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Should I Get Dollars Or Thb From Here?

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well, im thinking of visiting thailand for the 1st time :o

so im wondering if i should take dollars from here? or should i get THB?

You could use your ATM card to save carrying large sums cash, or at least use travellers cheques with a small amount of cash.

totster :D

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well, im thinking of visiting thailand for the 1st time :o

so im wondering if i should take dollars from here? or should i get THB?

It does depend on where you are to some extent, but generally you will get a better rate changing here. If your base currency is not dollars and you change into dollars and then in to Baht you will lose out twice on the exchange rate. ATM's are everywhere and easy to use so why bring lots of cash?

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well, im thinking of visiting thailand for the 1st time :o

so im wondering if i should take dollars from here? or should i get THB?

It does depend on where you are to some extent, but generally you will get a better rate changing here. If your base currency is not dollars and you change into dollars and then in to Baht you will lose out twice on the exchange rate. ATM's are everywhere and easy to use so why bring lots of cash?

Yup, ATMS's are the way to go, unless your bank has high fees. If you have to bring cash, bring 100's instead of 20's. You get a slightly higher rate. Bangkok bank currently shows .45 more Baht, or 45 Baht on changing $100. That'll buy lunch in a lot of places.


In case I lose my ATM card, I carry some cash and several hundred dollars in traveler's checks, split among my luggage and my pocket. Actually have an extra ATM card too, but I'm the type that took 4 pencils to big exams.

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thanx for the reply. it really helped to clear out things. what i meant by here , i live in kuwait , so our currency isnt dollars. my bank doesn't demand alarge fee on exchanging.

lets say i have 1000 $ , how much should i carry in cash? how much should i leave in my account? and how much u think i should get for traveler's checks?

and where do i get those travellers checks? i assume from my bank. right? do i have to go couple of days before they give them to me?

as you can see, its my 1st time to carry traveller's checks :o

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How would we know how long it would take a bank in Kuwait to issue travelers checks? Most banks issue them on the spot in other countries so asking your bank would be the best methods to find out.

Your other question can not be answered unless you advise if/how you can access the money in your account. Do you have an ATM card linked to an international clearing house that could be used in Thailand? If not I would advise several hundred dollars and the remainder in $100 travelers checks.

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thanx, and sorry for not being clear enough.

if most banks issue them on the spot, im sure my bank would but i'll go to them tomorrow and ask them for it and i asked some people who have been to thailand , i can draw cash from atm machine with no problems :o

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