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Advice On How To Deal With A Street Party(My Personal Experience)


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The amount of posters tripping over the facts in the rush to hysterically wail and gnash about how OP is now going to be stoned to death / deported / lynched / executed by the soi's motorcyle hit squad / ostracised by his neighbours (er . . . . who according to the OP were quite relieved by the result of his actions) for daring to thwart a Thai's action - any action! - is TV at it's farcical best. clap2.gif

1. Don't get me wrong, I live in Isaan myself and I love the party vibe here but Bangkok ain't Isaan. They don't do wakes and 3-day street parties for ordainment / funerals / weddings / anniversary of deaths in the central plains like they do in the north-east, where they'll accept just about any excuse for a street party as long as they can afford it. Ordainment ceremonies in the central plains are tamer (no alcohol) and tend to only last one day. Isaan = "you put up with my noise and I'll put up with yours" whereas Bangkok in particular = "you don't interfere with my life and I won't interfere with yours". That's probably why city hall lost no time in clamping down on such and why the other neighbours appreciated that response.

2. It was probably a simple house-warming party/ceremony (khuen baan mai). Why would a boy from Isaan come all the way to Bangkok to be ordained as a monk at a faraway temple which would be a pain in the arse for family to visit and tam-boon with monks that the family don't know or aren't at least familiar with? Come on chaps, thinking caps on please.

3. There is no reason why the Isaan family should ever find out who made the call to city hall unless the OP divulges the fact himself. Thailand is a bit of a banana republic sometimes but it's frankly silly to suppose that a city hall inspector won't have the basic discretion to not divulge the name of the complainant - that's if the lady on the phone even gave him details about the complainant.

4. How on earth does speaking to a Thai civil servant at a Thai administrative authority to inquire about Thai rules and regulations which were designed by Thais to govern Thais (and anyone else who happens to be in Thailand), which resulted in said Thai civil servant dispatching a Thai inspector to investigate a breach of said rules and regulations which could have adversely affected the Thai community in that soi, resulting in the enforcement of aforesaid Thai rules and regulations make the OP a bratty guest?

Edited by Trembly
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Not only has the OP stopped the party, he's almost certainly stopped the ordination of the would-be monk. (It's the tradition here to cancel the ordination if anyone objects at any stage during the preparations, including the pre-ordination celebration.) The latter will probably be more upsetting to the family than the former.

Boo hoo.

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The party family sound like very simple creatures.

I suspect if they had been told who informed city hall they would have acted on their animal instincts by now.

For clarification, maybe you (or other forum members) could devise some sort of test to check that they don't want to kill you.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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The party family sound like very simple creatures.

I suspect if they had been told who informed city hall they would have acted on their animal instincts by now.

For clarification, maybe you (or other forum members) could devise some sort of test to check that they don't want to kill you.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

I agree. Had the party gone ahead everyone in the soi would certainly have been made welcome to the free grub and booze, such is the way of Isaan, but the fact that they assumed that a Bangkok soi would be just like an Isaan village in so far as throwing street parties shows their naivete.

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It will be interesting to see what the neighbors do to get back at you. Surely they will not stand for this massive loss of face by a farang.

How would they know that the OP made the phonecall to city hall? blink.png

BTW. Wonder what the party was all about? Maybe could've been fun to participate in the festivities with the daughter being a sexy barlady and all. biggrin.png

If there is a street party, does that mean everything (food, drink, daughter) is for free?

At least the food and drink, maybe even the daughter after she had a few. whistling.gif

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Very Interesting responses and views, So to summarize

1. All Thai's are criminals happy and willing to kill as per some poster's(pauljones to be specific)

2. Being a guest does not entitle you to any respect, privacy or courtesy

3. Best way of action is to come on Thai Visa, bitch and complain about things, instead of acting and taking actions

My personal opinion on the matter.

1. They have no way of knowing who contacted the City Hall, because City Hall only asked for the address

2. They have not confronted me and i seriously doubt they ever would.

3. If some silly foreigner(as some like to see or think) was able to get city hall officials to come out and shut down the party, do you really think Isaan unemployed family with a bar girl as a main source of income would even dare to take on someone with "connections" not to mention very well liked in the village(due to my dogs protecting all the houses from thieves)

I can not help but wonder if some people here still have any testicles left in their pantsrolleyes.gif

It does not matter what their excuse or occasion is, they have blocked the entire road, not half or part of it.

Just because of their occasion, i should not have to be stuck in my house for 3 days or sleep in the hotel for 3 days or not being able to sleep for 3 days because they want to party or play music or whatever

Being a semi practicing Buddhist, i can tell you for a fact, the religion is about respecting all, so if it was indeed an ordination for the monkhood, doing what they did disqualifies them from entering monkhood.

I may not hold Thai Passport or have Thai blood in me, but i do live here, i do employ Thai, i do pay taxes and obey the law, no matter how silly it may be at times.

PS. The village where i live is mainly populated with working class Thai's who work every day, just like me. They were not present at the party, which only further indicates either that the trash family did not invite anyone or this event was not welcomed by anyone.

PPS. They always have an option to rent some premises and hold a party there.wai.gif

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Had a few, Closed the street, nobody complain, in fact the neighbors helped me close the street.

being to a few,

all great fun, everyone enjoyed them selves.

Perhaps when I get older, I will sit on my porch yelling at the kids to get off, from my lawn.

for now live and let live.

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They were not present at the party, which only further indicates either that the trash family did not invite anyone or this event was not welcomed by anyone.

Sounds like you're insulted because they didn't invite you. rolleyes.gif

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these things are why i am considering buying an army of large dogs

There is no downside as they will play with our kids and be lovely friends to the whole household

They will chase out stinky soi dogs and annoying poodle dogs that people let roam "in front" of their gates

When you're not invited to a street party, fake going away and leave the army of dog outside, thais will leave quickly.

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They were not present at the party, which only further indicates either that the trash family did not invite anyone or this event was not welcomed by anyone.

Actually not at all, my comments on the matter are simply an indication of what others thought.

Ps. I did have the best sits ,as stage and speakers were on my driveway

Sounds like you're insulted because they didn't invite you. rolleyes.gif

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They were not present at the party, which only further indicates either that the trash family did not invite anyone or this event was not welcomed by anyone.

Actually not at all, my comments on the matter are simply an indication of what others thought.

Ps. I did have the best sits ,as stage and speakers were on my driveway

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Had a few, Closed the street, nobody complain, in fact the neighbors helped me close the street.

being to a few,

all great fun, everyone enjoyed them selves.

Perhaps when I get older, I will sit on my porch yelling at the kids to get off, from my lawn.

for now live and let live.

Perhaps when I quit the job or sell the business I could also have a few. Will make sure to lock everyone out of their house so they can enjoy MY party

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Remember, you like the rest of us .................are guests.

Live with it.

You may be a guest. Me I work here. Live here and pay tax etc. The law is the same for thais as it is for foreigners.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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these things are why i am considering buying an army of large dogs

There is no downside as they will play with our kids and be lovely friends to the whole household

They will chase out stinky soi dogs and annoying poodle dogs that people let roam "in front" of their gates

When you're not invited to a street party, fake going away and leave the army of dog outside, thais will leave quickly.

I think your 'nick' suits you.

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Maybe I'm in a different situation because I am retired and don't have to worry about losing any sleep. The other night our road was blocked off and the music, if you can call the loud bass music went on until 3:30 in the morning. Yes I was irritated but since it doesn't happen that often. I just keep my mouth shut. I doubt the neighbors were bothered because most of them joined the party.

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Maybe I'm in a different situation because I am retired and don't have to worry about losing any sleep. The other night our road was blocked off and the music, if you can call the loud bass music went on until 3:30 in the morning. Yes I was irritated but since it doesn't happen that often. I just keep my mouth shut. I doubt the neighbors were bothered because most of them joined the party.

Noise was only part of the problem, the biggest annoyance to me is being blocked our of your own house. Not being able to park at all and walking to and from is like going through inhabitant jungle with ropes, wires, and all other crap everywhere .

Also noise not stopping till late is much better than being woken up at 6am in my opinion.

In my case it just hit so loud and instant that not only I almost fell off the bed, but even dogs got scared

Edited by phl
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Maybe I'm in a different situation because I am retired and don't have to worry about losing any sleep. The other night our road was blocked off and the music, if you can call the loud bass music went on until 3:30 in the morning. Yes I was irritated but since it doesn't happen that often. I just keep my mouth shut. I doubt the neighbors were bothered because most of them joined the party.

Noise was only part of the problem, the biggest annoyance to me is being blocked our of your own house. Not being able to park at all and walking to and from is like going through inhabitant jungle with ropes, wires, and all other crap everywhere .

Also noise not stopping till late is much better than being woken up at 6am in my opinion.

In my case it just hit so loud and instant that not only I almost fell off the bed, but even dogs got scared

Near me, they had a Buddha day huh.png . Set up opposite a posh housing complex, they set up a stage, don't know who financed it but it went on for 3 days w00t.gif , 24 hours a day. The folk who lived on the complex were locked out by the set up. They never slept for three days. It was a pain for me but the hi-so's on the complex could say nothing because it was a fund raising exercise for the local Temple. sad.png
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What a a sad and pathetic story.

The Op is a victim of a party.

Probably the next story will be the too loud funeral that went on too long...............

Why are so many sad and miserable people choosing to live in Thailand ?

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What a a sad and pathetic story.

The Op is a victim of a party.

Probably the next story will be the too loud funeral that went on too long...............

Why are so many sad and miserable people choosing to live in Thailand ?

Most likely for the same reason why some only troll on every single topic they open, which raises a question. Why bother to post when it's always either a troll post or a troll post.

Thank god for the Internet huh?!

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...Cut the story short, in the morning at 6am i was woken up by MASSIVE speakers right outside my house, when i looked out, they had blocked the entire street, put up the tents and so on...

...Basically no one could drive in or out, no one could even get to or from their house, including myself...

I contacted city hall...The nice lady on the phone, asked for my address, after asking a few questions as i explained earlier and said she would send someone over to check it out.

I made the call at 14.30pm

I returned home from work at 17:00pm, to find not only the whole thing is gone, but there is not even an evidence of anything being there...

It was all a dream..the party never happened.

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What a a sad and pathetic story.

The Op is a victim of a party.

Probably the next story will be the too loud funeral that went on too long...............

Why are so many sad and miserable people choosing to live in Thailand ?

Maybe it's the inconsiderate neighbours and too many noisy parties that make people miserable. Being unable to sleep for a week or more tends to make people grumpy. Being forced to listen to drunken people's tuneless karaoke at full volume for days on end is akin to torture.

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