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Sak Yants


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I've never wanted a tattoo as I believe having them just serves the ego... but

Is it true that these totoos (sak yants) can imbue spiritual / maigic power, and that there are certain designs for different powers?

I've resolved the ego bit: I just will never see my tattoo..or let others see it. I dont wannt that invisible ink one, because there has to be an urge to overcome.

Can anyone explain how I should request the following:

1 sak yant that will help me form a relationship with "God" or "Dharma"

1 sak yant that will give me health and .psychological strength

Is it better to have this done in phuket or Bangkok?

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I had a Sak Yant some 8 or 9 years years ago after being told there were 3 people that wanted me dead.

As it turns out there have been 3 occasions where 'something' happened to me and the doctors at the hospital said each time I would survive the night. Make of it what you will.

I have attached a copy of my back after the Sak Yant and if look past the chop marks you can see the protection markings. I decided to have an invisible one done for personal reasons.

It needs to be done by a Monk so I would worry about the demand for a particular Monks style of Sak Yant not the location. Remember whatever the Monk 'feels' is the best design for you is what you get don't think you can walk in and ask like a Tattoo shop for a specific design.!

***Warning the picture is I guess a little graphic....***


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I see many young fellas here with these tattoos and the main claim is that they become bullet and knife proof. I've offered to test it but nobody has accepted yet.

Some of them are very beautiful. I wish I knew more but only out of curiosity. I've seen other monks 'draw' symbols on the top of peoples heads as a kind of temporary tattoo, but one of them admitted he didn't really believe it had any power. Right action will serve you better than magic.

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We have a pinned thread on sak yan here:


Lots of information there, best to post in that thread.

Sak yan can be performed by laymen as well as monks, and in fact there are as many sak yan masters in Thailand who are laymen as there are masters who are monks. Possibly more. There are yantras (designs) for almost every need, from protection to loving kindness and adherence to dhamma.

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