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Friday The 13th


Are you superstitious about Friday the 13th?  

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I voted no, but an interesting side note....

A Thai friend mentioned to me today that they don't worry about the Friday so much, but that they consider the number 13 unlucky/scary because when rotated clockwise 90 degrees it makes ผี (pii...the Thai word for ghost). I had never heard this before...do many Thais consider 13 a bad (for lack of a better term) number?

From everything I've learned, Thais and Asians in general - more specifically Chinese, consider the number 13 a Lucky number.

All's I know is I ain't superstitious but a Black Cat just crossed my trail... :o

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From everything I've learned, Thais and Asians in general - more specifically Chinese, consider the number 13 a Lucky number.

Yes, my girl has often commented about 13 being a lucky number. Any ideas of what other numbers Thais consider lucky and which number is considered the luckiest by most Thais? Or which day of the week do they consider the luckiest?

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I was born on Friday the 13th too, my life is ok not too bad

"which number is considered the luckiest by most Thais? Or which day of the week do they consider the luckiest?"

the luckiest number for thais is 9 and the best day is thursday

Edited by spear
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From everything I've learned, Thais and Asians in general - more specifically Chinese, consider the number 13 a Lucky number.

Yes, my girl has often commented about 13 being a lucky number. Any ideas of what other numbers Thais consider lucky and which number is considered the luckiest by most Thais? Or which day of the week do they consider the luckiest?

Yep, that's what I've heard too, nine being considered an auspicious number in Thailand as well.

Edited by Boon Mee
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I bought my Thai lotto ticket today 13th and I am sure I am going to win it hahahaha.number 99

Eat your hearts out Oh and I did not go to the temple to pray to Budda for the lucky number like 100,000 upon 100,000 do :o

wow Ijust made my first 100 posts so when I bought the ticket I had only 99 posts so maybe thats a good sign hahahhah :D

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Balderdash . . .

It's still Fiday the 13th here and I had a great day.

Flapdoodle, horsefeathers, and humbug . . .

Yesterday reached 20 degrees and sunshine; today -1 and snow. Bad luck?

Blather, poppycock and tomfoolery . . .

Of course, this is Chicago where it can be winter in summer and summer in winter.

Hogwash, rubbish, and bushwa . . .

So, can't attribute the bad weather to the 13th.

Wangdoodle, fiddlesticks, and baloney . . .

There's still 17 minutes left. You never know, there's still a chance that I won't see tomorrow.

A crock, fiddlesticks, and malarkey . . .

So, if no one ever hears from me again take heed . . .

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i didnt believe fri 13 was unlucky until i went to my bank.i had ordered £700 of travel cheques in us dollars and £300 in Thai Baht.when i went in, they had messed up and tried to give me £1000 in Thai Baht. :D i refused but accepted £300 in Baht and they said they would have the cheques on mon morning.as i was signing for the baht,i looked at the calender in the bank and YEP, it said fri 13th. :D i fly to pattaya on tuesday 17 so am now left stressed out over the weekend until monday to see if theyve got it right :o !i now believe in fri 13th :D dave

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