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What Uk Bank Offers Internet Banking?


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NatWest and Barclay apparently do not offer internet banking.

Seeing that there are a lot of Brits on Thaivisa forums I would be grateful to hear from them what UK bank they use for internet banking, for example for transfers to Thailand. The name of the bank will suffice but if you happen to have the URL of its home page ready it will be appreciated.



P.S. I meant to post this in General Topics but clicked in the wrong place.

Edited by maestro
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NatWest and Barclay apparently do not offer internet banking.

Seeing that there are a lot of Brits on Thaivisa forums I would be grateful to hear from them what UK bank they use for internet banking, for example for transfers to Thailand. The name of the bank will suffice but if you happen to have the URL of its home page ready it will be appreciated.



P.S. I meant to post this in General Topics but clicked in the wrong place.


I have been using Barclays internet banking since the first day it started about 5 years ago: https://ibank.barclays.co.uk/

The best one to use is www.cahoot.com. if you deposit more that 15K GBP in their savings account the interest rate is a stonking 5.25%. Interest is paid monthly and access is instant...by far the best account of its kind. Cahoot are an internet only bank. they have no branches.

With Cahoot you will have to telephone them to arrange international transfers via the SWIFT or CHAPS method (25 GBP per transaction), they are very efficient at doing this and the call centre is 24hrs.

To the best of my knowledge is it not possible to initial international transfers via the internet banking service of ANY UK based bank yet. Perhaps somebody can correct me on that?

For internet banking transfers OUT of Thailand use SCB easynet service...they charge a whopping 300 baht per transaction though! :o

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Some friends who bought a bar in C.Rai a few years ago used to use the Bangkok Bank branch in the City (London)to transfer their dosh and from memory they would be charged on a sliding scale of @ £15 for a 5 day t/f and £25 for 24 hours.(£5k a time)

Now any bank will do it for roughly the same fee via SWIFT or CHAPS....

As said I dont think any allow internet transfer (from UK) as suggested but we as said before mostly use the N/W for transfers and withdrawals ....and all for FREE. :D

They also pay something like 4.75% interest but you only need a min of £1 invested and can withdraw immediately.

Wife niece has an ATM card and when we need to transfer they simply withdraw on "other side " and again ...NO FEES/Charges................best word in Banking is FREE.....cant understand why people want to chuck thir dosh away on RIP OFF charges....Mai Co Jai.

(last quarter Brit banks made a PROFIT of over £20 Billion quid..... :o )

We also have a B.B internet A/c but only use for paying local bills TOT-Elect ....etc.(no transfer facility...yet)

Another way that has been discussed is if you are in country to visit your local friendly bank manager and have them do an on the spot ATM withdrawal and deposit straight into your local a/c thus qualifing for overseas transfered funds receipt..... :D

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To the best of my knowledge is it not possible to initial international transfers via the internet banking service of ANY UK based bank yet. Perhaps somebody can correct me on that?

I was afraid that might be the case.

Browsing some more I found that all so-called UK Internet banks allow transfers only to

-- transfer money between one’s own accounts

-- remit money to selected creditors (water and gas boards, telephone company, credit card company, etc.) that are on the bank’s list

Underdeveloped country?



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As said I dont think any allow internet transfer (from UK) as suggested but we as said before mostly use the N/W for transfers and withdrawals ....and all for FREE. :o

They also pay something like 4.75% interest but you only need a min of £1 invested and can withdraw immediately.

With N/W do you mean NatWest, previously know as National Westminster?

The last I heard, today, is that for a remittance to Thailand one has to go the bank, fill out a form, and the fee is GBP 18.00 (amount to be remitted is GBP 2,000). With online banking impossible for this type of transaction, I was hoping to find a bank that does it for a lower fee.



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Sort of could take offence at the maligning of the UK banking system.

The main UK banks have had internet sites since - well I've been using internet banking for at least 10 years.

All UK banks offer internet banking and I'd be prepared to bet all allow any type of transfer, bill payment, etc. within financial limits, say max transfer of £50,000.

No UK bank allow international transfers using only the Internet, all insist on either written instructions or telephone contact. For example using Cahoot (meantioned before) you have to phone with your instructions (takes under 2 minutes) and they phone you back on your registered number to check the transfer is genuine. Any bank that did not do checks like that risk being taken to the cleaners as they have (so far) always paid for any internet fraud.

BUT for non-UK residents it can be quite difficult to open a UK bank account unless you go via their head office and deal by mail or person.

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As said I dont think any allow internet transfer (from UK) as suggested but we as said before mostly use the N/W for transfers and withdrawals ....and all for FREE. :D

They also pay something like 4.75% interest but you only need a min of £1 invested and can withdraw immediately.

With N/W do you mean NatWest, previously know as National Westminster?



Nationwide :o

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18 GBP expensive?????

Maybe you are suffering form an underdeveloped bank balance? :o:D

Spoilt by another country’s bank, where the fee is the equivalent of GBP 2.70 for a remittance of any amount to Thailand or any other country.



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Sort of could take offence at the maligning of the UK banking system.

My sincere apologies.

The main UK banks have had internet sites since - well I've been using internet banking for at least 10 years.

All UK banks offer internet banking and I'd be prepared to bet all allow any type of transfer, bill payment, etc. within financial limits, say max transfer of £50,000.

No UK bank allow international transfers using only the Internet, all insist on either written instructions or telephone contact. For example using Cahoot (meantioned before) you have to phone with your instructions (takes under 2 minutes) and they phone you back on your registered number to check the transfer is genuine. Any bank that did not do checks like that risk being taken to the cleaners as they have (so far) always paid for any internet fraud.

I can live with that phone confirmation (although banks on the Continent, having other safety features for internet banking, do not require it)

I am not quite sure if you and I are talking about the same thing, i.e. an online order to my UK bank for a transfer to a bank account in Thailand (at Bank of Ayudhya). NatWest, where the originating account is, definitely does not offer this service. I looked at the demo of Nationwide and cannot find it there, either. I am looking at the Cahoot site right now and they do not seem to have a demo. It mentions their latest 128-bit encryption technology.

If your UK bank lets you enter online the details of a payment order for a transfer to a Thai bank account – with telephone confirmation – I would be very interested to know the bank’s name and I shall gladly move my business to them. To illustrate what I am looking for I attach a screen shot of the online payment order form of a Continental bank. What’s your bank’s online form for the same purpose look like?




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As said I dont think any allow internet transfer (from UK) as suggested but we as said before mostly use the N/W for transfers and withdrawals ....and all for FREE. :D

They also pay something like 4.75% interest but you only need a min of £1 invested and can withdraw immediately.

With N/W do you mean NatWest, previously know as National Westminster?
Nationwide :o

All for free…this sounds too good to be true. Can you really walk into your Nationwide bank, hand them your order for a SWIFT transfer to Thailand – or mail it to them – and the bank charges you no fee at all?

Where can I find confirmation on the bank’s website?



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As said I dont think any allow internet transfer (from UK) as suggested but we as said before mostly use the N/W for transfers and withdrawals ....and all for FREE. :D

They also pay something like 4.75% interest but you only need a min of £1 invested and can withdraw immediately.

With N/W do you mean NatWest, previously know as National Westminster?
Nationwide :o

All for free…this sounds too good to be true. Can you really walk into your Nationwide bank, hand them your order for a SWIFT transfer to Thailand – or mail it to them – and the bank charges you no fee at all?

Where can I find confirmation on the bank’s website?


.............As said (above) I dont think any (ie Banks) allow internet transfer (from UK) as suggested

also friends used .....

the Bangkok Bank branch in the City (London)to transfer their dosh and from memory they would be charged on a sliding scale of @ £15 for a 5 day t/f and £25 for 24 hours.(£5k a time)

Now any bank will do it for roughly the same fee via SWIFT or CHAPS....

with N/W...(not a Bank)...

ATM transfers are FREE -worldwide....ie No Exchange rate supplimentary surcharge,Transaction fee or rip off less than internet bank rate transactions......

Can save you up to £15 on a £100 hole in the wall withdrawal :D

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Wife niece has an ATM card and when we need to transfer they simply withdraw on "other side " and again ...NO FEES/Charges

After reading this old thread (searched for N/W) I now understand what you mean.

Unfortunately, it’s not what I need in this particular case. I guess I shall just have to ante up NatWest’s 18 pound fee, seeing that other banks charge even more.



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For Maesto AFAIK no UK bank allows international transfers without either phone or personal appearance to confirm - I know other coutnries banks use books of numbers etc but they don't seem popular in the UK (Nor did I like them!)

But NATIONWIDE - I can't shout it loud enough. If you can open an account with them then ATM withdrawals are absolutely free - no surcharge no 2% on the exchange rate nothing.

If you want more than the ATM limit walk into your Thai bank and give them the card and ask for the money to be put into your account - appears to be no limit (I know it has been done for 600,000 baht in one transfer) and no charges at all.

As a bonus at least Bankok bank on Suthep road, Chiang Mai (maybe other banks) will mark it as FFT in your book.

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For Maesto AFAIK no UK bank allows international transfers without either phone or personal appearance to confirm - I know other coutnries banks use books of numbers etc but they don't seem popular in the UK (Nor did I like them!)

But NATIONWIDE - I can't shout it loud enough. If you can open an account with them then ATM withdrawals are absolutely free - no surcharge no 2% on the exchange rate nothing.

If you want more than the ATM limit walk into your Thai bank and give them the card and ask for the money to be put into your account - appears to be no limit (I know it has been done for 600,000 baht in one transfer) and no charges at all.

As a bonus at least Bankok bank on Suthep road, Chiang Mai (maybe other banks) will mark it as FFT in your book.

Agree-Agree-and Agree again....and NO ..dont have shares,interest or work for N/W but why CHUCK your hard earned dosh AWAY when using ATMs.

Just stand outside any bank in the world and watch the number of transations being carried out and just think that for every £100 taken out Big Bstds Banks are taking their rip off "charges"of anything up to £15.....ie ..15% per withdrawal...;...Its TING SONg....

You go on your hol jolly for a week in Patti and pull a couple of birds and needs some dosh..say a grand...and what ..for the honour of using the equilivent of a chocolate dispensing machine you are gonna contribute up to £150 (10,000 bt) to Barkies-Royal Bank of Scum..Nat Wisfull-HSBCrooks....etc.....wouldnt you rather have the money to spend on ha bt song tails..... :o

..incid Brit Banks made a 1st Q profit on these extras of @ £20 billion :D .......even the B.G s of Patti would be jealous and envious of these legal gangsters. :D

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Just stand outside any bank in the world and watch the number of transations being carried out and just think that for every £100 taken out Big Bstds Banks are taking their rip off "charges"of anything up to £15.....ie ..15% per withdrawal...;...Its TING SONg....

Live and let live, is my motto and the banks also have to make a living, but some fees seem exaggerated and I am happy to see that I am not the only one who is looking askance at the British banks’ fees.

Slowly, too painfully slowly, genuine competition is coming about in the EU banking sector. In Italy, the central bank chief had to take his hat recently because of his involvement in shenanigans that prevented the German takeover of an Italian bank.



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But NATIONWIDE - I can't shout it loud enough. If you can open an account with them then ATM withdrawals are absolutely free - no surcharge no 2% on the exchange rate nothing.

From everything I have read now on this subject I can see that Nationwide is the ideal solution for someone who gets his income paid into a British bank account an spends it in Thailand.

My situation is a little different because I generally have my money stashed away in Switzerland but I also have an account at NatWest in London into which I receive monthly payments. Having to make a one-time payment to Thailand of the equivalent of THB 14,000 I thought I’d remit it from the NatWest account.

I’ve now made the remittance from a Swiss account. In the NatWest account, I shall let the money accumulate and make a transfer to Switzerland in a large amount perhaps every two years, or I might indeed change to Nationwide and use their ATM card to funnel it into a Swiss account. (I’m miffed about NatWest also for another reason, too unbelievingly insane to recount)



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But NATIONWIDE - I can't shout it loud enough. If you can open an account with them then ATM withdrawals are absolutely free - no surcharge no 2% on the exchange rate nothing.

From everything I have read now on this subject I can see that Nationwide is the ideal solution for someone who gets his income paid into a British bank account an spends it in Thailand.

My situation is a little different because I generally have my money stashed away in Switzerland but I also have an account at NatWest in London into which I receive monthly payments. Having to make a one-time payment to Thailand of the equivalent of THB 14,000 I thought I’d remit it from the NatWest account.

I’ve now made the remittance from a Swiss account. In the NatWest account, I shall let the money accumulate and make a transfer to Switzerland in a large amount perhaps every two years, or I might indeed change to Nationwide and use their ATM card to funnel it into a Swiss account. (I’m miffed about NatWest also for another reason, too unbelievingly insane to recount)



I had 3 seperate bank accounts in the U.K.

I also find Natwest unsatifactory and i am closing my account with them when i go home.

All do internet banking and are very useful for keeping an eye on your money.

Of the three i find Nationwide is the best for the following reasons.

There is a secure messaging function the allows you to send communication on any subject related

to there services and transfers along with replies usually within 48 hours.

The others do not have this.

Logging on is secure and it,s difficult for anyone who doesn,t know your codes and various security

information that you supply them with, to access your account.

Once logged on it shows all your accounts with them.

You can transfer to other U.K. accounts unless there is a security alert on for fraud activities

I have a flexi account which gives over 4% interest and in addition has various benefits as well

which are very useful.

I also have an e banking account with them and you can use this as a seperate depositing facility

should you wish to keep different options open, again the interest rates are very good.

You can transfer via swift on the internet but you must down load a copy of you application for

funds and sign it personally and send it the U.K. address they give you when filling in the original

application online.

They explain all the proceedures as you go through it all so it,s simple to follow.

My last transfer was for a Dmax and took a total of 2 weeks.

3 days for the transfer between banks the rest on posting my signed copy of the application form from Thailand to the U.K. ect.

Depends on how quick you need the funds, but if it,s urgent someone will know a faster way of using the postal system.

Cost for swift was just 20 pounds.

You can monitor the progress via your internet banking and watch for the deduction in the U.K and once that has been made start expecting it in Thailand within a reasonable time.

I always transfer sterling and convert to thai baht at the other end as you get a better rate of exchange that way.

If anyone wants additional info please ask, no problem.

Sorry i canot give you my personal banking details :o:D:D

marshbags :D:D:D

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NatWest and Barclay apparently do not offer internet banking.

Seeing that there are a lot of Brits on Thaivisa forums I would be grateful to hear from them what UK bank they use for internet banking, for example for transfers to Thailand. The name of the bank will suffice but if you happen to have the URL of its home page ready it will be appreciated.



P.S. I meant to post this in General Topics but clicked in the wrong place.

I use www.firstdirect.com and have done since the day it started - one of the first online banks in the UK. Always had good service with no complaints. Have never transfered to Thailand always the other way but when i asked they said it can be done and i belive online.

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(I’m miffed about NatWest also for another reason, too unbelievingly insane to recount)



Well there's a coincidence. So am I!!

But what's been said about Nationwide, hear, hear - normally. But they do charge £20 for Swift transfers. That cannot be denied. My immediate issue is a transfer of R230 to SA, + a charge of £21!!! But that's irrelevant on Thaivisa.

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The issue of these charges has been a big issue of concern for diasporans sending money home to many countries, and a number of informal systems have developed. In the UK these are now licensed by Customs and Excise. I am only familiar with 2 of the routes to Zimbabwe, which have been very active because of the artificial exchange rate maintained by the Zim Goverment. I got caught out over Christmas as the informal routes were closed, and I seemed to have no choice but to use Western Union, but fortunately the official rate is now much closer to the parallel market rate, but plus their charge.

re Thailand, are there any similar routes available?

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