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Red-Shirt Leader Korkaew Warns Of Civil War If Court Rules Against Amendments


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Did I ever support intimidating the judges? Hmmm, let me see, er, ... No.

Answer this question I asked few days ago, see if you can answer it this time.

where is the difference here ? these pukes purport to be the defenders of democracy but have no concept of the judiciary as an independent entity... or even an entity...what they are trying to operate as is a parliamentary dictatorship... that is their understanding (if any) of majority in parliament... need to understand that a parliamentary system of dictatorship is still dictatorship... what a shame...

but the courts are not independent.

So, do you support Korkaews methodology on how to find out if they are fair or not.

Yes or no?

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This guy should be arrested for Contempt of Court, and incitement.

This is a disgraceful outburst, and he must be punished for it. I've said it before on here, democracy with a gun below the table is no democracy at all.


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I personally like the tired old 62% didn't vote for the ptp. It seems to me that these posters should go whole hog and add all the children and new born babies who didn't vote for the PTP and then they would get some where just barely north of "70% of the Thai people didn't vote for the PTP".

Although peaceful humans losing to thugpower organized criminals comes a close second.


'We have a majority, we can do what we want' is just as tiresome.

BTW with the general elections in 2011 Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes, Democrats 32.24%.

He would take the 'thugpower organised criminals' part more seriously too, if huge group of them were brandishing machetes, petrol bombs and firearms in the street outside the house where he lives. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" as the classic saying goes. I Iive and own apartment in the city where redmob have just threatened to retaliate with civil war so I'm taking it seriously based on their history of meaningless arson and mayhem.

Re; the 62% of actual votes that PTP did not actually get, and the silly Tlansford comments about I would include babies voting. Very silly, and it missed the point because I was responding to an earlier poster who said that PTP represented "the people" and "Thai sentiment", both phrases are mass-collectives, especially "the people" which implies that PTP have the support of 100% of all living Thais including babies and pensioners. I was pointing merely out that 38% of voters is not "the people" or "Thai sentiment" by any definition.


Edited by Yunla
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This guy should be arrested for Contempt of Court, and incitement.

This is a disgraceful outburst, and he must be punished for it. I've said it before on here, democracy with a gun below the table is no democracy at all.


This criminal should be arrested, but even if he was it solves little. He's just a mindless drone doing his master's bidding and is easily replaceable, all it takes is cash. You have to cut off the head of the snake. Until that happens Thailand will never have peace.

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I personally like the tired old 62% didn't vote for the ptp. It seems to me that these posters should go whole hog and add all the children and new born babies who didn't vote for the PTP and then they would get some where just barely north of "70% of the Thai people didn't vote for the PTP".

Although peaceful humans losing to thugpower organized criminals comes a close second.


'We have a majority, we can do what we want' is just as tiresome.

BTW with the general elections in 2011 Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes, Democrats 32.24%.

Rubl, missing phiphidon, or something?

The PTP got 48.41 % of the popular vote and 53% of the seats in parliament. Why are you still posting BS numbers?

And the only people writing 'We have a majority, we can do what we want' about the PTP are the PTP-haters. Don't tell me you hadn't noticed that before? It is part of the rabid-right's propaganda campaign to associate false, negative attributes to their "enemies". Similar to de-humanizing them by calling them thugs, or mobs, etc.

But you are right - it is tiresome.

I said 'Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes', valid numbers, check EC website unless you feel their info is BS?

As for PTP-haters, the "we won, we can do" comes from Dept. PM Pol Captain Chalerm, or were you asleep when he said so?

Who said "don't condemn, let a man's own words do that for him" ? Tiresome to need to correct and try to keep with the truth. wai.gif

I am extremely familiar with the results and so are you - your 44 % is completely correct and you know it is also completely irrelevant as it has nothing to do with the actual votes counted, much less the allocation of seats which is after all the item being contested in the election. Yet you insist in trotting it out as a relevant "fact".

The PTP have often noted that they won the election and have a mandate to govern which the PTP haters reinterpret as 'We have a majority, we can do what we want' in order to make themselves feel good about hating the PTP. This is often extended to 'we can do what we want whether it is legal or not'. It's just trotting out lies.

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'We have a majority, we can do what we want' is just as tiresome.

BTW with the general elections in 2011 Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes, Democrats 32.24%.

Rubl, missing phiphidon, or something?

The PTP got 48.41 % of the popular vote and 53% of the seats in parliament. Why are you still posting BS numbers?

And the only people writing 'We have a majority, we can do what we want' about the PTP are the PTP-haters. Don't tell me you hadn't noticed that before? It is part of the rabid-right's propaganda campaign to associate false, negative attributes to their "enemies". Similar to de-humanizing them by calling them thugs, or mobs, etc.

But you are right - it is tiresome.

I said 'Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes', valid numbers, check EC website unless you feel their info is BS?

As for PTP-haters, the "we won, we can do" comes from Dept. PM Pol Captain Chalerm, or were you asleep when he said so?

Who said "don't condemn, let a man's own words do that for him" ? Tiresome to need to correct and try to keep with the truth. wai.gif

I am extremely familiar with the results and so are you - your 44 % is completely correct and you know it is also completely irrelevant as it has nothing to do with the actual votes counted, much less the allocation of seats which is after all the item being contested in the election. Yet you insist in trotting it out as a relevant "fact".

The PTP have often noted that they won the election and have a mandate to govern which the PTP haters reinterpret as 'We have a majority, we can do what we want' in order to make themselves feel good about hating the PTP. This is often extended to 'we can do what we want whether it is legal or not'. It's just trotting out lies.

Tom, try to be a bit more consistent in your replies. If you're completely familiar with the election results (you helped counting didn't you?) then saying my 44% is correct, irrelevant and BS seems a wee bit strange.

The "we can do want we want' is just what Pheu Thai MP's and cabinet members seem to indicate. Like Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm with his "“Did they fall asleep and didn’t know we got our power from the election?” Chalerm said, referring to judges on the nine-member Constitutional Court. “Don’t go too far. This is too much and no one can accept this.”"

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I personally like the tired old 62% didn't vote for the ptp. It seems to me that these posters should go whole hog and add all the children and new born babies who didn't vote for the PTP and then they would get some where just barely north of "70% of the Thai people didn't vote for the PTP".

Although peaceful humans losing to thugpower organized criminals comes a close second.


'We have a majority, we can do what we want' is just as tiresome.

BTW with the general elections in 2011 Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes, Democrats 32.24%.

Rubl, missing phiphidon, or something?

The PTP got 48.41 % of the popular vote and 53% of the seats in parliament. Why are you still posting BS numbers?

And the only people writing 'We have a majority, we can do what we want' about the PTP are the PTP-haters. Don't tell me you hadn't noticed that before? It is part of the rabid-right's propaganda campaign to associate false, negative attributes to their "enemies". Similar to de-humanizing them by calling them thugs, or mobs, etc.

But you are right - it is tiresome.

I said 'Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes', valid numbers, check EC website unless you feel their info is BS?

As for PTP-haters, the "we won, we can do" comes from Dept. PM Pol Captain Chalerm, or were you asleep when he said so?

Who said "don't condemn, let a man's own words do that for him" ? Tiresome to need to correct and try to keep with the truth. wai.gif

Whilst Yingluck cooed "we got the mandate. From the people."

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Could u explain that in detail please?

The LM laws have nothing to do with the 2007 constitution.

The 2006 coup leader is in bed with the PTP writing his next amnesty as part of the amnesty bill.

The German constitution rightly says that Parliamentary decisions that affect certain areas such as sovereignty need to be approved by the upper house

I did not say the LM laws has anything to do with 2007 constitution.And u r wrong,the german upper house has to wait now until german Constitution court says esm and and fiscal pact are not against german constituion,only if they say "ok"then the upperhouse can proceed and maybe approve.It tells me a lot if the 2006 coup leader now changed the bedroom again

Yes you did - you said he was in jail because of the current constitution.

Screw the Germans - they are an irrelevance

And yes,

the coup leader is the one who kicked off all this poorly thought out and ridiculously named "reconciliation bill". He will pardon himslef again. Conflict of interest? Oh no, no, no!

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I personally like the tired old 62% didn't vote for the ptp. It seems to me that these posters should go whole hog and add all the children and new born babies who didn't vote for the PTP and then they would get some where just barely north of "70% of the Thai people didn't vote for the PTP".

Although peaceful humans losing to thugpower organized criminals comes a close second.


'We have a majority, we can do what we want' is just as tiresome.

BTW with the general elections in 2011 Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes, Democrats 32.24%.

Rubl, missing phiphidon, or something?

The PTP got 48.41 % of the popular vote and 53% of the seats in parliament. Why are you still posting BS numbers?

And the only people writing 'We have a majority, we can do what we want' about the PTP are the PTP-haters. Don't tell me you hadn't noticed that before? It is part of the rabid-right's propaganda campaign to associate false, negative attributes to their "enemies". Similar to de-humanizing them by calling them thugs, or mobs, etc.

But you are right - it is tiresome.

Tom, When it comes to thugs there is just no competition. The Reds win that hands down with their violence and intimidation.

Even when you compare the PTP against the Dems it's PTP all the way. Chelerm and his sons, Yongyuth, Karun, Mugabe.....

and when it comes to incompetence, well, it;s just a cricket score. Pracha, Plodprasop, Yingluck, Chalerm,

Edited by Moruya
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I personally like the tired old 62% didn't vote for the ptp. It seems to me that these posters should go whole hog and add all the children and new born babies who didn't vote for the PTP and then they would get some where just barely north of "70% of the Thai people didn't vote for the PTP".

Although peaceful humans losing to thugpower organized criminals comes a close second.


'We have a majority, we can do what we want' is just as tiresome.

BTW with the general elections in 2011 Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes, Democrats 32.24%.

He would take the 'thugpower organised criminals' part more seriously too, if huge group of them were brandishing machetes, petrol bombs and firearms in the street outside the house where he lives. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" as the classic saying goes. I Iive and own apartment in the city where redmob have just threatened to retaliate with civil war so I'm taking it seriously based on their history of meaningless arson and mayhem.

Re; the 62% of actual votes that PTP did not actually get, and the silly Tlansford comments about I would include babies voting. Very silly, and it missed the point because I was responding to an earlier poster who said that PTP represented "the people" and "Thai sentiment", both phrases are mass-collectives, especially "the people" which implies that PTP have the support of 100% of all living Thais including babies and pensioners. I was pointing merely out that 38% of voters is not "the people" or "Thai sentiment" by any definition.


Well, yunla, while manipulating fictitious numbers, why stop at 62%? Just include the stray dogs and cats in Thailand who didn't cast a vote for the PTP and you'll soon get to 100% - or more!

Does that sound ridiculous to you? Of course, and it is.

But let's come back to just regular people, ok? You see, before the election, the polls showed that a PTP landslide was imminent, so the 25% ++ of the voters who didn't vote were actually 100% PTP supports who just kept working one more day for 150B rather than go to the polls - secure in the knowledge that their side would win. So the "truth" is that the PTP enjoys over 75% support among the Thai people.

Get it now?

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Well, yunla, while manipulating fictitious numbers, why stop at 62%? Just include the stray dogs and cats in Thailand who didn't cast a vote for the PTP and you'll soon get to 100% - or more!

Does that sound ridiculous to you? Of course, and it is.

But let's come back to just regular people, ok? You see, before the election, the polls showed that a PTP landslide was imminent, so the 25% ++ of the voters who didn't vote were actually 100% PTP supports who just kept working one more day for 150B rather than go to the polls - secure in the knowledge that their side would win. So the "truth" is that the PTP enjoys over 75% support among the Thai people.

Get it now?

Prove it, or be labelled a liar.

I know at least one person who didn't vote in this election (my wife) and is 100% definitely not a PTP supporter and would have voted either democrat or one of the smaller parties....

so in fact, i've just proven you to be a liar and full of cr@p

Get it now?

Edited by MunterHunter
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Well, yunla, while manipulating fictitious numbers, why stop at 62%? Just include the stray dogs and cats in Thailand who didn't cast a vote for the PTP and you'll soon get to 100% - or more!

Does that sound ridiculous to you? Of course, and it is.

But let's come back to just regular people, ok? You see, before the election, the polls showed that a PTP landslide was imminent, so the 25% ++ of the voters who didn't vote were actually 100% PTP supports who just kept working one more day for 150B rather than go to the polls - secure in the knowledge that their side would win. So the "truth" is that the PTP enjoys over 75% support among the Thai people.

Get it now?

38%~ wasn't ficticious. There was 75%~ turnout and your PTP got 48%~. That is 38%~.

I'm not interested in any more specific number-crunching since it is irrelevent.

And again, I was pointing out the fallacy of the earlier poster saying PTP represent "the people" and "Thai sentiment" when what they actually represent is 38% of voters only. "The people" would mean 100% of all living people, not 38% of voters and I contend that "Thai sentiment" would mean at least an actual bare minimum 50% of actual living Thais.

What is more relevant, and surprising to me, is that you make such a big deal of minor number-crunching regarding the election itself, but you show such total lack of interest in PTP's actions post-election.

I accept that PTP won and I've said so since the day of the election. What I can not accept are their shameful actions since that day, they have been sabotaging this nation in so many criminal ways and on so many fundamental levels.


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I personally like the tired old 62% didn't vote for the ptp. It seems to me that these posters should go whole hog and add all the children and new born babies who didn't vote for the PTP and then they would get some where just barely north of "70% of the Thai people didn't vote for the PTP".

Although peaceful humans losing to thugpower organized criminals comes a close second.


'We have a majority, we can do what we want' is just as tiresome.

BTW with the general elections in 2011 Pheu Thai got 44.38% of cast votes, Democrats 32.24%.

Rubl, missing phiphidon, or something?

The PTP got 48.41 % of the popular vote and 53% of the seats in parliament. Why are you still posting BS numbers?

And the only people writing 'We have a majority, we can do what we want' about the PTP are the PTP-haters. Don't tell me you hadn't noticed that before? It is part of the rabid-right's propaganda campaign to associate false, negative attributes to their "enemies". Similar to de-humanizing them by calling them thugs, or mobs, etc.

But you are right - it is tiresome.

Tom, When it comes to thugs there is just no competition. The Reds win that hands down with their violence and intimidation.

Even when you compare the PTP against the Dems it's PTP all the way. Chelerm and his sons, Yongyuth, Karun, Mugabe.....

and when it comes to incompetence, well, it;s just a cricket score. Pracha, Plodprasop, Yingluck, Chalerm,

Moruya, is that really an interesting debate?

I mean, you have violence in Thai politics and in Thai society. You have violence in Britain, France, the USA - and you have corruption as well (BTW, something like 5 of the last 7 Illinois governors were sent to prison... not bad, eh?)

You make the list for the red ptp side of violence - I am not one who keeps a list for the dems / pad, but I am certain that it would not be hard to match 1 to 1 - I recall a Dem MP killing someone in cold blood recently... and let's not even start with PAD ambushes or Abhisit/Suthep's Blue shirts, or the snipers in 2010, etc...

The way I see it there are problems every where and what counts is what gets done... what gets fixed. Demonizing one entire faction of the society as is routinely done here is not very useful.

I am dismayed that the political opponents don't work together from time to time, but at the moment, I don't see any cooperation in governing until the 'Thaksin' issue is resolved, and even after that, it is not at all clear that the Thai politicians and their respective power-brokers will decide to do some things for the good of the country.

So we take what we can get. The bump in the minimum wage is one imperfect but needed move. The school tablet program might turn out to be quite wasteful, but it is bold. There are infrastructure programs in the planning and the flood programs are being executed. It is not all gloom and doom.

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Well, yunla, while manipulating fictitious numbers, why stop at 62%? Just include the stray dogs and cats in Thailand who didn't cast a vote for the PTP and you'll soon get to 100% - or more!

Does that sound ridiculous to you? Of course, and it is.

But let's come back to just regular people, ok? You see, before the election, the polls showed that a PTP landslide was imminent, so the 25% ++ of the voters who didn't vote were actually 100% PTP supports who just kept working one more day for 150B rather than go to the polls - secure in the knowledge that their side would win. So the "truth" is that the PTP enjoys over 75% support among the Thai people.

Get it now?

38% wasn't ficticious. There was 75%~ turnout and your PTP got 48%. That is 38%~.

And again, I was pointing out the fallacy of the earlier poster saying PTP represent "the people" and "Thai sentiment" when what they actuallly represent is 38% of voters only. "The people" would mean 100% of all people, not 38% of voters and I contend that "Thai sentiment" would mean at least and actual bare minimum 50% of actual living Thais.

What is more relevant, and surprising to me, is that you make such a big deal of minor number-crunching re;the election itself, but you show such total lack of interest in PTP's actions post-election.

I accept since the day of the election that PTP won. What I can not accept is that since that day they have been sabotaging this nation on so many fundamental levels.

And what is missing from the discussions above is why some people ( a lot of people) voted for pt:

- Promises of keeping pork and egg prices down (by the way promises now broken)

- Promise of 300Baht daily wages for all (by the way, now implemented in something like 7 provinces only and please note that lots of folks in those provinces now lost their jobs, and yingluck says implementation in all provinces will take at least another three years - an insult.)

- Promises of 15,000Baht min salary for new grads (by the way, nowhere near fully implemented and has become a nightmare and in practice has been shelved)

etc etc.

None of this discussion will ever convince me that a large percentage of pt voters were / are highly knowledgeable regarding the much bandied crap saying they are all now fully politically aware. Total rubbish; and all the stuff about red democracy schools etc., (actually just hate schools telling folks lies and manufactured untruths) just manipulative smokescreening for dirty dealings which are focused on a very very small group of people - Thai politicians. Or to put it in simple words 'the inviation only get rich club', qualifications to join: must be totally lacking in morals and values. And yes it's true, the 'club' is alive and well to varying degress in all political parties.

Edited by scorecard
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Well, yunla, while manipulating fictitious numbers, why stop at 62%? Just include the stray dogs and cats in Thailand who didn't cast a vote for the PTP and you'll soon get to 100% - or more!

Does that sound ridiculous to you? Of course, and it is.

But let's come back to just regular people, ok? You see, before the election, the polls showed that a PTP landslide was imminent, so the 25% ++ of the voters who didn't vote were actually 100% PTP supports who just kept working one more day for 150B rather than go to the polls - secure in the knowledge that their side would win. So the "truth" is that the PTP enjoys over 75% support among the Thai people.

Get it now?

38% wasn't ficticious. There was 75%~ turnout and your PTP got 48%. That is 38%~.

And again, I was pointing out the fallacy of the earlier poster saying PTP represent "the people" and "Thai sentiment" when what they actuallly represent is 38% of voters only. "The people" would mean 100% of all people, not 38% of voters and I contend that "Thai sentiment" would mean at least and actual bare minimum 50% of actual living Thais.

What is more relevant, and surprising to me, is that you make such a big deal of minor number-crunching re;the election itself, but you show such total lack of interest in PTP's actions post-election.

I accept since the day of the election that PTP won. What I can not accept is that since that day they have been sabotaging this nation on so many fundamental levels.

And what is missing from the discussions above is why some people ( a lot of people) voted for pt:

- Promises of keeping pork and egg prices down (by the way promises now broken)

- Promise of 300Baht daily wages for all (by the way, now implemented in something like 7 provinces only and please note that lots of folks in those provinces now lost their jobs, and yingluck says implementation in all provinces will take at least another three years - an insult.)

- Promises of 15,000Baht min salary for new grads (by the way, nowhere near fully implemented and has become a nightmare and in practice has been shelved)

etc etc.

None of this discussion will ever convince me that a large percentage of pt voters were / are highly knowledgeable regarding the much bandied crap saying they are all now fully politically aware. Total rubbish; and all the stuff about red democracy schools etc., (actually just hate schools telling folks lies and manufactured untruths) just manipulative smokescreening for dirty dealings which are focused on a very very small group of people - Thai politicians. Or to put it in simple words 'the inviation only get rich club', qualifications to join: must be totally lacking in morals and values. And yes it's true, the 'club' is alive and well to varying degress in all political parties.

One HiSo faction manipulating the poor to take power from another HiSo Faction.

Nothing to do with the common man or democracy.

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Moruya, is that really an interesting debate?

I mean, you have violence in Thai politics and in Thai society. You have violence in Britain, France, the USA - and you have corruption as well (BTW, something like 5 of the last 7 Illinois governors were sent to prison... not bad, eh?)

You make the list for the red ptp side of violence - I am not one who keeps a list for the dems / pad, but I am certain that it would not be hard to match 1 to 1 - I recall a Dem MP killing someone in cold blood recently... and let's not even start with PAD ambushes or Abhisit/Suthep's Blue shirts, or the snipers in 2010, etc...

The way I see it there are problems every where and what counts is what gets done... what gets fixed. Demonizing one entire faction of the society as is routinely done here is not very useful.

I am dismayed that the political opponents don't work together from time to time, but at the moment, I don't see any cooperation in governing until the 'Thaksin' issue is resolved, and even after that, it is not at all clear that the Thai politicians and their respective power-brokers will decide to do some things for the good of the country.

So we take what we can get. The bump in the minimum wage is one imperfect but needed move. The school tablet program might turn out to be quite wasteful, but it is bold. There are infrastructure programs in the planning and the flood programs are being executed. It is not all gloom and doom.

Tom, when you say that the Red Shirts are demonised as thugs I'm afraid it's true right across their democratically elected leaders - name me one who hasn't advocated violence.

We can talk a bit about France. When a faction there gets going, they get marching and blockade things. Other than unforgivably torching a truck full of live Welsh lamb, I can't think of acts of violence. They make their point and move on.

Look at 2010 - why ask their mob to torch all the muslim mosques? Fascism. Sirirat Hospital? You know that answer to that. Central World? youi know the answer to that too.

If you could find 5% of Dems calling for violence I'd be surprised - 1 for 1 - never.

I don't want to demonise the entire Red Shirt faction - certainly their leaders who have been given a torch to carry (pun intended) and have put it to bad use. At the end of the day the losers will be the people - no doubt about that.

If you want an unbiased veiw from me on flood relief, we will need to wait and see. But I shall remember all the things that were said to the Japanese investors about super flood highways etc.

Tablet PC? IT is my field and I have worked with all types of PCs from the sublime to the ridiculous. What will make this a success or otherwise will be Internet access and software. We will see.

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BBC REPORTER IN BKK says the ammendments were said to pave the way for the P.Ms brother Thaksin to return, and said that he is out of the country not wanting to return as he is facing a 2 year term of jail.

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I just switched on the BBC world service, and the 11am news, Martine Dennis, spoke to a reporter here in BKK, who said that the court had thrown out the ammendments, I am trying to get further comments as the news is on all the time on this service--PSI system-move--BBC and Australia

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I just switched on the BBC world service, and the 11am news, Martine Dennis, spoke to a reporter here in BKK, who said that the court had thrown out the ammendments, I am trying to get further comments as the news is on all the time on this service--PSI system-move--BBC and Australia

Crystal ball maybe?

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strange, they tell it at 2 pm?

HAs BBC a time-machine?

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BBC also reported that the building 7 WTC collapsed 20+ minutes before it collapsed. WT7 was not hit by jets, not hit by debris, and infact a sound steel structure with no reason to collapse at all. It was burning slightly from low-temp fires started inside.

The 'already fallen' building can be seen behind the reporter's funny face.

BBC were pre-informed about this controlled demolition and got their times wrong.

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