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Tourist Police


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I got so angry that no one answered 1155 that I went in to the station to inquire. I was told by the police in the Pattaya station that 1155 rings an unmanned line in some bangkok office. Further inquiry as to why they spent money to promote a number that is never manned got me nowhere. Just know, if you call 1155 you are wasting your time. The 038 number was posted in a previous post. Use that.

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There are no Foreign Tourist Police Assistants at Police Stations in Pattaya.

That is correct, but there is a FPV officer (Foreign Police Volunteer) present every single day in the crime reports room, from 9am until 1pm.

I am not one of them, but i know enough of them, and of the local police officers to know whats going on.

So there is foreign police assistance available, and most of them speak english, but no thais are working in that group.

The foreigners in the tourist police are mainly working as tourist assistance in the Walking Street area.

The thais working as volunteers in the tourist police are not really volunteers as we know them, they all get some sort of pay, and they mainly work there as assistants to real police at road blocks and stuff like that.

Point being: Unless sickness or an mia FPV you can get a foreign police mans help at soi 9.

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The primary function of the tourist police is to police tourists, not to assist them. That's why they were set up. No?

Actually he is correct. They come into play when a foreigner is involved in crime. Mainly as a suspect.

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simple1, I was responding to a misunderstanding that Foreign Tourist Police Assistants (FTPA) are the same as Foreign Police Volunteers (FPV). They are a totally separate group with separate responsibilities and members. FTPA patrol Walking street and FPV man help desks at stations.

OK, now understood

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I got so angry that no one answered 1155 that I went in to the station to inquire. I was told by the police in the Pattaya station that 1155 rings an unmanned line in some bangkok office. Further inquiry as to why they spent money to promote a number that is never manned got me nowhere. Just know, if you call 1155 you are wasting your time. The 038 number was posted in a previous post. Use that.

If you phone 1155 with a landline, 038-xxxxxx will be recognized by the disptach in Bangkok and you will be redirected to Jomtien Tourist Police.

If you phone 1155 with a cell-phone, the dispatch can't figure out a location and your call will be ansered in Bangkok and from there they will try to direct you to Jomtien.

Again, the Jomtien tourist police's telephone number is 038-429371

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