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What Does Thai People Like And Dislike About Farangs.


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Farangs are bigger.
Obesity is a global problem now. Lots of big men in Thailand too.

I blame Americans and their cheese burgers.

I think you might have misinterpreted the term "bigger"...

Taller??? ermm.gif

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I have noticed they don't like it when I sneak up on them when they are watching scary television shows and pretend to be a poltergeist.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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they hate it when i burp loudly and fart in bed....

but i heard her fart one night, i felt the vibration, but she flat out denied it.

inequality and racism ..

Sent from my tin cup with string

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they hate it when i burp loudly and fart in bed....

but i heard her fart one night, i felt the vibration, but she flat out denied it.

inequality and racism ..

Sent from my tin cup with string

Yes my wife sneaks em out and then claims " its nature"

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they hate it when i burp loudly and fart in bed....

but i heard her fart one night, i felt the vibration, but she flat out denied it.

inequality and racism ..

Sent from my tin cup with string

Yep, same here. sad.png
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they hate it when i burp loudly and fart in bed....

but i heard her fart one night, i felt the vibration, but she flat out denied it.

inequality and racism ..

Sent from my tin cup with string


Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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they hate it when i burp loudly and fart in bed....

but i heard her fart one night, i felt the vibration, but she flat out denied it.

inequality and racism ..

Sent from my tin cup with string

Yep, same here. sad.png

My Thai stepdaughter (who farts quite frequently) is convinced, because I told her so, that falangs do not fart.
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Why do we get these topics where the question is directed at a third party, where we have no way of diving into the minds of said third party..........

.........so why doesn't the OP go out on the street and ask said third party his mind blowing question and come back to us with his results.

I sure as hell would sleep a lot better. violin.gif

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Farangs are bigger.
Obesity is a global problem now. Lots of big men in Thailand too.

I blame Americans and their cheese burgers.

I think you might have misinterpreted the term "bigger"...

Taller??? ermm.gif

have bigger...! whistling.gif

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should a Thai visit our home country we will expect them to behave like a quest

But immigrants don't act like guests at all in our home countries. Some of them are even trying to impose Sharia law in various places.

That, and you can't compare say Canada to Thailand. In Canada, we're taught from the day we're born that we're a country of immigrants, and to embrace multi-culturalism. Something tells me Thais aren't quite taught the same when they're kids.

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I think if there are any likes or dislikes its due to the differences in culture. Also, some Thai people are more accepting of the Western culture than others therefore it would only be based upon opinion,

No sitting on the fence on the general forum...you know the rules by now! tongue.png

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I think if there are any likes or dislikes its due to the differences in culture. Also, some Thai people are more accepting of the Western culture than others therefore it would only be based upon opinion,

You're just being kind.

We've all seen one at some time or another. The loud, abusive and overbearing farang. They used to be termed "ugly american", but Merikins don't hold the sole rights to such behavior anymore. I've seen more than one Thai wince when having to seal with this lot.

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I snore apparently. I find that incredibly hard to believe....being a very regular sleeper. I suspect its just a ploy to wake me up for sex at 4am....coffee1.gif

I snore apparently. I find that incredibly hard to believe....being a very regular sleeper. I suspect its just a ploy to wake me up to give me grief at 4am....coffee1.gif

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should a Thai visit our home country we will expect them to behave like a quest

But immigrants don't act like guests at all in our home countries. Some of them are even trying to impose Sharia law in various places.

That, and you can't compare say Canada to Thailand. In Canada, we're taught from the day we're born that we're a country of immigrants, and to embrace multi-culturalism. Something tells me Thais aren't quite taught the same when they're kids.

I'll go a step further. I'm of the belief that children are taught by their parents and the rest of the community at large to consider westerners as aliens, outsiders, strangers, un-cultured, uncouth, immoral, things to be scared of, untrustworthy and as they grow up they then learn they are things to take advantage of. However, in their (Thais) defence somewhat, I have also witnessed some vistors to Thailand (not usually with the expat community as they are here for the medium to long term) act like stupid, aggressive, drunken, loud-mouthed embarrassing fools. The trouble is Thais are happy to paint us all with this negative brush as it fits their stereotype for us more neatly.

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Also from my experience...

What do Thais dislike about Farangs?... having the mickey taking out of them or their country.

What do Thais like about Farangs?... taking the mickey out of them and their home countries.

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I'll go a step further. I'm of the belief that children are taught by their parents and the rest of the community at large to consider westerners as aliens, outsiders, strangers, un-cultured, uncouth, immoral, things to be scared of, untrustworthy and as they grow up they then learn they are things to take advantage of.

True, true. To their credit though, we (as in the Western world) did try to colonize them a few times. smile.png

But yeah, trying to get a Thai to respect you to the point where they actually value & listen to your feedback / suggestions is sometimes easier said than done.

Edited by cdnmatt
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Farangs are bigger.

Obesity is a global problem now. Lots of big men in Thailand too.

I blame Americans and their cheese burgers.

I agree....Macdonalds and kfc....the septics have a lot to answer to, besides all the other global problems they are responsible for....oh and that little financial hiccup.

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Farangs are bigger.

Obesity is a global problem now. Lots of big men in Thailand too.

I blame Americans and their cheese burgers.

I agree completely about the Americans. It's all their fault. It's all a diabolical plot to create worldwide obesity with a "cheeseburger". Those yanks.

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Farangs are bigger.

Obesity is a global problem now. Lots of big men in Thailand too.

I blame Americans and their cheese burgers.

I agree completely about the Americans. It's all their fault. It's all a diabolical plot to create worldwide obesity with a "cheeseburger". Those yanks.

They have made me very rich over the years.

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Try listening and asking Thais in your own Country,if we are still "Farangs" in our own Country,you will be surprised at the answer,which leads on to the myth,that we are Guests in Thailand! at best we are tolerated as: temporary immigrant sources of income.

Edited by MAJIC
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