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Lonely In Doi Saket, Chiang Mai


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Ok just to get you started as it appears you are a bit of a loner. Don't use the home pool, you say you are loaded so buy yourself a nice Harley and ride that in the mornings to swim laps at one of the lap pools. After that ride into town to a coffee shop and order breakfast and read the paper.

Then you can head into one of the gyms for a light work out. By the time that is all done should see you home by about lunchtime. Before the pool you would have already started your breadmaking so you can have a nice fresh sandwich when you return. All this without popping one beer.

Afternoon, put your feet up a read for while, then go and play with your vege patch. After that you can get to work on the old car that you are restoring. It really isn't that difficult to keep busy, if you are sociable you will meet new people just being out and about, can include visiting friends, maybe going on a group ride, go fishing, be involved in charity work, etc etc.

Sucking back half of Changs daily output is just a fast track ticket to an early grave.You are in a bad rut, you have to break out. The booze actually sucks your energy and enthusiasm for life, it seems like the solution where in reality it is the problem. Dump the beer habit altogether and have a good bottle of wine at night with the wife instead.

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Personally I don't see how someone can "settle down" someplace in the sense of committing financially without having lived there for a good long while first.

Since you're so Internet savvy, I would have thought you could do a lot of good for local businesses and charities that way without needing to worry about getting a fair rate for your services, basically just do it for those organisations that provide you with good contacts for your social needs.

And obviously if you don't yet you need to become fluent in Thai - if you want to do it intensively for the first six months, it's most cost-effective to hire someone full-time and then you're free to schedule them at your convenience, and just going through the process of recruiting that tutor will be a nice project as well. Just make sure they are native-born "kon pak glang" so you learn with a respectable accent, and also better if they are a male with what you consider a nice masculine manner of speaking so you don't take on the common effeminate patterns many of the educated Thai men here display.

Why should he care about being fluent in Thai?

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Personally I don't see how someone can "settle down" someplace in the sense of committing financially without having lived there for a good long while first.

Since you're so Internet savvy, I would have thought you could do a lot of good for local businesses and charities that way without needing to worry about getting a fair rate for your services, basically just do it for those organisations that provide you with good contacts for your social needs.

And obviously if you don't yet you need to become fluent in Thai - if you want to do it intensively for the first six months, it's most cost-effective to hire someone full-time and then you're free to schedule them at your convenience, and just going through the process of recruiting that tutor will be a nice project as well. Just make sure they are native-born "kon pak glang" so you learn with a respectable accent, and also better if they are a male with what you consider a nice masculine manner of speaking so you don't take on the common effeminate patterns many of the educated Thai men here display.

Why should he care about being fluent in Thai?


With 450,000 Baht a month I think he could come up with something better than Doi Saket or even Thailand.

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If this is not a troll post....... What you are talking about can be highly individualized. A lot depends on your previous experiences in travelling and your expectations in coming here. Another discourse could be that of your relationship to your Thai wife and her family, as well as your previous drinking history. Sounds like a lot of things are going on, and you are not adapting well. My suggestion in this case is go back to square one of why you decided to move here, and evaluate each decision since then. Be honest with yourself - this is a very different country to try to adapt to. And .... don't tell friends you are doing well when you are not. They can help.

I was waiting to see if anyone else came up with the same possibility. This is a troll.

It's not the 25 Beer Chang a day that everyone is fascinated by. What was the point of the OP bragging about how much money makes?

He could have just posted "Who makes the best burger. I earn $15,000 a month."

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Personally I don't see how someone can "settle down" someplace in the sense of committing financially without having lived there for a good long while first.

Since you're so Internet savvy, I would have thought you could do a lot of good for local businesses and charities that way without needing to worry about getting a fair rate for your services, basically just do it for those organisations that provide you with good contacts for your social needs.

And obviously if you don't yet you need to become fluent in Thai - if you want to do it intensively for the first six months, it's most cost-effective to hire someone full-time and then you're free to schedule them at your convenience, and just going through the process of recruiting that tutor will be a nice project as well. Just make sure they are native-born "kon pak glang" so you learn with a respectable accent, and also better if they are a male with what you consider a nice masculine manner of speaking so you don't take on the common effeminate patterns many of the educated Thai men here display.

Why should he care about being fluent in Thai?

Sure would be a time filler and not that easy to do with a head full of Chang. and what is it that is specifically wrong with being fluent in another language. Particularly the one in use in the country one chooses to call home.

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Personally I don't see how someone can "settle down" someplace in the sense of committing financially without having lived there for a good long while first.

Since you're so Internet savvy, I would have thought you could do a lot of good for local businesses and charities that way without needing to worry about getting a fair rate for your services, basically just do it for those organisations that provide you with good contacts for your social needs.

And obviously if you don't yet you need to become fluent in Thai - if you want to do it intensively for the first six months, it's most cost-effective to hire someone full-time and then you're free to schedule them at your convenience, and just going through the process of recruiting that tutor will be a nice project as well. Just make sure they are native-born "kon pak glang" so you learn with a respectable accent, and also better if they are a male with what you consider a nice masculine manner of speaking so you don't take on the common effeminate patterns many of the educated Thai men here display.

Why should he care about being fluent in Thai?

No idea. Having an updated visa would be better. whistling.gif

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If the OP is drinking 25 bottles of beer per day, than it is a sign that he is suffering from severe depression and if this is the case, than wherever he goes is not going to improve his situation.

I guess that there is a lot of stress and pressure involved in his work, plus family and other things.

He must realise that drinking 25 bottles of Thai gut root beer every day will eventually cause him serious harm and probably affect his work and every day life.

My advice is that while the OP is back in the UK, is to go and seek professional help and perhaps not to return to Thailand until he feels better within his self.

Wishing him all the best and hope he gets this sorted soon.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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The solution to both your problems is simple.....if you're bored/ just do something

if you drink too much/ just stop or what I do to keep my sanity is make it a rule to not drink until 6pm

12yrs in the kingdom and never bored!! yeah, I do have occasional moments when I am the only falang in a group of Thais and they only speak baby talk and I have learned to avoid those situations.

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Plenty of social groups..

Not my scene but hash house runners.. Very social bunch..

Dont know the age of the OP but the motorbike scene in the north covers everything from fast, slow rd, light off road to really advanced enduro riding.. GT-Rider or rideAsia forums lots of locals.

Mountain bike and other pushie ride groups..

The CM photographic society.

Simply find a common interest group.. Always a good way to start to meet people in the community.. Placing yourself out in DS, then saying you dont know anyone, is a bit of a self made problem, you need to work at meeting people if you need social contact.

As to those who are stunned by making 15k a day online.. Thats hardly so insane is it ??

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I would imagine most of us are fairly curious of how you earn 15000 baht a day working 2 hours a day.

I am happy to tell you, but I dont know if the mods would let me put a link to my website on here. I basically sell online shop software to new businesses wanting to trade online. Its my speciality.

be wary of visa regs - just sayin

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25 bottles a day of Chang , ....... yeah thats a problem, unless you call being drunk all day every day not a problem.

And if you think drinking 25 bottles of Chang does not make you a drunk ...... you have a much more serious problem than you think.

Not being critical just keeping it real for ya since you mentioned it.

Not even " I " can do 25 bottles of Chang !! I am starting to think I am not that bad now, cheers.....


And since you drink small Tiger you could not even even handle one bottle of Chang ya woos leave Chang to the real Men biggrin.png



How do u know what I drink


This is a nameless forum, I was gonna say annonamous but I didn't know how to spell it !!!

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Perhaps the OP should start reading more, Chiang Mai has several very-good 2nd-hand bookstores, which give you a 50% credit upon-return, sort-of like a paid-for lending-library.

Take up a hobby, or several, start cycling or beekeeping or painting or whatever !

Plenty of farangs meet-up, for a meal and a gossip, from time-to-time. Check-out your local farang-friendly bar/eatery, and start chatting to people, or come into town to the Red Lion or Old Bell or Mad Dog on a football/Formula-One night ?

It's also a very interesting area to explore, when I get antsy I dig out my old rucksack, and jump on a local-bus to Mae-Salong or Chiang-Rai or Mae-Sai or Pai or so-on. It's also nice to take a slightly-longer trip down to the beach ! Daily overnight-buses to Pattaya or Rayong (for Koh Samet) or Cha-Am/Hua-Hin are cheap and easy.

Or try a cheapo-flight to a neighbouring-country, no need to go all-the-way back to the UK !

hum ... re-reading this, after posting, I notice a common-thread running through my post, of being careful with the spondulix, where is that Scottish-smilie, when you need it ?! laugh.png

and re-reading the OP, he's only just moved-here permanently, and has so far been just been doing the usual touristy things. But he isn't a tourist now, being a resident-expat is quite different, we tend to adjust (it can take months or even years) before we live our lives with a 'this is home now' view of things.

So I would add, the way you're feeling is quite normal, don't get stressed about it, it takes time to become an expat, leading a life that you're happy with, in a strange country. Most of us on TV have made the adjustment, ThaiVisa itself is an excellent safety-valve, and source of advice !

Good Luck !

Edited by Ricardo
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* You've been here two months. In that time you manage to get up to 25 bottles of Chang a day. That's impressive, if nothing else.

* You make 450,000 baht a month.

You know what, it's not even a PROBLEM to be bored in Doi Saket. You could spend part of the month in Hong Kong and St Tropez, and have cases of Chang FedExed to every location in advance. And then you can STILL make it home to the UK on the weekends that your favourite footie team has a home game.

The world's your oyster and the Changs are free.

Fed ex is not that reliable.

Edited by hellodolly
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I have lived in Chiang Mai for 25 years ,and never once have I felt lonely

or been depressed enough to drink 25 Changs a day,why because the

wife is always finding jobs for me to do !

No time for friends,do not drink,but life is what you make it,I am very happy,

and I do not earn anything like the OP makes.

With Tropical Fish,Hedgehogs,Geese,Tortoises,Cats and dogs to take care

of ,how could I feel lonely,Oh and the wife and Daughter.

My advice to the OP is get a life,or start living the one you have and stop feeling

sorry for yourself, and drinking to excess will never solve any problem.

regards Worgeordie

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While I appreciate the thoughtful nature of the original post I am stunned by the concept of 25 beers per day. There is simply no way to regard that except as hard-core alcoholism. I would try to adopt some of the suggestions in this thread about going into town for coffee in the morning, hitting a gym and also seeking some volunteer work. Two, three or even four beers in the evening isn't going to hurt you if you stay fit but a case of beer everyday isn't the right thing to do. A hobby is in order.

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I have sat back on this one, watching you all get drawn into this guys dreamworld. I think had I got in earlier with piss takes on alcoholism you would have lambasted me no doubt.

Let me just pass on my thoughts.

I have just read some of this guys posts/topics and you must do the same.

his topics are so far fetched, almost like stories from a newspaper, concerning death, drugs, prison sentences.

Only yesterday he was giving advice to people about going home and even told someone if they were spending 100k a month they must need their head looking at!

He thanked everyone for all the great advice for his new move to Thailand only weeks ago.

now we have this guy spending say 30k a month on beer, at a rate of one bottle an hour; so who needs their head looking at.

Many of you guys seem to have been "taken" again by this fantasist..

go ahead and read his recent posts.

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Only yesterday he was giving advice to people about going home and even told someone if they were spending 100k a month they must need their head looking at!

I agree, spending 100k a month is spending 90k too much.

(If you are retired and not Naam)

But I also think drinking 25 Chang (Classic) a day is impossible, I pass out after 3.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I have sat back on this one, watching you all get drawn into this guys dreamworld. I think had I got in earlier with piss takes on alcoholism you would have lambasted me no doubt.

Let me just pass on my thoughts.

I have just read some of this guys posts/topics and you must do the same.

his topics are so far fetched, almost like stories from a newspaper, concerning death, drugs, prison sentences.

Only yesterday he was giving advice to people about going home and even told someone if they were spending 100k a month they must need their head looking at!

He thanked everyone for all the great advice for his new move to Thailand only weeks ago.

now we have this guy spending say 30k a month on beer, at a rate of one bottle an hour; so who needs their head looking at.

Many of you guys seem to have been "taken" again by this fantasist..

go ahead and read his recent posts.

Heavy stuff. Nothing substantiated with those claims.

If indeed the OP was trolling well I hope the various posts in reply help out another member experiencing similar problems.

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I have sat back on this one, watching you all get drawn into this guys dreamworld. I think had I got in earlier with piss takes on alcoholism you would have lambasted me no doubt.

Let me just pass on my thoughts.

I have just read some of this guys posts/topics and you must do the same.

his topics are so far fetched, almost like stories from a newspaper, concerning death, drugs, prison sentences.

Only yesterday he was giving advice to people about going home and even told someone if they were spending 100k a month they must need their head looking at!

He thanked everyone for all the great advice for his new move to Thailand only weeks ago.

now we have this guy spending say 30k a month on beer, at a rate of one bottle an hour; so who needs their head looking at.

Many of you guys seem to have been "taken" again by this fantasist..

go ahead and read his recent posts.

Heavy stuff. Nothing substantiated with those claims.

If indeed the OP was trolling well I hope the various posts in reply help out another member experiencing similar problems.

yes I will agree with that.

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I have sat back on this one, watching you all get drawn into this guys dreamworld. I think had I got in earlier with piss takes on alcoholism you would have lambasted me no doubt.

Let me just pass on my thoughts.

I have just read some of this guys posts/topics and you must do the same.

his topics are so far fetched, almost like stories from a newspaper, concerning death, drugs, prison sentences.

Only yesterday he was giving advice to people about going home and even told someone if they were spending 100k a month they must need their head looking at!

He thanked everyone for all the great advice for his new move to Thailand only weeks ago.

now we have this guy spending say 30k a month on beer, at a rate of one bottle an hour; so who needs their head looking at.

Many of you guys seem to have been "taken" again by this fantasist..

go ahead and read his recent posts.

Heavy stuff. Nothing substantiated with those claims.

If indeed the OP was trolling well I hope the various posts in reply help out another member experiencing similar problems.

yes I will agree with that.

This is from the last thread the OP started

La Dolce Vita - Mae Kachan

2012-05-18 05:45:02

This will be my last post from the UK. In two days time, I start my new life in Thailand. Mae Kachan in Chiang Rai Province.

After what seems like years of planning, I can't wait.

So is it one month or two months that it took to get bored?

Is it Mae Kachan or Doi Saket that is so boring?

Lots of people make $180k a year. Few need to talk about it.


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Buy the best hot tub money can buy, fill it with whatever takes your fancy........how can he get bored?

I'd fill it with yogurt, but most hot tubs can't deal with the stuff. sad.png Then again it shouldn't be an issue to buy a new one every week on his income. Or substitute imported asses’ milk, for the full Cleopatra experience. Then let staff run the tub clear with Perrier water to clean after use.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I have sat back on this one, watching you all get drawn into this guys dreamworld. I think had I got in earlier with piss takes on alcoholism you would have lambasted me no doubt.

Let me just pass on my thoughts.

I have just read some of this guys posts/topics and you must do the same.

his topics are so far fetched, almost like stories from a newspaper, concerning death, drugs, prison sentences.

Only yesterday he was giving advice to people about going home and even told someone if they were spending 100k a month they must need their head looking at!

He thanked everyone for all the great advice for his new move to Thailand only weeks ago.

now we have this guy spending say 30k a month on beer, at a rate of one bottle an hour; so who needs their head looking at.

Many of you guys seem to have been "taken" again by this fantasist..

go ahead and read his recent posts.

Heavy stuff. Nothing substantiated with those claims.

If indeed the OP was trolling well I hope the various posts in reply help out another member experiencing similar problems.

yes I will agree with that.

This is from the last thread the OP started

La Dolce Vita - Mae Kachan

2012-05-18 05:45:02

This will be my last post from the UK. In two days time, I start my new life in Thailand. Mae Kachan in Chiang Rai Province.

After what seems like years of planning, I can't wait.

So is it one month or two months that it took to get bored?

Is it Mae Kachan or Doi Saket that is so boring?

Lots of people make $180k a year. Few need to talk about it.


Perhaps he cannot remember if it is 1 or 2 months after all the chang.

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I have sat back on this one, watching you all get drawn into this guys dreamworld. I think had I got in earlier with piss takes on alcoholism you would have lambasted me no doubt.

Let me just pass on my thoughts.

I have just read some of this guys posts/topics and you must do the same.

his topics are so far fetched, almost like stories from a newspaper, concerning death, drugs, prison sentences.

Only yesterday he was giving advice to people about going home and even told someone if they were spending 100k a month they must need their head looking at!

He thanked everyone for all the great advice for his new move to Thailand only weeks ago.

now we have this guy spending say 30k a month on beer, at a rate of one bottle an hour; so who needs their head looking at.

Many of you guys seem to have been "taken" again by this fantasist..

go ahead and read his recent posts.

And with 25 Chang a day you were expecting a explanation on the theory of relativity.whistling.gif

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