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How Many Euro In Cash Can I Bring To Thailand And Where Do I Declare It?

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I want to bring an amount of Euro cash from Europe higher than 10000US$, is this possible and where do I declare it or get information before travelling?

thanks for your kind answers


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i totally forgot that, mario2008 pointed another "limitation", if you are coming from europe here's what the customs say :

What are the rules?

If you plan to enter or leave the EU with € 10 000 or more in cash (or its equivalent in other currencies) you must declare it to the customs authorities.

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Per above, if more than 20K US$ worth you declare it on the costums form you get aboard the plane.

Presumably the OP will need proactively to ask for this form as cabin crew only hand out the TM6 arrival/departure card to foreigners as a matter ot course in my experience.

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Or just go through the red channel and declare it.

Now you mention it I believe they now indeed not issue the customs form anymore and wonder if they still use it. But it has been some years since I last flew back in to Thailand.

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Declare over $10,000 to Thai customs!!?? licklips.gif

20000 !

Each to his own.

There was much laughter about a thread of mine about this topic (declare or not?).

But legally it might still be considerable to do so if you want to use the money for visa extension e.g.

What to tell them, if they ask for the source of your cash deposits?

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FOR the E.U. form to declare , watch out if try to be" clever" to fill in and only give when searched , this does not work .....,must be first done before to customs..!!

even when occasional searched and example cash 9990 € ...... and they find even coins or cheque who could cross the total of 10000€ you are caught...and sum confiscated for time beeing ....!!

Edited by david555
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Declare over $10,000 to Thai customs!!?? licklips.gif

20000 !

Each to his own.

There was much laughter about a thread of mine about this topic (declare or not?).

But legally it might still be considerable to do so if you want to use the money for visa extension e.g.

What to tell them, if they ask for the source of your cash deposits?

The truth?

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