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Move From Phuket To Cm


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I am seriously looking into leaving phuket after over 10 years here and am contemplating a move to CM. Are there any others out there that have made this move and can offer any insight into cost differences between the 2 with respect to housing, schooling, etc.

What about way of life??

Any info will help. Note I have no great interest in the sea beaches etc.

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I moved from Pattaya to Chiang Mai ,two and a half years now .Everything is cheaper here than Pattaya so as Phuket has a name for being expensive you should find the same .An added bonus is the 4 months of cooler weather up here each year .

It did take awhile to get used to though after 4 years in Pattaya .I still miss Pattaya to a certain extent .

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It doesn´t help to approach the question only in theory. Suggest you do what we did, come up here, stay in a nice place for some time, not too short and get a feeling. After 5 years in Nai Harn, still one of the lesser spoiled places, we found Phuket is Thailand no more. We have been here for over 2 years and wouldn´t dream to go back even for a visit.

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In reply to poster LL above .Yes i agree the people make the place .My wife had her own business in Pattaya (a hairdress shop ) ,but she had acquired too many so called friends who leached off her .Here in Chiang Mai she has a shop again and her friends are not leaching off her but helping her instead .

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I did exactly this move after 9 years on Phuket about 18 months ago..

I dont regret it for a minute, the people are the difference, on Phuket I was becoming one of those expats, the kind that dislikes the locals of the country they are living in.. I guess I just couldnt stand being preyed apon, ripped off, cheated, and talked to like dirt over and over.. That made me defensive and you end up walling yourself off from the Thais as a defence mechanism. I never felt I could integrate there and attempts to befriend locals were always paid back by scams or requests to loan money.

Up here people treat you like a normal person, they are decent folks who live in a normal society, its not a place everyone has just moved to to get rich quick by fair means or foul from farang money. Its a normal area where people have normal hopes and aspirations for their kids, beyond wanting them to 'work bar' or wind an old guy to take care of them. For me the people here makes the place.

Other aspects are I drink less, I ride my bikes, I have other hobbys and interests.. every once in a while I need to go charge my beach battery, but after my last visit to Phuket which did nothing other than remind me why I left, theres other places on my list to do this task. I love the climate, the Nov to Feb is just superb.. Instead of beach and island I explore the north, the mekhong, over to Laos, the mountains and forests.. Everything I need for a modern western lifestyle is readily available. It doesnt hurt that its a fair bit cheaper also but that wasnt my main motivation. Phuket had burnt me out ready to go back to the west, and CM has really restored my faith in Thais and Thailand. I think expats up here that grumble should have a good look at how it is in other more tourist biased parts of the country.

After 9 years of swearing I would never buy property in Thailand CM changed that, I have bought land and will build a home.. CM is home.

Jeez, it wont be much of a home for long if you keep spreading praize like that.

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I met my GF soon to be wife in Phuket 2 years ago. Last year we moved to her village near Phayao and built a house. We have never been happier. Our son will be born in 2 months. The climate in Phuket did not bother me because I lived in the tropics for over 30 years. i love the people where we are. They are totally different from the the people in Phuket. (except for their driving). My Thai language is limited but the locals do not mind. They accept me as I am and vice versa. If you have any doubts follow other posters advice and visit for a while and make your own assessment.

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Wish I could afford to move up there. Several friends have done so and NONE have regretted the move.

As Phuket is more expensive I dont fully understand that..

Stuck owning something with an unrealistic valuation ??

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Hi Phil

Way of life? Don't walk; run away from that soul-less hub of crime and death.

Last time I was there in Patong there was not a sign on the street that wasn't in English. Now I hear they are turning into Russian signage. Chiang Mai for me. Only draw back is the smog in three months of the year.

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Phil, if you can afford living in Phuket, you can afford living in CM.

Last year my wife went with our 2 kids from the US to Phuket who booked a 2-bedroom villa before they came. I did not go as I had to attend the dogs at our house in Bangkok. My wife, while there, vomitted riding on the speed boat, got charged for higher price than what she used to in Bangkok, received less than cordial services, and felt disconnected with the people. While our kids did not feel it's too expensive judging from their American standard, they didn't say anything good about it either. On the contrary, the year before, they visited CM and liked it. So, we bought a house in CM a few months after that. So far, I like CM though I haven't lived there long as of now.

My impression is that CM people, including the expats, are friendlier in general. That's what we need, isn't it?

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>>My impression is that CM people, including the expats, are friendlier in general. That's what we need, isn't it? <<

Yes very much .I could write a book about the scams my wifes so called friends got up to in Pattaya .Which i mentioned earlier .They were robbing my wife and in turn me also .I was far too trusting at the time and so was my wife who came from an honest community in Chai-nat (near Nakhon Sawan ).

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I recently visited Phuket after not having been in a number of years. I will NEVER go there again. What a hell hole that place has become. When I first went in 1989 and on subsequent trips in the early 1990's it was a beautiful place to be. The Russians have completely taken over the island. Even Nai Yang has signs in Russian.

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Although everything you say about Phuket is true, it does get worse every year and it's pretty grim these days, it isn't really a mystery as to why.

What I mean is, the good aspects of Phuket are pretty amazing, so it stands to reason with that desirability eventually comes the crime and over development.

CM is a wonerful place but it doesn't have what it takes to appeal to the masses as Phuket does, which is obviously fantastic for everyone who prefers CM.

Basically I believe you have two choices. You work harder to enjoy the place you origonally loved, for example move further away from the tourist areas, or you move to CM where you won't have to work hard to have an easy enjoyable life, but will probably miss a lot of what Phuket had to offer.

Only you will know what's best for you at the end of the day.

Good luck where ever you end up.

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My two satang. I lived in Jomtien near Pattaya for about 11 months and moved up to Chiang Mai about 4 months ago. I'm retired and more on a long-term vacation (until I get tired of it). I told one of my friends that the two main things I found better about Chiang Mai was: One, it's not over-run with drunken falang scum. Two, most of the Thai people here seem to just go about their lives and the falang go about theirs. Contrasting with Jomtien/Pattaya where every other Thai I met was trying to cheat/steal or pull some sort of scam on me. Of course, I am staying up in the NW area of Chiang Mai city which is opposite the touristy/backpacker area.

There are two negatives that I've discovered. One is that like other places in Thailand, the average driver possesses the driving skills and driving judgment of untrained chimpanzees. Two is the "smoky season" in February/March (mid-Apr?) time frame. They have a big problem with smoke pollution up here during February and March. The farmers burn off their fields, mushroom gatherers burn the forest undergrowth (apparently it helps the mushrooms grow after the rains start), and everybody else is burning leaves, trash, and whatever else they want to burn.

I arrived here in Chiang Mai early March this year and many days you could barely see the sun. Some days were so bad my eyes would be burning after a short time outside. And it was even worse further north in Chiang Rai. They had multiple airline flights into Chiang Rai cancelled because of the smoke "haze". It started to clear up the first part of April. I know I am not going to be spending next Feb and Mar here. I'll take a three-month "vacation" somewhere else.

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Although everything you say about Phuket is true, it does get worse every year and it's pretty grim these days, it isn't really a mystery as to why.

What I mean is, the good aspects of Phuket are pretty amazing, so it stands to reason with that desirability eventually comes the crime and over development.

CM is a wonerful place but it doesn't have what it takes to appeal to the masses as Phuket does, which is obviously fantastic for everyone who prefers CM.

Basically I believe you have two choices. You work harder to enjoy the place you origonally loved, for example move further away from the tourist areas, or you move to CM where you won't have to work hard to have an easy enjoyable life, but will probably miss a lot of what Phuket had to offer.

Only you will know what's best for you at the end of the day.

Good luck where ever you end up.

While I dont want this to sound like I am attacking your post, I feel getting into 'this place is better than X' is pretty much a waste of time, theres different appeals, its up to you where your priorities lie..

But you sort of make it sound like only Phuket has those appeals, and that CM is simply a lesser subset of appeal.. I personally am a bit of a country boy, I love green hills and wild terrain.. Getting out into the forest on the dirtbike, discovering a waterfall and swimming hole, struggling up some slippery trail to get to the peak and finding a huge vista below you, days like that are gold to me and rival any day on the beach.

Phuket has one set of appeals, The north has another, different set, its not one being lesser than another its just different. Do I miss sailing a yacht around ?? Sure sometimes.. Do I miss a day at the beach, or snorkelling, sure sometimes.. Do I miss going out for a real mad night out, with a more wild nightlife ?? Sometimes.. But I dont miss someone running out as I park in a public parking space yelling 'Oi farang.. Can not' with maximum aggression.. I dont miss tuktuk drivers making snide comments as my wife walks along hand in hand with me of an evening. Its ups and downs not just cheaper but inferior.

I was at the stage where it was a rare week when I didnt have some kind of conflict, verbal or stress scene with Thais barking at me just because they could.. I think its more than 18 months up here and havent had one cross word or been treated any less than civil (not that there isnt still communication aspects and sometimes 'hard work' getting something done) by anyone.. I dont need someone kissing my ass day to day, but its simply pleasant when you pull up for gas and get a small wai.. Its pleasant that young Thais with limited english come up to talk about your bike, or just be friendly, in fact it makes my day and the other ruins it. I was having far too many days in 'paradise' ruined..

CM might not be perfect, but its in the same postcode.

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@ LivinLOS

I think you may have missed my point and then confirmed it at the same time.

Whether Phuket is more popular to the masses than CM or not is not really subjective. The facts and figures tell us it is. Which like I said suits CM residents down to the ground. If CM was as popular as Phuket it would have the exact same issues.

When people bash Phuket (even though a lot of it is deserved) it's as if people are denying that it's still a place that a huge amount of people want be and love to be. Horses for courses and all that.

Without being rude to people sharing their opinion, I was trying to imply that bashing wont really help the OP. He already lives there so he knows exactly what it's like.

Finally, I think I remember you saying you lived in Patong and I can only assume the OP lives there as well given his name. It stands to reason that if you live in the most built up touristy part of the island, that you will feel the affects much more than others.

A long holiday in CM as the OP sugested and his heart will know what's right for him.

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Unfortunately Phuket is like any popular tourist destination around the world in that it attracts those from poorer areas to the rich tourist area. Unlike most other popular tourist destinations worldwide, the police with the entrenched corruption are signaling the go ahead for treating those that come here in a less than professional and courteous manner.

When I moved to Phuket almost 15 years ago, there were friendly people, but now those friendly people have been pushed aside in favour of the greedy corrupt people that have moved here from other provinces, paid their monthly tea money and now feel they can act however they want. I just try to avoid dealing with the nasty people as much as possible and instead enjoy my beach time and sports time with friends.

Nice to hear that those that moved from Phuket are enjoying CM, but I need my beach nearby, an int'l airport close by, and a variety of different types of restaurants to choose from. I don't know of any other beach area in Thailand that offers this.

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I was at the stage where it was a rare week when I didnt have some kind of conflict, verbal or stress scene with Thais barking at me just because they could.. I think its more than 18 months up here and havent had one cross word or been treated any less than civil (not that there isnt still communication aspects and sometimes 'hard work' getting something done) by anyone.. I dont need someone kissing my ass day to day, but its simply pleasant when you pull up for gas and get a small wai.. Its pleasant that young Thais with limited english come up to talk about your bike, or just be friendly, in fact it makes my day and the other ruins it. I was having far too many days in 'paradise' ruined..

Pleased to read that you are enjoying CM. I miss your (previous) informative posts on the Phuket forum. Best of luck to you.

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Whether Phuket is more popular to the masses than CM or not is not really subjective. The facts and figures tell us it is.

For me tho because many people believe something does not automatically make it true.

My post was that I sort of read the reply in that one was simply a lesser appeal at a lesser cost, and thats not how I see it at all. Theres very different activities and interest, arguably many more for a lifestyle than the beach / bar combo I kind of felt on Phuket.

Finally, I think I remember you saying you lived in Patong and I can only assume the OP lives there as well given his name. It stands to reason that if you live in the most built up touristy part of the island, that you will feel the affects much more than others.

Kamala, Kathu, Karon, and Patong. I lived in Patong for maybe less than half my phuket years. But i was always west coast yes as thats for me where the appeals of Phuket were.

Edited by LivinLOS
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I was at the stage where it was a rare week when I didnt have some kind of conflict, verbal or stress scene with Thais barking at me just because they could.. I think its more than 18 months up here and havent had one cross word or been treated any less than civil (not that there isnt still communication aspects and sometimes 'hard work' getting something done) by anyone.. I dont need someone kissing my ass day to day, but its simply pleasant when you pull up for gas and get a small wai.. Its pleasant that young Thais with limited english come up to talk about your bike, or just be friendly, in fact it makes my day and the other ruins it. I was having far too many days in 'paradise' ruined..

Pleased to read that you are enjoying CM. I miss your (previous) informative posts on the Phuket forum. Best of luck to you.

ha.. I would have assumed you were relived to see the back of me ;)

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Sounds like most people have few regrets leaving Phuket/Pattaya for CM.

Will probably come up for a few months shortly and assess it all for myself.

Thanks for all the positive replies.

Feel free to PM for any advisories, service apartments, places to check out etc.

I would add that transport and a willingness to use it, is an essential to get the most from the area, good stuff is spread all around the city.

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Whether Phuket is more popular to the masses than CM or not is not really subjective. The facts and figures tell us it is.

For me tho because many people believe something does not automatically make it true.

My post was that I sort of read the reply in that one was simply a lesser appeal at a lesser cost, and thats not how I see it at all. Theres very different activities and interest, arguably many more for a lifestyle than the beach / bar combo I kind of felt on Phuket.

All I was saying was that Phuket is a victim of it's own success and that if CM was as popular it would have the exact same problems. Nobody is trying to tell you that CM isn't perfect for you and many others, but if you are trying to deny that in general Phuket is more popular than CM, then you are not being rational IMO.

The OP already lives in Phuket so somebody telling him that they think it's a 'hell hole' isn't much benefit at all. He knows what it's like already and would probably benefit from unbiased honest differences as most people gave. Some people were so busy insinuating that nobody could possibly ever want to live in Phuket that they didn't answer simple questions like the price of schools which the OP specifically asked.

I wasn't trying to make this a Phuket CM thing, I was simply saying that bashing somewhere because you don't like it and insinuating it couldn't possibly be liked by anyone else, instead of just sticking to the facts, isn't very helpful.

It's a bit like asking a football fan what's the best team in the world and expecting him to give a rational honest answer.

I must also say my point wasn't even aimed at you or most of the posters who gave good honest advice, just the few who use threads like this to irrationally bash places that other people call home. Pretty pointless when the OP already lives there IMO.

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Have to agree that CM is way ahead of Phuket, given what one reads about the latter lately.

Its only drawback for me (the reason I left) was two months of smoke from rice-burning every year or 2. It really is horrendous, & puts hundreds of thousands of people across northern Thailand into doctors' office, hospitals and (a few dozen) morgues.

If you can handle that, or plan around it - a long annual holiday perhaps - CM doesn't have much wrong with it.

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Have to agree that CM is way ahead of Phuket, given what one reads about the latter lately.

Its only drawback for me (the reason I left) was two months of smoke from rice-burning every year or 2. It really is horrendous, & puts hundreds of thousands of people across northern Thailand into doctors' office, hospitals and (a few dozen) morgues.

If you can handle that, or plan around it - a long annual holiday perhaps - CM doesn't have much wrong with it.

I keep hearing people say how bad the smoke is .After 2 and a half years in CM ,the only affect the smoke has on me is that i can not see the mountains .No smells ,no caughing no sore eyes .I live in San sai BTW .

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