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I've offered to increase the amount I give my lady for the housekeeping (food, water and electric) several times, but she always refuses. Says she has enough left over to go to the hairdressers once a month and for some basic cosmetics. Never asks for money for anything.

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I've offered to increase the amount I give my lady for the housekeeping (food, water and electric) several times, but she always refuses. Says she has enough left over to go to the hairdressers once a month and for some basic cosmetics. Never asks for money for anything.

Try and find a western woman with that attitude eh!

She knows I will always look after her and that seems to be enough.

When we were building our home I had toi come back to Australia before final payment was made - so I gave her 300,000 baht and she never touched a baht of it - she just said 'big money eh?'

Thank god that our resident western female members have enough intelligence not to come out with the same broad generalisations!


you must have free electric, my wife dosnt ask for anything but the money is allways in a draw for both of us to use,

but i cant understand you, my electric bill is 1000bht a month, food ect, your doing well on 100bht a day,

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As the OP is not living here, his wife is probably making enough money from the local 'service industry' not to have to bother him for a few baht. She also owns his house......

Sorry OP, just generalising

Nice generalisation.

I have a few houses and the one in Thailand is about the cost of a recent carport I put up in OZ (not really a concern to me)

I think we are back to the same old majority of posters on this site that have been bitten badly by bargirls (in more ways than one)

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you must have free electric, my wife dosnt ask for anything but the money is allways in a draw for both of us to use,

but i cant understand you, my electric bill is 1000bht a month, food ect, your doing well on 100bht a day,

The last elec bill I seen was 360 baht


Try and find a western woman with that attitude eh!

She knows I will always look after her and that seems to be enough.

When we were building our home I had toi come back to Australia before final payment was made - so I gave her 300,000 baht and she never touched a baht of it - she just said 'big money eh?'

Thank god that our resident western female members have enough intelligence not to come out with the same broad generalisations!

We should take a poll on whether it is a generalisation or not smile.png

Up to you!

Bear in mind that the majority of us on here are westerners with western mothers. Dont tell me that our mothers have never scrimped and saved to put a meal on the table.!

Like I said another broad generalisation!

Dear Mom, God rest her soul. The only scrimping she ever did was to have pop drive around an extra ten minutes looking for an early bird dinner special.


thats ok then, im just saying she does well on 100bht a day, what about other things buying cloaths ect,,

and no ive never been bitten by a bar girl, im very happy with my wife, 2 children and another due in sept,

pig farm,chickens, ducks, fish,,lol


As the OP is not living here, his wife is probably making enough money from the local 'service industry' not to have to bother him for a few baht. She also owns his house......

Sorry OP, just generalising

Nice generalisation.

I have a few houses and the one in Thailand is about the cost of a recent carport I put up in OZ (not really a concern to me)

I think we are back to the same old majority of posters on this site that have been bitten badly by bargirls (in more ways than one)

More broad generalisations!biggrin.png I had three western relationships, all of whom the girls in question all paid their way, and why not, they all held down excellent jobs, which applies to my Thai wife also.


noodle soup in our village 20bht, im going to get your wife to message my wife with her secrets, wife and 2 kids on 100bht, please tell her to tell us how she does it??

i cant get my head round it,

im getting rid of my true vision...lol


noodle soup in our village 20bht, im going to get your wife to message my wife with her secrets, wife and 2 kids on 100bht, please tell her to tell us how she does it??

i cant get my head round it,

im getting rid of my true vision...lol

lol well I did leave her with enough gas to cook smile.png veg from the garden, eggs from the chicken farm, fish from the fish farm - we can see both from the lounge window.

True vision - extrav... I put in satellite with 2 channels 4400 with no monthly


As the OP is not living here, his wife is probably making enough money from the local 'service industry' not to have to bother him for a few baht. She also owns his house......

Sorry OP, just generalising

Nice generalisation.

I have a few houses and the one in Thailand is about the cost of a recent carport I put up in OZ (not really a concern to me)

I think we are back to the same old majority of posters on this site that have been bitten badly by bargirls (in more ways than one)

More broad generalisations!biggrin.png I had three western relationships, all of whom the girls in question all paid their way, and why not, they all held down excellent jobs, which applies to my Thai wife also.

So you go dutch on everything?


you must have free electric, my wife dosnt ask for anything but the money is allways in a draw for both of us to use,

but i cant understand you, my electric bill is 1000bht a month, food ect, your doing well on 100bht a day,

The last elec bill I seen was 360 baht

God i wish my leccy bill was this low ,and we only have the air con on for a few hours a night when we go to bed. do you ration the fan?smile.png


Is this another one of those my wife is better than your wife threadssmile.png.

I got some really good stories.

Or if it is one of those I was poorer than you when I grew up, I have a different set of stories for that.

Or if it is Western women bashing. I have a bunch there too. clap2.gif

  • Like 1

As the OP is not living here, his wife is probably making enough money from the local 'service industry' not to have to bother him for a few baht. She also owns his house......

Sorry OP, just generalising

Nice generalisation.

I have a few houses and the one in Thailand is about the cost of a recent carport I put up in OZ (not really a concern to me)

I think we are back to the same old majority of posters on this site that have been bitten badly by bargirls (in more ways than one)

I quite like getting bitten by bargirls, and I will challenge anyone who says they don't ph34r.png

More generalisations OP, never been ripped off in the near 7 years I have been here. Not married or in any serious relationship, just better at playing the game than they think they are. guitar.gif

If you are so loaded as you claim to be, do you not feel a little bit guilty giving her 2k a month to take care of the house and kid?

  • Like 1

you must have free electric, my wife dosnt ask for anything but the money is allways in a draw for both of us to use,

but i cant understand you, my electric bill is 1000bht a month, food ect, your doing well on 100bht a day,

The last elec bill I seen was 360 baht

God i wish my leccy bill was this low ,and we only have the air con on for a few hours a night when we go to bed. do you ration the fan?smile.png

No aircon - I hate it.

I have just purchased 6 wall fans though so the elec should go up a bit when I get there


As the OP is not living here, his wife is probably making enough money from the local 'service industry' not to have to bother him for a few baht. She also owns his house......

Sorry OP, just generalising

Nice generalisation.

I have a few houses and the one in Thailand is about the cost of a recent carport I put up in OZ (not really a concern to me)

I think we are back to the same old majority of posters on this site that have been bitten badly by bargirls (in more ways than one)

I quite like getting bitten by bargirls, and I will challenge anyone who says they don't ph34r.png

More generalisations OP, never been ripped off in the near 7 years I have been here. Not married or in any serious relationship, just better at playing the game than they think they are. guitar.gif

If you are so loaded as you claim to be, do you not feel a little bit guilty giving her 2k a month to take care of the house and kid?

Not loaded, just have enough for life.

Not 2k a month 2k till I get back there.

Not 1 kid - 2 kids

Guilty - No , this is what she likes - if she ever needed more she would get it on request. I think it would be a big mistake to give her without her needing it.


@ Giddyup..

The majority of our salaries go into the communal pot. My wife knew right from the start that I wont be contributing on a regular basis to families overseas! They managed well, long before I came on the scene.

Now if they incurred genuine hardships (which would apply for my folks also) then naturally we would come to the fore, until then ...

My inlaws are more than happy knowing that their daughter and our children are being taken well care of.


@ Giddyup..

The majority of our salaries go into the communal pot. My wife knew right from the start that I wont be contributing on a regular basis to families overseas! They managed well, long before I came on the scene.

Now if they incurred genuine hardships (which would apply for my folks also) then naturally we would come to the fore, until then ...

My inlaws are more than happy knowing that their daughter and our children are being taken well care of.

Similar in my case though the wife has very little extended family and her parents are both dead. They never ask for a think and I would be embarressed offering anything to them as they seem quite happy in life.


@ Giddyup..

The majority of our salaries go into the communal pot. My wife knew right from the start that I wont be contributing on a regular basis to families overseas! They managed well, long before I came on the scene.

Now if they incurred genuine hardships (which would apply for my folks also) then naturally we would come to the fore, until then ...

My inlaws are more than happy knowing that their daughter and our children are being taken well care of.

Are you living in Thailand? The reason I ask is that you say that you won't contribute to her familiy overseas. If you are living in the West it's a different story, your wife is probably making a reasonable wage. I wouldn't expect my Thai lady to work for 6-10,000 baht a month when I have more than enough to take care of us both. Especially when she spends her days taking care of the garden, cleaning and cooking. Things she loves to do BTW.


@ Giddyup..

The majority of our salaries go into the communal pot. My wife knew right from the start that I wont be contributing on a regular basis to families overseas! They managed well, long before I came on the scene.

Now if they incurred genuine hardships (which would apply for my folks also) then naturally we would come to the fore, until then ...

My inlaws are more than happy knowing that their daughter and our children are being taken well care of.

Are you living in Thailand? The reason I ask is that you say that you won't contribute to her familiy overseas. If you are living in the West it's a different story, your wife is probably making a reasonable wage. I wouldn't expect my Thai lady to work for 6-10,000 baht a month when I have more than enough to take care of us both. Especially when she spends her days taking care of the garden, cleaning and cooking. Things she loves to do BTW.

Giddy I was bought up in Thailand with my father remaining there up north, so I think I have seen pretty well how things can go in Thailand.

You are quite correct, we are living in Australia so it is a different ball game altogether, although having said that we do see the Thai women over here and their husbands sending over a massive $ chunk over monthly to their families.

A certain selection of the Thai population (broad generalisation!) have chosen not to work therefore relying on their men's salary which actually enhances my views on the whole aspect.

Every situation differs of course.. my take on it is that whilst we are young we are able to work and accrue a reasonable portfolio behind us which in turn should be able to assist the parent/s should and when it be required.

Its not as Kerry states a "my wife is better than your wife" situation.. its a case of every situation differs.. some partners in a relationship are spendthrifts, others are savers... its basically what works for that particular marriage/relationship.

I would say that my wife is probably more Australian than Thai in many respects and doesnt subscribe to the "loss of face" angle which is so prevalent.

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@ Giddyup..

The majority of our salaries go into the communal pot. My wife knew right from the start that I wont be contributing on a regular basis to families overseas! They managed well, long before I came on the scene.

Now if they incurred genuine hardships (which would apply for my folks also) then naturally we would come to the fore, until then ...

My inlaws are more than happy knowing that their daughter and our children are being taken well care of.

Are you living in Thailand? The reason I ask is that you say that you won't contribute to her familiy overseas. If you are living in the West it's a different story, your wife is probably making a reasonable wage. I wouldn't expect my Thai lady to work for 6-10,000 baht a month when I have more than enough to take care of us both. Especially when she spends her days taking care of the garden, cleaning and cooking. Things she loves to do BTW.

Giddy I was bought up in Thailand with my father remaining there up north, so I think I have seen pretty well how things can go in Thailand.

You are quite correct, we are living in Australia so it is a different ball game altogether, although having said that we do see the Thai women over here and their husbands sending over a massive $ chunk over monthly to their families.

A certain selection of the Thai population (broad generalisation!) have chosen not to work therefore relying on their men's salary which actually enhances my views on the whole aspect.

Every situation differs of course.. my take on it is that whilst we are young we are able to work and accrue a reasonable portfolio behind us which in turn should be able to assist the parent/s should and when it be required.

Its not as Kerry states a "my wife is better than your wife" situation.. its a case of every situation differs.. some partners in a relationship are spendthrifts, others are savers... its basically what works for that particular marriage/relationship.

I would say that my wife is probably more Australian than Thai in many respects and doesnt subscribe to the "loss of face" angle which is so prevalent.

Understood. My lady was working (not a bar girl, if that matters) when I met her and had done for most of her 40 years, so she was pretty self-reliant, but it just suited us both for her to quit work and basically retire with me. Three years later, it's still working out fine. In three years none of her family have asked for or expected a satang out of me.


@ Giddyup..

The majority of our salaries go into the communal pot. My wife knew right from the start that I wont be contributing on a regular basis to families overseas! They managed well, long before I came on the scene.

Now if they incurred genuine hardships (which would apply for my folks also) then naturally we would come to the fore, until then ...

My inlaws are more than happy knowing that their daughter and our children are being taken well care of.

Are you living in Thailand? The reason I ask is that you say that you won't contribute to her familiy overseas. If you are living in the West it's a different story, your wife is probably making a reasonable wage. I wouldn't expect my Thai lady to work for 6-10,000 baht a month when I have more than enough to take care of us both. Especially when she spends her days taking care of the garden, cleaning and cooking. Things she loves to do BTW.

Giddy I was bought up in Thailand with my father remaining there up north, so I think I have seen pretty well how things can go in Thailand.

You are quite correct, we are living in Australia so it is a different ball game altogether, although having said that we do see the Thai women over here and their husbands sending over a massive $ chunk over monthly to their families.

A certain selection of the Thai population (broad generalisation!) have chosen not to work therefore relying on their men's salary which actually enhances my views on the whole aspect.

Every situation differs of course.. my take on it is that whilst we are young we are able to work and accrue a reasonable portfolio behind us which in turn should be able to assist the parent/s should and when it be required.

Its not as Kerry states a "my wife is better than your wife" situation.. its a case of every situation differs.. some partners in a relationship are spendthrifts, others are savers... its basically what works for that particular marriage/relationship.

I would say that my wife is probably more Australian than Thai in many respects and doesnt subscribe to the "loss of face" angle which is so prevalent.

Understood. My lady was working (not a bar girl, if that matters) when I met her and had done for most of her 40 years, so she was pretty self-reliant, but it just suited us both for her to quit work and basically retire with me. Three years later, it's still working out fine. In three years none of her family have asked for or expected a satang out of me.

Isnt that exactly what life is about! which is why we dont all subscribe to having the same car, house etc.. it works for you, and thats where the importance lies. Good luck to you, you sound happy!

What a chronic shame we have to justify "my wife is not a bar girl" eh?? Thai women can be found in a variety of professions, construction, hospitality, rice fields etc. T'is a shallow person that automatically thinks......

Enjoy your life mate.




As the OP is not living here, his wife is probably making enough money from the local 'service industry' not to have to bother him for a few baht. She also owns his house......

Sorry OP, just generalising

Nice generalisation.

I have a few houses and the one in Thailand is about the cost of a recent carport I put up in OZ (not really a concern to me)

I think we are back to the same old majority of posters on this site that have been bitten badly by bargirls (in more ways than one)

I quite like getting bitten by bargirls, and I will challenge anyone who says they don't ph34r.png

More generalisations OP, never been ripped off in the near 7 years I have been here. Not married or in any serious relationship, just better at playing the game than they think they are. guitar.gif

If you are so loaded as you claim to be, do you not feel a little bit guilty giving her 2k a month to take care of the house and kid?

Not loaded, just have enough for life.

Not 2k a month 2k till I get back there.

Not 1 kid - 2 kids

Guilty - No , this is what she likes - if she ever needed more she would get it on request. I think it would be a big mistake to give her without her needing it.

"she would get it on request" bla bla bla, what a sad "husband", another master of the universe saving the natives.bah.gif


You are correct, I hesitated before I bracketed the "not a bargirl, if that matters" quote. In fact it doesn't matter, certainly not to me. I have several falang friends who are in long term relationships with ex bargirls, and they seem to work out well in most cases. Probably no more of a failure rate than falang/falang relationships in the west.

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"she would get it on request" bla bla bla, what a sad "husband", another master of the universe saving the natives.bah.gif

Yaaawwwwnnnn not another know all


"she would get it on request" bla bla bla, what a sad "husband", another master of the universe saving the natives.bah.gif

Yaaawwwwnnnn not another know all

I agree, nothing constructive to say, just sniping.

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