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Love Triangles...impossible Situation?

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Middle and Upper class* in Thailand invented the Mia Noi.....1, 2 or more! I know a very rich upper-elite 'gentleman' who has(had) 6......... :D Number 1, 2 and 3 know he has or had the others; the rest don't know about the others. Few months ago he met Nr. 7, a beautifull Thai airline stewardess.

He's an unbelievable relaxed guy, also very nice, and plays golf almost 4, 5 times/week; really don't know where he finds the time to run after all of them. :o

* Us Farangs will never understand the 'way-of-living' of these classes in the East; we always judge the people of the East by our own Western standards...Yeah, yeah, but don't forget the culture in the East; countries like Thailand and China have a culture that dates back a few thousand years, when us-Farang people were still fighting over a bone or two...


Good company you're keeping. He's probably setting good examples for all the kids around him :D .

Thank you. He has no kids. But I like your avatar as a good example for kids :D Very stylish indeed :D


Edited by LaoPo
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Then one could explore the roots/philosophy in sacred practices like Tantric and Taoist sexual alchemy, which advise for polygamous sexual behavior to achieve transcendental existences.

I'm sure some members would be more interested. Please explain more :D Do you know people, 'practising this bahavior'? Me no :o


Well, can't say I know anyone personally who is practicing such lifestyles for the sake of Taoism and/or Tantra...but anyway, lots of philosophy there available


If you scroll down to the part about the quest of immortality, it starts talking about inner alchemy..I think the fourth technique is regarding sexual training, and they go on to talk about how multible partners are recommended...but for the sake of almost juicing the opposite sex energies (yin yang) which kind of breaks the balance idea...not exactly a scholar...

anyhow, cheers everyone for your honest moral responses...I'll relay such oppinions to me friend

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..., it starts talking about inner alchemy..I think the fourth technique is regarding sexual training, and they go on to talk about how multible partners are recommended...but for the sake of almost juicing the opposite sex energies (yin yang) which kind of breaks the balance idea...

Your "friends" situation is a bit different though. :D He got one woman pregnant and is 'playing around' with another one, while trying hard to conceal this from the first.That's not so much about "inner alchemy", but about being a pirck... :o

It does sound rather immature and foolish to create a situation which WILL inflict pain on oneself and others.

Assuming this "friend" is not some inexperienced college student who doesn't have his head screwed on, this sort of thing is 'classic' material for psychotherapy.

Stop making excuses and digging in concepts for which you lack the basic tools of understanding, get yourself sorted out pronto, kiddo! :D

Edited by blabbel
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Ask your friend to put himself in his mia's shoes, then question from that perspective. Would he be then inclined to say, "Sure, honey, if you want to play the field, even abandon me and your child, that's O.K.?" I highly doubt it.

People tend to reach for any plausible reason for which to justify their actions. To make it O.K. in their own minds.

I wouldn't say polygamy is inherently bad. But it's a concept that is generally not accepted nor appreciated in most societies, even eastern societies among the women. My Thai wife would more than likely cut my balls off. And she didn't come away with a gentle attitude towards the former mate that left her stranded with a newbord child whilst advancing his own personal intentions by strolling off with another women that had money. Do you call that love? Love of oneself, to be certain.

You did not respond at all to what I had written earlier about, that people have the potential to love many people simultaneously. You either allow yourself to or not. That decision is made dependent on your personal intentions. And if your personal intention is to get your dick wet regardless of any prior commitments made to others then concepts of polygamy or other esoteric religious concepts don't quite apply towards your personal justifications. You're reaching for excuses to exonerate yourself of quite natural guilt.

I perceive your questioning as amounting to little more than how can I make something that's "wrong" appear "right." Live and learn - the hard way. IMHO the guy's a prick who can't control his emotions with the head that sits on his shoulders.

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after reading some of the reply's, it ceases to amaze me that a lot of people are so brainwashed by society, and that they believe it too as being correct, they all are like sheep in a flock :D

so here we are chastining a young guy, who happens to have a different outlook on life and wants to experience it, so good luck to him, it all will sort itself out :D

who cares what another does, if they wanna dope, smoke or shag themselves to death, let them be, so what mind your own business :D

the bars are full of 1,000's single mothers, supporting there kids, after been dumped by their thai lads and they dont seem to be so upset about it :D

i choose to say single, with the purpose of netting as many innocent young girls as possible, as they say, when in rome, do as the romans do :o

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Well I agree that everybody should mind there own bussiness...

But I am afraid that the OP ask for our opinion, past experiences...so how can i mind my own bussiness when someone asked about what i think...? :o

Maybe i have a brain whashed by society...however if you asked me what i think i will tell you (I already did BTW) look tell your pregnant wife that you feel like sleeping with other women or look I fall in love with someone else...

When you want to have everything...your wife, your lover. you gf, without being honest to them IMHO is just being cheeky and selfish...

Brain washed maybe but i don´t care...

You say he maybe want to experiences different thinks...that´s ok BUT TELL YOUR WIFE THAT SHE WILL BE ONE OF THE 1000´S SINGLE MOTHER!!!!

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this thread was moved and didn't i didn't realize it so forgive the delayed response...

Tippaporn...you make some valid points...but than you write them all off with the charging my friend as a prick...Why is he a prick?..because he is practicing polygamy? Because he dares to do what 95 % of straight men fantasize to do (perhaps you as well) but aren't daring enough to try??

Glauka...my friend did end up taking your approach...well was kind of forced to do so as the suspicions of mia#1 got so bad, that she busted his balls...long storey short, read an SMS message that he forgot to erase from his mobile.

And so my friend's selfish actions put her in a bad situation. There was no point/benefit to continue lying as the hole he put himself in was already so deep. So he decided to take the open approach. She is pregnant and thus emotional. And she did blow off the end to face the truth. It's not easy for any girl, pregnant or not, to accept. While everyone is safe now, aside from a few bite marks and scratches on his arms, the initial ice breaking is over...And now the mystery...will mia#1 gradually accept his decision, or will the kid be born with a dickless father??

Apparently, what hurts her the most is not that he's getting his dick wet with some other broad, but the fact that he has fallen (and admitted to #1) for #2. She's afraid that he will leave mia#1 for mia#2, but as you all seemed to accurately charge my friend as a selfish guy with his own benefit in mind, he doesn't plan to leave anybody for anybody. Why must one stress choosing between cake and ice cream when you can have both :o

Perhaps, both the girls will learn to respect themselves and drop him (pitty the child) but is that exactly the best outcome? Either way, the kid will grow up without a mother or father...the guy will likely continue in his cycle, both girls are bound to repeat finding a sweet guy on the surface devoted to a mongamous relationship from start, but sneaking around in the long run. Or perhaps, the girls will start the same cycle never healing from such an experience...

The way I see it now, is perhaps this polygamous three-way relationship is the best solution now. Can't change what happened, only control what will come. But then, who's to say it will end with these three. The girls won't necesarrily feel obligated to loyalty in such a situation...and perhaps my selfish friend will want more...who knows? But either way...a child with more people to love him/her sounds good.

So how about my ideals? Quite absurd right? :D

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If you want my honest opinion - your friend needs to learn about responsibility to other human beings. Ask him if he would accept his first wife having a fling on the side? How many men, Thai or otherwise, are cool with their wife doing what many of themselves are?

Double standard. There is no moral base for such behaviour, only half-arsed excuses. It's not about being brave, it's about not being able to resist your urge to procreate, and about not standing by the commitments you have already made, to a first wife and an unborn child who wants and deserves a safe environment to grow up in.

Don't get me wrong - we are all tempted. What separates good from bad is our ability and efforts to be true to ourselves and the people we have made a commitment to.

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