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Thai Court Dismisses Complaint Against Pheu Thai Party


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RT @tulsathit: TR @news1005fm: Red shirt leader Thida says she disagrees with court verdict "on virtually every count".


And Jatuporn also made some comments that shows how out of control the red are!

I have a burning urge for him to spontaneously combust

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RT @tulsathit: TR @news1005fm: Red shirt leader Thida says she disagrees with court verdict "on virtually every count".

Shes perfectly entitled to disagree with anything she god-dam_n wants to - however its tough luck, the court has ruled (fairly, it seems) and shes needs to accept that.

If she mobilizes her Red Shirt army against the court/judges etc - then she deserves everything that happens to her and her army

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Thank goodness.

At least for a while we still have a stable government elected by the people that has not been ousted by some ploy or other.

Hopefully the country will now get it's act together and move forward.

We don't need yet another year of turmoil.

We don't need another year of turmoil. Now, this government should focus on what they are supposed to be here for: working for Thai people. They have been here almost one year no, and we are still to see something. So far, their achievement is a vast emptiness, and a huge collection of broken promises.

Thanks to democrats who try destabilize the country,and cry for every sh..,really hope they shut up now and let the government work
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Thanks to democrats who try destabilize the country,and cry for every sh..,really hope they shut up now and let the government work

Those in glass houses...

Tell the government to put their dog back on the leash first, before you start pointing the finger at the opposition

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Thank goodness.

At least for a while we still have a stable government elected by the people that has not been ousted by some ploy or other.

Hopefully the country will now get it's act together and move forward.

We don't need yet another year of turmoil.

We don't need another year of turmoil. Now, this government should focus on what they are supposed to be here for: working for Thai people. They have been here almost one year no, and we are still to see something. So far, their achievement is a vast emptiness, and a huge collection of broken promises.

Thanks to democrats who try destabilize the country,and cry for every sh..,really hope they shut up now and let the government work

Work? What work?

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so, to be clear, is that a win win situation?

Thaksin's organised-crime syndicate wins , everyone else loses.


Time for another coup?

Like the NY taxi, you can't find a yellow when you need them.

Man,you've got an addiction to "coup".

Seek assistance!

Can only assume that these people who keep trumpeting "coup" have such boring lives in Thailand that the mere thought of a coup brings some sort of excitement to their uneventful and meaningless day. Yawn!

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Thank goodness.

At least for a while we still have a stable government elected by the people that has not been ousted by some ploy or other.

Hopefully the country will now get it's act together and move forward.

We don't need yet another year of turmoil.

We don't need another year of turmoil. Now, this government should focus on what they are supposed to be here for: working for Thai people. They have been here almost one year no, and we are still to see something. So far, their achievement is a vast emptiness, and a huge collection of broken promises.

Thanks to democrats who try destabilize the country,and cry for every sh..,really hope they shut up now and let the government work

The government have been working hard-at whitewashing Thaksin and the reds shirts' crimes- but it's taking a lot longer than planned.

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RT @tulsathit: TR @news1005fm: Red shirt leader Thida says she disagrees with court verdict "on virtually every count".

Here we go, now it's time for PTP's goons to be released.

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"The court found that complaints against plans by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's party to amend the constitution -- drawn up under the military junta that deposed her divisive brother Thaksin -- were unfounded."

Strange choice of words from the judges, would expect them to at least try to appear neutral... or is that simply the media bias creeping in... I would have thought "drawn up under the divisive military junta", would have been more accurate, as it was them deposing Thaksin that struck the most divisive blow to Thailand, surely?

The reporter used that language, not the judges.

Sent from my shoe phone

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"There are not sufficient facts to convince the Court that the defendants are trying to overthrow the constitutional monarchy,"

That doesn't mean in the future there won't be.

But it does let PTP know that the court WILL look at their actions closely in future.

I doubt this is a win for anyone, just not a huge lose for anyone.

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Get ready for the Dems to throw their collective rattles out of the pram. Hahaha!

You must be reading another post. The one I'm reading says "The Democrats said they accepted the ruling on Friday. "We are not going to create any conflicts or agitate anything," said party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut."

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on a side note, there's that word "landslide" again.

So I guess your going back to the argument that winning an election means open season - no limits to do anything you want.

no, not at all. BTW, I have never said that although that has often been the accusation against the PTP here...

It's just that in the last 24 hours on this forum it has been stated that the PTP was not even the democratically elected government, much less that the election win one year ago was "landslide". So it was at least amusing and - given the perspective some posters have on TVF - apparently a useful and relevant comment by the AFP.

Thank god for the French.


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on a side note, there's that word "landslide" again.

On another side note, what happened to the 'judicial activism' you were howling about so pitifully yesterday? Still think its a giant conspiracy for the Constitution Court to *consider* constitutional issues?

not only was it a perfect example of judicial activism, so far one of the main features of this decision has been to give themselves more power with the ruling as they began by not only explaining how they took it up, but ruling that they have this right in the future as well.

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I see this as a fair outcome.

The Government got told they cannot rewrite the entire charter and can only amend it (through public referendum)

The Government got warned that the court still has the power to block any amendment they feel is against the political structure (i read that as basically a slap on the wrists for the government)

but, the court decided that the government hadn't violated the rules enough to be disbanded.

So yeah, i see this as a win-win situation, they can amend the constitution within the framework of the law.

I think most of the reasonable minded folk here will agree thats a fair outcome.

A good assessment and yes, a fair outcome, let's hope that PTP see it for what it is, and not an open invitation to do as they please.

RT @tulsathit: TR @news1005fm: Red shirt leader Thida says she disagrees with court verdict "on virtually every count".

Ah well, it appears that even if the government do accept it and move along, it still isn't good enough for some.

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on a side note, there's that word "landslide" again.

On another side note, what happened to the 'judicial activism' you were howling about so pitifully yesterday? Still think its a giant conspiracy for the Constitution Court to *consider* constitutional issues?

not only was it a perfect example of judicial activism, so far one of the main features of this decision has been to give themselves more power with the ruling as they began by not only explaining how they took it up, but ruling that they have this right in the future as well.

Yes, well spotted and that does have serious and in my opinion, not good implications.

The CC has successfully put itself into the position whereby it can rule on proposed legislation as it is being discussed and before being passed by an elected house.

It has also called on elected MP's to explain their reasons for voting the way do.

This is cannot be a good precedent and, in my opinion, sets the stage again for another problem not too far away.

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on a side note, there's that word "landslide" again.

Landslide? Out of 9, only 7?

Not even a total victory.

you don't think 77.77% is a victory? w00t.gif

edit: CORRECTION there were only 8 judge not 9 as one was excused along time ago so the victory is 88.88% - a LANDLSIDE VICTORY thumbsup.gif

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My question is if they wish to amend the constitution, why are they seeking to write a new one ? Why not simply address the areas of the current charter they have a problem with.

I think that's been the argument of a lot of people (read: government opposition) - don't rewrite it all, just amend the bits you feel you wanna amend, oh and let us know what you wanna amend!

And lets' have proper open public discussussion and participation as part of the process - referundum?

One wonders what you feel about the organizers of the illegal coup writing the charter and then make campaigning against it illegal? Perhaps if the red shirts had deposed a yellow shirt government illegally, then you would oppose the yellow shirt rewrite? I think not!

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"The court found that complaints against plans by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's party to amend the constitution -- drawn up under the military junta that deposed her divisive brother Thaksin -- were unfounded."

Strange choice of words from the judges, would expect them to at least try to appear neutral... or is that simply the media bias creeping in... I would have thought "drawn up under the divisive military junta", would have been more accurate, as it was them deposing Thaksin that struck the most divisive blow to Thailand, surely?

Surely not. Thaksin was dividing the profits first.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Surely that's just normal, everyday Thai business practice... deposing him was the most divisive act as far as the impact on the Thai population...

Surely bank rolling the Red shirts and organizing Red villages is more divisive. If you ain't Red you can't live there. That's divisive.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Surely that is the words of the writer, and not the actual words of the judges.

That was obvious to me.

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on a side note, there's that word "landslide" again.

On another side note, what happened to the 'judicial activism' you were howling about so pitifully yesterday? Still think its a giant conspiracy for the Constitution Court to *consider* constitutional issues?

not only was it a perfect example of judicial activism, so far one of the main features of this decision has been to give themselves more power with the ruling as they began by not only explaining how they took it up, but ruling that they have this right in the future as well.

Well I don't agree with you there. How is this ruling judicial activism, given that the decision seems entirely consistent with what is in the charter? And yes, the Constitution Court will continue to have jurisdication over constitutional issues, that's their job. Is that controversial and/or surprising?

What you call activism, I see as officials carrying out their responsibilities. They gave the complaint due consideration, they have dismissed it, and now the uncertainty over the procedure has been removed which is good for everyone. That's a court carrying out its function.

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I don't think that the PTP won anything here other than not being disbanded. To rewrite the constitution section by section will take forever and apparently the first thing that they will have to do is rewrite to allow for a referendum. The current constitution does not allow for this according to reports.

Perhaps to speed up the drafting of a new Constitution they can borrow a few sub-editors from The Nation? laugh.png

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My question is if they wish to amend the constitution, why are they seeking to write a new one ? Why not simply address the areas of the current charter they have a problem with.

I think that's been the argument of a lot of people (read: government opposition) - don't rewrite it all, just amend the bits you feel you wanna amend, oh and let us know what you wanna amend!

And lets' have proper open public discussussion and participation as part of the process - referundum?

One wonders what you feel about the organizers of the illegal coup writing the charter and then make campaigning against it illegal? Perhaps if the red shirts had deposed a yellow shirt government illegally, then you would oppose the yellow shirt rewrite? I think not!

The coup wasn't illegal....And there was a lot propaganda against the constitution. Can't recall that someone got arrested for being against the constitution.

And it was replacing the 1996 constitution which had never passed a referendum.

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