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I think about to buy one of the cute allaround kubota tractors which you can see everywhere in thailand.

I searched the internet exspecially for this one but all i can find are the big usuall tractors.

I want to use the vehicle for drive around :o cut grass, shredder for silace, for water pumping,

as pulling machine, and just for fun :D

Somebody has some experiences or information about different engines, prices and goods and bads,

would be happy to have some knowledge before i stand like a fool in the shop and buy "blueeyed" like so often before.

Thanks a lot.



I have put a link below to another thread where I describe buying one.


There is an error in my post. I miscalculated the price for the top of the line model. The top of the line model which has all of the extra gadgets and deluxe features should have been quoted at 59,800 baht.....instead of the incorrect figure of 57,900 baht......sorrrrrrrrry!!

I have been using one for over a year now, I've tipped it over twice and got it stuck in a mud hole twice and am starting to feel like I know what I'm doing. Read the link and if you want to ask questions I'll be glad to try to answer them.


i found it i found it !

Hmmmm, some of the responses in the treath are not nice (about reputation).

You know i dont care about that.

I have an university degree in economics,computersince and psychologie and i will buy a kubota and

use it for myself.

Because of many small seperated parts of my land its impossible to use a BIG Tractor, and if i always

have to ask somebody to plugging if i want and have to wait till they will do it - it drives me crazy.

And in my opinion i like to do things for myself.

I like the allaround abilities of this thing :o

i think i will buy the best version i can get, because the stick in the middle for stopping and maneuvering

makes me feel a bit unsure.

So still the 9 ps version is the best ?!

What is the exactly model label ? Is the hand


For what I bought the diesel motor is Kubota RT90 and the chasis is SiamKubota NC131.....but my chasis has the stick shift in the middle which you say you don't want...I don't know the chasis model number for the hand grip shifter model but any major Kubota dealership will have one for you to look at I would think.

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