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Court Postpones Verdict On Teen Driver: Don Muang Tollway Accident


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Getting down to basics.

No Parents, No Car, No Keys= no teen driver. All should agree on that ??

Because we have the instigaters here,= parents, and a car, and keys. First thing is DO THEM they started it all, stupid thoughtless people. Second, because the young person was fully aware of their action, and didn't also care for others, DO the Driver. YES they should have to pay in time, for the stupidity of their actions. Third ++++ yes plus pay heavy compensation to help ease the pain of the family's and friends of the dead, and also not forget the trauma of injured. Just a paid settlement of money is a sick pig decision.

The basics come down to what I believe is called the law of unintended consequences.

If this young lady had not flouted the Traffic Laws of Thailand, with the apparent connivance of her parents, she would not have been in that car, on the Expressway at night, without a licence etc. ............... and 9 people would be alive today.


The basics come down to the written laws of Thailand the un written laws of Thailand and the laws that can be flouted if you can afford to or you have the right connections.

Nope, the basics are not so basic. Let see how the Thai administration of justice works.

(1) Drunks get into accidents, hurt or kill people, flee scene, sober up, show remorse, and nothing basically happens.

(2) People, bus drivers and etc. drive like idiots, cause damage and incur no liability or criminal responsibility. People continue to do same things over and over becasue they do it with impugity from both a criminal and civil perspective. No accountability . . .

(3) Thai adminstration of justice creates a class divide which can be seen vividly in the wide polarization of the political climate in Thailand.

If this girl took out some guy's wife and children and she walked without paying the price either civilly or criminally, the guy perhaps would perhaps feel not only inclined, but morally justified, in meriting out justice against against the girl, the family and authorities letting her go. If the society is going to have useless laws, so be it. People should seek justice the old fashion way.

Accordingly, this Thai justice mentaility fosters a system of primal justice, not much above what you see if some poverty stricken African countries where they lynch and burn people alive for stealing a few potatoes.

Kind of like when you see a mob of Thais attack a wrong doer or one causing a bad accident. Perhaps their feeling that justice is not meritted equally is leading to acceptance of the Thai mon mentaility. So . . . I think your way works splendid.

Edited by ttelise
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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.

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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.


I want to make it quite clear that i 'liked' your post because of what you have written and in no way because I am a member of the 'hate MB1 group'. Just so MB1 doesn't get the wrong impression......again!

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And as usual the focus is for people to pick my posts for disection as soon as I post and the usual member of the hate mb1 crowd dives in and gives a like to almost anyone who replys to a post of mine when admonishing what I wrote.

Mbawahaaaaaaaa! crying.gifcrying.gif

You have no idea of my thoughts of the victims and neither do I intend telling you but I'm glad you got a like for your post.

At the end of the day MB1, the only insight we have to your thoughts are what you put on here. It is funny how everybody else's perception of what you write is different to your own. You have done this on other threads. If you are not able to communicate what you really think in an erudite, accurate manner then my only advice to you can be....stop posting! We all interpret peoples posts in different ways, but almost all of us are interpreting your posts in the same way. That is not our fault. On the thread where the American kids have verbally abused the old woman you want them to be whipped and birched, yet here, where a teenager without a licence who has driven wrecklessly, aided and abetted by her parents, and killed 9 people, you are happy she gets off scott free. Tell us where we have all got you wrong. It is so funny to see you write that you think you have a 'hate MB1' club, laugh my ass off!

I'll stop posting when told to by a Mod or admin not when you tell me okay.

And you really think every one but me has my views, don't kid your self. Anyway you keep kidding your self whilst taking the moral high ground stance with your cyber buddies.

I've asked hyperthetical questions and direct questions on this thread with regard to would you or wouldnt you and guess what.?. Not one person who I have asked has had the balls to say they would to save their children from going to jail.

Wow that's the way to go, have your kids do 5 to 10 in a Thai jail because that's the right thing to do for a for a socially morally responsible parent to do, glad I'd never be your child.

And by the way your MBawahaaaaaaas!. Pathetic and you dare to later in your post go on about posting in an erudite accurate manner. Brilliance and a classic.

How about you tell me where I said I was happy that she gets off scott free.?.

I know where, nowhere.

And just in case you don't know read the first post, it mentions the court postponed its verdict and ordered related parties to meet and reach an out of court settlement that is benificial to both side.

The court case is not over yet and both parties may agree that some kind of custodial sentence is in order.

We don't yet do we until the final verdict and sentence and details of compensation have been read out but before the final verdict we have the moral high ground stance TV members baying for blood and shouting 5 to ten years.

Regards to those who have said they would do anything for their children good on you, at least you have the balls to say it.

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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.

I'd pay, it's Thailand end of, not the west and that's how it works and if that makes me bad in some people eyes then so be it, I really don't give a dam_n what people think, I am what I am and Thailand is how it is.

How I'd punish my child is up to me but how would you like me to punish her, yes I know You'd like me to be a socially responsible parent and have her sent to a Thai jail for years. Well by yours and other peoples reckoning I'm not but I can live with that.

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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.

I'd pay, it's Thailand end of, not the west and that's how it works and if that makes me bad in some people eyes then so be it, I really don't give a dam_n what people think, I am what I am and Thailand is how it is.

How I'd punish my child is up to me but how would you like me to punish her, yes I know You'd like me to be a socially responsible parent and have her sent to a Thai jail for years. Well by yours and other peoples reckoning I'm not but I can live with that.

And that mind-set is exactly why Thailand has made little or no progression since it was called Thailand.

I seldom flame, but, you sir, are not only a Luddite, a preserver of the suitable status quo if you can afford it, and an idiot.

If it was down to you the Sheriff of Nottingham would still be killing with impunity.

(that one won't last long will it, prove me wrong please)

Edited by Thaddeus
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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.

I'd pay, it's Thailand end of, not the west and that's how it works and if that makes me bad in some people eyes then so be it, I really don't give a dam_n what people think, I am what I am and Thailand is how it is.

How I'd punish my child is up to me but how would you like me to punish her, yes I know You'd like me to be a socially responsible parent and have her sent to a Thai jail for years. Well by yours and other peoples reckoning I'm not but I can live with that.

And that mind-set is exactly why Thailand has made little or no progression since it was called Thailand.

I seldom flame, but, you sir, are not only a Luddite, a preserver of the suitable status quo if you can afford it, and an idiot.

(that one won't last long will it, prove me wrong please)


I want to make it clear that I 'liked' your post because of what you have written and it is nothing to do with me being part of a "i don't like MB1 group' syndicate! wink.png

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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.

I'd pay, it's Thailand end of, not the west and that's how it works and if that makes me bad in some people eyes then so be it, I really don't give a dam_n what people think, I am what I am and Thailand is how it is.

How I'd punish my child is up to me but how would you like me to punish her, yes I know You'd like me to be a socially responsible parent and have her sent to a Thai jail for years. Well by yours and other peoples reckoning I'm not but I can live with that.

And that mind-set is exactly why Thailand has made little or no progression since it was called Thailand.

I seldom flame, but, you sir, are not only a Luddite, a preserver of the suitable status quo if you can afford it, and an idiot.

(that one won't last long will it, prove me wrong please)


I want to make it clear that I 'liked' your post because of what you have written and it is nothing to do with me being part of a "i don't like MB1 group' syndicate! wink.png

For heavens sake, don't like it, he will just complain about a conspiracy, and gang mentality, but I doubt that it would ever occur to him that if most people think you are wrong, there's a good chance that you are wrong.

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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.

I'd pay, it's Thailand end of, not the west and that's how it works and if that makes me bad in some people eyes then so be it, I really don't give a dam_n what people think, I am what I am and Thailand is how it is.

How I'd punish my child is up to me but how would you like me to punish her, yes I know You'd like me to be a socially responsible parent and have her sent to a Thai jail for years. Well by yours and other peoples reckoning I'm not but I can live with that.

And that mind-set is exactly why Thailand has made little or no progression since it was called Thailand.

I seldom flame, but, you sir, are not only a Luddite, a preserver of the suitable status quo if you can afford it, and an idiot.

(that one won't last long will it, prove me wrong please)

Thanks I'm overwhelmed by such kind words and so happy you got a like.

Thing is Thaddeus I dont give a flying duck what you think or anyone else for that matter.

So enjoy and flame away because whatever you say I'm sticking to my opinion that I would take advantage of the Thai system to keep my daughter out of a Thai jail if I was afforded the opportunity to do so.

Not my fault is it that that's how it is in Thailand.

Edited by MB1
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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.

I'd pay, it's Thailand end of, not the west and that's how it works and if that makes me bad in some people eyes then so be it, I really don't give a dam_n what people think, I am what I am and Thailand is how it is.

How I'd punish my child is up to me but how would you like me to punish her, yes I know You'd like me to be a socially responsible parent and have her sent to a Thai jail for years. Well by yours and other peoples reckoning I'm not but I can live with that.

And that mind-set is exactly why Thailand has made little or no progression since it was called Thailand.

I seldom flame, but, you sir, are not only a Luddite, a preserver of the suitable status quo if you can afford it, and an idiot.

(that one won't last long will it, prove me wrong please)

Thanks I'm overwhelmed by such kind words and so happy you got a like.

Thing is Thaddeus I dont give a flying duck what you think or anyone else for that matter.

I think that we had managed to work that one out for ourselves thank you.

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Mbawahaaaaaaaa! crying.gifcrying.gif

You have no idea of my thoughts of the victims and neither do I intend telling you but I'm glad you got a like for your post.

At the end of the day MB1, the only insight we have to your thoughts are what you put on here. It is funny how everybody else's perception of what you write is different to your own. You have done this on other threads. If you are not able to communicate what you really think in an erudite, accurate manner then my only advice to you can be....stop posting! We all interpret peoples posts in different ways, but almost all of us are interpreting your posts in the same way. That is not our fault. On the thread where the American kids have verbally abused the old woman you want them to be whipped and birched, yet here, where a teenager without a licence who has driven wrecklessly, aided and abetted by her parents, and killed 9 people, you are happy she gets off scott free. Tell us where we have all got you wrong. It is so funny to see you write that you think you have a 'hate MB1' club, laugh my ass off!

I'll stop posting when told to by a Mod or admin not when you tell me okay.

And you really think every one but me has my views, don't kid your self. Anyway you keep kidding your self whilst taking the moral high ground stance with your cyber buddies.

I've asked hyperthetical questions and direct questions on this thread with regard to would you or wouldnt you and guess what.?. Not one person who I have asked has had the balls to say they would to save their children from going to jail.

Wow that's the way to go, have your kids do 5 to 10 in a Thai jail because that's the right thing to do for a for a socially morally responsible parent to do, glad I'd never be your child.

And by the way your MBawahaaaaaaas!. Pathetic and you dare to later in your post go on about posting in an erudite accurate manner. Brilliance and a classic.

How about you tell me where I said I was happy that she gets off scott free.?.

I know where, nowhere.

And just in case you don't know read the first post, it mentions the court postponed its verdict and ordered related parties to meet and reach an out of court settlement that is benificial to both side.

The court case is not over yet and both parties may agree that some kind of custodial sentence is in order.

We don't yet do we until the final verdict and sentence and details of compensation have been read out but before the final verdict we have the moral high ground stance TV members baying for blood and shouting 5 to ten years.

Regards to those who have said they would do anything for their children good on you, at least you have the balls to say it.

I did not tell you to stop posting did I! I gave you some advice pertaining to certain conditions.

Your Hyperthetical questions are actually hypothetical questions, we have been suggesting it to you for many posts. There is a difference as google will tell you.

Wow that's the way to go, have your kids do 5 to 10 in a Thai jail because that's the right thing to do for a for a socially morally responsible parent to do, glad I'd never be your child.

Well a socially morally responsible parent would never have given a underage, non-licenced, un-insured, non-trained-driver the keys to a car would they?

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Would you be happy if your child was killed by a 16 year old driving a car with no licence, dangerously, and the punishment handed out was 200,000B paid to your good self?

Would you not be happy with 200,000B, but happy with 2,000,000,000 Baht? Do you think your child is worth more to society than the university students down the road and that cost is therefore justifiable?

If your child were to kill someone like this, you've said you would pay for them to escape a prison sentence. How would you then punish your child in a way that is suitable retribution for the death of 9 people?

As it stands, you come across as someone who thinks that your money makes you above the law, and you seem to think that's OK. As sad as it is, that's the case in Thailand, you can buy your way out, the rich avoid punishment and this is, in most reasoonable peoples' eyes, not a good thing. But it doesn't make it right. Civilization is built on laws that need to be upheld and people who break them facing retribution. How would you make sure your child would see the wrong they did and is deterred from breaking these laws in the future? How do you make sure that your child doesn't go out driving recklessly and ending up killing somebody? Show us that you don't believe that you and your family should (not can) get away with crimes like this. Show us how you are a reasonable member of the civilized world, not some high all mighty rich man living above his minions in a developing nation.

If I were to kill someone, I know for sure my parents would still love me, but they'd make damned sure I served my punishment. They brought me up to do the right thing and face the consequences of my actions. That's a good thing, and makes them good parents. Show us how you're a good parent.

I'd pay, it's Thailand end of, not the west and that's how it works and if that makes me bad in some people eyes then so be it, I really don't give a dam_n what people think, I am what I am and Thailand is how it is.

How I'd punish my child is up to me but how would you like me to punish her, yes I know You'd like me to be a socially responsible parent and have her sent to a Thai jail for years. Well by yours and other peoples reckoning I'm not but I can live with that.

And that mind-set is exactly why Thailand has made little or no progression since it was called Thailand.

I seldom flame, but, you sir, are not only a Luddite, a preserver of the suitable status quo if you can afford it, and an idiot.

(that one won't last long will it, prove me wrong please)


I want to make it clear that I 'liked' your post because of what you have written and it is nothing to do with me being part of a "i don't like MB1 group' syndicate! wink.png

Bravo Jim for giving a like for liking Thaddeus post, was it the idiot bit, the luddite bit or another part.

Jeez I'm glad I can think for myself and have my own views and opinions without feeling I have to join the PC crowd to make freinds in the cyber world.

By the way jim as to your post above, I don't have spell checker on my phone so forgive the odd mistake eh. Oh I do love the grammar police especially that they have now brought it into the debate.

Edited by MB1
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Mbawahaaaaaaaa! crying.gifcrying.gif

At the end of the day MB1, the only insight we have to your thoughts are what you put on here. It is funny how everybody else's perception of what you write is different to your own. You have done this on other threads. If you are not able to communicate what you really think in an erudite, accurate manner then my only advice to you can be....stop posting! We all interpret peoples posts in different ways, but almost all of us are interpreting your posts in the same way. That is not our fault. On the thread where the American kids have verbally abused the old woman you want them to be whipped and birched, yet here, where a teenager without a licence who has driven wrecklessly, aided and abetted by her parents, and killed 9 people, you are happy she gets off scott free. Tell us where we have all got you wrong. It is so funny to see you write that you think you have a 'hate MB1' club, laugh my ass off!

I'll stop posting when told to by a Mod or admin not when you tell me okay.

And you really think every one but me has my views, don't kid your self. Anyway you keep kidding your self whilst taking the moral high ground stance with your cyber buddies.

I've asked hyperthetical questions and direct questions on this thread with regard to would you or wouldnt you and guess what.?. Not one person who I have asked has had the balls to say they would to save their children from going to jail.

Wow that's the way to go, have your kids do 5 to 10 in a Thai jail because that's the right thing to do for a for a socially morally responsible parent to do, glad I'd never be your child.

And by the way your MBawahaaaaaaas!. Pathetic and you dare to later in your post go on about posting in an erudite accurate manner. Brilliance and a classic.

How about you tell me where I said I was happy that she gets off scott free.?.

I know where, nowhere.

And just in case you don't know read the first post, it mentions the court postponed its verdict and ordered related parties to meet and reach an out of court settlement that is benificial to both side.

The court case is not over yet and both parties may agree that some kind of custodial sentence is in order.

We don't yet do we until the final verdict and sentence and details of compensation have been read out but before the final verdict we have the moral high ground stance TV members baying for blood and shouting 5 to ten years.

Regards to those who have said they would do anything for their children good on you, at least you have the balls to say it.

I did not tell you to stop posting did I! I gave you some advice pertaining to certain conditions.

Your Hyperthetical questions are actually hypothetical questions, we have been suggesting it to you for many posts. There is a difference as google will tell you.

Wow that's the way to go, have your kids do 5 to 10 in a Thai jail because that's the right thing to do for a for a socially morally responsible parent to do, glad I'd never be your child.

Well a socially morally responsible parent would never have given a underage, non-licenced, un-insured, non-trained-driver the keys to a car would they?

Well lets forget the grammar police even though they are two completely different words. What about my posts above?

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Well lets forget the grammar police even though they are two completely different words. What about my posts above?

What about your posts above, if I want to reply to them I will when I have more time but if you want to play that way have a re-read of the thread and see how many of my questions you've cherry picked or totally ignored. Anyway watching football shortly so have fun.

Oh and Jim if you are going to pick up on someones spelling or grammar it helps if your own is perfect.

Have a read of your post and tell me your grammatical errors.

All spilling mestakes corect at time of postin.

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Well lets forget the grammar police even though they are two completely different words. What about my posts above?

What about your posts above, if I want to reply to them I will when I have more time but if you want to play that way have a re-read of the thread and see how many of my questions you've cherry picked or totally ignored. Anyway watching football shortly so have fun.

Oh and Jim if you are going to pick up on someones spelling or grammar it helps if your own is perfect.

Have a read of your post and tell me your grammatical errors.

All spilling mestakes corect at time of postin.

You missed a comma after Oh or Jim, depending on inflection, and grammar ;)

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Well lets forget the grammar police even though they are two completely different words. What about my posts above?

What about your posts above, if I want to reply to them I will when I have more time but if you want to play that way have a re-read of the thread and see how many of my questions you've cherry picked or totally ignored. Anyway watching football shortly so have fun.

Oh and Jim if you are going to pick up on someones spelling or grammar it helps if your own is perfect.

Have a read of your post and tell me your grammatical errors.

All spilling mestakes corect at time of postin.

You missed a comma after Oh or Jim, depending on inflection, and grammar ;)

I'm not in a teaching forum, if I was I'd expect to be picked up on common spelling mistakes or grammer.

As said previously I have no spell checker but did you know hypothetical is a common miss- spelled word, 10% or more.

I have not professed to be perfect at spelling or Grammar but Jim was the one to throw the first stone.

If it can be read and understood on a general forum is there any need to pick up on mistakes.? I believe no unless I was in say a teaching forum.

You know what? , I don't know if hyperthetical is even a word but I know Hypothetical is, I just spell it wrong.


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Forget it, you can't rationalise this, when one side thinks that money and power can buy anything, and the other side thinks that justice should prevail over means, you reach an impasse.

This little problem would not have occurred if a certain set of politicians hadn't been able to whitewash the crimes of their offspring, or a certain little twerp who though he was above the law hit a lampost that he couldn't see as it was obscured from his vision by people, or another little twerp above the law who thought that it was Ok to slice a Laos girl in half and paid some penance by leaving the country for a while.

One, just one time, that a money-gifted twerp is actually punished, things may change.... until that time, it's just business as usual.


Haha, nothing to win. MB1 is entrenched on some irrellevant and stupid point. I ackolwedged and answered his question this morning, yet he still claims no one will answer.


It makes little difference what parents would do and no one can answer the question in a vaccum. I would always want to save and protect my child, but if my child killed 9 people . . . I may still want ot protect them, BUT . . . and this is a huge BUT, society should not place the decision as to whether a murderer walks free on whether the parents want to help their child. That is dumb and justice should be applied equitably based on crime committed.

So . . . who gives a rats butt about the stupid hypothetical.

The prosection of crimes is on behalf of the "PEOPLE," for the "PEOPLE" and for protection of the "PEOPLE." Letting private parties resolve criminal issues by permitting this chick's parents payoff the victims runs a foul of the purpose of criminal statutes: "PROTECTION OF SOCIETY."

Hell yeah, the parents of this girl should be compensating the victims for their losses and not be paying to keep kid out of jail. They should be paying regardless.

Presenting the victims with the choice of either accpeting small payoff and letting girl walk or letting girl go to jail and receiving no compensation is FUNDAMENTALLY as jacked up as it gets and if YOU cannot see, then what does that say about you.

Edited by ttelise
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Haha, nothing to win. MB1 is entrenched on some irrellevant and stupid point. I ackolwedged and answered his question this morning, yet he still claims no one will answer


So you acknowledged me, what do you want, a Blue Peter badge, is that ok for you.

I claimed that certain people would not answer, I wasn't referring to you.


It makes little difference what parents would do and no one can answer the question in a vaccum. I would always want to save and protect my child, but if my child killed 9 people . . . I may still want ot protect them, BUT . . . and this is a huge BUT, society should not place the decision as to whether a murderer walks free on whether the parents want to help their child. That is dumb and justice should be applied equitably based on crime committed.

So . . . who gives a rats butt about the stupid hypothetical.


You may still want to protect her but it's about BUT with you, yeah society shouldnt dictate but that's the way in Thailand, so if you could afford to, would you pay to affect the outcome and save her from a jail sentence, I would and I don't deny it.


The prosection of crimes is on behalf of the "PEOPLE," for the "PEOPLE" and for protection of the "PEOPLE." Letting private parties resolve criminal issues by permitting this chick's parents payoff the victims runs a foul of the purpose of criminal statutes: "PROTECTION OF SOCIETY."

Hell yeah, the parents of this girl should be compensating the victims for their losses and not be paying to keep kid out of jail. They should be paying regardless.

Presenting the victims with the choice of either accpeting small payoff and letting girl walk or letting girl go to jail and receiving no compensation is FUNDAMENTALLY as jacked up as it gets and if YOU cannot see, then what does that say about you .

I never made the rules, I never had anything to do with how society works in Thailand and it may be jacked up as it gets but that's not my doing either.

All I'm saying is I would take advantage of how it works in Thailand if I had the chance to do so to save my child.

Did you write the below...

"Thai culture is simply not to accept responsibility for ones own actions and the system is geared that way."

Not my fault either is it but it seems if I'm prepared to use the system to my advantage because of how it works I'm bad for doing so.

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I don't think one would be wrong for taking advantage of the system. I think it would be wrong if you did not see the problem with thinking that is okay. This mentality is why Thailand will remain a third world country with a disaster for a political system.

I doubt you would be making such statements if your wife and children were killed in accident by by this girl.

Oh, and you did say no one will answer my question. My bad if I misread that as including me.

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I don't think one would be wrong for taking advantage of the system. I think it would be wrong if you did not see the problem with thinking that is okay. This mentality is why Thailand will remain a third world country with a disaster for a political system.

I doubt you would be making such statements if your wife and children were killed in accident by by this girl.

Oh, and you did say no one will answer my question. My bad if I misread that as including me.

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I don't think one would be wrong for taking advantage of the system. I think it would be wrong if you did not see the problem with thinking that is okay. This mentality is why Thailand will remain a third world country with a disaster for a political system.

I doubt you would be making such statements if your wife and children were killed in accident by by this girl.

Oh, and you did say no one will answer my question. My bad if I misread that as including me.

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I don't think one would be wrong for taking advantage of the system. I think it would be wrong if you did not see the problem with thinking that is okay. This mentality is why Thailand will remain a third world country with a disaster for a political system.

I doubt you would be making such statements if your wife and children were killed in accident by by this girl.

Oh, and you did say no one will answer my question. My bad if I misread that as including me.

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Mods, help. iPhone glitch

You only have to tell me once ttelise....

You a parrot or what.... Joke...okay.:blink:

iphone eh..Try a Samsung note or. .....S3

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Mods, help. iPhone glitch

You only have to tell me once ttelise....

You a parrot or what.... Joke...okay.blink.png

iphone eh..Try a Samsung note or. .....S3

Why don't you just admit that you are wrong and that she and her parents do deserve prison time. A lot of these hiso creeps might take notice and prevent their kids from committing the same crimes. The roads would be a lot safer in Thailand when people are taking their responsibility.

Its very easy MB1: just say it: 'you are right guys'.

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Mods, help. iPhone glitch

You only have to tell me once ttelise....

You a parrot or what.... Joke...okay.blink.png

iphone eh..Try a Samsung note or. .....S3

Why don't you just admit that you are wrong and that she and her parents do deserve prison time. A lot of these hiso creeps might take notice and prevent their kids from committing the same crimes. The roads would be a lot safer in Thailand when people are taking their responsibility.

Its very easy MB1: just say it: 'you are right guys'.

No I'll never say it because the way people are taught in Thailand is the way it is, you can't blame those now taking advantage of a situation that's been going on for many years in Thailand to think their a dog and you can teach them new tricks.....

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MB1 you are saying it is not the parents fault for taking any opportunity to keep there daughter out of jail. Well that is not much of a point. If the judge is going to let them get away with it, the fault is with the judge and the system.

But are you also saying that it is acceptable that the criminal, if rich enough, should be in a position to choose punishment rather then have an unbiased punishment that has no regard for rich and poor.

If you were a judge and were unrelated to the victims or the defendant, would you allow a rich man to pay a pittance and walk away while the victims had suffered tremendous loss?

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