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Japanese Tourist Foils Abduction Attempt Amid Phuket Police 'Media Blackout'


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Who's the comic book writers at the gazette. It's normal practice is all European countries and the US that each Police Department have one spokes person. The gazettes writes that theres a news blackout, but in the same article they got all the information they needed/available from the spokes person. If there was a news blackout they would not have got any info. The gazette is sour because now their normal inside source(s) can't give them the incorrect information anymore. Most of the gazettes articles contains inaccurate information or half truths and only the gullable believe them. Why don't this website use reputable sources for their articles. As in the case of the Phi Phi deaths they are trying to wip up emotions with misleading headlines and inaccurate information.

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Thirty-three posts and not one kudos for the Japanese tourist.

Doing something that should be automatic to every human being is not praise worthy. Like when the media makes a photo op and positive image campaign out of a tuk tuk/taxi driver that actually doesn't steal a customers belongings left behind in thier tuktuk/taxi.

And BTW, Thai staff from the hotel also intervened.

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The misunderstanding may have been the result of excuses made up by uncooperative officers who don’t want to do their jobs, he said.
Bullshit. Anyone who's been here for any length of time knows the Thai authorities have been covering up this crap for years.

Having said that, Phuket and Thailand per se, are relatively very safe places to live/visit. It's simply that law enforcement here is virtually non existent.

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“When the media publish false or misleading information, it makes our work more difficult and sullies the image of our province,”

When the media publishes any facts relating to crime it makes us look bad..so we wish to cover it up!

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Disturbing to learn there's a news blackout on Phuket related crime, that speaks volumes!

under a new policy set by Royal Thai Police headquarters in Bangkok, only the superintendent was allowed to release information to the media.

George Orwell in 1984 about the function of the “Ministry of Truth”:

“Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

“Everything fades into mist. The past is erased, the erasure will be forgotten, the lie becomes truth”

“When the media publish false or misleading information, it makes our work more difficult and sullies the image of our province,”

Sorry guys I think you messed up your reputation already ages ago.

Btw- that will give you a couple of extra points in the annual free press ratings.

Edited by TackyToo
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Phuket. What a dump. Why would you??

I went there about 14 years ago, it was a shit hole then I can't imagine it has improved any in that time. There isn't a chance in hell I would have sat on the polluted beach, let alone get in the water. The hotel I stayed in was nice but the rest of Phuket was kind of run down and garbage strewn. Koh Chang used to be nice 10 years ago and now it is looking kind of shabby and garbage strewn. Thankfully there is a pool at my place. But then I drive past the guard gate and there is garbage on every soi leading to the highway. Sad, it could be a beautiful country.

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"...saying the new media blackout policy was recently issued due to the fact that media too often publish false information."

I guess it's more like they're telling the truth, that puts the guys in a bad light, and we can't have that, now can we?!

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I read Thai visa almost everyday but only reply when in country which is getting less than i would like. No one deserves to be a victim of the crimes that happen and are happening too often in Phuket. But you must think about when reading some of the stories of What the hell some of these victims are thinking of there safety just read the stories 1am fighting some one off who has a knife, drunk 2 am in the morning etc Hell I dont even go to sleepy old Adelaide South Australia and head back home at 2am in the morning and I am 6 ft and weigh 90kgs

A bloke told me in 1975 Manilla Phillipines you wouldnt do Kings cross Sydney drunk at 1am where you speak the language let alone Angelies City Philipines wake up people there is no social security ie payment from government if you dont earn money you starve. There are enough warnings from government and lonely planet etc guide books on the dangers of travelling the world. head of to the full moon party Samui great place take your life in your hands or should I say someone elses

I sincerely am sorry to those who have died or been attacked in this country and especially to their famillies maybe I have been lucky or is it I am carefull I see the people who live here as not the same as me which is not a slurr on them but I do drive here and if you do think about it especially motor cycle riders in this country.

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There's a lot of ridiculous ignorant comments by posters. There are many reasons why a police department or investigators temporaily keep information from the press leeches when they are trying to gather information about crimes. But of course posters here have to spout out all kinds of negative things, unvalidated comments about censorship.....and on it goes.

Edited by Lifer
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I for one wont be silent on this. This is being posted straight to my facebook along with the bus crash killing tourists that never made it up on bangkokpost online.

We need to be the "news" outlet as most of us have known for sometime now that the media isnt working for us. I encourage other posters on here to do the same.

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I for one wont be silent on this. This is being posted straight to my facebook along with the bus crash killing tourists that never made it up on bangkokpost online.

We need to be the "news" outlet as most of us have known for sometime now that the media isnt working for us. I encourage other posters on here to do the same.

I send the links to news outlets in Aus, its up to them if they pick it up.

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