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Dad Suggests Coverup In Daughters' Thailand Deaths


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Condolences to Mr. Belanger and family and friends. It is very heart wrenching. Of course it is a coverup. if they are not covering up their lack of skills in tracking down the killers , they are covering up their ineptness in sorting out the chemical or food poisoning and the culpability of a manufacturer, restaurant or vendor. One way or another, Thais are always covering up. When you read about a story like this one it makes you sick to be associated with them. There is no recourse, no diligence, no concern, only covering up. It's so obvious too that they are covering up something either the guilty or their own ineptness and they seem to take pleasure in pushing it in your face when you challenge them or question them. The best way to snap the Thais into the real world is for the major embassies to declare Thailand a very high alert risk.

I agree with what you wrote.

However, my understanding is that Thais do NOT accept responsibility for errors or mistakes. Thais prefer to lie than admit to an error or mistake.

When all else fails and the lies are exposed for the world to see, they will admit to making an "honest" mistake.

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It's a terrible, tragic tragic time for this man, I cannot think of anything worse for a parent than to lose a child, to lose two is heart rending, and to lose two in these circumstances is a special type of Hell.

However, I think we must trust the Canadian pathologists to come up with an accurate report and cause of death. Only from facts will the truth be known, and I hope the facts come through with the autopsy as to the actual cause of death.

From there, investigations can continue. In the meantime though, Mr Belanger, I cannot begin to understand your grief, I hope one day you will have the answers to all of your questions.

I don't want to multiquote everybody on this topic although to me this is by far about the best there is. The lack of taking responsibilty is not just a LOS idiosyncracy it's endemic throughout Southeast Asia and also in most "Western" nations too. Harry S. Truman had a wooden plaque on his desk

that read "The Buck Stops Here"...sadly this just ain't true anymore. Condolences again for the family. Butt kicks to the BIB.

Edited by sunshine51
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Of course Thai authorities will do everything in their power to cover up anything that would harm the tourist industry...that's the way of Thailand....miracle Thailand!!!

Total rubbish.

Firstly, although of course this is extremely tragic for the girls parents, why is the father making accusations that the Thai authorities are covering up the actual cause of death when the Canadian coroner hasn’t even issued the results as yet?

Surely the time to make such statements is when the autopsy reports are completed.

Also, I have stayed and still do from time to time at many hotels all over Thailand. I can tell you that maids and cleaning staff would rarely disturb guests if they think they are still inside their rooms. This is standard practice and there is nothing unusual about staff not entering hotel rooms if occupied. So nothing suspicious regarding the time delay in finding the girls bodies at all and I would also dispute the 48-hour time body discovery period as described by the father.

Sorry if I sound harsh. I have children of my own and really feel hurt for the parents, but we must deal with actual facts here and not speculations and accusations that so far are completely unfounded.

Au contraire, It is normal practise for maids to enter a room if there is no answer and no 'do not disturb' sign in use. Staff are generally told to enter, if for no other reason, to check that the guests are still actually in residence. I also stay in hotels frequently throughout Thailand and beyond and have had maids enter on numerous occasions occasionally with embarrassing results.

Agree 100%, this has also happened to me on quite a few occasions. They knock on the door, if there is no answer, they use their master key to enter.

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I am so concerned about this! I have my own personal story of poisioning in Thailand this year. I have just recovered from major stomach surgery after a trip to Thailand to visit my wife (soon to be ex) and her family during Songkrahn. The lower half of my stomach and half of my liver has been removed to combat a perforated peptic ulcer. Both my kidneys were damaged with one of them completely destroyed.

A few days after arriving in Thailand I fell ill with blood from both my mouth and backside and yet i was left helpless in a small room while my wife and her family were busy celebrating Songkrahn. Eventually i escaped in disgust to the airport and returned home where i received support and medical help from my friends and loved ones (luckily i still have some after my wife's antics in the neighborhood where i live).

Anyway, after the operation was completed the pathology report is showng some strange results. Poison is suspected I hope they find the result before I run out of money. I have been told by investigators for my lawyer that proving that I was poisoned in Thailand will be next to impossible for a foreigner which i find sad. I wonder how many foreigners are suffering their wives without even knowing it.

The Chinese authorities (where i currently live) have decided to take some action but are waiting for a response. I have been told that i cannot stop the action of the police here but i am concerned for what might happen to my two children if some kind of investigation goes on in Thailand. For now, I just want peace recovery and rest from the trauma and to count myself lucky that I even got medical help.

The most worrying thing is the increase in reported poison related or stomach related incidents in Thailand there are now.... Is Thailand becoming the hub of poisoners?

What you're rightfully discussing is a very sensitive topic here in Thailand. Poisoning is the prefered method of killing spouses and even unwanted children in Thailand.'

Thai's dispose of husbands and wives using the 'slow kill' method of putting unauthorised prescription pills into coffee,beer,tea etc. every day and evening during meals. Many drug stores sell powerful drugs-under the table- that can rot your kidneys and liver. Police turn a blind eye to it. Many katoeys hang around these drug stores just over the river in west BKK.

Many farangs will have been killed throughout provincial Thailand (isan) by Thai wives using this method. Body cremated ...end of story.

If your children are still in Thailand and your suspicious of your ex wife then get the kids the hell out of there ASAP....no joking.

Angry and jealous Thai women DO poison children expecially if they're farangs.

This story is potentially interesting but does need a new thread. The poster has omitted much of the background about his relationship with his wife that might give a clue as why she might have wished to murder him. For example what was her profession, educational level and how did they meet?

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Of course Thai authorities will do everything in their power to cover up anything that would harm the tourist industry...that's the way of Thailand....miracle Thailand!!!

Total rubbish.

Firstly, although of course this is extremely tragic for the girls parents, why is the father making accusations that the Thai authorities are covering up the actual cause of death when the Canadian coroner hasn’t even issued the results as yet?

Surely the time to make such statements is when the autopsy reports are completed.

Also, I have stayed and still do from time to time at many hotels all over Thailand. I can tell you that maids and cleaning staff would rarely disturb guests if they think they are still inside their rooms. This is standard practice and there is nothing unusual about staff not entering hotel rooms if occupied. So nothing suspicious regarding the time delay in finding the girls bodies at all and I would also dispute the 48-hour time body discovery period as described by the father.

Sorry if I sound harsh. I have children of my own and really feel hurt for the parents, but we must deal with actual facts here and not speculations and accusations that so far are completely unfounded.

Au contraire, It is normal practise for maids to enter a room if there is no answer and no 'do not disturb' sign in use. Staff are generally told to enter, if for no other reason, to check that the guests are still actually in residence. I also stay in hotels frequently throughout Thailand and beyond and have had maids enter on numerous occasions occasionally with embarrassing results.

Agree 100%, this has also happened to me on quite a few occasions. They knock on the door, if there is no answer, they use their master key to enter.

Absolutely. I have been staying in hotels around Thailand for 30 years and have noticed no difference in the approach of room maids compared to other countries. The maids quite rightly want to get the room done according to their schedule. Sometimes they will still burst in, even if you put the Do Not Disturb notice on the door. There is never any communication between housekeeping and reception. So maids have no idea who is checking out or who is still in the room.

I have noticed this excuse of not wishing to disturb guests appearing in many other cover up stories of mysterious deaths of foreigners in Thai hotels when it was unbelievably claimed that the body or bodies were only discovered after several days. It gives the hotel owner and police lead time in making up stories and destroying evidence and must be part of the script given out by police "investigators".

Edited by Arkady
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Amazing Thailand is again in the news... What's the purpose of this cover up? It will however be known what the reasons of their dead is and if they suspect the two Portuguese who left the country, then it is for sure that they know them. How else would they know they left the country already?

I feel so sorry for these parents. I had tears in my eyes when I read the girl's letter to their parents. So heartbreakingly sad... My thoughts ad prayers are with them!

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one could not imagine what the father is going through unless you have experianced it,i have 2 grown up daughters who are asked every day why did your father move to thailand when his wife had such a good job in uk,there have been so many high profile cases lately where the publicity has not gone unoticed arround the world.will the authorities ever wake up. never. 2loverly daughters rip

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Thai authorities need to get themselves into the modern world and provide full disclosure.

I'm afraid that's going to take an incredibly long time, if ever.

Thailand plods away at improvement arithmetically, whilst most of the world around improves geometrically and at a greater pace.

I'm sad to say that the gap appears to be expanding, and not the reducing.


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I am so concerned about this! I have my own personal story of poisioning in Thailand this year. I have just recovered from major stomach surgery after a trip to Thailand to visit my wife (soon to be ex) and her family during Songkrahn. The lower half of my stomach and half of my liver has been removed to combat a perforated peptic ulcer. Both my kidneys were damaged with one of them completely destroyed.

A few days after arriving in Thailand I fell ill with blood from both my mouth and backside and yet i was left helpless in a small room while my wife and her family were busy celebrating Songkrahn. Eventually i escaped in disgust to the airport and returned home where i received support and medical help from my friends and loved ones (luckily i still have some after my wife's antics in the neighborhood where i live).

Anyway, after the operation was completed the pathology report is showng some strange results. Poison is suspected I hope they find the result before I run out of money. I have been told by investigators for my lawyer that proving that I was poisoned in Thailand will be next to impossible for a foreigner which i find sad. I wonder how many foreigners are suffering their wives without even knowing it.

The Chinese authorities (where i currently live) have decided to take some action but are waiting for a response. I have been told that i cannot stop the action of the police here but i am concerned for what might happen to my two children if some kind of investigation goes on in Thailand. For now, I just want peace recovery and rest from the trauma and to count myself lucky that I even got medical help.

The most worrying thing is the increase in reported poison related or stomach related incidents in Thailand there are now.... Is Thailand becoming the hub of poisoners?

If you want to start a thread on your suspicions about poisoning then by all means start your OWN thread and don't tag on to this thread about the tragic and as yet unresolved deaths of the Canadian ladies. Their death is fact. Your suppositions are groundless.

What you're rightfully discussing is a very sensitive topic here in Thailand. Poisoning is the prefered method of killing spouses and even unwanted children in Thailand.'

Thai's dispose of husbands and wives using the 'slow kill' method of putting unauthorised prescription pills into coffee,beer,tea etc. every day and evening during meals. Many drug stores sell powerful drugs-under the table- that can rot your kidneys and liver. Police turn a blind eye to it. Many katoeys hang around these drug stores just over the river in west BKK.

Many farangs will have been killed throughout provincial Thailand (isan) by Thai wives using this method. Body cremated ...end of story.

If your children are still in Thailand and your suspicious of your ex wife then get the kids the hell out of there ASAP....no joking.

Angry and jealous Thai women DO poison children expecially if they're farangs.

If you consider that Thai women, particularly the ones from Isaan, are into the wholesale poisoning of their farang spouses and offspring, get back under the bridge!

[edited to correctly assign this nonsense]

I didnt mention anything about wholesale poisoning.. i take advice given byThais very seriously far more so than from lovesick farangs sitting on barstools polishing their fake golf sticks.

you want me to live under a bridge ? why ? invariably that is where one will find you one way or another.

Seems like you have found his sore spot. Wouldn't have an Isaan wife, would he?

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I've only once been indirectly involved with the death of a farang (a fellow teacher). The way things were mishandled lead me to believe that ANYTHING is possible in the LOS, and that an impartial autopsy is the only way the truth will be revealed.

Couldn't agree more for the sake of truth, closure and potential for future justice in the corrupt Thailand.

Caveat is, let's hope we don't get results from the kind of Coroner that Ontario had for so many years who wrongly labelled so many parents as physical abusers and killers of their children, but at least looked and smelled professional.

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Of course Thai authorities will do everything in their power to cover up anything that would harm the tourist industry...that's the way of Thailand....miracle Thailand!!!

It is being mooted that these two lovely ladies died from food poisoning. If so, will Governments of countries advise tourists to take their own food since local offerings are unreliable? This entire affair cannot be brushed under the table and unless the Canadian government take a strong line to ensure all the facts are placed on the table I hope that they mount a campaign to disencourage Canucks from coming here.

I remember a case some years ago when the weird punk lady pathologist disagreed with the police over the death of somebody and lawsuits were being threatened. I am not in favour of any police force having their own pathology department. Common sense dictates that an independant decides on the cause of death although that might mean nothing inThailand where offers that cannot be refused are common.

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However, I think we must trust the Canadian pathologists to come up with an accurate report and cause of death...

From there, investigations can continue.

are you saying, the canadians have to perform the full autopsy on the disinfected and enbalmed bodies, and then thai authorities will accept and follow up on it?

sounds rather funny, doesnt it?

more likely there just occured two more "unexplained" deaths (on phi phi)... unexplained, because thailand refuses to explain them...

yes, the hotel has certainly something to hide, as its story doesnt add up...

when the maid knocks and nobody opens, she does open the door... thats everywhere the same...

and the maids do have a master key ready all the time... i have never seen anything else throughout asia nor europe...

who knows, if the rooms wasnt "made up" already, before the police arrived on friday?

Maids all over the world are carrying a master key - otherwise they cannot make up the rooms!

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Of course Thai authorities will do everything in their power to cover up anything that would harm the tourist industry...that's the way of Thailand....miracle Thailand!!!

Total rubbish.

Firstly, although of course this is extremely tragic for the girls parents, why is the father making accusations that the Thai authorities are covering up the actual cause of death when the Canadian coroner hasn’t even issued the results as yet?

Surely the time to make such statements is when the autopsy reports are completed.

Also, I have stayed and still do from time to time at many hotels all over Thailand. I can tell you that maids and cleaning staff would rarely disturb guests if they think they are still inside their rooms. This is standard practice and there is nothing unusual about staff not entering hotel rooms if occupied. So nothing suspicious regarding the time delay in finding the girls bodies at all and I would also dispute the 48-hour time body discovery period as described by the father.

Sorry if I sound harsh. I have children of my own and really feel hurt for the parents, but we must deal with actual facts here and not speculations and accusations that so far are completely unfounded.

This is total rubbish.

Why haven't the Thais published the results of their tests?

I have stayed in many hotels in Thailand and every day the maid comes to the room. If the maid heard nothing, then she would enter the room, knocking first. If she heard something, then she would also knock and ask what time she could come back. If she heard people vomiting or smelled vomit, as the reports indicate, why did she not inform management ? Normally maids have a checklist of the rooms they need to clean and they do not go home until all of the rooms have been completed.

Let's have an argument over what may have just been a judgement error by a well paid and highly educated maid who just hasn't heard of all the scrutineers at Thai visa. Be damned sure that she won't make that mistake again.(Please define normal behaviour anywhere here ). cheesy.gifclap2.gif1zgarz5.gif

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All these amateur sleuths on here, that according to them, the case is cut and dry. I’m honestly expecting Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes to make a post at any moment with their analysis.

I wonder how many of you Thailand bashers actually live in Thailand? And if you do, why are you here?

The point is that we simply will not know until the concluding autopsy results are released. At this stage the possibilities for causes of death of these sisters is limitless. For myself, I really have no idea. Only time will tell.

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The reason we get the Sherlocks and the Marples is because few trust the system, nothing to do with WHY DO WE LIVE HERE, so pig off with that.

I would assume that you always wait for the verdict, and then your satisfied ???. Take every case we have come accross over the years and how many can you TRUTHFULLY say, BRILLIANT verdict ???? FEW. I agree with you we do have to wait for the result, but remember posters are posting like this because they anticipate a negative outcome.

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And don't forget everybody. Live is cheap in Thailand. It is not valued and treasured be it a Thai or Farang life. They just don't care. I've been to funerals here where nobody cries except maybe the wife and kids. For everybody else it's tea and crumpets time (or cha and kanom).

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The reason we get the Sherlocks and the Marples is because few trust the system, nothing to do with WHY DO WE LIVE HERE, so pig off with that.

I would assume that you always wait for the verdict, and then your satisfied ???. Take every case we have come accross over the years and how many can you TRUTHFULLY say, BRILLIANT verdict ???? FEW. I agree with you we do have to wait for the result, but remember posters are posting like this because they anticipate a negative outcome.

And they should expect a negative outcome. Food poisoning my arse. If it was that bad, surely these two girls would not have been the only ones who died.

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However, I think we must trust the Canadian pathologists to come up with an accurate report and cause of death...

From there, investigations can continue.

are you saying, the canadians have to perform the full autopsy on the disinfected and enbalmed bodies, and then thai authorities will accept and follow up on it?

sounds rather funny, doesnt it?

more likely there just occured two more "unexplained" deaths (on phi phi)... unexplained, because thailand refuses to explain them...

yes, the hotel has certainly something to hide, as its story doesnt add up...

when the maid knocks and nobody opens, she does open the door... thats everywhere the same...

and the maids do have a master key ready all the time... i have never seen anything else throughout asia nor europe...

who knows, if the rooms wasnt "made up" already, before the police arrived on friday?

Maids all over the world are carrying a master key - otherwise they cannot make up the rooms!

Yes thats right,and here in Thialand to. Did the early report by the hotel say that the 2 young girls booked an extra day to stay at the hotel. If so they would have expected them to check out by 11am.then the maid would clean the room ready for the next guests.I dont understand wht they took so long to enter the room...My sincear Condolases to they family.
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While I concur with many on this website, I do agree that we should await the final outcome of what is now 'The Third autopsy result or is it he fourth' it seems that no matter what one says the incompetence of the {Police and the Forensics here do leave us doubting whether the outcome will ever be released. And any outcome not coming from a Thai source will be pooh poohed by the authoritiesm as in the past.

We have for too long endured supicious deaths of holidaymakers and expats with little or no believable reasons, that really it has to stop.

I sympthise mwith the father and I do feel for him at this time of loss, but I do agree with him 100% another white wash of proof and a desperate race to dumb down the outcome unless the valuable tourist industry is hurt. Well I think they are trying to cap the bottle now that the genie is out and they have spectacularly failed.

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Very sad story to say the least. But no need to panic. Everytime one take taxi or scooter have greater chance to die in a road accident. Drawing is happening a lot more often than poisonning in Thailand.

These 2 nice ladies met the wrong people at the wrong place. It is really bad luck and sad to die like this. Police needs to find what happened and show that they are up to their job.

But no need create a paranoia, last year +20 Millions of tourists visited Thailand, how many got poisonned?

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It will take a long, long time for a Mother and Father to come to terms with such a devastating tragedy, if ever. Unfortunately some members of the Thai Police are inclined to open their mouth before engaging brain. They should have a Department that is responsible for PR Announcement and ban the rest of their staff from making uninformed statements. These uniformed statements are not only are damaging to the Thai Police, because they often lack credibility, but can also cause additional distress to Families. Presumably the Thai Authorities did carry out an autopsy and that report accompanied the deceased Girls to Canada for inclusion in the Canadian Authorities investigations?

This case has been badly handled and one can understand the Father's anger and disbelief. I cannot imagine what it would be like to loose one of my Daughters, let alone both - I would be beside myself with grief. My deepest condolences go to you and RIP lovely Girls.

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However, I think we must trust the Canadian pathologists to come up with an accurate report and cause of death...

From there, investigations can continue.

are you saying, the canadians have to perform the full autopsy on the disinfected and enbalmed bodies, and then thai authorities will accept and follow up on it?

sounds rather funny, doesnt it?

more likely there just occured two more "unexplained" deaths (on phi phi)... unexplained, because thailand refuses to explain them...

yes, the hotel has certainly something to hide, as its story doesnt add up...

when the maid knocks and nobody opens, she does open the door... thats everywhere the same...

and the maids do have a master key ready all the time... i have never seen anything else throughout asia nor europe...

who knows, if the rooms wasnt "made up" already, before the police arrived on friday?

I agree! When I stayed at my hotel the maid knocks on the door to ensure the room is vacant so they may proceed to clean! In this case she knocked and there was no answer. Normally this means the room is vacant and she may enter with her master key and perform her duties. Why did that not happen in this instance! Very strange! Could of made the difference.
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In 1 year or over the years ??? 1 is too many, on holiday you should have no one poisoned. Not all the 20 mill tourists that visit are tourists, and the rest that are, keep you fingers crossed, It's a fabulous place, with fantastic areas to see, BUT--BUT

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Every time a tragedy like this happens the Thai authorities fail to rise to the occasion.

Visitors to Thailand should be made more aware at home of the obstacles and problems that arise if anything goes wrong whilst they are visiting this country.

Very, very sad for the parents to lose their loved ones. FYI the Canadian government travel advisory URL for Thailand is:


I notice the girl's father said he was concerned that the girls were travelling to Thailand at all. It would appear that it's reputation abroad maybe isn't all spas and smiles although reading that travel advisory one can understand why.

Edited by bigbamboo
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it was so odd, when user nisa some days ago stated here on tv, that she had seen pictures of the room (possibly on thai tv), with the forensic guys walking around and with the girls lying on their beds, each on their own bed, and that there was no vomit, nor stains to see on the bed sheets... nor in the room at all... not even on the girls clothes - they appeared to be dressed properly (t-shirt and short pants)...

the first reports clearly said, there was vomit and feces everywhere in the room and on them...

even considering, that newspapers might make up some things, but this way - really?

could look like a heart attack, true...

Edited by dingdang
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Of course Thai authorities will do everything in their power to cover up anything that would harm the tourist industry...that's the way of Thailand....miracle Thailand!!!

Total rubbish.

Firstly, although of course this is extremely tragic for the girls parents, why is the father making accusations that the Thai authorities are covering up the actual cause of death when the Canadian coroner hasn’t even issued the results as yet?

Surely the time to make such statements is when the autopsy reports are completed.

Also, I have stayed and still do from time to time at many hotels all over Thailand. I can tell you that maids and cleaning staff would rarely disturb guests if they think they are still inside their rooms. This is standard practice and there is nothing unusual about staff not entering hotel rooms if occupied. So nothing suspicious regarding the time delay in finding the girls bodies at all and I would also dispute the 48-hour time body discovery period as described by the father.

Sorry if I sound harsh. I have children of my own and really feel hurt for the parents, but we must deal with actual facts here and not speculations and accusations that so far are completely unfounded.

I have to disagree with your assumption as I stay in many hotels and guesthouses in Thailand. Many times I would be sleeping late because of a late nite out on the town! Every instance around 11:00 AM the maid would knock to clean the room. If I was coherent enough I would yell back "come back later". If I was in a heavy sleep they would always open the door and then realize I was still in bed. When no answer they always assume you have already left the room. This happens 100% of the time.
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All these amateur sleuths on here, that according to them, the case is cut and dry. I’m honestly expecting Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes to make a post at any moment with their analysis.

I wonder how many of you Thailand bashers actually live in Thailand? And if you do, why are you here?

The point is that we simply will not know until the concluding autopsy results are released. At this stage the possibilities for causes of death of these sisters is limitless. For myself, I really have no idea. Only time will tell.

I live here.....And over the years have seen countless stories like this , with a cover up and move on the standard practice by the government.... I do find it interesting that the father , who I assume has access to a lot more information than the posters here have, has come to the conclusion as a lot of the posters here including myself. That the " official" preliminary implication of what happened, and what really happened are definitely at odds. ( polite version).

I can only imagine the hand wringing by the Thai government as they await the results of the Canadian autopsy, and think how to spin a bad result. The embalming of the body was a bit strange. I would have thought they Thai government would have taken some tissue samples for their own investigation, keep the body refrigerated, and then send it on to Canada... Will an embalming affect the toxicology tests done in Canada?

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