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Teen Girl Sexually Assaulted By Three Police Officers, A Taxi Driver And Her Father: Pathum Thani


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Unfortunately this kind of thing happens every day in Thailand and only rarely gets reported.

Are you regularly involved in the assaults or are you the victim of being raped daily by multiple policemen and your father as well as a taxi driver? Just curious how you would know this happens every day if it is not reported.

There are two sides to this story no one has been found guilty, And quite frankly i think she is lying.

I also suspect she is lying but have to wonder if it is not partly because I hope she is lying given how horrendously sick this series of events would be if she wasn't.

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Unfortunately this kind of thing happens every day in Thailand and only rarely gets reported.

Are you regularly involved in the assaults or are you the victim of being raped daily by multiple policemen and your father as well as a taxi driver? Just curious how you would know this happens every day if it is not reported.

There are two sides to this story no one has been found guilty, And quite frankly i think she is lying.

There is actually 3 sides to every story. Your side, my side, and the side of the truth. So many get caught up in black/white that they forget all the grey area in between.

Lets not lose sight of the fact that she is 15 years old and sex with her is illegal whether she consented to it freely or not. If she was paid for sex then that is even more illegal.

I think 15 is the age of consent in Thailand under that would be classified as rape. Edited by maeab
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Are you regularly involved in the assaults or are you the victim of being raped daily by multiple policemen and your father as well as a taxi driver? Just curious how you would know this happens every day if it is not reported.

There are two sides to this story no one has been found guilty, And quite frankly i think she is lying.

There is actually 3 sides to every story. Your side, my side, and the side of the truth. So many get caught up in black/white that they forget all the grey area in between.

Lets not lose sight of the fact that she is 15 years old and sex with her is illegal whether she consented to it freely or not. If she was paid for sex then that is even more illegal.

I think 15 is the age of consent in Thailand under that would be classified as rape

First of all, rape can happen at any age...

I believe at that age you need parental consent and not just consent from the minor. Also, paying a 15 year old for sex as some posters have alluded to is illegal.

Lets also not forget she made claims that her father has been sexually abusing her since age 7.

Edited by Jayman
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15 is not. The age of consent is 18. Anything below that must have parental approval, buy out clause. :(

Young girl, wants to get experience in the police force? Offers voluntary work.

I can't see why most don't believe the girl, but in the consequences of events we will never get to the bottom of the truth in this matter, as it is in local Police hands. If she was lying, a 15 yr old would not go to a crisis centre and risk being ostricised from her family.

Where are the mother's comments?


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Lets look at it from a slightly different angle, without guessing either way-If my 15 y/o came home and said that she had been raped, I would have to believe her. Now on this occasion she would be unlikely to go home to tell her father would she ????

If she is telling porky pies, she needs taking to she a shrink to probe into why she made the story up. And action taken accordingly, it wouldn't be the first time persons have been framed by this type of story.

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15 is not. The age of consent is 18. Anything below that must have parental approval, buy out clause. sad.png

Young girl, wants to get experience in the police force? Offers voluntary work.

I can't see why most don't believe the girl, but in the consequences of events we will never get to the bottom of the truth in this matter, as it is in local Police hands. If she was lying, a 15 yr old would not go to a crisis centre and risk being ostricised from her family.

Where are the mother's comments?


Is it true the parents can drop the charges for rape in thailand or is that just b.s. Or do they have to prosecute Edited by maeab
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They say that they are looking for the police - They don't have to look too far Pratoo Chulalongkorn police station in Thanyaburi - just go to that police station and have the girl do a visual on all the coppers. The father should be dragged away in handcuffs, tried and sentenced for rape of a minor and tucked away in prison for 20 years. If the father was sent to prison in the USA the gangs in prison would make hi9m a girlfriend real quick.

Might be awful though if she was angry at her dad for some reason and concocted up the whole story to try and get him into trouble. Strange case any way you look at it!

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What a sad state of affairs.

If it is true, then God/Her Buddha pity the girl at this statement:-

"As for the three policemen and the taxi driver, the police in the area were notified and will be looking for those suspects."

So the guys who did it, if true, will be looking for themselves? What a complete charade! sad.pngbah.gif


100% agreed.sad.pngbah.gifsick.gif

100% Agreed Again.

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Unfortunately this kind of thing happens every day in Thailand and only rarely gets reported.

Are you regularly involved in the assaults or are you the victim of being raped daily by multiple policemen and your father as well as a taxi driver? Just curious how you would know this happens every day if it is not reported.

There are two sides to this story no one has been found guilty, And quite frankly i think she is lying.

I also suspect she is lying but have to wonder if it is not partly because I hope she is lying given how horrendously sick this series of events would be if she wasn't.

The story is very hard to believe at the least I mean her father three policemen and a taxi driver all rape her somthing smells fishy here. lets wait for the truth to come out the policemen will be easy to find.
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Mr. Sinlapachai Kenpa, authority of the Ministry of Social development and Human Security, brought “Miss Jane”(alias), age 15, a ninth grade student of a Patumthani school, to the Nongsuea police station to notify police that she had been repeatedly raped...

she didnt go straight to the police?

she reported it in the first place to the ministry? ...thats bold, somehow...

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Mr. Sinlapachai Kenpa, authority of the Ministry of Social development and Human Security, brought “Miss Jane”(alias), age 15, a ninth grade student of a Patumthani school, to the Nongsuea police station to notify police that she had been repeatedly raped...

she didnt go straight to the police?

she reported it in the first place to the ministry? ...thats bold, somehow...

If she did not go to the hospital for a rape kit then she has to be lying! Edited by maeab
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maybe she walked to the police, and then the case boiled up to the ministry because of its dimensions (police raped, father raped...)...

and as she stayed tough, she was brought back to the police?

because - when i understand the article right - and it is correct, it seems quite unusual to file a complaint at the ministry?

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15 is not. The age of consent is 18. Anything below that must have parental approval, buy out clause. :(

Young girl, wants to get experience in the police force? Offers voluntary work.

I can't see why most don't believe the girl, but in the consequences of events we will never get to the bottom of the truth in this matter, as it is in local Police hands. If she was lying, a 15 yr old would not go to a crisis centre and risk being ostricised from her family.

Where are the mother's comments?


Parental consent makes it ok then. What a wrongly Thai way to solve a problem.

Does one have to get consent before or can it be granted after the fact. What a joke of a law.

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Is it true the parents can drop the charges for rape in thailand or is that just b.s. Or do they have to prosecute

15 is age of consent..but there are some statutory rape loopholes, that allow the parents and/OR the girl to bring charges, regardless if the sex was consensual or not...

The parents can't drop the charges if the girl makes them. I believe this is somebody's misinterpretation of the law. The parents do have the power to bring statutory charges at ages 15-18, but not to have them dropped if the girl files (obviously it will still depend on some sort of evidence whether or not the police follow through with an arrest)


Edited by happysanook
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Is it true the parents can drop the charges for rape in thailand or is that just b.s. Or do they have to prosecute

15 is age of consent..but there are some statutory rape loopholes, that allow the parents and/OR the girl to bring charges, regardless if the sex was consensual or not...

The parents can't drop the charges if the girl makes them. I believe this is somebody's misinterpretation of the law. The parents do have the power to bring statutory charges at ages 15-18, but not to have them dropped if the girl files (obviously it will still depend on some sort of evidence whether or not the police follow through with an arrest)


If you google 'age of consent' you will get a list of the legal age of consent for different countries, the age of consent in Thailand is 18, it is know that a person can engage in a sexual relationship with a fifteen year old with parental consent, and as stated in a different thread there is a ceremony at the temple involved, but no matter what the age or circumstance, sex without consent is still rape.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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15 is not. The age of consent is 18. Anything below that must have parental approval, buy out clause. sad.png

Young girl, wants to get experience in the police force? Offers voluntary work.

I can't see why most don't believe the girl, but in the consequences of events we will never get to the bottom of the truth in this matter, as it is in local Police hands. If she was lying, a 15 yr old would not go to a crisis centre and risk being ostricised from her family.

Where are the mother's comments?


Is it true the parents can drop the charges for rape in thailand or is that just b.s. Or do they have to prosecute

Are you a troll or what? If a girl under age claims to be raped her parents CANNOT have the charges dismissed. If a girl under age is in a sexual relation (consensual) and the parents DON'T APPROVE then they can have rape charges brought against the male.

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15 is not. The age of consent is 18. Anything below that must have parental approval, buy out clause. sad.png

Young girl, wants to get experience in the police force? Offers voluntary work.

I can't see why most don't believe the girl, but in the consequences of events we will never get to the bottom of the truth in this matter, as it is in local Police hands. If she was lying, a 15 yr old would not go to a crisis centre and risk being ostricised from her family.

Where are the mother's comments?


Parental consent makes it ok then. What a wrongly Thai way to solve a problem.

Does one have to get consent before or can it be granted after the fact. What a joke of a law.

You must be very confused with how the law works. Age of consent in Thailand is 18. Having sex with anyone under that age is illegal unless you are given special consent by the parents (as in a marriage). Buying sex from a girl under 18 is ILLEGAL regardless of whether the parents give consent.

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Referrence: Section 277 of The Thai Penal Code:

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl
not yet over fifteen years of age
and not being his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to Bt40,000. "If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph is committed against a girl
not yet over thirteen years of age
, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fine of Bt14,000 to Bt40,000 or imprisonment for life. "If the commission of the offence according to the first of second paragraph is committed by participation of persons in the nature of raping and/or murdering a girl, or by using weapons or explosives, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment for life."

Title IV Section 279

" Whoever commits an indecent act on a
child not over thirteen years of age
, with or without herconsent, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding ten years or fine not exceedingtwenty thousand baht, or both.

Section 8 of the " Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act " states

" Whoever, for sexual gratification of that person or of the third person, commits sexual intercourseor any other act against a person
who is over fifteen (15) years but not yet over eighteen (18) yearsof age
, with or without his or her consent, in a place for prostitution, shall be punished withimprisonment of one to three years and a fine of twenty thousand to sixty thousand baht.If the commission of the offence as specified in the first paragraph is committed against
a child not over fifteen (15) years of age
, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of two to six yearsand a fine of forty thousand to one hundred and twenty thousand baht.

Edit: Obviously there are probably other laws on the books too but these were the relevant ones I could find. I also think they may have revised the law to include males instead of only referring to her or wife.

Edited by Nisa
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"She did not know their real names, as they told her to call them “Ja Por,” “Ja Sor,” and a third man whose name she did not know."

This is a very sad story and the girl sounds a bit simple too which is probably why they thought they could take advantage of her, assuming it is true. If she can read, she should have been able to read their name tags, if they wore them. If they didn't, she should have wondered if they were really policemen.

"As for the three policemen and the taxi driver, the police in the area were notified and will be looking for those suspects."

No doubt Ja Por, Ja Sor and the unnamed ja are turning Tanyaburi upside down to find the fiendish suspects. I would not be surprised if they conclude there are no policemen answering those descriptions and then a fruitless manhunt can be launched for the imposters in police uniform.

Unfortunately this kind of thing happens every day in Thailand and only rarely gets reported.

Living here since now 20 years, and VERY close friend to the Thais, I confirm, that these abominable things happen!

In 1986 I was invited at a private party and the host offered me his 16 year old daughter! I "kindly" refused the offer BUT he told me that she would be good as HE "teached" her how to please...

F...g sad and f...g true!!!

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And here is actually what would make sex with a person under 18 illegal as an indecent act sexual could mean regular sex if not not married.

Penal Code Section 283 bis

Whoever, takes away the person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age for indecent act with consent of such person, shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.

If the commission of offence according to the first paragraph is occurred to the child not yet over the fifteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding seven years or fined not exceeding fourteen thousand Baht, or both.

Section 5 This provision shall be added to be Section 283 bis. of the Penal Code (see http://www.baliproce...ndPenalCode.pdf)

Section 283 bis. Whoever brings a person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age for an indecent sexual purpose, even with the consent of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years, or a fine not exceeding ten thousand baht, or both.

Edited by Nisa
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Living here since now 20 years, and VERY close friend to the Thais, I confirm, that these abominable things happen!

In 1986 I was invited at a private party and the host offered me his 16 year old daughter! I "kindly" refused the offer BUT he told me that she would be good as HE "teached" her how to please...

F...g sad and f...g true!!!

Was the party and host you describe in Thailand? Just curious cause you say you have been living here 20 years but the incident you mention happened about 26 years ago.

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Living here since now 20 years, and VERY close friend to the Thais, I confirm, that these abominable things happen!

In 1986 I was invited at a private party and the host offered me his 16 year old daughter! I "kindly" refused the offer BUT he told me that she would be good as HE "teached" her how to please...

F...g sad and f...g true!!!

Was the party and host you describe in Thailand? Just curious cause you say you have been living here 20 years but the incident you mention happened about 26 years ago.

Since when should facts get in the way of a good story... whistling.gif

Edited by Jayman
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Unfortunately this kind of thing happens every day in Thailand and only rarely gets reported.

Are you regularly involved in the assaults or are you the victim of being raped daily by multiple policemen and your father as well as a taxi driver? Just curious how you would know this happens every day if it is not reported.

Good point! cheesy.gif Poor old Arkady

Edited by Phatcharanan
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Mr. Sinlapachai Kenpa, authority of the Ministry of Social development and Human Security, brought “Miss Jane”(alias), age 15, a ninth grade student of a Patumthani school, to the Nongsuea police station to notify police that she had been repeatedly raped...

she didnt go straight to the police?

she reported it in the first place to the ministry? ...thats bold, somehow...

If she did not go to the hospital for a rape kit then she has to be lying!

The sick attitude of some of the posters in this topic disgusts me. Cruel and damning posts about which some people know nothing, such as these, should be deleted by admin. If this girl has been assaulted by her father and the police then it would make perfect sense that she not report it to the police or visit the hospital. How could she when she's been violated by those who are supposed to be the most trustworthy authorities in her life?

It is a reasonable proposition that the young girl in question would seek out some volunteer work with the police in the hope of establishing some form of reliable and supportive relationship with an officer or department to whom she might report this abuse. Obvioulsy that failed and she turned to a separate authority.

Have some empathy for God's sake. The girl is a troubled soul who needs help, love and support. If she was a liar and a scammer then surely the accusation would be directed at someone of importance or fame in the hope of gaining some financial reward and the report would have been made at a prominant media outlet to gain publicity.

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I hope this is not true and simply turns out to be a story of a girl who was scared of the punishment her father would hand out for staying out all night.

She's thai.. not Australian.

Thai parents don't punish their children for bad behaviour???

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The story is different today (from the BKK Post).

Now she says she worked for the commuter vans and lived under an overpass in Rangsit. Claims to have been raped by passenger van drivers. The one driver she accused came to see her many times at the center she was in, bringing her flowers etc every time. He is the only one she know the full name of. Or maybe he had to check in so they have his name. Wonder why he would visit her if what he did is true...

Lots of loose ends on this one!

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The story is different today (from the BKK Post).

Now she says she worked for the commuter vans and lived under an overpass in Rangsit. Claims to have been raped by passenger van drivers. The one driver she accused came to see her many times at the center she was in, bringing her flowers etc every time. He is the only one she know the full name of. Or maybe he had to check in so they have his name. Wonder why he would visit her if what he did is true...

Lots of loose ends on this one!

Just read it myself...seems she now adds passenger van drivers to the long and illustrious list of ....dirty vile no-good rapist bastards.....there, all of you twits who would limit ones freedom of speech to that which agrees with your point of view should be happy now. Seems her story has a bit of convolusion to it, as is not entirely uncommon with rape cases whether they are true or fabricated. Granted, statistically by far and away most rape cases turn out to indeed be true....that doesn't mean this is one of those cases and even if it is it doesn't mean she has conveyed ALL of the details of her accusations concerning who did what,when, where and how, factually correct.

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The story is different today (from the BKK Post).

Now she says she worked for the commuter vans and lived under an overpass in Rangsit. Claims to have been raped by passenger van drivers. The one driver she accused came to see her many times at the center she was in, bringing her flowers etc every time. He is the only one she know the full name of. Or maybe he had to check in so they have his name. Wonder why he would visit her if what he did is true...

Lots of loose ends on this one!

Thai TV news is reporting all sorts of different stuff too. It was step father who is no arrested ... girl left home and stayed in Rayong then wanted to go back home and went to the police for help but they raped her ...

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Obviously police will want to protect their own. There are several ways in which police (and taxi and/or van drivers) can successfully refute such accusations. Thai justice is subjective and hinges on what's socially convenient. At best, there might be a conclusion of 'inconclusive'.

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