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My Kindel Croked

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You might want to check out the new $199 Google Nexus 7" machine, it's slated as a Kindle competitor. You won't find it available yet but I don't think you'll have long to wait.

If you're a big fan of the screen on a Kindle I doubt you'll be happy with a tablet. If you're a bookworm, the reading experience is very different. But if you want to "upgrade" to an all-round machine you can do other stuff on, a tablet might fit the bill...

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Thanks I was looking at the nexus. You mentioned about the screen on the note pad vs the Kindel do you have to curser around with the note pad or does it display an entire page? What is your opinion on the Samsung Galaxy?



No, no... not a problem with not displaying a full page it'll display at least as much as a Kindle. Simply flick it to turn the page. The experience I was referring to was the backlit LCD display vs e-ink - many people find the backlit display tiresome to read for long periods (compared to the kindle).

The Samsung Galaxy is a nice machine, but expensive compared to the Galaxy Nexus. Depends what you want to do with it. If it's primarily a Kindle replacement (for book reading) I'd get another Kindle or a cheap tablet. If you want to do a little more more with it, wait for the Nexus. If you want all the bells and whistles - Samsung Galaxy series (pick a size you like) or iPad 2 (or wait for the 7.9" one) would seem to be the predominant choices in Thailand (although you can find Acer, Asus, etc high end tablets if you want one).

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Thanks BoBl

The thing that appeals to me about a tablet is its versitility I could use at as a fall back machine for internet and email if my lap top crashes. I really appreciate your input I am going to NakonSawan tomorrow and will see what is available.



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I have a Kindle and a Galaxy Tab 7"

Since I got the Tab, the Kindle has lived in a drawer.

The Tab is just too versatile, and I can't be bothered to carry both around.

The Tab battery lasts all day which is good enough.

You can get them everywhere in Thailand second hand for about 8k.

And they work great as mobile phones (which the Nexus doesn't)

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