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:D I had a hel_l of a night ! I tried to sleep but half an hour later i woke up because at least 6 mosquito stings all over the parts of my body which were not covered by the duvet were itching like hel_l. After curing them I tried to sleep and woke up half an hour later with the same problem and 6 more stings (or 10?). After the third round I took almost a bath in mosquito repellent which helped so far that I was able to sleep til the morning.

What could I do to 1. repell mosquitos right away (they love me for no reason :o ) or 2. to cure the stings? The best application for the stings that I know so far is toothpaste, which helps incredibly well but I'm looking for further advices.

What do you do? Any secrets to share how to avoid stings (e.g. what to eat/apply/wear)?

Count yourself as lucky! I woke up this morning with 5 mosquito bites on my face. Those d amn mosquitos don't bite me anywhere else except there. *** s i g h.

I would like to propose a number of solutions, but.........

1. Drink as much alcohol as possible. (Mosquitos who bite us will probably get too drunk to fly.)

2. Catch one and then, torture it. (Sqeezing it every 10 seconds might work...????)

3. Play very loud music. (Mosquitos who wander in your room will end up needing hearing aids.)

4. Play it cool. Stay awake all night and swat them ASAP.

5. Breed Lizards and Spiders. (Mosquitos are scared of them!)

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I would like to propose a number of solutions, but.........

1. Drink as much alcohol as possible. (Mosquitos who bite us will probably get too drunk to fly.)

2. Catch one and then, torture it. (Sqeezing it every 10 seconds might work...????)

3. Play very loud music. (Mosquitos who wander in your room will end up needing hearing aids.)

4. Play it cool. Stay awake all night and swat them ASAP.

5. Breed Lizards and Spiders. (Mosquitos are scared of them!)

Thanks, very helpfull advices, but I think I will rather hire someone to do all this while I sleep, beside drinking the alc. of course :o


Some myths to bust here....

Vitamins B12 or any B group.....doesnt work.....they will need to bite you to see if you had it...I dont think they can read the Marmite label. :D

Same with alcohol, garlic or lack of alcohol....you need an external deterrant.

Some facts...

only the female bites for breeding purposes...if it is not you it could be the dog or any other warm blooded animal.

Check out your local area around the house....remove all standing water as this is where the larvae develop.

Dont scare of those lizards that can annoy you.....they will help.

Tiger balm will help the itchiness and pain assosciated with a multitude of bites and stings including centipedes. Some of the other things mentioned I dont know about but whatever works for you.

Leave an outside light on.....light attracts mossies.

Use a fan....Mossies prefer to move through still air.

Personally I would use a net.....there are a few deseases that are spread by mossies that are prevalent in Thailand. If you find it stuffy put a fan on to help circulate the air.

Eventually living in a sunnier enviroment you will find that your skin will toughen up a bit and they will stop biting you unless some of the less exposed body parts are left hanging out.... :o


I would like to propose a number of solutions, but.........

1. Drink as much alcohol as possible. (Mosquitos who bite us will probably get too drunk to fly.)

2. Catch one and then, torture it. (Sqeezing it every 10 seconds might work...????)

3. Play very loud music. (Mosquitos who wander in your room will end up needing hearing aids.)

4. Play it cool. Stay awake all night and swat them ASAP.

5. Breed Lizards and Spiders. (Mosquitos are scared of them!)

Thanks, very helpfull advices, but I think I will rather hire someone to do all this while I sleep, beside drinking the alc. of course :o

Naw, not much fun in doing that. After all, mosquitos were originally created to amuse people. Hehehhehee

and they will stop biting you unless some of the less exposed body parts are left hanging out....

Note to self... I really must stop hanging my body parts out... :o


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


and they will stop biting you unless some of the less exposed body parts are left hanging out....

Note to self... I really must stop hanging my body parts out... :o


There is always one.... :D Mind you I did intend for it to sound that way.... :D

There are some little electric gizmos that heat up a small pad of mosquito repelling chemicals. The ones I use are called ARS Mat and available in supermarkets. They'll keep a fairly large room free of mozzies for about 12 hours. Unlike sprays, there's virtually no smell.

I use similar things - they've got a little bottle of liquid. You plug it in and it heats up a bit. I think its a lemongrass extract. They seem to work and you can buy them from Tescos.


the wife told me to eat chillies and spicy food, and i did.

after a day or 2 for some reason it worked.

but the body takes a bit of a battering :o


Mozzies seem to like me to. I have tried Aerogard Insect Repellent (Tropical Strength) but I haven't found any in Thailand. I'll bring a couple of containers next month (available as an aerosol or a roll-on.

For those who are interested in Ultrasonic Mosquito Repellant (which clips on to your belt) as mentioned a couple of times in this thread, here's the LINK.

According to their website, these devices are twice as effective as citronella candles. They cost around $US17 / 675 baht.


All you need is a fan.

That may be helpful for some, but not for everyone. We've had both ceiling fans and table fans on, both blowing at good speeds but to no avail. The mossies still zero in on me regardless leaving me with a mass of welts. They seem to enjoy dining on foreign food. The usual relief I get from being bitten is by a good coating of a repelant containing deet. I hate the greasy feel of it though.


Vegemite tastes better... :D

... wait... no ..... i'm not gonna get into that argument... :o

totster :D

Everyone knows vegemite is the best..

I will !

Vegemite is far better ... especially if you are feeding it to a baby under 6 months to get them ready for the REAL thing MARMITE!

Note though, that in NZ the thing they sell called Marmite is some horrid sweet stuff ... it is NOT the same as UK marmite. To get the UK marmite in NZ you have to buy something called "My Mate" - do not get confused on this ...

There is a thread on Mozzies in the health forum (where it should be) with some good advice - if I remember correctly Baby oil is supposed to be a skin friendly way of prevention.


And by the way - internally digested remedies might well work at prevention. The Mozzie does not have to bite to find out you are B12 rich (or other remedy) since they smell through their feet, and it is their sense of smell that they rely on.


I must say that in the early hours of this morning I was sat on the toilet for rather a long time with a nast bout of thong seah.

Sitting there unable to move and trying to zap the circling mozzies with the bum gun I felt particular sympathy towards King Kong during the Empire State building scene of the movie.

To add to my last comment, two fans are better.

If you have just one fan you have to make a choice between upper or lower torso.

JAI DEE... !!

Thats just a dirty underhanded trick... :D:D

play fair... :D

totster :D

You only just noticed Totster? :o


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Mozzies seem to like me to. I have tried Aerogard Insect Repellent (Tropical Strength) but I haven't found any in Thailand. I'll bring a couple of containers next month (available as an aerosol or a roll-on.

For those who are interested in Ultrasonic Mosquito Repellant (which clips on to your belt) as mentioned a couple of times in this thread, here's the LINK.

According to their website, these devices are twice as effective as citronella candles. They cost around $US17 / 675 baht.


The two devices shown on the link you provided Peter (Thank You) look nothing like the one my freind had,

again I say the one she had WORKED, how many times have you read cr"p that starts with the sentence "Scientific evidence has proved..." and known it was rubbish or it was disproved as rubbish.? If we lived our lives by THAT maxim we would all be drinking water and eating hay!

As I said before its up to individuals to decide i these things work,, I have not even got the details of the manufacturer yet, but when I have I will post it, just to poove that I am personally not trying to scam anybody.

Fair enough?

I have found out the product is called "Mozziban"

Perhaps someone can search that one out?


Thats the one Totster, well done mate

Now everyone can have one if they so wish.

I shall be ordering mine as soon as I get back to CM

Thanks very much


Moziban More Info

I can't find any info about use in the tropics, all tests were done in Europe. :o

Udon Mate,

thats what I have been TRYING to get through to members.

IT HAS been tested here by ME an my freinds over the new year.

We sat by he Ping river for 7 hours NY Eve, not ONE bite, not one bite whenever we were near it.

I will buy one and report what I find.

But what does it take to be taken seriously on this forum?

I am only trying to HELP :D


Actually, mosquitoes are attracted to humans through the carbon dioxide we exhale when we breathe. Human carbon dioxide or C02 production varies depending on your metabolic rate... if your metabolism is high, you tend to burn more C02 and are more attractive to mosquitoes.

Perfume/fragrances and sweat is also supposed to be attractive to them.

Someone once told me that a good natural way of mosquito control, is to try to attract bats, birds and dragonflies (the mosquito's natural predators) to your yard by erecting bat/bird houses and a variety of plants and flowers.

BTW, the noise those ultrasonic mozzie repellers make is supposed to emulate a dragonfly.

/Edit - And TP, I used to have one a couple of years ago in BKK, and it worked for me too. Unfortunately, I left it in the (rental) house... still plugged in. :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Moziban More Info

I can't find any info about use in the tropics, all tests were done in Europe. :o

Udon Mate,

thats what I have been TRYING to get through to members.

IT HAS been tested here by ME an my freinds over the new year.

We sat by he Ping river for 7 hours NY Eve, not ONE bite, not one bite whenever we were near it.

I will buy one and report what I find.

But what does it take to be taken seriously on this forum?

I am only trying to HELP :D

TP - I SHALL be buying one... it's gotta be worth a go at only 9 quid each... and if it doesn't work for me.. no probs.. at least I tried.. :D

totster :D


Moziban More Info

I can't find any info about use in the tropics, all tests were done in Europe. :o

Udon Mate,

thats what I have been TRYING to get through to members.

IT HAS been tested here by ME an my freinds over the new year.

We sat by he Ping river for 7 hours NY Eve, not ONE bite, not one bite whenever we were near it.

I will buy one and report what I find.

But what does it take to be taken seriously on this forum?

I am only trying to HELP :D

TP - I SHALL be buying one... it's gotta be worth a go at only 9 quid each... and if it doesn't work for me.. no probs.. at least I tried.. :D

totster :D


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