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Nasa Project To Be Raised With Beijing: Surapong


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"Vietnam is the only country in SE Asia that is not intimidated by the Chinese."

And the Philippines

And Singapore.

Singaporian Chinese are holier than the pope eg. more "chinese" than their brothers and sisters on the mainland. Which is easy, as they don't have to suffer from the sh*t happening there.

Edited by TackyToo
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"Vietnam is the only country in SE Asia that is not intimidated by the Chinese."

And the Philippines

Correct. Of the SE Asian countries that are currently " run " by the Chinese, the colonization started with the import of cheap Chinese labor in the 1800s. Then the Chinese simply took over. A bit like a fox having a free run of the hen house. To the best of my knowledge the Philippines never brought in Chinese labor, so their country is still run by Philippine people, albeit a bit poorly......

To the poster who thinks there is no Chinese influence in Singapore, I think you need to get out of town more.....

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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"I'm not Thai. I'm Chinese."

How many times have you heard this from the so called 'high so' Thais.

The poor seem fiercely proud of being Thai, and some of the high so seem fiercely proud of not being Thai.

"Just because one is born in a barn doesn't make one a horse"

....this is true, but by the same token, if one is to be born in a barn and learn as little a possible, and be as lazy and slovenly as possible, and try and create an image of yourself less than you really are, ...... you can still perhaps work yourself into the a better part of a horse....... a horses a$$

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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

Too true,

As a colony of China, he's doing the right thing keeping his masters informed..

Grovel, grovel, "Yes sir, very'umble sir".


You're right. Thailand boasts of it's history bereft of colonization and therein lies China's great victory: the fact that Thais have failed to recognize that their isn't a Thai in the Kingdom without some Chinese blood running through his or her veins. Also, Thai-Chinese merchant families hold the reins to most of the Kingdom's most profitable and powerful companies. China is always keen to do business "de facto" style - unofficially and behind the scenes-. They've pulled an impressive coup in the Land of Smiles. Thailand is really just China in disguise.

It's true the Chinese control most of the economy but there are millions of Thais with no Chinese blood in them, Issan for instance.

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"Vietnam is the only country in SE Asia that is not intimidated by the Chinese."

And the Philippines

And Singapore.

Singapore is the Switzerland of Asia. As long as you can show them the money they don't care which side of the fence they sit.

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Now i am seriously confused.

Project was cancelled and NOW he wants to brief the Chinese?

And what do Chinese have to do with Thailand and NASA?

Good to see Thai government is exercising its sovereignty.

Will they also be changing the currency soon?

You will find out! It probably starts with mandatory use of chop sticks at every somtam stall

You bring up an excellent point. What % of Thais/ Thai-Chinese have you ever seen using chop sticks correctly?

The % is woefully minute. I have on rare occasion seen a few, and I cannot say they weren't actually from China, or Taiwan.

Edited by atyclb
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This is the home of hidden agendas, naturally there would be a sliver of 'people' who would be suspicious especially when they feel they have not been afforded the opportunity to get a portion of the shellac/fleecing/misappropriation/fringe benefits that come with facilitation of events and activities(known as hyenas in the wild). But to kiss the ring finger of brother number 1 this time is a bit much. At some point the country has to balance its own interests with those of its neighbors and the world community in general. In order words, get a spine and keep it.

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Chinese are hard working, organized, efficient, plan for the future, stress meaningful education and real English language skills, and execute corrupt public officials.

Not really a bad influence.

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Chinese are hard working, organized, efficient, plan for the future, stress meaningful education and real English language skills, and execute corrupt public officials.

Not really a bad influence.

Yes clearly a true worker's paradise. I can hardly wait for the Chinese to come down to Thailand and fully organize the place....... Anyway it is with great sadness for me to see the increasing influence of China over Thailand. :-(

From wikipedia

"According to the journal Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, there are over 300,000 suicides in China annually.[4] China accounts for more than 30% of the world's suicides"

And China is clearly a great place to be a woman....

"Suicide in the People's Republic of China is unique[1] among countries of the world in that more women than men commit suicide each year"

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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

Too true,

As a colony of China, he's doing the right thing keeping his masters informed..

Grovel, grovel, "Yes sir, very'umble sir".


You're right. Thailand boasts of it's history bereft of colonization and therein lies China's great victory: the fact that Thais have failed to recognize that their isn't a Thai in the Kingdom without some Chinese blood running through his or her veins. Also, Thai-Chinese merchant families hold the reins to most of the Kingdom's most profitable and powerful companies. China is always keen to do business "de facto" style - unofficially and behind the scenes-. They've pulled an impressive coup in the Land of Smiles. Thailand is really just China in disguise.

It's true the Chinese control most of the economy but there are millions of Thais with no Chinese blood in them, Issan for instance.

That's true. The class differences (in a very stratified country) would have to have played a huge role in that.

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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

Too true,

As a colony of China, he's doing the right thing keeping his masters informed..

Grovel, grovel, "Yes sir, very'umble sir".


Fortunately for him, tugging of the forelock has gone out of fashion.

Not so much gone out of fashion as, in his case, gone out of reach., however this explanation I found fits Thailand to a Tee.

"Back in the days of long ago when there were servants and subservience, the lower classes would tug their forelocks or touch their forelocks as a sign of respect to their betters. (In Thailand the wai and deep bow are used).

A return to forelock-tugging would be a return to the days of unquestioning respect for someone purely on grounds of their apparent status in society. The doctor is right and we hold him in awe,simply because he is a doctor. "

I think you will find that saluting and forelock tugging goes back to the days when faces were covered by armour. The symbol now is a symbolic update 'of revealing your identity'. Of course the 'betters' were the first to drop the habit although in the services the salute is returned.......

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Now i am seriously confused.

Project was cancelled and NOW he wants to brief the Chinese?

And what do Chinese have to do with Thailand and NASA?

Good to see Thai government is exercising its sovereignty.

Will they also be changing the currency soon?

Indeed, China raised no concerns over the project as Beijing could distinguish between a pure scientific project and a military operation, Surapong said.

The Foreign Ministry and Nasa had informed China about the proposed cooperation, he said. It seems clear that the Chinese already knew about the project and therefore surapong is trying to justify himself but why he thinks taking old news to China reinforces his position I cannot imagine

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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

You're right. Thailand boasts of it's history bereft of colonization and therein lies China's great victory: the fact that Thais have failed to recognize that their isn't a Thai in the Kingdom without some Chinese blood running through his or her veins. Also, Thai-Chinese merchant families hold the reins to most of the Kingdom's most profitable and powerful companies. China is always keen to do business "de facto" style - unofficially and behind the scenes-. They've pulled an impressive coup in the Land of Smiles. Thailand is really just China in disguise.

Well he wasn't the first to "grovel" and nor was this guy I suspect but I do believe we are seeing a little bit of hypocrisy on this forum as if this is the first time anyones been in contact with the Chinese. There's plenty of vested interest in keeping the old ties alive and its not just politicians

BANGKOK, Dec 24 - Thailand's opposition Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva on Saturday met with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping in the Thai capital to thank the Chinese government for continuing its support on Thai-China projects, previously initiated under his administration.

Former deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban joined Mr Abhisit for the meeting on the occasion of Mr Jinping's official visit to Thailand.

The Chinese Vice President said Thailand and China have enjoyed close relations for a long time on trade, investment, and tourism, while adding that he hoped these ties will continue to expand.

Meanwhile, the Thai opposition leader thanked the Chinese government for travelling to Thailand to foster the relationship. Both parties signed agreements as a continuation of the Abhisit administration initiatives such as the high-speed train project.

Mr Abhisit said he was certain the ties between both nations will continue to strengthen despite the change of government in Thailand.


On April 21, 2011, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva met with visiting Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun in Bangkok.

Abhisit said last year Thailand and China took the opportunity of the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties to further enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and the traditional friendship.

This year, both sides will step up communication and coordination in renewing their joint action plan of strategic cooperation. The Thai royal family, government and parliament as well as political parties attach great importance to developing ties with China and believe the development of Thai-Chinese relations will have an even better future.

Zhang said Thailand is a close good neighbor, good friend and good partner of China. Against the background of the changing international situation, China is ready to further strengthen strategic cooperation with Thailand, push for all-round cooperation in politics, economy, humanities, education and tourism and enhance communication and coordination in major international and regional affairs, in a bid to jointly promote regional and world peace, stability and prosperity.

On the same day, Thailand's Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya also met with Zhang and his delegation, exchanging in-depth views on China-Thailand relations, regional cooperation as well as other issues of common concern.


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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

Too true,

As a colony of China, he's doing the right thing keeping his masters informed..

Grovel, grovel, "Yes sir, very'umble sir".


You're right. Thailand boasts of it's history bereft of colonization and therein lies China's great victory: the fact that Thais have failed to recognize that their isn't a Thai in the Kingdom without some Chinese blood running through his or her veins. Also, Thai-Chinese merchant families hold the reins to most of the Kingdom's most profitable and powerful companies. China is always keen to do business "de facto" style - unofficially and behind the scenes-. They've pulled an impressive coup in the Land of Smiles. Thailand is really just China in disguise.

It's true the Chinese control most of the economy but there are millions of Thais with no Chinese blood in them, Issan for instance.

Yes, and i helplessly watch them suffer!
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This is the home of hidden agendas, naturally there would be a sliver of 'people' who would be suspicious especially when they feel they have not been afforded the opportunity to get a portion of the shellac/fleecing/misappropriation/fringe benefits that come with facilitation of events and activities(known as hyenas in the wild). But to kiss the ring finger of brother number 1 this time is a bit much. At some point the country has to balance its own interests with those of its neighbors and the world community in general. In order words, get a spine and keep it.

Yeah, even the picture of FM sur sure looks like he's puckering up to kiss some kind of rosette.. AHSO Edited by brianP
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Isn't the discussion with China effectively going to be China asking how Thailand could mess things up so badly.

After all, China had given permission for NASA to use Hong Kong, and now Thailand's delaying has resulted in the whole project being canned.

Especially given that U-Tapao is the base that they let US Air Force B52 bombers bomb Vietnam and Laos from during the Vietnam war - and they won't let a non-military agency do weather research from it.

Amazing Thailand.

(Sorry, Miracle Thailand, but somebody really should point out to TAT that "Miracle Thailand" isn't good English - it should be Miraculous Thailand, or something like that...).

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Isn't the discussion with China effectively going to be China asking how Thailand could mess things up so badly.

After all, China had given permission for NASA to use Hong Kong, and now Thailand's delaying has resulted in the whole project being canned.

Especially given that U-Tapao is the base that they let US Air Force B52 bombers bomb Vietnam and Laos from during the Vietnam war - and they won't let a non-military agency do weather research from it.

Amazing Thailand.

(Sorry, Miracle Thailand, but somebody really should point out to TAT that "Miracle Thailand" isn't good English - it should be Miraculous Thailand, or something like that...).

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So much for Thai sovereignty....

This country is for sale to the highest bidder..from the top all the down to the girls and boys in Nana.

The police are right, there is no prostitution problem in Thailand...it is working just fine.

I wish this story could just go away...

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Now i am seriously confused.

Project was cancelled and NOW he wants to brief the Chinese?

And what do Chinese have to do with Thailand and NASA?

Good to see Thai government is exercising its sovereignty.

Will they also be changing the currency soon?

You will find out! It probably starts with mandatory use of chop sticks at every somtam stall

You bring up an excellent point. What % of Thais/ Thai-Chinese have you ever seen using chop sticks correctly?

The % is woefully minute. I have on rare occasion seen a few, and I cannot say they weren't actually from China, or Taiwan.

What % of Foreigners watch others eating with chop sticks to see if they are doing it correctly. In fact what % of Foreigners even knows what the correct way to use them is. I would say they were doing it incorrectly if they had one in each hand. But then I don't know as I was never tought the correct way. Or in all honesty the wrong way.

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