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Problem With Big "C" Hang Dong

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My wife and I are moving soon to a newly purchased house and decided we wanted a new large refridgerator. We found one a Big C that we liked and purchased it. We paid with our debit card. The store clerk told us if we did not like it we could return it within 10 days for a refund. 2 days later while at Tesco we saw a larger model that we liked better. We phoned Big C and they told us yes they had that model and the price was the same as the one at Tesco.However we had to return the one we had at our expense.. After they had received our fridge we went to the store to arrange for the larger one. Now here is the part I did not like. We would have to pay for the new fridge with our debit card but credit for the one we returned would not be issued for a minimum of 7 days. I asked the store manager if they had a machine to take my debit card and remove the money from my bank immediately why they could not use the same machine to issue an instant credit..Of course her reply was company policy. I might add that the returned refridgerator was still in the original packing box never opened by us..Is waiting 7 days for a credit to be issued on a debit card purchase the norm in Chiang Mai.

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I'ts like everything here, the system is geared to taking, not handing back, money. Most of the time staff have no idea what to do when asked to do something out of the norm'. Nobody has the authority, so the problem gets passed from one to another.

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Its been said many many times here....dont expect the systems; rules; laws; anything to be like the standards you became used to back home. Accept it and move on.

And to be fair to the store, it sounded like they delivered the fridge free for you in the first place. "free" means there is a cost....2 men, truck, fuel and no doubt they loaded into your house.

stop being petty, your penalty for thinking the new fridge at Tesco was cheaper when Big C had one also!

I never said that the new fridge was cheaper at Tesco and further I did not know at the time of my original purchase the Big C had one also because it was not on display in the store.
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I'ts like everything here, the system is geared to taking, not handing back, money. Most of the time staff have no idea what to do when asked to do something out of the norm'. Nobody has the authority, so the problem gets passed from one to another.

Not always true. I bought a phone in Tesco, used it for 2 days, decided I didn't like it and returned it in it's original wrapping / box. Just said, I would like a refund as per policy.....they looked at it and I had my money back within a very short time, no questions asked.

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I'ts like everything here, the system is geared to taking, not handing back, money. Most of the time staff have no idea what to do when asked to do something out of the norm'. Nobody has the authority, so the problem gets passed from one to another.

Not always true. I bought a phone in Tesco, used it for 2 days, decided I didn't like it and returned it in it's original wrapping / box. Just said, I would like a refund as per policy.....they looked at it and I had my money back within a very short time, no questions asked.

Tesco Lotus have to one of the exceptions. My (Thai) wife spent all morning yesterday trying to get a refund from our local hospital for un-needed treatment that had been paid for in advance. She was passed to eight differnt departments before finding someone who knew what to do - and even then it had to authorised from someone higher!

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Slow electronics is a world wide thing. I use a visa card based on a bank in Canada. When I use it my internet connection shows it right away.

When I pay for it with a transfer on the internet from another Canadian bank it can take up to a week before it registers it.

The same if I use my Visa card from the bank I have all my accounts in. It takes up to four days to get a accurate amount on my visa. I then transfer it in from my savings. That is done immediately.

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I'ts like everything here, the system is geared to taking, not handing back, money. Most of the time staff have no idea what to do when asked to do something out of the norm'. Nobody has the authority, so the problem gets passed from one to another.

Your answer I think is "right on the money".

I don't think the OP is being petty either.

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I'ts like everything here, the system is geared to taking, not handing back, money. Most of the time staff have no idea what to do when asked to do something out of the norm'. Nobody has the authority, so the problem gets passed from one to another.

Your answer I think is "right on the money".

I don't think the OP is being petty either.

Not a Big C issue but a bank issue..... The bank debits your account instantly for a purchase but the paperwork required to issue a refund takes time. This is the problem, happens at home also.....

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How long would it take to get a refund on your debit card in your home country?


Here's an extract from a UK example.

I ordered a camera back in December from CameraBox.co.uk. After a week it still hadn't been dispatched so I emailed them and they told me it would be send within 24 hours. 3 days later it still hadn't been sent so I emailed again to cancel.

They emailed me today saying it had been cancelled and that refunds take 2-14 days.


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I'ts like everything here, the system is geared to taking, not handing back, money. Most of the time staff have no idea what to do when asked to do something out of the norm'. Nobody has the authority, so the problem gets passed from one to another.

Your answer I think is "right on the money".

I don't think the OP is being petty either.

Not a Big C issue but a bank issue..... The bank debits your account instantly for a purchase but the paperwork required to issue a refund takes time. This is the problem, happens at home also.....

On the part of the bank there may be a deliberate waiting time. Cold be that 'instant' reversal sets up the circumstancs were a scam could take place. Perhaps that's somewhere in the overall picture.

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How long would it take to get a refund on your debit card in your home country?


In United States and Canada refund on debit card is instant. Dont confuse debit card with credit card..Debit card is like paying cash. Credit card it takes several days for purchase to go through the system and then you have xxx days to pay your bank in full or xxx per month plus interest.
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I'ts like everything here, the system is geared to taking, not handing back, money. Most of the time staff have no idea what to do when asked to do something out of the norm'. Nobody has the authority, so the problem gets passed from one to another.

Your answer I think is "right on the money".

Not a Big C issue but a bank issue..... The bank debits your account instantly for a purchase but the paperwork required to issue a refund takes time. This is the problem, happens at home also.....

Nooo noo no no..!! It has to always be Thailand, Thai business and customs, and the Thais in general that are at fault. We Farongs are always "right on the mo-nay"!!! :rolleyes:

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How long would it take to get a refund on your debit card in your home country?


In United States and Canada refund on debit card is instant. Dont confuse debit card with credit card..Debit card is like paying cash. Credit card it takes several days for purchase to go through the system and then you have xxx days to pay your bank in full or xxx per month plus interest.

I understand your frustration, but in this country I'd be happy just knowing I'm going to get my money back......and you will.

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This is the normal SOP everywhere..there are so-called two purchases involved..and two invoices etc etc...so consider yourself fortunate that you can exchange one for the other after all transactions were done..

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How long would it take to get a refund on your debit card in your home country?


In United States and Canada refund on debit card is instant. Dont confuse debit card with credit card..Debit card is like paying cash. Credit card it takes several days for purchase to go through the system and then you have xxx days to pay your bank in full or xxx per month plus interest.

How long would it take to get a refund on your debit card in your home country?


In United States and Canada refund on debit card is instant. Dont confuse debit card with credit card..Debit card is like paying cash. Credit card it takes several days for purchase to go through the system and then you have xxx days to pay your bank in full or xxx per month plus interest.

Where did you get this information? I have no confusion between the types of cards.


Edited by hml367
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I have found the superstores here good. Many are foreigned owned and used to having somekind of return policy if you follow their requirments. Don't bother with the Mom and Pop places. Once they have your money they do not care if yoou ever come back to buy anything. The exception is if you have lived in a village for some time and they know you or your wife, then they will make adjustments sometimes.

My wife can go to the market on market day and if she forgets her money, can buy anything and pay the vendor later. That's Thais trusting Thais.

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I have found the superstores here good. Many are foreigned owned and used to having somekind of return policy if you follow their requirments. Don't bother with the Mom and Pop places. Once they have your money they do not care if yoou ever come back to buy anything. The exception is if you have lived in a village for some time and they know you or your wife, then they will make adjustments sometimes.

My wife can go to the market on market day and if she forgets her money, can buy anything and pay the vendor later. That's Thais trusting Thais.

I'm interested to know which superstores in Thailand you think are foriegn owned?

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How long would it take to get a refund on your debit card in your home country?


Depends where he's from, but in the UK it's instant if you're standing at the till. Done it many times with both credit and debit cards. Example:- Hire car last trip they took 100 pounds insurance bond by card and when I returned the car they put through an instant refund and gave me the slip there and then. I've taken things back to most major stores at some time or another and refunds have all been instant.

Problems in Thailand seem to be related to weak consumer laws more than anything else. Politicians too busy fighting each other and filling their own pockets to worry about ordinary peoples rights.

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3 years ago, when we were living in Bangkok, we cancelled our UBC/TRUE TV contract as we were moving to CM.

It took 2 months to get the 2,000 baht deposit back and it was in the form of a cheque which took another 2 days to clear. I would imagine the same situation applies today regarding refunds so if BIG C are wrapping it up in 7 days you are doing OK.

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I'm interested to know which superstores in Thailand you think are foriegn owned?

I think Tesco Lotus (British), Big C (French), Ex Carrefour (Now Big C, French), and Makro (British)

Big C and Makro are I believe Thai companies, Carrefour has ceased operations here whilst Tesco/Lotus is 51% owned by Lotus, a Thai company, all the other superstores in Thailand are owned and operated either by the Mall Group or the Central Group, both of which are Thai owned.

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No disagreement here at all, Feeld.

But if you look at the shareholding structure, and the holding corporations, and who has the bulk of voting stock....;)

Of course, many business sectors in Thailand are not allowed to have more than X% of foreign ownership.

Look at DTAC, the number 2 mobile operator in Thailand as a prime example.

On paper, Telenor owns less than 49%.

On voting stock, and control, they have about 68%.

Same-same Casino, Metro AG, Tesco, etc.

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I take your point regarding DTAC/Telenor and Lotus/Tesco but do you think the same logic applies to Makro and Big C, I had always believed them both to be 100% Thai companies without external influences?

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