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Thailand To Burn Illicit Drugs Worth Bt6.9 Billion


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Whats that got to do with anything, 99% of the planet does or would if they can/could, but we all go to work the next day. smile.png

it's got plenty to do with the kind of nonsense that poster is jabbering on about.

fyi people who do coke, smoke weed, or take ecstasy go to work the next day too.

though only the bravest would go to work the next day after taking ecstasy tongue.png

Edited by nurofiend
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They should taint the drugs with some really nasty shit that causes death, and then release it into the general population with massive warnings everywhere about what they have done. Therefore, anyone buying drugs will never quite know for sure if their next childish little kick will be their last. In fact, they would actually have to do it, just say so. Wonder how quickly drug taking would decline then especially from all the weekend warrior coke sniffers.

What a childish idea... ermm.gif

Why? Lower the demand, supply will dwindle. Simple economics and not childish at all. Unless it is OK for thousands of lives to be ruined so a bunch of brainless nerks can get off their tits of a weekend.

do you drink alcohol?

About a month ago Thailand declared alcohol to be a drug.

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Whats that got to do with anything, 99% of the planet does or would if they can/could, but we all go to work the next day. smile.png

it's got plenty to do with the kind of nonsense that poster is jabbering on about.

fyi people who do coke, smoke weed, or take ecstasy go to work the next day too.

Not where l come from, if they can help it. sad.png
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Sometimes - but the argument smack heads and dope fiends use to justify their drug taking along alcohol, caffeine, tobacco route holds as much as much water as Yinglucks flood prevention schemes. It is fatally flawed when you are using it against someone who thinks that you should be able to anything to yourself you so chose to on the basis that it does not harm anyone else. Couldn't care less if you want to get smashed out of your skulls on crack, coke, dope, slippy-flippy's, jelly stingers, trick sticks, bing bangs or flying willards same as if I want to drink 14 bottles of gin thats nobodies business butmy own. However, my bottle of gin has not left a trail of death and destruction just for it to be in my hands where as the drugs that people are soooooo willing to support, do.


well pipe down about brainless nerks getting off their tits of a weekend then.

thank you.

"However, my bottle of gin has not left a trail of death and destruction just for it to be in my hands where as the drugs that people are soooooo willing to support, do. "


Oh no! The argument dreamed up by pot heads that they the world over cling to so dearly, shot out of the water before you could even bring it to the table! Oh no; disaster. How will you sleep tonight lol

I actually believe all drugs should be legal even though I detest them. If people want to take them; fine. Do so. But, if you want to use the argument you were about to launch (before I shattered it like a cheap JJ lava lamp meaning you have to resort to childishness) then drug takers should wait until it is legal the world over prior to taking them.


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About a month ago Thailand declared alcohol to be a drug.

and so it should be, anything that can alter your consciousness, personality and brain functioning as strongly as alcohol does, in my eyes falls under what constitutes a recreational drug.

but people do put forward a good argument wink.png :

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About a month ago Thailand declared alcohol to be a drug.

and so it should be, anything that can alter your consciousness, personality and brain functioning as strongly as alcohol does, in my eyes falls under what constitutes a recreational drug.

but people do put forward a good argument wink.png :

The sad part is some of them believe it.

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They should taint the drugs with some really nasty shit that causes death, and then release it into the general population with massive warnings everywhere about what they have done. Therefore, anyone buying drugs will never quite know for sure if their next childish little kick will be their last. In fact, they would actually have to do it, just say so. Wonder how quickly drug taking would decline then especially from all the weekend warrior coke sniffers.

What a childish idea... ermm.gif

Why? Lower the demand, supply will dwindle. Simple economics and not childish at all. Unless it is OK for thousands of lives to be ruined so a bunch of brainless nerks can get off their tits of a weekend.

You really are a case. (clueless) lower the supply and the price will go up. But to lower the supply they are going to have to burn a heck of a lot more than that..

If they do manage to lower the supply the demand will still be there hence more crime to pay the higher prices. And the suppliers will just start to increase their output.

Don't know if you have been following the current war on drugs but it would seem all they ever do is catch low level dealers and people caring the drugs from one area to another one. They never seem to get a big supplier. Or factory making the stuff. Just enough to make people who don't know what is going on happy.

Maybe if they would put some real effort into rehabilitation the demand would go down. But then no big headlines to impress people with so that is a hands off proposition.

Heh Mr - you know what those two things are that sit slightly above your nose, on either side? They are called eyes. You can use them to read if you so chose. I said nothing about limiting supply. I said use the threat of instant death by taking drugs to reduce demand. Suppose, for example, you decided tonight to buy some coke. You also knew that the government had entered into the marketplace batches of drugs laced with paraquat (it's a hard core insecticide that basically even if if touches your skin will kill you, nastily, with no way of stopping it; the Americans made, the Chinese still use it FYI) and there was a chance the stuff you would buy was the "special one"; after all, do you really believe a dealer when they say "this is great stuff";or "i Promise, no death from this stuff"? Ummm you might just think twice.

So, Mr economics, reduce demand what happens? price reduces, supply shrinks eventually. No government has the balls to do it though... unless.... maybe some Thai copper has bought an insecticide manufacturing plant....

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Sometimes - but the argument smack heads and dope fiends use to justify their drug taking along alcohol, caffeine, tobacco route holds as much as much water as Yinglucks flood prevention schemes. It is fatally flawed when you are using it against someone who thinks that you should be able to anything to yourself you so chose to on the basis that it does not harm anyone else. Couldn't care less if you want to get smashed out of your skulls on crack, coke, dope, slippy-flippy's, jelly stingers, trick sticks, bing bangs or flying willards same as if I want to drink 14 bottles of gin thats nobodies business butmy own. However, my bottle of gin has not left a trail of death and destruction just for it to be in my hands where as the drugs that people are soooooo willing to support, do.


well pipe down about brainless nerks getting off their tits of a weekend then.

thank you.

"However, my bottle of gin has not left a trail of death and destruction just for it to be in my hands where as the drugs that people are soooooo willing to support, do. "


Oh no! The argument dreamed up by pot heads that they the world over cling to so dearly, shot out of the water before you could even bring it to the table! Oh no; disaster. How will you sleep tonight lol

I actually believe all drugs should be legal even though I detest them. If people want to take them; fine. Do so. But, if you want to use the argument you were about to launch (before I shattered it like a cheap JJ lava lamp meaning you have to resort to childishness) then drug takers should wait until it is legal the world over prior to taking them.



boom... laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

i have no idea what argument you think you've just won, but just stick with it... as long as your happy, eh

you should give yourself a nice pat on the back for your imaginary victory.

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About a month ago Thailand declared alcohol to be a drug.

and so it should be, anything that can alter your consciousness, personality and brain functioning as strongly as alcohol does, in my eyes falls under what constitutes a recreational drug.

but people do put forward a good argument wink.png :

The sad part is some of them believe it.

LOL got to laugh - you both are still trying to put out the same counter argument. Tragic.

Read it again - take your drugs. I don't care. I like a drink. So what? If the same amount of people in the world took drugs as drunk alcohol do you think that maybe the drinking v drugs stats might even out a tad? Also, how about the people destroyed in other countries to get your drugs that sure, you don't see in the hospital, but exist - are they not important in your world? Are they less important because they died, maimed, orphaned, imprisoned in a just cause; for you to get your jollies?

You are welcome to sit on your moral high horse (if you can maintain balance) the moment that the drug trade is legal. Until then. trot on cowboys.

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boom... laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

i have no idea what argument you think you've just won, but just stick with it... as long as your happy, eh

you should give yourself a nice pat on the back for your imaginary victory.

Like it? lol I'm not actually taking this seriously at all. ove jousting with dope heads though. So funny the moralistic high horses they take over pursuing an activity that enslaves and kills hundreds of thousands of people world wide in aid of a buzz.

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What is a DRUG ??? Alcohol. Tobacco. Glue. purple Meth/spirit. Snuf. Who defines what is hard and soft. Babies are born with them in their bodies from mum. Hyphocondriacs are a sort of druggie, some well known drugs are used to relieve medical conditions. it is not so much the ones that do partake is so called soft drugs now and again, it's the addicts who inject and the like that need to be helped off them. If there wasn't any there would be no addicts, no alcohol no alcoholics. But we all know not everyone is in control of what they do, There is the problem, it's those that need help. I know many boys and girls in the bars that are on them the reason then they can do what is required for money. without them many couldn't do the job.... this will get some reaction, jump in I've done.

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boom... laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

i have no idea what argument you think you've just won, but just stick with it... as long as your happy, eh

you should give yourself a nice pat on the back for your imaginary victory.

Like it? lol I'm not actually taking this seriously at all. ove jousting with dope heads though. So funny the moralistic high horses they take over pursuing an activity that enslaves and kills hundreds of thousands of people world wide in aid of a buzz.

'like it'... what?

i don't smoke dope mate

and don't worry, i'm not taking you seriously at all.

i'm not usually one to shy away from an argument, but sometimes you really have to decide is it worth the time...

decision : no

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Two things:

1. Does the dealer have both of his/her hands visible? What I mean to ask is, can you see if his or her fingers are crossed?

2. It's one thing to call someone coke head, pot head or junkie, but when you start throwing the word 'Mr.' around...I'm real close to pressing the report button.

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They should taint the drugs with some really nasty shit that causes death, and then release it into the general population with massive warnings everywhere about what they have done. Therefore, anyone buying drugs will never quite know for sure if their next childish little kick will be their last. In fact, they would actually have to do it, just say so. Wonder how quickly drug taking would decline then especially from all the weekend warrior coke sniffers.

Really. Where you by chance in Phi Phi a couple of weeks ago?

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What is a DRUG ??? Alcohol. Tobacco. Glue. purple Meth/spirit. Snuf. Who defines what is hard and soft. Babies are born with them in their bodies from mum. Hyphocondriacs are a sort of druggie, some well known drugs are used to relieve medical conditions. it is not so much the ones that do partake is so called soft drugs now and again, it's the addicts who inject and the like that need to be helped off them. If there wasn't any there would be no addicts, no alcohol no alcoholics. But we all know not everyone is in control of what they do, There is the problem, it's those that need help. I know many boys and girls in the bars that are on them the reason then they can do what is required for money. without them many couldn't do the job.... this will get some reaction, jump in I've done.

lol. Yeah ok.

So me and a smack head are sitting having a pint together. Smack head gets out a bag of flying willards, jelly stingers of just vanilla coke and starts saying "woooahh man, don't blow your cool over dope mannnn. Beer is a drugs dude, smokes, caffeine; what mannnn your gonna ban glue or something? Way not cool dude, your killing my buzz mannnn" or some such gobbledegook from a cheach and chong movie. To which my response is that or my pint or beer, cup of coffee, bottle of glue, bottle of meths to actually get into my hands, it has not caused the lives of thousands of people to be crushed and destroyed. This is the difference. If a hooker needs drugs to do her job (besides the argument that a fair amount of hookers the world over do the job to pay for their drugs), it a sad tale really, but she would get out of the bar quicker with out spending all her cash on smack and Yaba. She'd also be more likely to find the big ticket life-long time trick with a punter if she's not a smack head.

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They should taint the drugs with some really nasty shit that causes death, and then release it into the general population with massive warnings everywhere about what they have done. Therefore, anyone buying drugs will never quite know for sure if their next childish little kick will be their last. In fact, they would actually have to do it, just say so. Wonder how quickly drug taking would decline then especially from all the weekend warrior coke sniffers.

What a childish idea... ermm.gif

Why? Lower the demand, supply will dwindle. Simple economics and not childish at all. Unless it is OK for thousands of lives to be ruined so a bunch of brainless nerks can get off their tits of a weekend.

Because it is utterly detached from the reality of drug addiction. Economics is incapable of dealing with this problem.

Edited by Morakot
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Ferangled - the Autopsy in Canada found no evidence of narcotics. Stop dragging that dreadful event into this discussion. It is very unfair to them, and their family. You are assuming they were druggies and yet the evidence shows they were not. Very unfair of you to continue along that line and you should feel ashamed.

"has severe mental issues and a child like brain " - umm no. But if that concept helps you feel better about yourself why you justify the drug trade, carry on.

"Alcohol is the big killer"

- did I ever say otherwise? At what point do I say booze is great? Read what I wrote without your sanctimonious spectacles on.

"I've just read your clumsy analogy with prostitution, what a crock of <deleted>."

I said "If a hooker needs drugs to do her job (besides the argument that a fair amount of hookers the world over do the job to pay for their drugs), it a sad tale really, but she would get out of the bar quicker with out spending all her cash on smack and Yaba. She'd also be more likely to find the big ticket life-long time trick with a punter if she's not a smack head. "

In response to,,.," I know many boys and girls in the bars that are on them the reason then they can do what is required for money. without them many couldn't do the job"

I do wish that trolls like you read a full thread before steaming in, sitting on your keyboard turret, throwing abuse at people. Recreational drugs. You have a choice. Just say no!

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Because it is utterly detached from the reality of drug addiction. Economic is incapable of dealing with this problem.

I agree 100% . But you will notice that I make a clear distinction between the drug addict who IMHO needs treatment as its a disease, and the party goer throwing coke up their nose, or passing a joint around - the non addicted, recreational drug user. I can not believe that every serious drug addict did not actually start up as a social drug user; do people really wake up one day and think "Right, today I am going to become a crack addict". Not sure they do.

People with serious addictions should have their hits prescribed to them by doctors. There is a homeless hostel in the UK somewhere for alcoholics that gives the people that stay there free unlimited booze. They find that once they sort out the housing and security for them by giving them a place to stay and removing the stress of having to find the drink each day, a lot of the piss heads started drinking significantly less to the point of being T-Total.

The world cops will never be able to limit supply. Ever. They do not have the appetite for the fight, and frankly as long as the demand increases, the suppliers will find a way. My solution is simple economics. If they cant impact the supply chain, they lower the demand :) The irony is of course, the dealers that junkies and dope heads by their weekend fix from are cutting their skag with all sorts from crushed glass, horse trancs, you name it; they are doing what I suggest already and yet you all still support them... and buy their product...

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Because it is utterly detached from the reality of drug addiction. Economic is incapable of dealing with this problem.

I agree 100% . But you will notice that I make a clear distinction between the drug addict who IMHO needs treatment as its a disease, and the party goer throwing coke up their nose, or passing a joint around - the non addicted, recreational drug user. I can not believe that every serious drug addict did not actually start up as a social drug user; do people really wake up one day and think "Right, today I am going to become a crack addict". Not sure they do.

People with serious addictions should have their hits prescribed to them by doctors. There is a homeless hostel in the UK somewhere for alcoholics that gives the people that stay there free unlimited booze. They find that once they sort out the housing and security for them by giving them a place to stay and removing the stress of having to find the drink each day, a lot of the piss heads started drinking significantly less to the point of being T-Total.

The world cops will never be able to limit supply. Ever. They do not have the appetite for the fight, and frankly as long as the demand increases, the suppliers will find a way. My solution is simple economics. If they cant impact the supply chain, they lower the demand smile.png The irony is of course, the dealers that junkies and dope heads by their weekend fix from are cutting their skag with all sorts from crushed glass, horse trancs, you name it; they are doing what I suggest already and yet you all still support them... and buy their product...

Clever argument! Only one problem: You have raised economics to the yardstick of everything, above and beyond any other criteria of human life. Indeed simple!

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Because it is utterly detached from the reality of drug addiction. Economic is incapable of dealing with this problem.
I agree 100% . But you will notice that I make a clear distinction between the drug addict who IMHO needs treatment as its a disease, and the party goer throwing coke up their nose, or passing a joint around - the non addicted, recreational drug user. I can not believe that every serious drug addict did not actually start up as a social drug user; do people really wake up one day and think "Right, today I am going to become a crack addict". Not sure they do. People with serious addictions should have their hits prescribed to them by doctors. There is a homeless hostel in the UK somewhere for alcoholics that gives the people that stay there free unlimited booze. They find that once they sort out the housing and security for them by giving them a place to stay and removing the stress of having to find the drink each day, a lot of the piss heads started drinking significantly less to the point of being T-Total. The world cops will never be able to limit supply. Ever. They do not have the appetite for the fight, and frankly as long as the demand increases, the suppliers will find a way. My solution is simple economics. If they cant impact the supply chain, they lower the demand :) The irony is of course, the dealers that junkies and dope heads by their weekend fix from are cutting their skag with all sorts from crushed glass, horse trancs, you name it; they are doing what I suggest already and yet you all still support them... and buy their product...

As stated from another poster your blatant back peddling from your original post of mass poisoning of drug users has not been repeated in any of your post arguments and why is that? You wrote it and posted it and now you are obviously not standing behind your original post. Who is the troll here?

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