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Ais3G And Andriod Officially Suck

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Travel a bit locally, decided to get a 3G sim from AIS as a second phone ( as its 2g has widest coverage in hard spots )...... Eggs in multiple baskets.

I am using TrueMove 3G, and so far AIS can't compare. Coming down viphavadee, it was constantly flipping between 2G and 3G , and one test I get close to edge speeds on 3G, next minute 3 meg..... Expressway crossing sukhumvit, purely on 2G. At home, and am on 2G with some flips again to 3G, low signal.

Got an "Android One" as the 2nd ( put my main / old sim in) phone. Having been on iPhone for years, I realize how much apple has their shit together. Only thing like so far is the android dictation.....

Did love AIS self service portal though, quite helpful.

p.p.s. AIS is a bit miffed with permanent residents documents. I needed a work permit, told em by law I don't need one if don't work, and can stay in LOS for as long as I want. As with all private companies, they did not understand the concept that i dont need a visa. Finally they crumbled :)

For what it's worth....

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Interesting. I have have been with AIS for like 10+ years and living in Pattaya on the dark side I find the 3G service quite decent. I have to say that it's slowed down a bit since they first introduced it but it's still decent.

I have thought about TRUE as a backup but wanted to wait till I really need it.

As for Android, I have a samsung gs2 and love it to death. It's like my favorite piece of tech ever. and I'm a techie. I have never been an apple fan as I like to hack and modify the hell out of stuff and with apple that's much harder to do.

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Thailand has 3G?

Didn't know they had sorted that out yet.

Had True Move, hated it. Worst mobile phone service I have ever encountered. I switched to AIS, no problems at all.

My ex had the iphone. I absolutely hated it. I also intensly dislike the way apple wants you constantly tethered to them.

I have an android phone. Love it. Rooted, of course.

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Anecdotal evidence from one person is now qualified as "Official". Interesting.

What's a "Android One" anyway?

Hehehe. ....yeh, " official " is over the top. I listen to TuneInRadio ( local english radio is so so ) on iPhone every morning and night in the car using 3G. Got AIS SIM Iin iPhone now, definitely more spotty this morning ( spotty = area's where no data, music buffers ) ......

For the guy who hates apple.... Each to his own. I love my morning radio from my home town in my car.....


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if you are not a Thai national, why dont you need a visa to stay in Thailand?

Oops... HTC One..... Not android One

As for visa, check w other threads in PR's. If you have one, and never leave Thailand, u don't need a visa. Just report to your local cop shop once every 5 years. If travel, need a visa to return, but not to stay.

Always confuses banks/ telco's as they are looking for a visa

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I recently moved from AIS to True. The 3G coverage of True is much better all over Thailand.

I think AIS as it is a long time established Network in Thailand has the better options for normal cell phones without 3G who just care about making phone calls/SMS.

Also AIS has much better packages you can add. Like Call Packages, MMS, SMS packages, Roaming etc.

In my opinion True Move/H 3G is good for the Internet on the go. 3G Signal is very good. Almost everywhere I go I get a 3G signal but with AIS 80% on 2G (EDGE)

I have used both, Android and iOS.

Edited by Lammbock
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I have had numerous problems with True 3G data sim packages on iPhone, iPad and laptop. For one, I think their metering is a fraud. I always exhaust my bandwidth way before my data tracking app says I have. I've also had problems where I can't even activate a top-up code, check balance, or select a service using the standard phone codes. They simply come back as error codes and so I have to call True and do all of this over the phone with a live operator True 3G network coverage is excellent though.

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I recently moved from AIS to True. The 3G coverage of True is much better all over Thailand.

I think AIS as it is a long time established Network in Thailand has the better options for normal cell phones without 3G who just care about making phone calls/SMS.

Also AIS has much better packages you can add. Like Call Packages, MMS, SMS packages, Roaming etc.

In my opinion True Move/H 3G is good for the Internet on the go. 3G Signal is very good. Almost everywhere I go I get a 3G signal but with AIS 80% on 2G (EDGE)

I have used both, Android and iOS.

Spot on... AIS had a long head start on 2G, and no one could compete with them..... but in 3G, even today again, half the time I am on 2G. My home internet is down, so am tethered to my android ( had to figure that one out as a new user) to True as AIS at home is on E.

Agree, the value added stuff / eService is better, but i am a pretty un-fancy user ( dont need those whistles and bells as i hardly read my bill unless its super big, just good connectivity is what i like)

BUT !!!! i must admit i am starting to love Android based dictation, better than Apple.

Edited by skippybangkok
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Ais isn't convincing - at the pool on wireless rd you get 3G, on the hallway down to edge, inside the flat down to gprs. Dtac has imho a better covarage. If someone know where the spot is on which dtac has the "up to 41 mb " lets meet and have beer there...

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Anecdotal evidence from one person is now qualified as "Official". Interesting.

What's a "Android One" anyway?

Hehehe. ....yeh, " official " is over the top. I listen to TuneInRadio ( local english radio is so so ) on iPhone every morning and night in the car using 3G. Got AIS SIM Iin iPhone now, definitely more spotty this morning ( spotty = area's where no data, music buffers ) ......

For the guy who hates apple.... Each to his own. I love my morning radio from my home town in my car.....

Tune in Radio is available on Android, I use it regularly

totster biggrin.png

Edited by Totster
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Ais isn't convincing - at the pool on wireless rd you get 3G, on the hallway down to edge, inside the flat down to gprs. Dtac has imho a better covarage. If someone know where the spot is on which dtac has the "up to 41 mb " lets meet and have beer there...

Lol..... Technically possible w any HSPA service, let's find a site ie in a rice field near Minburi at 4am with a 42Meg Dongle.....

Other OP...yeh, getting used to Android, so so a out it, and if feels more like the old windows mobile.... More techy/customizable than apple. Only thing I am really loving so far is the voice dictation ...

Edited by skippybangkok
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Ok, where are the DTAC 3G posts? The wife and I recently bought two Android based Samsung smartphones (we officially love them) , and specifically bought a model using 850MHz 3G (DTAC and True) vs the 900Mhz 3G (AIS). Since our current 2G carrier is DTAC and I had heard good things about True coverage, that's why we bought a 850Mhz model. Still trying to decide between getting our data plan from DTAC or True...I live in Bangkok. Where are the DTAC posts...since I think it has the second largest number of 3G customers (just behind AIS with True running 3d) in Thailand based on other threads?

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Ok, where are the DTAC 3G posts? The wife and I recently bought two Android based Samsung smartphones (we officially love them) , and specifically bought a model using 850MHz 3G (DTAC and True) vs the 900Mhz 3G (AIS). Since our current 2G carrier is DTAC and I had heard good things about True coverage, that's why we bought a 850Mhz model. Still trying to decide between getting our data plan from DTAC or True...I live in Bangkok. Where are the DTAC posts...since I think it has the second largest number of 3G customers (just behind AIS with True running 3d) in Thailand based on other threads?

LOL - AIS PR is good. If you can't take the lead, just tell everyone u are.

True had the most 3G customers, then DTAC and then AIS based on stats a few months back. Maybe have changed, but doubt AIS has taken the lead

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I forgot to mention the True Wifi service is very good. Almost everywhere in Thailand are those WiFi hotspots. When you subscribe with True Move they will collect your WiFi Address and you can connect automatically without enter a password.

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Ok, where are the DTAC 3G posts? The wife and I recently bought two Android based Samsung smartphones (we officially love them) , and specifically bought a model using 850MHz 3G (DTAC and True) vs the 900Mhz 3G (AIS). Since our current 2G carrier is DTAC and I had heard good things about True coverage, that's why we bought a 850Mhz model. Still trying to decide between getting our data plan from DTAC or True...I live in Bangkok. Where are the DTAC posts...since I think it has the second largest number of 3G customers (just behind AIS with True running 3d) in Thailand based on other threads?

LOL - AIS PR is good. If you can't take the lead, just tell everyone u are.

True had the most 3G customers, then DTAC and then AIS based on stats a few months back. Maybe have changed, but doubt AIS has taken the lead

True apparently has the most coverage and most cells sites, but they don't have the most 3G/Data/phone Users...they are number 3 in number of Users according to the recent stats in this 7 July Post. See the stats chart in the post.

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Ok, where are the DTAC 3G posts? The wife and I recently bought two Android based Samsung smartphones (we officially love them) , and specifically bought a model using 850MHz 3G (DTAC and True) vs the 900Mhz 3G (AIS). Since our current 2G carrier is DTAC and I had heard good things about True coverage, that's why we bought a 850Mhz model. Still trying to decide between getting our data plan from DTAC or True...I live in Bangkok. Where are the DTAC posts...since I think it has the second largest number of 3G customers (just behind AIS with True running 3d) in Thailand based on other threads?

Specifically what phones did you buy? I ask because the galaxy s2 was being sold in 2 versions here handled specifically for the carriers but I can guarantee you that both models work the same on all the networks.

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Ok, where are the DTAC 3G posts? The wife and I recently bought two Android based Samsung smartphones (we officially love them) , and specifically bought a model using 850MHz 3G (DTAC and True) vs the 900Mhz 3G (AIS). Since our current 2G carrier is DTAC and I had heard good things about True coverage, that's why we bought a 850Mhz model. Still trying to decide between getting our data plan from DTAC or True...I live in Bangkok. Where are the DTAC posts...since I think it has the second largest number of 3G customers (just behind AIS with True running 3d) in Thailand based on other threads?

LOL - AIS PR is good. If you can't take the lead, just tell everyone u are.

True had the most 3G customers, then DTAC and then AIS based on stats a few months back. Maybe have changed, but doubt AIS has taken the lead

True apparently has the most coverage and most cells sites, but they don't have the most 3G/Data/phone Users...they are number 3 in number of Users according to the recent stats in this 7 July Post. See the stats chart in the post.

This sounds like a plus for true.

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I forgot to mention the True Wifi service is very good. Almost everywhere in Thailand are those WiFi hotspots. When you subscribe with True Move they will collect your WiFi Address and you can connect automatically without enter a password.

You mean network card mac-address? Isn't that pretty easy get with an sniffer?

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Ok, where are the DTAC 3G posts? The wife and I recently bought two Android based Samsung smartphones (we officially love them) , and specifically bought a model using 850MHz 3G (DTAC and True) vs the 900Mhz 3G (AIS). Since our current 2G carrier is DTAC and I had heard good things about True coverage, that's why we bought a 850Mhz model. Still trying to decide between getting our data plan from DTAC or True...I live in Bangkok. Where are the DTAC posts...since I think it has the second largest number of 3G customers (just behind AIS with True running 3d) in Thailand based on other threads?

Specifically what phones did you buy? I ask because the galaxy s2 was being sold in 2 versions here handled specifically for the carriers but I can guarantee you that both models work the same on all the networks.

Yes, most smartphones sold in Thailand come in two versions. One version uses 900MHz which is the 3G frequency AIS uses and another version uses 850Mhz which is the 3G frequency DTAC and True use. A 900Mhz phone (AIS) will not work on a DTAC or True 3G service and a 850Mhz phone (DTAC/True) will not work on AIS 3G service....because the phone and service are operating on different frequencies. This is why a person needs to have an idea before buying their smartphone for 3G usage in Thailand which 3G service provider they plan to sign-up with. Doesn't make a difference for 2G/basic phone calls since 2G frequencies and phones used standardized frequencies.

Now, whether the particular phone you buy uses 850Mhz or 900Mhz as far as I know they all can also use 2100Mhz frequency band which is used for 3G in many countries and maybe considered true/standardized 3G service, but that is the 3G band which Thailand is still trying to auction/get implemented throughout the country for all carriers...you know, all the news articles over the last few years in Thailand trying to get true 3G implemented before 4G becomes standard across the world.

The wife and I bought the Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 850Mhz model since we plan to probably use DTAC as our 3G provider since we've been with DTAC on 2G for almost 4 years...good service. But if we decided against DTAC, we would still have a second choice of True since also True uses the 850Mhz band. If a person bought a 900Mhz smartphone, pretty much their only choice is AIS or whatever other 900Mhz carrier maybe out there. If a persons buys a phone in an AIS shop, AIS just carries/sells 900Mhz phones; you buy a phone in a DTAC or True shop, they only carry/sell 850Mhz phones....but a phone at a shop that sells all kinds of phone you can buy either 850Mhz or 900Mhz models, with the 900Mhz models being in the majority since AIS has the most 2G/3G phone customers in Thailand.

Yes, whether a person use AIS, DTAC, or True, the basic 3G service/operation of the phone is the same as that's primarily determined by the phone's hardware/operating system but you first have to ensure your phone will work/connect with a particular 3G service.

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Ok, where are the DTAC 3G posts? The wife and I recently bought two Android based Samsung smartphones (we officially love them) , and specifically bought a model using 850MHz 3G (DTAC and True) vs the 900Mhz 3G (AIS). Since our current 2G carrier is DTAC and I had heard good things about True coverage, that's why we bought a 850Mhz model. Still trying to decide between getting our data plan from DTAC or True...I live in Bangkok. Where are the DTAC posts...since I think it has the second largest number of 3G customers (just behind AIS with True running 3d) in Thailand based on other threads?

LOL - AIS PR is good. If you can't take the lead, just tell everyone u are.

True had the most 3G customers, then DTAC and then AIS based on stats a few months back. Maybe have changed, but doubt AIS has taken the lead

True apparently has the most coverage and most cells sites, but they don't have the most 3G/Data/phone Users...they are number 3 in number of Users according to the recent stats in this 7 July Post. See the stats chart in the post.

This sounds like a plus for true.

It's indeed a plus, but both AIS and DTAC have good coverage. I guarantee that True would much prefer to have stats which rates them with the most customers versus the most coverage.

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Ok, where are the DTAC 3G posts? The wife and I recently bought two Android based Samsung smartphones (we officially love them) , and specifically bought a model using 850MHz 3G (DTAC and True) vs the 900Mhz 3G (AIS). Since our current 2G carrier is DTAC and I had heard good things about True coverage, that's why we bought a 850Mhz model. Still trying to decide between getting our data plan from DTAC or True...I live in Bangkok. Where are the DTAC posts...since I think it has the second largest number of 3G customers (just behind AIS with True running 3d) in Thailand based on other threads?

Specifically what phones did you buy? I ask because the galaxy s2 was being sold in 2 versions here handled specifically for the carriers but I can guarantee you that both models work the same on all the networks.

Yes, most smartphones sold in Thailand come in two versions. One version uses 900MHz which is the 3G frequency AIS uses and another version uses 850Mhz which is the 3G frequency DTAC and True use. A 900Mhz phone (AIS) will not work on a DTAC or True 3G service and a 850Mhz phone (DTAC/True) will not work on AIS 3G service....because the phone and service are operating on different frequencies. This is why a person needs to have an idea before buying their smartphone for 3G usage in Thailand which 3G service provider they plan to sign-up with. Doesn't make a difference for 2G/basic phone calls since 2G frequencies and phones used standardized frequencies.

Now, whether the particular phone you buy uses 850Mhz or 900Mhz as far as I know they all can also use 2100Mhz frequency band which is used for 3G in many countries and maybe considered true/standardized 3G service, but that is the 3G band which Thailand is still trying to auction/get implemented throughout the country for all carriers...you know, all the news articles over the last few years in Thailand trying to get true 3G implemented before 4G becomes standard across the world.

The wife and I bought the Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 850Mhz model since we plan to probably use DTAC as our 3G provider since we've been with DTAC on 2G for almost 4 years...good service. But if we decided against DTAC, we would still have a second choice of True since also True uses the 850Mhz band. If a person bought a 900Mhz smartphone, pretty much their only choice is AIS or whatever other 900Mhz carrier maybe out there. If a persons buys a phone in an AIS shop, AIS just carries/sells 900Mhz phones; you buy a phone in a DTAC or True shop, they only carry/sell 850Mhz phones....but a phone at a shop that sells all kinds of phone you can buy either 850Mhz or 900Mhz models, with the 900Mhz models being in the majority since AIS has the most 2G/3G phone customers in Thailand.

Yes, whether a person use AIS, DTAC, or True, the basic 3G service/operation of the phone is the same as that's primarily determined by the phone's hardware/operating system but you first have to ensure your phone will work/connect with a particular 3G service.

Ok.. Well I have a samsung galaxy s2 that is labeled TRUE on the box. It's the model i9100t vs the AIS model i9100. All the stores in Thailand are saying that if you want 3G on true you must buy the TRUE version or if AIS must buy the AIS version but the fact is that was all HYPE. Both the i9100 and i9100t have all the same bands enabled for gsm and 3G. 850/900/2100 fo 3G and quad band for GSM. As to why they put stickers on them is anyone guess.. maybe marketing...

This is why I asked you what model you have that is only usable on a certain network. Do you know this as fact or cause the sales rep told you so?

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It's indeed a plus, but both AIS and DTAC have good coverage. I guarantee that True would much prefer to have stats which rates them with the most customers versus the most coverage.

Lol..... Those stats were posted by Mr Copy Paste.

I already threw a question ie how is it that AIS in those days had 1/4 th of the equipment, but 4x the claimed customers without out network congestion. Amazing..... To guys with network knowledge.....

I have seen many corresponding figures, I.e smart phones sold in market, and one interesting report of speed tests in Speedtest.net.

The result are few months old, but the ratio was 5:3:2 of user tests true : Dtac:AIS.

So true "far less" customers each do the most speed tests ?. AIS went from zero network to literally in few months to be the biggest 3 G operator ?

The only thing AIS did a few months ago is release a statement of their millions of customers on 3G ..... If u believe it...... Hey, I have a real lovely antique car u might wanna buy.

Edited by skippybangkok
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Any company, or service which needs my creditcard number to install free applications or services has lost some major points in my eyes. An Apple iPhone is very overrated, if you check on the internet a those geeks who open phones and check how much it would cost to build one... the Apple iPhone 4S is just on the average level... so you pay premium price for an average product...

On my Samsung Android phone, with AIS sim and 3G, I can look international TV and get radio stations wherever I go...

Also I have the idea that TrueMove also sales Android phones... and I'm sure that all your services work perfectly if bought a decent Android phone....

And yes what is an Adroid One, is that the first Android phone?

You can create an account and download free apps without a CC but, when I bought a 4th gen iPod which uses the latest iOS I thought the exact opposite as the op..iOS is like Android's little cousin with down's syndrome IMO.

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In response to your post #25, No, it's not marketing for all phones. The S2 is one of Samsung's top of line phones (was the top of the line until the S3 recently came out) and the S2 comes with 850 and 900MHz capability along with 1900 and 2100Mhz 3G frequency capability, but many (probably most) of the low to mid models come with 850Mhz or 900Mhz capability along with 2100Mhz. And for the GSM/Edge/2G bands they all pretty much do the standard 850/900/1800/1900Mhz bands.

For my Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 which I consider a mid level phone released early 2012 at B9,900 it comes in the 3G 850MHz/2100Mhz flavor (DTAC/True) or 3G 900Mhz/2100Mhz flavor (AIS). While the high end phones get most of the advertising hype which is really just to steer folks towards a certain manufacturer's line of phones such as Samsung, it's low to mid level smartphone in the 5 to 12K baht range is the great majority of sales occur...so when buying a smartphone in Thailand regardless of the cost range, be it low, mid or high end cost, but sure you get a model that will work with the 3G carrier you plan to sign-up with since two of the main carriers use 850Mhz and one uses 900Mhz. Once the 3G frequency of 2100Mhz becomes common use in Thailand then we won't have to worry about whether the phone will work with 3G carrier XYZ and we can easily switch between the carriers without having to buy a new phone which uses that carriers 3G current freqency of 850Mhz or 900Mhz.



P.S. I'd like to have a S2 or S3, but it's more phone than I need.

Edited by Pib
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It's indeed a plus, but both AIS and DTAC have good coverage. I guarantee that True would much prefer to have stats which rates them with the most customers versus the most coverage.

Lol..... Those stats were posted by Mr Copy Paste.

I already threw a question ie how is it that AIS in those days had 1/4 th of the equipment, but 4x the claimed customers without out network congestion. Amazing..... To guys with network knowledge.....

I have seen many corresponding figures, I.e smart phones sold in market, and one interesting report of speed tests in Speedtest.net.

The result are few months old, but the ratio was 5:3:2 of user tests true : Dtac:AIS.

So true "far less" customers each do the most speed tests ?. AIS went from zero network to literally in few months to be the biggest 3 G operator ?

The only thing AIS did a few months ago is release a statement of their millions of customers on 3G ..... If u believe it...... Hey, I have a real lovely antique car u might wanna buy.

Looking forward to the posting of your stats.

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I forgot to mention the True Wifi service is very good. Almost everywhere in Thailand are those WiFi hotspots. When you subscribe with True Move they will collect your WiFi Address and you can connect automatically without enter a password.

You mean network card mac-address? Isn't that pretty easy get with an sniffer?

I mean this one:


They will collect this number from your device and after you can log into their WiFi network anywhere in Thailand for free.

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