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Artist Neighborhood In Bkk?


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Thanks for the advice.

Selling isn't a concern. I'm working with video,set design, spoken word, writing, acting and other performance, and music... tied to a book I've written.

And unless he has a following and a queue of buyers for his work consider getting a second job here as the art world is tough all over the world and especially here.

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I can't imagine what it is about my OP that triggered your interest in my motives, financials, and life history. Short version: I've travelled (not touristed) around the world, hitchhiking, trekking, boat, and train, frequently to remote places more times than I can count w/ only a small backpack. I'm no stranger to squat toilets, extreme poverty, village life, and intestinal parasites. I'm equally comfortable on a yellow brick road or a rope mountain bridge.I've lived in a corrugated sheet metal shack and a 4k a month flat and everything in between. I'm intelligent enough to attend to visa requirements. I'm moving to BKK because I've never been there and because I live my life as an adventure.

You sound really annoying.

Some quality piss-taking on this thread Pseudolus and others...cheesy.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif

And you sound really off topic...which most people find annoying.

Edited by bangkokjase
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The area you are looking for is Ramkhamhaeng, near the University and the other University called ACAB or something like that. Great place, lots of young people - restaurants, bars, clubs - everything open late, as that when people there come home from work etc. Everything cheap, people are openminded, you will find a lot of young people interested in playing music.

About artists, i have to agree a little bit with the old farts smile.png People into expressing themselves through painting, music, etc. are youth's from more upper-class families. The ones from the more poor environments are more concerned with living day to day. Another thing people in the west, squatting in a old warehouse doing arts etc. they can just take care of them selfs or even get supported by their families, thats the fact in Scandinavia where i come from - here the poor kids get requests, from back home, about sending money home, even they don't have enough to support them self....

But good luck, i think you will love Bangkok - its a great city!

Hmmm. I've worked on Ramkamheng for the past five years and haven't noticed anything resembling an art scene here. Must be underground!

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You should check out Da Overstay (google it or PM me for details) its a huge ex-brothel warehouse place where artists and musicians come together. You can stay there also for a small price and they have regular nights on. If theres no nights on there is usually a bunch of artists or musicians just making art and music and chilling out together. It's got an artistic squat like vibe to it and the electrics in the place look dangerous but some of the artwork (graffiti, paintings, all sorts) are amazing!

looks cool, have you been there yourself?

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I can't imagine what it is about my OP that triggered your interest in my motives, financials, and life history. Short version: I've travelled (not touristed) around the world, hitchhiking, trekking, boat, and train, frequently to remote places more times than I can count w/ only a small backpack. I'm no stranger to squat toilets, extreme poverty, village life, and intestinal parasites. I'm equally comfortable on a yellow brick road or a rope mountain bridge.I've lived in a corrugated sheet metal shack and a 4k a month flat and everything in between. I'm intelligent enough to attend to visa requirements. I'm moving to BKK because I've never been there and because I live my life as an adventure.

You sound really annoying.

Some quality piss-taking on this thread Pseudolus and others...cheesy.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif

And you sound really off topic...which most people find annoying.


You are looking for something which doesn't exist.

Just posh kids playing at it...I suspect a bit like you! tongue.png


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I am an artist too and used to live in the Bay area and in SF. I am moving to Chiang Mai in Oct. CM might be more artist friendly than BKK. Any opinions contrary.

Just don't get arrested for not having a work permit; look up chiang mai open mike etc.

You would certainly not be able to sell any art work in Thailand; not legally anyway.

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Guess who just got put on ignore. wink.png


You are looking for something which doesn't exist.

Just posh kids playing at it...I suspect a bit like you!


Thank you...thumbsup.gif

Bangkok Jase (who doesn't live in Bangkok)... laugh.png

Or maybe hasn't even been to Thailand?


Edited by RAZZELL
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hey artist man ,

welcome to Thailand ,betca feel super welcome on here

true there isn't a defined arrtist nieghoourhood in BKK,more the reason to come and live here ,any knob can live in SF or Newyork find a grotto in Paris and a warehouse in spain ...be the first to do it here ,be the start of it .isn't every buddiing artist ideal to be original .

Art is everywhere in this city it just isn't in the areas that the typical poster on here hangs out ,there are thousands ,change that tens of thousands of young professionals (Thai) who live in penthouses and swanky town house all over this city ,looking to buy cool originals from a young artist ,don't be disheartened by some gimps on here ,there is a starting trade for young new artists in this city ,it may take ten years ,but i know two people who have recently opened premises that have small galleries as part of their business ,

with regards to living ,i suppose id look in Thonglor ,might be pricey but smash yourself deep down a back soi you might find what your looking for ,same goes for soi 49,Soi Ari ,over by khoasan there is tones of places ,best mind you maybe ask your self is the city you live in your inspiration for your art ,if so ,come rent cheap, hire a bike and go find what you want ,Bangkok is completly amazing iyou cant find something in this city to paint about or sing about or do a dance about there is something seriously wrong

the future may not be a loft apartment but might be a 3 bed run down house ,that could do with a spash of colour .

what ever you decide i hope you find it here ,

kind regards


please excuse my typing ,im currently at sea and the keyboard is munted

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I can't imagine what it is about my OP that triggered your interest in my motives, financials, and life history. Short version: I've travelled (not touristed) around the world, hitchhiking, trekking, boat, and train, frequently to remote places more times than I can count w/ only a small backpack. I'm no stranger to squat toilets, extreme poverty, village life, and intestinal parasites. I'm equally comfortable on a yellow brick road or a rope mountain bridge.I've lived in a corrugated sheet metal shack and a 4k a month flat and everything in between. I'm intelligent enough to attend to visa requirements. I'm moving to BKK because I've never been there and because I live my life as an adventure.

You sound really annoying.

Some quality piss-taking on this thread Pseudolus and others...cheesy.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif

And you sound really off topic...which most people find annoying.

Actually you're lucky people haven't been a lot more vicious than Razell. You should send him a thank you PM for trying to keep things balanced. The idea of helping out a newcomer and promoting the arts in BKK appeals to a lot of folks. I hope none of them get taken advantage of.

The problem he and some quiet others have is that your question has an identity crisis, and people are trying to tell you in a friendly way that an artist community in the sense that you perceive it doesn't really exist in Bangkok. Also your intense focus on the importance of this social setting opposed to a genuine body of work is a red flag for those more critically minded.

Maybe if you were a little more modest, and focused more on art per se, opposed to promoting 'street credibility' with some questionable claims.

Khao San Road is indeed the place for you to find like minded individuals and your community. Bangkok will teach you about life, perhaps not in the sense that you think, but hopefully in way that is meaningful.

Good luck.

"Sing along with the common people.

Sing along, and it might just get you thru.'

Laugh along with the common people.

Laugh along, even though they're laughing at you

and the things that you do

'cause you think that poor, is cool..."

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There's very little in your post that isn't based on wild amusing projections of who you imagine i am...that you couldn't possibly know based on my posts...meaning that you entirely made them up out of air...and your pomposity and condescension is unbelievable. You've painted a very interesting and detailed picture of me in your mind based on a few pixels...grand assumptions that of course you don't doubt, which shows a stunning lack of modesty and an unawareness that when it comes to who I am and the degree that I'm "focused on art", you are clueless. Why are you even talking, baby? :)

I'll respond to the quote below because it is on topic...

If you read my op carefully and comprehend it instead of spinning fabrications you'll see that I _asked_ if such a neighborhood and community existed...I guess you missed that. Explicit in my asking is a very clear _not knowing_. That's why i asked.There's no "identity crisis" there...except in your fertile imagination. Fortunately, the majority of responders understood what i was asking about and offered many valuable focused suggestions...seeing no need for character analysis based on my specific query. In subsequent posts I expanded on what I was _asking_ about, and also had some fun swatting at some nasty little gnats that couldn't stay on topic who also had wild imaginations like you exhibit here. If you have any other deep thoughts about me, please file them under "waste of time". ;)

The problem he and some quiet others have is that your question has an identity crisis, and people are trying to tell you in a friendly way that an artist community in the sense that you perceive it doesn't really exist in Bangkok.

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Thanks, Steve. I'm on my way and when I get there I'm going to follow my instincts...they've never failed me yet. I'll find what i need or create it as i go. Yup, BKK is throbbing with art and life (both the same, ya know?). :)

Thanks for the neighborhood suggestions. Ya, an out of the way soi teeming with real and a run down house or shophouse that I can spill forth in is just the ticket.

The gimps don't bother me but I would like to put on some lively folk music, messily pour some wine down their throat, and teach em to dance like there's no tomorrow. Poor things :)

hey artist man ,

welcome to Thailand ,betca feel super welcome on here

true there isn't a defined arrtist nieghoourhood in BKK,more the reason to come and live here ,any knob can live in SF or Newyork find a grotto in Paris and a warehouse in spain ...be the first to do it here ,be the start of it .isn't every buddiing artist ideal to be original .

Art is everywhere in this city it just isn't in the areas that the typical poster on here hangs out ,there are thousands ,change that tens of thousands of young professionals (Thai) who live in penthouses and swanky town house all over this city ,looking to buy cool originals from a young artist ,don't be disheartened by some gimps on here ,there is a starting trade for young new artists in this city ,it may take ten years ,but i know two people who have recently opened premises that have small galleries as part of their business ,

with regards to living ,i suppose id look in Thonglor ,might be pricey but smash yourself deep down a back soi you might find what your looking for ,same goes for soi 49,Soi Ari ,over by khoasan there is tones of places ,best mind you maybe ask your self is the city you live in your inspiration for your art ,if so ,come rent cheap, hire a bike and go find what you want ,Bangkok is completly amazing iyou cant find something in this city to paint about or sing about or do a dance about there is something seriously wrong

the future may not be a loft apartment but might be a 3 bed run down house ,that could do with a spash of colour .

what ever you decide i hope you find it here ,

kind regards


please excuse my typing ,im currently at sea and the keyboard is munted

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Ignore the negative comments on this thread! There are plenty of arty folk in Bangkok who would be up for listening to your ideas. It's just all about gathering them together and getting something going and moving forward!

All the best on your move to Bangkok my friend!

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There's very little in your post that isn't based on wild amusing projections of who you imagine i am...that you couldn't possibly know based on my posts...meaning that you entirely made them up out of air...and your pomposity and condescension is unbelievable. You've painted a very interesting and detailed picture of me in your mind based on a few pixels...grand assumptions that of course you don't doubt, which shows a stunning lack of modesty and an unawareness that when it comes to who I am and the degree that I'm "focused on art", you are clueless. Why are you even talking, baby? smile.png

I'll respond to the quote below because it is on topic...

The problem he and some quiet others have is that your question has an identity crisis, and people are trying to tell you in a friendly way that an artist community in the sense that you perceive it doesn't really exist in Bangkok.

There's very little in my post at all. It'll stay that way. Show me the art. smile.png

Good luck. No sarcasm. You've got a little fire and ego, good. You'll need it. The other stuff is garbage, but you're not wholly irredeemable. There are several thousand 'arty' people in bangkok, but a small amount of artists producing work, and they're much more severe than I. Or Razell. Oh yes. You'll ignore my advice, but it's simply this - go explore the city and find what works. And then do. Don't try. Do.

As the great Confucius once said in a moment of illumination: chok dee son

Edited by PaiMei
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  • 10 months later...


The light and space of Thailand will really put the zap on your head. You will be fine. You will be in your loft or shop house sitting in bed naked with your two Thai girlfriends sooner than you think. When the sunlight is just right, you will pass around the Nikon D1. They will spend hours looking at their photos on the camera screen. You will go through a period of physical burnout, but that will pass. Figure six weeks. One of these girls should speak English as to act as a source of inspiration. Maybe one of them will be able to sing.

Chiang Mai is were you want to be... if you want to spend less money and be around much cooler people where ever you go. You will notice this the minute you get on the plane to Chiang Mai from BKK. Just look around the plane at the people and you will see the difference.

The largest and oldest film production company in Thailand is in Chiang Mai. All US expat Hollywood owned. Not fake hipsters. Prototype hipsters.

BKK has advertising companies, film visual effect companies, production and post production. Technicolor is in BKK.

The energy down south of BKK is really negative. Like the comments you are running into here. You can go there to be complicated and dark, and to write. The island thing is cool but you will be more isolated. Think Leonardo de Capro in The Beach.

So lots of energy in BKK and more possibilities for cast and crew, some work permit issues if you sell tickets I guess, not sure about performance rules. Maybe you could do the Hollywood club thing of having the performance at a different location each time. smile.png

Thais hipsters are really into photography. Every ten feet in Thailand there is something to photograph. Thais have a child like enthusiasm that you might find interesting. Go to the temples and think about if you had to build this and then think about their issues. That might be useful for some spontaneous stage performance or psycho drama.

I will give you a free idea for your first performance piece. I am serious about this. A empty stage with a door frame of a closet lit by a red light from within. Someone who looks just like David Carradine (I know one of his brothers, some name droppping) is hanging by the neck and struggling to free himself. His movements will be in a slo motion like style, the actor will be suspended in a rig so he can control his movements. A beautiful Thai woman is sitting at a dresser with her back to David. He is trying to get her attention. The whole thing feels like a dream where you can't scream to get the other persons attention. She is looking at herself in the mirror and is working on her makeup and hair. She never looks away from her reflection. She is talking. (you have to write this dialogue, sorry, but you will understand soon) Her iPhone 5 chirps and she picks it up and looks at a text. Anyway you take it from there.

Thailand is in the tropics. BKK can be 95 degrees for weeks on end. I say this because of the energy curve. It will be different.

Not sure if you are male and single, but you will have a girlfriend within 30 minutes of leaving the airport at BKK. Chose wisely because you will not be able to get rid of her. She will be incredibly beautiful, she will tell you within 24 hours of meeting you that she loves you, and her parents will own a ox.

At some point, you will be forced to leave Thailand because your girlfriend thought you were going to make her a star. That is when you will go to Cambodia, where you will be truly free. And your real test begins.

Good Luck Captain Willard and remember, you can't go out in space on fractions.

Edited by NCC1701A
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Good Luck Mate , i was painting in my studio in phuket and now moved to the far nth east , rural , remote and cheap ..paint outside , i go to Bkk to get a buzz every now and again , thats enough for me ... ...best of both worlds , ignore the negative crap you read on here , come see for yourself and then you can decide whats going to work best for you ...


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  • 1 month later...

Good question, OP. I've been here a long time (50 years!) and am always on the lookout for this kind of thing.

The traditional shophouse is just what you want, they abound here. I like these neighborhoods very much.

Next, what neighborhood?

My bet for the upcoming new place is out in the area of the Banjak BTS. I did a video on this, you can see at

I don't think there is an international community here (yet) but it is a comer.

The other area we like and have been developing is around Sukhumvit Soi 65, a little closer in and near the BTS too. You can see more about these neighborhoods, with cost info etc if you go to villageinthecity.

We have been trying to work within the neighborhood framework and style and the type of thing we've done may be a little more expensive than you have in mind (rents THB 15k and up) but you could always do your own project or just rent and unimproved place. The trick is to hang arund the neighborhood and get to know some local people.

Hope this helps.



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I've only read some of the posts in this thread, but why is it so damn hard to find a decent loft apartment in BKK? I've lived in nice lofts in Paris, Rome and even with one of my friends in Brooklyn. They were all very cheap and clean.

Sure, the surrounding areas were not super fancy and modern, but the lofts were good.

Not that I have ever tried to look for a loft in BKK, but Im sure OP will find one eventually. Good luck. :)

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Kadeejeen: http://www.bangkok101.com/2013/02/08/the-night-charms-of-kadeejeen/

I believe there are quite a few areas in/around Bangkok which might come close to what the OP is looking for. I'd ask a Thai person to trawl Thai social/arts forums for potential locations.

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When the sunlight is just right, you will pass around the Nikon D1. They will spend hours looking at their photos on the camera screen.

Yeah - thinking what is this guy doing with a crappy D1 from 1999! wink.png

BTW the OP - "bangkokjase" - never seems to have made it back to this thread...or probably Bangkok...since he last posted over a year ago...another dreamer whistling.gif


Edited by RAZZELL
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