tell lies on your behalf in court. thumbsup.gif

I think lawyers would be quite cheap if all they had to do was tell the truth. Nothing really to debate eh?

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Do you think telling the truth according to the anti T posters on Thai Visa is part of a lawyers job? Or do you think all lawyers who don't tell the truth as you see it should be disbarred? Or do you think all lawyers who make doubtful statements should be disbarred?So the question remains, "They should haul Noppadon into court and strip him of his lawyer status." Why? He is not doing anything else that one could hire a lawyer to do in almost any country anywhere in the world. You know there is more to reality than just Thaskin bashing on Thai Visa. Not everyone believes you.

Again, Noppadon is not acting as a lawyer, he is just a propaganda loudmouth. As such he is not required to tell the truth. In court a lying lawyer would have to face serious consequences. That's also why R. Amsterdam changed from business lawyer to "human rights activist" - you get away with BS.

So if he is not even acting as a lawyer why would you want to disbar the guy? You see the why question really makes a lot of sense!

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