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Why Do Farangs Wai Hookers?

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I recently quit tipping my barber after more than 6 years. When I first went to him a haircut was 25 baht. I always gave him 40 baht. When he went to 30 baht, I still gave him 40 baht. Now he is up to 40 baht and I still give him 40 baht.

Maybe you giving him 40 baht was the reason he put his price up.

BTW, do you tip the dentist?

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I recently quit tipping my barber after more than 6 years. When I first went to him a haircut was 25 baht. I always gave him 40 baht. When he went to 30 baht, I still gave him 40 baht. Now he is up to 40 baht and I still give him 40 baht.

Maybe you giving him 40 baht was the reason he put his price up.

BTW, do you tip the dentist?

No because the dentist has more money than I have. You tip people that have less....

For example you don't tip the owner of the barber shop or the owner of a restaurant, even they serve you personally.

You could tip the girl that helps the dentist. It is complete uncommon but it would be OK.

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I recently quit tipping my barber after more than 6 years. When I first went to him a haircut was 25 baht. I always gave him 40 baht. When he went to 30 baht, I still gave him 40 baht. Now he is up to 40 baht and I still give him 40 baht.

The cheek of him! As if your thinning hair didn't already offset the inflation. :rolleyes:

Edited by Payboy
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While it is a funny (and slightly crude) thread, it actually raises a very interesting question...

Is it disrespectful (to Thai culture) to treat everyone equally (regardless of their social status)?

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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While it is a funny (and slightly crude) thread, it actually raises a very interesting question...

Is it disrespectful (to Thai culture) to treat everyone equally (regardless of their social status)?

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

No. We are not part of Thai Culture, especially in the eyes of the Thais.

Whatever we do here will be regarded as "odd" simply because we are not Thai, but don't lose any sleep over it. As soon as we're out of sight, we're out of mind and they're back getting face first into the grub....

I once took our gardener out on the razz down Nana. People thought me daft but he loved it and I had a good do too...

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i wonder if you would speak the same if it was back home. No doubt you would also be proud to parade the "ex" hooker on the streets, because it really does not matter, right?

Well if I'd married her, why wouldn't I be proud of her?

You should be proud, you then would have married a professional ho. Not many westerners can say that about their spouse.

Well FlyByNights,the only thing proven by your rather over the top wai fixation,is that you come across as very Snobbish!

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The OP is obviously trying to intergrate into a society that will always see him as an outsider.

What happens in a go-go bar is outside of the behaviour found within the normal day-to-day fabric of Thai society.

The rules go out the window.,

But.. A well educated English and Japanese speaking sex worker at the top of her game can be pulling in a couple of hundred thousand a month. Is she above me in the Thai social structure? Hell, yes. Does her presence ellicit a wai from those less wealthy? Probably.

The wai rule in Thailand as far as I can tell is to return every wai and wai those that could improve your own social standing.

Thai's do suffer from acute social anxiety. A wai from a farang makes them feel good about themselves. What's wrong with making people feel good?

There are a thousand other things that you can do to make yourself look like a tool. A wai is seen for what it is, a humble gesture of friendliness.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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The answer to this is easy. For many foreigners visiting Thailand understand the wai to be nothing more than a social greeting which it is respectful to reciprocate to the host. If someone says hello, you say hello back. Even to <snip>. Many foreigners dont see the wai as being any different or important as they are just on holiday and wouldn't have the exposure to the same level of understanding of the culture as ex-pats. As foreigners visiting Thailand they will of course be unaware of the social hierarchy attached to this specific greeting. I don't think people look like fools when they do it, I am glad they are being respectful although it does usually single them out as tourists as most ex-pats learn the social attachments soon enough.

Whats worse. Waiing out of place when you mean well, or not waiing when you know it is appropriate because you are a foreigner? I am sure most Thais would say the latter.

What is amusing is the know it all khao san backpackers who think they wrote the law on Thai culture then go and wai the checkout girl in the 7-11. Now that does always garnish a audible chuckle from me.

Edited by metisdead
: Inappropriate language removed.
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i would sooner wai a girl selling her body to feed her family, then say hello to the likes of you,

get of your high horse and get a life

Away with you lad, I total agree, with your statement Sir/. to many illiterate men pass comments on these girls without understanding Why..

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I recently quit tipping my barber after more than 6 years. When I first went to him a haircut was 25 baht. I always gave him 40 baht. When he went to 30 baht, I still gave him 40 baht. Now he is up to 40 baht and I still give him 40 baht.

Maybe you giving him 40 baht was the reason he put his price up.

BTW, do you tip the dentist?

No because the dentist has more money than I have. You tip people that have less....

For example you don't tip the owner of the barber shop or the owner of a restaurant, even they serve you personally.

You could tip the girl that helps the dentist. It is complete uncommon but it would be OK.

Interesting - I didn't know it was a question of if you were wealthier than the other or not. Makes sense I guess.

But what about a very rich person going to the dentist - would they be correct in tipping them?

And what culture are you talking about - the one you came from or Thai?

What about the 7/11 girl that showed me where the things were - she earns like 30 baht an hour - do you think she'd be happy if I had tipped her?

Remember many people with little money have pride - you may actually insult them by saying that you are richer than them so you want to give them some.

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i would sooner wai a girl selling her body to feed her family, then say hello to the likes of you,

get of your high horse and get a life

Away with you lad, I total agree, with your statement Sir/. to many illiterate men pass comments on these girls without understanding Why..

Do you know the meaning of illiterate?

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the wai is to show respect to another human being regardless of what job a person is doing they still need to be shown respect and your thoughts on this is pure disrespect for another person and hope they treat you in the same manner as you deserve and yes i married an ex bar girl who is a very honest and respects everyone regardless of standing as you should.

Ok great, so you married a ex-hooker. There is nothing wrong with that,100's of farang have been doing this for decades. Point is that there is no point in waiing hookers on the take.

It's just plain dumb and stupid to do it.

The wai is a social standing (ie. class) thing in Thailand so you are dead right.

Thais don't wai their hookers so why do Farangs?

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i would sooner wai a girl selling her body to feed her family, then say hello to the likes of you,

get of your high horse and get a life

Away with you lad, I total agree, with your statement Sir/. to many illiterate men pass comments on these girls without understanding Why..

Do you know the meaning of illiterate?

She writes very well for a Thai.

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The answer to this is easy. For many foreigners visiting Thailand understand the wai to be nothing more than a social greeting which it is respectful to reciprocate to the host. If someone says hello, you say hello back. Even to <snip>. Many foreigners dont see the wai as being any different or important as they are just on holiday and wouldn't have the exposure to the same level of understanding of the culture as ex-pats. As foreigners visiting Thailand they will of course be unaware of the social hierarchy attached to this specific greeting. I don't think people look like fools when they do it, I am glad they are being respectful although it does usually single them out as tourists as most ex-pats learn the social attachments soon enough.

Whats worse. Waiing out of place when you mean well, or not waiing when you know it is appropriate because you are a foreigner? I am sure most Thais would say the latter.

What is amusing is the know it all khao san backpackers who think they wrote the law on Thai culture then go and wai the checkout girl in the 7-11. Now that does always garnish a audible chuckle from me.

What he said.

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The OP is obviously trying to intergrate into a society that will always see him as an outsider.

What happens in a go-go bar is outside of the behaviour found within the normal day-to-day fabric of Thai society.

The rules go out the window.,

But.. A well educated English and Japanese speaking sex worker at the top of her game can be pulling in a couple of hundred thousand a month. Is she above me in the Thai social structure? Hell, yes. Does her presence ellicit a wai from those less wealthy? Probably.

The wai rule in Thailand as far as I can tell is to return every wai and wai those that could improve your own social standing.

Thai's do suffer from acute social anxiety. A wai from a farang makes them feel good about themselves. What's wrong with making people feel good?

There are a thousand other things that you can do to make yourself look like a tool. A wai is seen for what it is, a humble gesture of friendliness.

Thanks GFL, you beat me to it. I was going to ask what happens to the tiers of Thai society in the wealth scale irrregardless of how the money is earned. Who would be wai'ing who?

The whole post is incorrect anyway, unless the OP is talking about foreigners initiating the wai instead of responding to it. Whereas it is not expected that the foreigner responds, those that do are showing respect (doesn't matter with who) to the person who initiated the action.

Foreigners who wai first (to bar girls) show themselves up as tourists IMHO.

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The OP is obviously trying to intergrate into a society that will always see him as an outsider.

What happens in a go-go bar is outside of the behaviour found within the normal day-to-day fabric of Thai society.

The rules go out the window.,

But.. A well educated English and Japanese speaking sex worker at the top of her game can be pulling in a couple of hundred thousand a month. Is she above me in the Thai social structure? Hell, yes. Does her presence ellicit a wai from those less wealthy? Probably.

The wai rule in Thailand as far as I can tell is to return every wai and wai those that could improve your own social standing.

Thai's do suffer from acute social anxiety. A wai from a farang makes them feel good about themselves. What's wrong with making people feel good?

There are a thousand other things that you can do to make yourself look like a tool. A wai is seen for what it is, a humble gesture of friendliness.

Thanks GFL, you beat me to it. I was going to ask what happens to the tiers of Thai society in the wealth scale irrregardless of how the money is earned. Who would be wai'ing who?

The whole post is incorrect anyway, unless the OP is talking about foreigners initiating the wai instead of responding to it. Whereas it is not expected that the foreigner responds, those that do are showing respect (doesn't matter with who) to the person who initiated the action.

Foreigners who wai first (to bar girls) show themselves up as tourists IMHO.

When dealing with service staff, one does not need to respond with a wai to be polite, a smile and a head nod is a polite and acceptable acknowledgement of a wai received.

Try a little experiment, when you going to a restaurant where you are welcomed by a wei, wei back and almost always you will get one back again, because it is not a norm for customer to wei the staff(hope i am making sense)

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the wai is to show respect to another human being regardless of what job a person is doing they still need to be shown respect and your thoughts on this is pure disrespect for another person and hope they treat you in the same manner as you deserve and yes i married an ex bar girl who is a very honest and respects everyone regardless of standing as you should.

Ok great, so you married a ex-hooker. There is nothing wrong with that,100's of farang have been doing this for decades. Point is that there is no point in waiing hookers on the take.

It's just plain dumb and stupid to do it.

The wai is a social standing (ie. class) thing in Thailand so you are dead right.

Thais don't wai their hookers so why do Farangs?

I answered that question in #159

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The answer to this is easy. For many foreigners visiting Thailand understand the wai to be nothing more than a social greeting which it is respectful to reciprocate to the host. If someone says hello, you say hello back. Even to <snip>. Many foreigners dont see the wai as being any different or important as they are just on holiday and wouldn't have the exposure to the same level of understanding of the culture as ex-pats. As foreigners visiting Thailand they will of course be unaware of the social hierarchy attached to this specific greeting. I don't think people look like fools when they do it, I am glad they are being respectful although it does usually single them out as tourists as most ex-pats learn the social attachments soon enough.

Whats worse. Waiing out of place when you mean well, or not waiing when you know it is appropriate because you are a foreigner? I am sure most Thais would say the latter.

What is amusing is the know it all khao san backpackers who think they wrote the law on Thai culture then go and wai the checkout girl in the 7-11. Now that does always garnish a audible chuckle from me.

What he said.

Which you have obviously now read wai.gif

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I do not wai anyone and the Thais around me say either God morning or Sawadee Ka/Khrap without any wai and I reply either in English or Thai.

Some Thai's around me when see me also growl, though i am not sure if they speaking with me or my dogstongue.png

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The simple answer is in post no. 100 btw.

Just in case anyone is interested.

Didnt get that far before feeling the overwhelming urge to bore everyone with my own explanation in #159, which as it turns out is just a longer more waffly version of what you wrote.

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let me try and explain to you,

theses girls sell there body to feed there family, weather it be there child or there mama and papa,

there isnt money free in this country like in the west,

and these girs do what they do becouse they have to, not to feed some drug problem like in the west,

your happy to come here and take advantage of them, but you dont feel the need to wai them, just to show a little repect for what they are doing,

You really believe this?

SOME of them do this. Many squander the money, give it to a boyfriend, husband, pimp, or to a Thai karaoke boy.

And for those who do send it home, many of the families squander the money.

Sending money home is ALWAYS the reason for being a prostitute, but more and more girls are sending less and less these days.

Very few actually raise above the poverty they come from because their child is a prostitute. Most who are poor, remain poor, regardless of how much money has been earned or sent home.

This is the same all around the world. It is not a Thai specific problem.

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let me try and explain to you,

theses girls sell there body to feed there family, weather it be there child or there mama and papa,

there isnt money free in this country like in the west,

and these girs do what they do becouse they have to, not to feed some drug problem like in the west,

your happy to come here and take advantage of them, but you dont feel the need to wai them, just to show a little repect for what they are doing,

You really believe this?

SOME of them do this. Many squander the money, give it to a boyfriend, husband, pimp, or to a Thai karaoke boy.

And for those who do send it home, many of the families squander the money.

Sending money home is ALWAYS the reason for being a prostitute, but more and more girls are sending less and less these days.

Very few actually raise above the poverty they come from because their child is a prostitute. Most who are poor, remain poor, regardless of how much money has been earned or sent home.

This is the same all around the world. It is not a Thai specific problem.

PoodMaiDai, That is possibly one of the best written and educated posts I've read here. Ever...Well half of it was...

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