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Why Do Farangs Wai Hookers?

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theses girls sell there body to feed there family, weather it be there child or there mama and papa,

there isnt money free in this country like in the west,

and these girs do what they do becouse they have to

Absolute nonsense!

There's a lot of other occupations they could have but they chose this one because it pays more and there is not 10-12 hours of hard work involved.

Then there's always a chance to meet a man for marriage.

My brother is law is a retarded lazy average young thai male living off his mom's dying hands

Recently he started selling bbq sticks. He's making 400-1k baht a day in profit and he started buying gold and gifts to the people he stole from before.

Didnt have to open his legs to make that kind of money.

Didn't have to open them when he was stealing before either.............coffee1.gif

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OP - they are not embarrassing themsleves are they are ignorant of the wai. I was sitting in a bar/restaurant last night when a beggar girl came round the tables selling something. An ignorant farang waied her.

I see them walking into restaurants and waiing waitresses.

Waiing bargirls is of course ridiculous.

If the waitress waiing when you enter or leave, you answer the wai, or at least respond to it with a smile or sawadikrap.

My wife, who is very conservative from a conservative family is doing that. Actually more exactly and correct to servants than to people of the same level, to show you appreciate their service.

For bar girls you usually pretend to don't know that they are prostitutes.....

I think (though I am quite ignorant in such matters) that's a very 'Thai' approach.

The mark of nobility is the respect they show others; because unlike peasants, they have a choice.

"Punctuality is the stern virtue of men of business, and the graceful courtesy of princes".


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@FlyByNights why do you even care so much that you have to waste your time on a forum about it?

Did you get stung by a hooker or something?

No I don't really care, just thought it make a good topic for this Sunday morning. Now that you mention being 'stung', actually no shitting, this morning went to get the paper and a bee flew in my helmet and stung me on my forehead. All jokes aside this seriously happened, but after I started the thread.

I cannot blame it on the sting tongue.png

Karma. Sometimes its not obvious what we are being told.


EDIT: Typo

Edited by StreetCowboy
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I recently quit tipping my barber after more than 6 years. When I first went to him a haircut was 25 baht. I always gave him 40 baht. When he went to 30 baht, I still gave him 40 baht. Now he is up to 40 baht and I still give him 40 baht.

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I think when you wai you should feel your wai to be sincere in paying your respects physically, mentally and spiritually towards someone.

I don't feel this way when I go to a gogo bar or beer bar.

And beleive me, I see Farang doing it every single time I go for a massage or have a couple beers at the bar.

Have I got this right, you frequent, and are writing on Thai Visa to correct other poster's?

You must have a wonderful sun tan, living in your house made of glass. rolleyes.gif


I do go to go-go bars and beer bars a couple times per year, but I certainly do not wai anyone when I do go. I assume you think it's perfectly normal for a Farang to walk into a gogo or beer bar and just wai strangers, just because they wai you? Don't be a fool, they are most likely looking at you like a pig with some money to spend.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

That could be because of your attitude to them, you certainly come across as an arrogant snob in the forum. Why would they respect someone like you? They're probably taking the p-ss, rightly so IMHO. jerk.gifwai.gif

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I think when you wai you should feel your wai to be sincere in paying your respects physically, mentally and spiritually towards someone.

I don't feel this way when I go to a gogo bar or beer bar.

And beleive me, I see Farang doing it every single time I go for a massage or have a couple beers at the bar.

Have I got this right, you frequent, and are writing on Thai Visa to correct other poster's?

You must have a wonderful sun tan, living in your house made of glass. rolleyes.gif


I do go to go-go bars and beer bars a couple times per year, but I certainly do not wai anyone when I do go. I assume you think it's perfectly normal for a Farang to walk into a gogo or beer bar and just wai strangers, just because they wai you? Don't be a fool, they are most likely looking at you like a pig with some money to spend.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

That could be because of your attitude to them, you certainly come across as an arrogant snob in the forum. Why would they respect someone like you? They're probably taking the p-ss, rightly so IMHO. jerk.gifwai.gif

and what makes your experience or knowledge more valuable to believe you?

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One should never wai the service staff.

Some westerners think this shows kindness, equality and respect. Hardly.

It fuels contempt and a lack of respect. Thailand is still a class driven society and one must respect those social customs. This does not mean that one cannot give a smile and a nod. On the contrary, that is the appropriate response and acknowledgement of a person showing respect. It is the polite thing to do. It is politeness that matters, even with a hooker. Saying khrap and a smile goes much further than a wai to those of a lower caste. On the other hand if some people wai the bargirls of Bangla and Pattaya, it's their choice, and often is done because people mean well. The intent is good, but it is still silly.

Have you ever noticed that Indians, Arabs and other Asian visitors never wai the Thais. Think about it. Ever wonder why? Maybe these people understand social castes much better than westerners. And please don't say that westerners live in a land of equality, because western countries have their own form of a caste system.

Good post. Similar to many farang I hear tipping barbers - meaning well but looking stupid.

my wife who is Thai always tipping the barber.

Your wife uses a barber or you can't go the barber yourself?

usually we go together to the hairdresser, I am very annoyed by cutting my hair and my hair has its own will.

A conservative look does not work, as my hair just moves away, and on something different they want to cut my hair like a 16 year old.

And actually do what they think not what I am tell them....so my wife is a great help in getting a half descent cut.

(as well I confused the word barber with hairdresser, as I didn't recognize that barber is a hairdresser for men only)

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OP - they are not embarrassing themsleves are they are ignorant of the wai. I was sitting in a bar/restaurant last night when a beggar girl came round the tables selling something. An ignorant farang waied her.

I see them walking into restaurants and waiing waitresses.

Waiing bargirls is of course ridiculous.

If the waitress waiing when you enter or leave, you answer the wai, or at least respond to it with a smile or sawadikrap.

My wife, who is very conservative from a conservative family is doing that. Actually more exactly and correct to servants than to people of the same level, to show you appreciate their service.

For bar girls you usually pretend to don't know that they are prostitutes.....

I think (though I am quite ignorant in such matters) that's a very 'Thai' approach.

The mark of nobility is the respect they show others; because unlike peasants, they have a choice.

"Punctuality is the stern virtue of men of business, and the graceful courtesy of princes".


It isn't very Thai. In Europe you do exactly the same. As boss, you focus much more on giving the labor the proper respect than some other manager in your company.

Often labor put weight into it if they are proper regarded or handled like slaves, so you don't want to make a mistake just because you are busy thinking about something else.

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Wrong. Farang ฝรั่ง is a generic Thai word for someone of European ancestry,

Jeez, not again ......

Farang means 'Guava' a fruit with a really white flesh.

If you are in Issan ....... Bak-see-daa ...........

If up North in Lanna areas ......... Gui- gar ...........

All words for Guava, all insults directed at white people.

Farang means westerner. A word similar to that is used all the way from the middle east to Cambodia. Farang, Farangi, Ferengi, Barang, etc. It comes from the word 'Frank' and spread east.

Guava is not native to Thailand. It is from Central America and was brought to Thailand by 'farang', so it got called farang because it was a foreign fruit. Same with potato, it is called 'mun farang' (yam - western). Various other itemss that are of foreign origin also have the 'farang' label attached (chewing gum, asparagus, etc). Most people may not know these things are originally foreign, but they are and that is why they are named that way.

Someone using those other local terms for guava for a foreigner is just making a play on words

Thank Heavens for some common sense and correctness from an old hand, DP25. A load of old codswallop from the other two posters, neither of whom have been members for more than a few months, slagging off their fellow farangs with a glorious mixture of aloof arrogance and total ignorance. Live and let live, and keep your warped morality to yourselves.

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OP - they are not embarrassing themsleves are they are ignorant of the wai. I was sitting in a bar/restaurant last night when a beggar girl came round the tables selling something. An ignorant farang waied her.

I see them walking into restaurants and waiing waitresses.

Waiing bargirls is of course ridiculous.

If the waitress waiing when you enter or leave, you answer the wai, or at least respond to it with a smile or sawadikrap.

My wife, who is very conservative from a conservative family is doing that. Actually more exactly and correct to servants than to people of the same level, to show you appreciate their service.

For bar girls you usually pretend to don't know that they are prostitutes.....

I think (though I am quite ignorant in such matters) that's a very 'Thai' approach.

The mark of nobility is the respect they show others; because unlike peasants, they have a choice.

"Punctuality is the stern virtue of men of business, and the graceful courtesy of princes".


It isn't very Thai. In Europe you do exactly the same. As boss, you focus much more on giving the labor the proper respect than some other manager in your company.

Often labor put weight into it if they are proper regarded or handled like slaves, so you don't want to make a mistake just because you are busy thinking about something else.

True enough; sorry, I meant to add something to that effect, and that was the meaning also of the quote regarding punctuality. In a hierarchial society, we peons must turn up on time and wait politely. It is good manners for the princes to turn up on time as well, so as not to waste the time of their peons. And that is true whichever hierarchical society you are part of...

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I do go to go-go bars and beer bars a couple times per year, but I certainly do not wai anyone when I do go. I assume you think it's perfectly normal for a Farang to walk into a gogo or beer bar and just wai strangers, just because they wai you? Don't be a fool, they are most likely looking at you like a pig with some money to spend.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

That could be because of your attitude to them, you certainly come across as an arrogant snob in the forum. Why would they respect someone like you? They're probably taking the p-ss, rightly so IMHO. jerk.gifwai.gif

and what makes your experience or knowledge more valuable to believe you?

I thought service people wai'd customers because they had to, since it was polite, and there was no respect or sincerity involved whatsoever. They wai you because they are serving staff and you are a customer. Not because they sincerely respect you. You return the wai because they have wai'd you, and it is always polite to return a wai. There are apparently rules about the level of the wai, the finger tips and heels of the palm, etc., so I find a smile, a nod, a raised hand in friendly greeting and an affectionate and encompassing wave of the whisky bottle is appreciated as a satisfactory equivalent. to be honest, I am regretting taking this thread so seriously for so long, and worry that I have compromised my artistic integrity

Artistic integrity - ye'rejoakin,right?


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OP - they are not embarrassing themsleves are they are ignorant of the wai. I was sitting in a bar/restaurant last night when a beggar girl came round the tables selling something. An ignorant farang waied her.

I see them walking into restaurants and waiing waitresses.

Waiing bargirls is of course ridiculous.

If the waitress waiing when you enter or leave, you answer the wai, or at least respond to it with a smile or sawadikrap.

My wife, who is very conservative from a conservative family is doing that. Actually more exactly and correct to servants than to people of the same level, to show you appreciate their service.

For bar girls you usually pretend to don't know that they are prostitutes.....

I think (though I am quite ignorant in such matters) that's a very 'Thai' approach.

The mark of nobility is the respect they show others; because unlike peasants, they have a choice.

"Punctuality is the stern virtue of men of business, and the graceful courtesy of princes".


Yes your right, that's a very much a Thai approach, and so is using the wai. So if you don’t know how to use it, better off just saying hello or waving your hand.

What does the mark of nobility have to do with waiing a hooker? IMO it's more like the mark of a moron, and please explain " "Punctuality is the stern virtue of men of business, and the graceful courtesy of princes". What does this have to do with hookers being waiied?

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OP - they are not embarrassing themsleves are they are ignorant of the wai. I was sitting in a bar/restaurant last night when a beggar girl came round the tables selling something. An ignorant farang waied her.

I see them walking into restaurants and waiing waitresses.

Waiing bargirls is of course ridiculous.

If the waitress waiing when you enter or leave, you answer the wai, or at least respond to it with a smile or sawadikrap.

My wife, who is very conservative from a conservative family is doing that. Actually more exactly and correct to servants than to people of the same level, to show you appreciate their service.

For bar girls you usually pretend to don't know that they are prostitutes.....

I think (though I am quite ignorant in such matters) that's a very 'Thai' approach.

The mark of nobility is the respect they show others; because unlike peasants, they have a choice.

"Punctuality is the stern virtue of men of business, and the graceful courtesy of princes".


Yes your right, that's a very much a Thai approach, and so is using the wai. So if you don’t know how to use it, better off just saying hello or waving your hand.

What does the mark of nobility have to do with waiing a hooker? IMO it's more like the mark of a moron, and please explain " "Punctuality is the stern virtue of men of business, and the graceful courtesy of princes". What does this have to do with hookers being waiied?

You'll either need to think harder about it, or get one of the other posters to explain. You've just hit on the head the reason why I'm not a teacher. I can't explain things that I think are obvious.


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Nice story, but we are talking about hookers, nothing more.

Some hookers are far superior human beings to some of those who look down on them.

Though I agree with you, I don't think we should be ranking people as superior to one another or not. We all have our places in the hierarchy, we are occupants, and the hierarchical respect accords to the position, not the person. We should not be ranking one of our fellows as superior to another. We all have our virtues and vices, and its not for us to judge and weigh those


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What if she is a really high class hooker? Like maybe a hi-so girl from a good Chinese Thai family and your just an unemployed low class farang?

Same same.

She should wai the cutomer, and he shoud return it.

She should forget he was ever there, and he should ignore the fact that she's a hooker.

I really can't believe that so many on this forum do not understand basic etiquette. What did your mothers teach you?


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What if she is a really high class hooker? Like maybe a hi-so girl from a good Chinese Thai family and your just an unemployed low class farang?

Same same.

She should wai the cutomer, and he shoud return it.

She should forget he was ever there, and he should ignore the fact that she's a hooker.

I really can't believe that so many on this forum do not understand basic etiquette. What did your mothers teach you?


I don't know. I didn't listen...

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Nice story, but we are talking about hookers, nothing more.

Some hookers are far superior human beings to some of those who look down on them.

Though I agree with you, I don't think we should be ranking people as superior to one another or not. We all have our places in the hierarchy, we are occupants, and the hierarchical respect accords to the position, not the person. We should not be ranking one of our fellows as superior to another. We all have our virtues and vices, and its not for us to judge and weigh those


Sounds great! "We all have our places in the hierarchy, we are occupants, and the hierarchical respect accords to the position, not the person" Reason enough not to wai a hooker.

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I do go to go-go bars and beer bars a couple times per year, but I certainly do not wai anyone when I do go. I assume you think it's perfectly normal for a Farang to walk into a gogo or beer bar and just wai strangers, just because they wai you? Don't be a fool, they are most likely looking at you like a pig with some money to spend.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

That could be because of your attitude to them, you certainly come across as an arrogant snob in the forum. Why would they respect someone like you? They're probably taking the p-ss, rightly so IMHO. jerk.gifwai.gif

and what makes your experience or knowledge more valuable to believe you?

I thought service people wai'd customers because they had to, since it was polite, and there was no respect or sincerity involved whatsoever. They wai you because they are serving staff and you are a customer. Not because they sincerely respect you. You return the wai because they have wai'd you, and it is always polite to return a wai. There are apparently rules about the level of the wai, the finger tips and heels of the palm, etc., so I find a smile, a nod, a raised hand in friendly greeting and an affectionate and encompassing wave of the whisky bottle is appreciated as a satisfactory equivalent. to be honest, I am regretting taking this thread so seriously for so long, and worry that I have compromised my artistic integrity

Artistic integrity - ye'rejoakin,right?


lol, i want to know more about artistic integrity, google does not have suitable meaning tongue.png

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I normally don't wai anyone but I would much rather wai a hooker than a politician or lawyer.

Of course! You speak about the lowest of the lowest in society.

(I mean the politians).

I would much rather wai a dead rat than a politician.

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Usually the idiots that wai hookers think they are being polite, clever and are trying despately to be liked/accepted by a culture that is foreign to them. Much as they wai hotel staff or a tuk-tuk driver.

The times for farang to extend a wai are few and far between.

It is just as important (more so) to know when and whom not to wai as it is - to wai.

And yes, I have seen dozens of farang wai-ing hookers as well as other acts of utter stupidity. Don't get me wrong, they mean well - but they look like fools.

I remember watching some Farang fool waking a number of spirit houses as he walked down Soi 5 Sukhumvit. That was taking it to the extreme IMO.

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I do go to go-go bars and beer bars a couple times per year, but I certainly do not wai anyone when I do go. I assume you think it's perfectly normal for a Farang to walk into a gogo or beer bar and just wai strangers, just because they wai you? Don't be a fool, they are most likely looking at you like a pig with some money to spend.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

Believe me from my own experience and knowledge, their wais are not as sincere and respectful as you might think they are.

That could be because of your attitude to them, you certainly come across as an arrogant snob in the forum. Why would they respect someone like you? They're probably taking the p-ss, rightly so IMHO. jerk.gifwai.gif

and what makes your experience or knowledge more valuable to believe you?

I thought service people wai'd customers because they had to, since it was polite, and there was no respect or sincerity involved whatsoever. They wai you because they are serving staff and you are a customer. Not because they sincerely respect you. You return the wai because they have wai'd you, and it is always polite to return a wai. There are apparently rules about the level of the wai, the finger tips and heels of the palm, etc., so I find a smile, a nod, a raised hand in friendly greeting and an affectionate and encompassing wave of the whisky bottle is appreciated as a satisfactory equivalent. to be honest, I am regretting taking this thread so seriously for so long, and worry that I have compromised my artistic integrity

Artistic integrity - ye'rejoakin,right?


"Not because they sincerely respect you."

From the logic point of view they wai you, because the business owner respects the money you'll leave in his business and he forces his staff to do it, because they respect their salary.

As well they respect the tip you may give them.

They would wai a monitor lizard if it can leave 1000 Baht+100 Baht tip for some substandard food.

And I don't think that is cynical......I want a friendly staff in a restaurant because I pay for it.

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the wai is to show respect to another human being regardless of what job a person is doing they still need to be shown respect and your thoughts on this is pure disrespect for another person and hope they treat you in the same manner as you deserve and yes i married an ex bar girl who is a very honest and respects everyone regardless of standing as you should.

Ok great, so you married a ex-hooker. There is nothing wrong with that,100's of farang have been doing this for decades. Point is that there is no point in waiing hookers on the take.

It's just plain dumb and stupid to do it.

Funny how presidents are presidents even after their mandate

Soldiers are still soldiers when they retire

Firemen are firemen for life

Policemen are policemen for life

and many other good professions go the same

yet a bargirl becomes an "ex. when a hairy farang takes her home for a long time

The majority above mentioned only do it to get the creditations by their name. After I retired, I certainly don't want anything to do with the military, and certainly no letters after my name.

I would imagine the girls would be similar. Not sure what the letters would be for them...........tongue.png

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What if she is a really high class hooker? Like maybe a hi-so girl from a good Chinese Thai family and your just an unemployed low class farang?

Same same.

She should wai the cutomer, and he shoud return it.

She should forget he was ever there, and he should ignore the fact that she's a hooker.

I really can't believe that so many on this forum do not understand basic etiquette. What did your mothers teach you?


Of course you forgot that in Thailand there are hooker as it is a buddhist country and prostitution is not allowed.

The hooker lonely girl has sex with that fat ugly guy because really likes him.

That fat guy doesn't pay her. He is a kind, generous man who can see that this girl is poor, so he gives her a gift, which is complete unrelated with the sex.

No hookers in Thailand....only kind girls and men.

(beside some bad farang women, from former Soviet countries, but luckily the police can catch them before they have bad influence on the innocent Thai society)

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the wai is to show respect to another human being regardless of what job a person is doing they still need to be shown respect and your thoughts on this is pure disrespect for another person and hope they treat you in the same manner as you deserve and yes i married an ex bar girl who is a very honest and respects everyone regardless of standing as you should.

Ok great, so you married a ex-hooker. There is nothing wrong with that,100's of farang have been doing this for decades. Point is that there is no point in waiing hookers on the take.

It's just plain dumb and stupid to do it.

Funny how presidents are presidents even after their mandate

Soldiers are still soldiers when they retire

Firemen are firemen for life

Policemen are policemen for life

and many other good professions go the same

yet a bargirl becomes an "ex. when a hairy farang takes her home for a long time

The majority above mentioned only do it to get the creditations by their name. After I retired, I certainly don't want anything to do with the military, and certainly no letters after my name.

I would imagine the girls would be similar. Not sure what the letters would be for them...........tongue.png

Rtd BG?

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I think bar girls wai potential customers to see their reciprocation. If the wai, they know they are on to a winner. If they don't, they look for a more gullible one. They've struck the jackpot if a farang walks into the bar and wais them - they're very good at their job, these girls.

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