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Resign, Thaksin!


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Anti-Thaksin protesters to rally in front of Government House

BANGKOK: -- Media tycoon Sondhi Limthongkul and former senator Pratin Santiprapop led protesters to march from Lumpini Park to Government House to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Sondhi and Pratin led some 3,000 protesters to walk to Government House at the end of Sondhi's Thailand Weekly talk show.

The protesters waived the national flags and the yellow flags representing His Majesty during their walk on Rama IV Road . People along side the road waived to the protesters to show their support.

Joining the march were government critic Prasong Soonsiri, Klanarong Chanthik, former secretary-general of the National Counter Corruption Commission, and Bangkok senator Chirmsak Pinthong.

At about 11 pm, the number of demonstrators in front of Government House was about 10,000.

Speaking to the demonstrators, Pratin said Thaksin should resign because he made statement deemed disrespectful to His Majesty when he addressed a group of taxi drivers early this month.

Sondhi said he led the demonstrators to rally in front of Government House because Thaksin said critics were barking at Lumpini Park so he moved to ?bark? in front of Government House.

--The Nation 2006-01-14

Sondhi alleges Thaksin signs FTA with Australia, China to benefit his IP Star

BANGKOK: -- Sondhi Limthongkul, founder of the Manger Group, alleged that Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra signed free trade agreement contracts with Australia and China with ulterior motive to benefit telecom businesses of his family.

Sondhi said the FTA contracts with Australia and China had severely affected villagers and farmers but the IP Star satellite project of Shin Corp, owned by Thaksin's family, stood to benefit greatly.

Sondhi said the FTA contracts with Australia affected daily farmers and villagers who made and sold locally-brew liquors as Australia could export milk and spirits to Thailand with no tariff.

At the same time, the FTA contract with China caused garlic and onion farmers to suffer with influx of cheaper garlic and onion from China but the telecom businesses of Thaksin's family could expand to China.

Sondhi says Thaksin to reshuffle Cabinet to divert public attention

BANGKOK: -- Sondhi Limthongkul said during his Thailand Weekly talk show at Lumpini Park Friday that Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra would reshuffle his Cabinet to divert public attention from alleged wrongdoing in his government.

Sondhi said Thaksin planned to bring politicians with poor image into Cabinet to attract public attention to them so that the public spotlight would no longer be on him.

"But I won't fall to this ploy," Sondhi said.

He said he would go on reminding Thaksin to answer unanswered questions related to alleged corruption in the government. Sondhi said Thaksin had failed so far to answer the questions he raised during the past sessions of his talk show.

Thousands of people gathered at the Lumpini Park to hear Sondhi attack Thaksin Friday evening.

Sondhi plays video clips showing how pro-government people are organised

BANGKOK: -- Media tycoon Sondhi Limthongkul Friday played video footages during his Thailand Weekly talk show to prove that Environment Minister Yongyuth Tiyapairat had organised employees of the National Parks Department to rally at the Lumpini Park in Bangkok to confront anti-government rally.

The video clips showed young men being gathered at several spots in several northern provinces, including Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Trat.

Sondhi said the director-general of the department would finance the trips by park employees to Bangkok through expense reimbursement later.

Sondhi played the clips and warned whom he called park temporary employees that he had taken pictures of all of them so they should not many any violent move or they could end up in jail.

He said the employees were hired Bt300 a day to come to Bangkok to counter the anti-government rally.

--The nation 2006-01-13/14

Sondhi foes disrupt live show in park

Audience falls by half; small police presence

BANGKOK: -- Media firebrand Sondhi Limthongkul resumed his anti-Thaksin weekly talk show at Lumpini park last night amid skirmishes between his supporters and opponents. The televised talk show appeared to lose momentum as the audience dropped by half, while the event was mostly dominated by old topics.

Police apparently allowed the anti-Sondhi group, numbering about 1,000, to make their presence felt at the show, the 14th ''mobile'' show to be held since it was removed from a state-run TV channel. About 25,000 people turned up.

The audience was confronted by an anti-Sondhi group from the North which was led by former Thai Rak Thai list MP Pichet Chuamuangphan and Akaradet Suklak, a close aide of Yongyuth Tiyapairat, the natural resources and environment minister.

The minister denied he was there to cause trouble, saying the group was in Bangkok mainly to attend a Children's Day fair.

The anti-Sondhi group, referring to themselves as a northern liquor network, managed to enter Lumpini park through a police barricade to attend the talk show in the dance hall.

They exchanged strong words and threw water bottles several times. The royal anthem was turned on but was able to suspend the clashes only temporarily.

Only 50 police from the Bangkok Police Division 5 showed up at the park yesterday although over 1,200 police including anti-riot police had been mobilised previously.

Police were aware of the arrival of the anti-Sondhi group but only 300 police were deployed when clashes erupted.

While Mr Sondhi was speaking, Mr Akaradet got up on a truck and denounced Mr Sondhi via a loudspeaker.

He said Mr Sondhi kept attacking Mr Thaksin every week because the prime minister refused to bail him out of a bankruptcy prosecution.

The so-called liquor network eventually dispersed.

Mr Sondhi blamed police for failing to secure the situation, saying police were serving politicians, not the public.

Talks of plans by the prime minister's family to sell its stake in Shin Corp and the government's free trade pact with the US dominated last night's show.

Mr Sondhi spent the rest of his time pursuing old issues, which he said Mr Thaksin still failed to explain.

At his last talk show late last year, Mr Sondhi urged as many supporters as possible to show up at Lumpini park yesterday to sign a letter to demand the ouster of Mr Thaksin. The plan was not realised yesterday.

After Mr Sondhi ended his talk show, well-known figures such as Klanarong Chantik, Wuthipong Piabjariyawat, Khanin Boonsuwan, Anek Laothamatas and Amarin Khoman led a procession to Government House. They stayed on, and were still shouting ''Thaksin out'' at press time.

--Bangkok Post 2006-01-14

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Brief scuffle occurs between anti-Sondhi and anti-Thaksin groups

A brief scuffle ensued between the anti-Sondhi and anti-Thaksin groups at Lumpini Park Friday afternoon.

At about 4 pm, some 200 people wearing yellow headband tried to push through a barricade of an area set aside for audience of media tycoon Sondhi Limthongkul's mobile Thailand Weekly talk show.

Fearing the situation would escalate, the staff of Thailand Weekly played a royal anthem, prompting both sides to stand still.

But after the song ended, the 200 people, who was directed by leader on their mobile public addressing system vehicle, tried to push through the barricade again. The man on the vehicle said they wanted to set up a stage to dispute allegations to be made by Sondhi.

But they failed to break through so they turned to attack Sondhi audience by throwing water bottles against them.

Police quickly moved in to intervene and restore order.

Source: The Nation Jan 14, 2006

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I think its very kind of DL & TRT to offer all these young people a 3-day expenses-paid trip, to view cultural & religeous sites in the capital, with 300B/day pocket-money, and the chance to see democracy in action.

I wonder was this with his own, or government, money?

Pity they didn't also offer them the free flights, on air-force planes, that DL's sister got.

Does anyone know where others can sign-up for the next free-tour, which I suspect may be planned for next Friday, or thereabouts ? :o

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Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has ordered officials to file a lawsuit against protestors who last night destroyed the door of the Government House and invade the place.

During “Prime Minister Meets the Press” session, the premier spoke about the situation at PITSANULOK (พิษณุโลก) Rd., where anti-Thaksin activists and supporters of Media firebrand Sondhi Limthongkul gathered. He stated that he feels disappointed with the ambush led by a former Director-General of Royal Thai Police. He said the action is considered to be illegal, and viewed that showing democratic mind is a good matter but actions have to abide by the laws.

Referring to the protestors’ demand for the premier to leave his position, Dr. THAKSIN said that his resignation cannot help solve the problems in the country.

As for the THAI-US FTA issue, the premier said that he is considering the details of pact, and he will think of benefits of the country as the main priority.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 January 2006

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More fuel to the fire....


Bangkok(AKI) - Thailand's prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has admitted for the first time that a Muslim human rights lawyer, Somchai Neelaphaijit, is dead and may have been killled by government officials. "I know that Somchai is dead, and more than four government officials were involved, but witnesses and evidence are still being collected," Thaksin was quoted as telling the French news agency AFP. Somchai, 52, was last seen in the Thai capital, Bangkok, in March 2004. On Thursday a Thai court jailed one policeman but acquitted another four for illegally detaining Somchai.

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Please don't not do that ,we think it's freedom to express but in the long run it will hurt the whole nation,

example Indonesia during Asia financial crisis President Suhator was blame and removed in power, the national reserved collapse in huge debts to IMF but unsolved till today.

President Marcos was removed in power, make Philipines less attractive to foreign investors coming into that country,currently President Aroyo also facing the same situation, where the share market and Pesos fall below down red line.

Solution : During Anawar Ibrahim, past deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia was removed from power all his supporters gather in major town center every friday to protests , making the whole city chaos in hel,

Dr. Mahatir was the Prime Minister at that time allow them to form an opposition party to let the nation to decide in next election as the result the new party didn't get majority from the public during the general election and was slowly die out.

If we think we don't like the PM , let's show it in the casting box and not in the public places because the country are facing high oil pricess and sounthern unrest which already make the situation worst and now politic unstable will hurt everyone in long run.

Edited by Kido
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Don't forget this guy is very anti-foreigner. I think Thaksin's party should be changed to the Democratic Party and Sontee should be TRT. We(Foreigners)should not support this rich selfish loser that uses politics to make his money empire grow. Go to Lumpini Park and take a look at the Sontee banner that says, "Thailand is not foreigner land".(In Thai) Thai politics should be friendly to foreigners because we(foreigners) are the ones that are making this country rich.

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I don't understand why admin (?) erased many posts in this thread...

I sent a reply saturday night... and a few posts had been erased this morning. And they were not inappropriate.

Back to the topic.

Indeed TRT is nationalistic. But Democrat also. I feel a little uncomfortable with that. Democrats are so... weak and without projects that they think that the best rope for them is to play the xenophobia card.

Don't forget this guy is very anti-foreigner. I think Thaksin's party should be changed to the Democratic Party and Sontee should be TRT. We(Foreigners)should not support this rich selfish loser that uses politics to make his money empire grow. Go to Lumpini Park and take a look at the Sontee banner that says, "Thailand is not foreigner land".(In Thai) Thai politics should be friendly to foreigners because we(foreigners) are the ones that are making this country rich.
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Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has ordered officials to file a lawsuit against protestors who last night destroyed the door of the Government House and invade the place.

During “Prime Minister Meets the Press” session, the premier spoke about the situation at PITSANULOK (พิษณุโลก) Rd., where anti-Thaksin activists and supporters of Media firebrand Sondhi Limthongkul gathered. He stated that he feels disappointed with the ambush led by a former Director-General of Royal Thai Police. He said the action is considered to be illegal, and viewed that showing democratic mind is a good matter but actions have to abide by the laws.

Referring to the protestors’ demand for the premier to leave his position, Dr. THAKSIN said that his resignation cannot help solve the problems in the country.

As for the THAI-US FTA issue, the premier said that he is considering the details of pact, and he will think of benefits of the country as the main priority.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 January 2006

I could see the PM was chomping at the bit to jump on someone. When was the last time you heard a country leader seeking to go after a few gate crashers looking to have their voice heard. You would think he has more important affairs of state to worry about. If someone crashes the White House in Washington, it would be in the news but not from the President.

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Over 100,000 teachers due at Roi Et rally

More than 100,000 teachers are expected to gather at Bung Phalanchai in Roi Et today to protest against the transfer of public schools to local administrations and attend the mobile talk show of media firebrand Sondhi Limthongkul.

Uaichai Watha, coordinator of the Federation for National Education Protection, said the gathering would be peaceful. He did not expect a repeat of the scuffles during a protest at Government House late on Friday and early on Saturday.

A band of Thailand Weekly talk show loyalists clashed with police after managing to enter Government House grounds on Friday night to demand the ouster of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Mr Uaichai said thousands of male and female teachers would be assigned to ensure the gathering was peaceful. If a third party tried to stir up trouble, he would instantly shift the rally to At Samat district where Mr Thaksin is camping out.

Mr Sondhi's mobile talk show in Roi Et today will be on the topic "Thai politics and education in the age of Thaksinomics".

Mr Uaichai said the teachers' network would not rally in Bangkok any more as neither Mr Thaksin nor Education Minister Chaturon Chaisaeng ever listened to them.

The network would instead organise a forum to provide information to the public. They also launched a yellow-flag campaign at four city corners in Roi Et yesterday, symbolising the protest against the schools' transfer and monopolisation.

Renowned critic Thirayuth Boonmi yesterday advised Mr Thaksin to beware of the people's frustration and stop basing his legitimacy on the 19 million votes his party won in the last elections.

"Mr Thaksin shouldn't think the 19 million votes give him legitimacy to continue ruling the country. If he had an intention to corrupt, even if only for one baht, those votes couldn't protect him and he must leave the position," he said.

The government could face even tougher situations if the corruption and abuse of power continued to increase.

"People will feel oppressed and find it unacceptable, and there's a possibility that something like Bloody May could occur again," he said.

Thai people normally hated cheats and this issue seemed to capture the attention of middle-class people who turned up for Mr Sondhi's talk shows to hear more about the evidence of graft.

He supported Mr Sondhi, but urged him to join with civic and democracy groups to strengthen the movement.

The pro-democracy networks also told Mr Thaksin to take the Friday protest at Government House as a warning that his legitimacy to rule the country was under question, and do something to correct the mistakes instead of pressing charges against the protesters. The protesters had done nothing wrong as the constitution guaranteed their right to expression of opinion and peaceful assembly.

Suriyasai Katasila, secretary-general of the Campaign for Popular Democracy, suspected the scuffles were instigated by somebody in the government to intimidate Mr Thaksin's opponents.

When Mr Sondhi's audience confronted his opponents at Lumpini Park there was a war of words, but police deployed there did nothing to stop them.

When the group marched to Government House they passed easily through the gate, without any need to cut through chains or break into the compound. The number of security officers guarding the area was unusually low, compared to the number of demonstrators.

"If the prime minister presses charges against the protesters, I demand that he also order a disciplinary investigation into the security officers for neglecting their duty, and find out if any government people were behind the scuffle," said Mr Suriyasai.

"This issue is important as the bad public feeling towards the government has spread to many parts of the country. "We feel we should not leave Mr Sondhi to fight this alone," Mr Suriyasai said.

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Several news bulletins from thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 16 มกราคม 2549 :


Deputy Prime Minister Chitchai Wannasathit has warned protesters to keep awareness and respect rules so as to maintain peaceful actions in their demonstrations.

Police Major-General Chitchai, who is in charge of national security and also Justice Minister, made the comment following the violence that erupted during a demonstration on late Saturday night by an anti-government group. He said that the public majority would decide whether the trespassing into the Government House compounds was right or wrong.

It is the rights of all protesters to air their disapproval, Pol. Maj-Gen. Chitchai said, but their actions must be within legal limits. He said the police are investigating the protesters who have been detained after forcing themselves into the Government House.

Pol. Maj.-Gen. Chitchai said he would do his best in maintaining security including that around Government House.

Touching on the southern violence, Pol. Maj-Gen. Chitchai said the situation has improved, and nine more core suspects were arrested yesterday. They are under investigation.


Supreme Commander, Gen. RUANGROJ MAHASARANOND (เรืองโรจน์ มหาศรานนท์) believes that violence derived from the protest outside government house will not intensify to the level similar to the protest in May 1992. He also confirmed that militants will not get involved in any movements of the opposition groups.

Gen. RUANGROJ said that his militants are only concerned over the security of the country. As for academic’s criticisms saying that the situation will become worse, he said that the idea was a only a point of view from an individual. Gen Ruangroj said it is okay to express one's opinion as Thailand is a democratic country.


Interior Minister Khongsak Wanthana (คงศักดิ์ วันทนา) has indicated that the Ministry of Interior will collaborate with the police in maintaining order at demonstrations.

Air Chief Marshal Khongsak said the intensifying demonstrations by various protest groups was due to the government's high stability and ability to continue working despite some problems that had occured. This has caused the parties that were dissapointed in political matters to try to create more roles for themselves. However he believe violent demonstrations would decline, and in part of the Interior Ministry, it would collaborate with police officials to gently handle the problem.

The interior minister also said that current demonstrations were very different from the past, as the demonstration leaders usually flee when police move in to control the situation and conduct arrests, leaving their followers to be arrested.


The Supreme Commander, General Ruengroj Mahasaranon (เรืองโรจน์ มหาศรานนท์), expressed belief that the mobs against the government will not get out of hand like the 1992 Black May incident, insisting that the armed forces will not get involved in the movements.

Gen. Ruengroj said that soldiers will not get involved or take care of the political movements as they will monitor national security. As for the academics’ remarks that the mob may escalate into an incident like the 1992 Black May, he said that those are personal opinions that can be expressed according to democratic system, but those comments must be made within acceptable boundaries. He stated that he does not pay much attention to the criticisms, adding that he does not believe the situation will get out of hand.


Interior Minister Kongsak Wantana (คงศักดิ์ วันทนา) revealed that his ministry will cooperate with the police and control protests leniently.

Air Chief Marshal Kongsak commented on the intensifying protests and mobs organized by various groups, saying that the government remains stable and will survive. However, he conceded that there are problems that may upset those disappointed with politics who want to try to exert their roles in society, and leading them to resort to methods outside the system. He expressed belief that the violence will reduce, while the government will attempt to control the situation as best as it can.

He said that the Interior Ministry will cooperate with the police in solving the problems with leniency. He said that the protests in present day are very different from the past, as in the past, the movements had true ideologies. But now, leaders of the protests usually escape when authorities come to control; the situation, leaving the people who participate in the move to be arrested.

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The government is ready to handle the protestors from Thailand Weekly who are believed to stage another rally at the Government House.

Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister CHITCHAI WANNASATHIT (ชิดชัย วรรณสถิตย์) commented on last Friday’s protest at the Government House by Thailand Weekly audience that if the protests are carried out within the democratic society and lead to no chaos, there should not be any problems. He refused to comment on the incident, as the police are still investigating the case, adding that he cannot intervene in the case. As for the fears that the situation will escalate next time, he said that the government will prepare its best for the situation.

Defense Minister THAMMARAK ISARANGURA NA AYUTTHAYA (ธรรมรักษ์ อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา) said that the Police Chief has reported the incident, while saying that comments that the protestors want to topple the government are just analyses.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 16 มกราคม 2549

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Several news bulletins from thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 16 มกราคม 2549 :

Wow Jai Dee... thanks for the "ticker-tape" littany of reports.. Provides a great amount of funny and strange stuff... it's great "material" to work with..



He said the police are investigating the protesters who have been detained after forcing themselves into the Government House.

But many reports say the guards let them walk right in... that there was NO "forcing themselves in."

Pol. Maj.-Gen. Chitchai said he would do his best in maintaining security including that around Government House.

Would that include instructing the security to NOT unlock the gates and let people in? (as has been reported) :D

Touching on the southern violence, Pol. Maj-Gen. Chitchai said the situation has improved, and nine more core suspects were arrested yesterday. They are under investigation.

yes... things ARE going very well in the South, General... as there were only two deaths yesterday, instead of the daily average of 4.2



:D...... <deleted>? terrific wording...



Supreme Commander, Gen. RUANGROJ MAHASARANOND (เรืองโรจน์ มหาศรานนท์) believes that violence derived from the protest outside government house will not intensify to the level similar to the protest in May 1992. He also confirmed that militants will not get involved in any movements of the opposition groups.

Chances are... if they are even referencing Black May.... then, that things ARE, in fact, getting to that degree of concern.

Gen. RUANGROJ said that his militants are only concerned over the security of the country. As for academic’s criticisms saying that the situation will become worse, he said that the idea was a only a point of view from an individual. Gen Ruangroj said it is okay to express one's opinion as Thailand is a democratic country.

Hmm.... choices, choices....An independent and astute academic versus a career-Army general.

Why do I put more weight in the former's, and not the latter's, "point of view."???

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Royal Police Chief Police General Kowit Wattana (โกวิท วัฒนะ) insisted that the police did not open gates for protesters storming the Government House last Friday.

Police General Kowit said that the police did not open gates for the protestors on last Friday, as security guards were stationed at all gates, but the one beside the Government house is used by officials for their entrances. He said that it was not constructed to prevent gun fires or prepare for the break-in of a large crowd. Therefore, he said that the gate is not the weak point of the Government House, adding that the police are still investigating the case from the closed-circuit cameras. He said that if there are other people involved, in addition to the 40 people released by the police, the police will have to carry out legal actions. He said that the protests can be organized peacefully, but if they cause trouble to others, the protestors must be charged according to the law.

Deputy commander of Metropolitan Police, Major-general Chatchawan Sooksomjit (ชัชวาลย์ สุขสมจิตร), head of the probe team, said that the inspectors will question all witnesses and conclude the incident since its beginning. He said that the police will provide justice for both sides.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 January 2006

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Police believe there are leaders of the mob that stormed the Government House on last Friday night (Jan. 13th) still at large, and are questioning witnesses to gain more facts that would facilitate legal proceeding.

Royal Thai Police Assistant Commissioner-General Pansiri Praphawat (ปานศิริ ประภาวัต), who is heading the investigation into the incident where demonstrators violated the Government House premise and damaged state property on Friday night, said that investigations are being made all the way back to the first day of the Thailand Weekly show at Lumpini (ลุมพินี) Park. There is also visual evidence taken by closed-circuit cameras at the Government House. Police have already charged 40 individuals linked to the incident but will undergo detailed interrogation to pick out only the leaders.

Police said the chain used for locking the gate to the Government House compound was damaged by demonstrators.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 January 2006

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In regards to several protesters who stormed into the Government House last Friday (Jan. 13th), Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister CHITCHAI WANNASATHIT (ชิดขัย วรรณสถิตย์) said concerned agencies are investigating the evidences from the recorded video tape.

He added that every television station will be urged to cooperate with the authorities, while people related to the incident will be treated fairly according to the evidences since they are well known celebrities in the society.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 January 2006

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