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Party From Hell


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Round here they have parties, sometimes for dead people, sometimes for weddings etc. Some parties go for 3 days without stop, the village sound system [ which would make a heavy metal band jealous gets set up ] and a lap top with endless Issan folk music starts, with the mandatory karaoke mic plugged in for the drunks. Most of the time they are a reasonable distance away, but not today.

We live in a border village, not 2 meters between houses and huts. Today, next doors son is off to be a monk, not sure if for a month or for ever, but the Lao Kow started at 6 am, speakers arrived in the afternoon, Builders extending our house knocked the wall down between us and them yesterday. I can see as I type the 5 or 6 meters to where the party is going on under the stilt house.

Went over with some Meat loaf, did the stupid farang thing and sang a few songs, drank my must have few shots of Lao Kow and 2 bottles of Leo, wife gave the envelope. Lights have been strung in the street, it's going to be a long one and I'm thinking I should have bought a bottle of 100 pipers today. Jim

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Am on my no 7 bottle of beer and several shots of lao kow and about to step through what used th be my lounge room and have more lao kow. This is day one 2 to go, were are the salvos and there de tocic center when you need one, Can't see the key so by for now, Jim

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Am on my no 7 bottle of beer and several shots of lao kow and about to step through what used th be my lounge room and have more lao kow. This is day one 2 to go, were are the salvos and there de tocic center when you need one, Can't see the key so by for now, Jim

I'm waiting for tomorrows chapter 2. I guess it won't come too early............? laugh.png

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The gods were kind and sent a big rain at around 2 am, which took out the power and silence reined. Powers back about an hour ago. Lao Kow is flowing again and the sound man is setting up for night 2.

I feel rather rough, the taste of Lao Kow seems to linger the next day, so will get on my bike and go to town for a bottle of 100 pipers and do it all again, minus the rice whiskey. Jim

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hi all whats worest is when you enjoy and take part in the party but your the only one with a car you go to bed at 4am and they wake you up at5am to go buy more lips & <deleted> that sucks it happens to me all the time plus dont forget your wallet regards russell

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What better way to celebrate a family member being ordained as a buddhist monk then get out of your heads on alcohol. rolleyes.gif

When offered some of their sewer-whiskey you should have refused, saying that you're a buddhist, so no thanks.

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Love the party's been to a few was at one last monday here they had a mor lum concert too, even though it was raining did not dampen the spirits, and the local thai boys even managed to have there custom fight to entertain me, my tilac says time to go now,i say why the funs just startedlaugh.png

Also the mobile movie screen they set up for the dear departed is fun, had one next to my previous tilacs home of which i could not sleep, so i grab a few LEO and sat on the wall and watched a few was only a couple of asleep thais and me, in the morning ask tilac why no one watched, she say for dead peoplebiggrin.png i had this image of me on the wall with my LEO's surrounded by ghostsw00t.gif

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Think the party is over, thunder storms, power on and off and I think the old man has run out of booze. I for one will not be sad as I have had a skin full and when the battery on the lap top has gone, bed even without the fan will look good. Jim

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You'll need to indulge in the spiciest possible food they have next morning. It won't actually help, but it'll have you craving for more lau khau which is the only cure for the hellish hangover that the aforementioned paint thinner causes. Remember to bid farewell to your liver first.

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In our village, they will have a party just to celebrate waking up in the morning. I have now stopped going on my early morning walk ( about 6-30am) because evry house you pass invites you in for food and DRINK. But I have to say after being here for 9 years, I just could not imagine living back in England. I can honestly say that back home I lived in the same house for many years, and yet I probably only spoke to my neighbours on either side of me a couple of times. It seems they were always young wannabe millionaire couples, no kids or social skills, and not wanting to talk to older people like me. But here in the village everybody says hello all the time, and I absolutely love it, nobody judges you, and because I have been here for a long time, there is none of the usual "Farang much money" they all know I am not a millionaire, sure I always end up buying more beers when I go to the local shop than the thais who are there, but that is a small price to pay for the happiness I get from being here. And back on topic, I am sure that James really loves the parties, if not the loud music ha ha.

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Hi all i have been to all the types of partys in los about 4 years ago we put a monk party for my nethew at my wifes request for good luck as we have 3 girls(think of all that sinsod billions) the party went for 4 days family from every corner of thailand 13teen pigs 12 monks 80 box chang 30 box laokao 70 box soft drink 3 nights dancing girls and karaoke no sleep had to buy 30 hamicks for people to sleep at the end 15000 AUSdollars i told the wife 1st and last time that was 2 partys ago it feels good to rock the village and the village feels good to get the falang up to sing and dance thai style its agood way to fit into the village no one forgets the party chears russell

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Hi all i have been to all the types of partys in los about 4 years ago we put a monk party for my nethew at my wifes request for good luck as we have 3 girls(think of all that sinsod billions) the party went for 4 days family from every corner of thailand 13teen pigs 12 monks 80 box chang 30 box laokao 70 box soft drink 3 nights dancing girls and karaoke no sleep had to buy 30 hamicks for people to sleep at the end 15000 AUSdollars i told the wife 1st and last time that was 2 partys ago it feels good to rock the village and the village feels good to get the falang up to sing and dance thai style its agood way to fit into the village no one forgets the party chears russell

Next time you have one invite me 15 grand you must be a rich man and had made big karma. I'll bring my own hamock. Jim
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