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i have posted many times about trying to keep my beloved cool,as his hair underneath his body was getting thick i tried to trim it with my shaver to no avail,last friday the vet came to give him is heartworm jab and i mentioned about how thick his coat was,he told the wf.why not have him trimmed so i said ok but not too short,well you can guess what i am going to say next,the wf.had already phoned me what to exspect after 6hrs in the salon he came back in his birthday suit i was horrified.now lets talk about how the dog felt,first he eat all his food,bedtime he didnt want the aircon on,now he sleeps all night on our bed with only the fan and he cant stop galloping arround the house,his coat is starting to grow and already its turning to a dark grey and he seems very happy in himself,but he is not the georgous brute he was.so did we do the right thing or should i have my arse kicked.


thanks guys every body on tv.and where we live knows how i love this dog and we would do anything to make him happy,me and mrs.meat never had any intension of buying a car she dont give a sh-t what people say married to farang and no car,our dogs previous owner used to take him everywhere in the car and he loves it when our neighbour takes him out,well he is going to have a surprise on sat.we bought a new car so we can take him out,the wf.has already bought a big blanket for the back seat,and another thing he did see himself in the wardrope mirror.


Don't worry about the mirror. Dogs can't recognise their own reflection. The "mirror test", which is purported to show self-awareness, has only been passed by great apes (humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, &c.), dolphins, killer whales, elephants and (rather surprisingly) magpies.


Don't worry about the mirror. Dogs can't recognise their own reflection. The "mirror test", which is purported to show self-awareness, has only been passed by great apes (humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, &c.), dolphins, killer whales, elephants and (rather surprisingly) magpies.

That's an interesting statistic. Anyway I hope you haven't laughed at him meatboy.? Well not to his face anyway! biggrin.png

My pal's old terrier liked to see what was happening outside the window on long drives....he would run to one window and stare out for 10 secs...then realise he was missing out on the other side.....Gawd help anyone stuck in the back seat with him!

Lovely dog though....



Let's face it, meatboy, lovely though he is, your dog is unsuitable for the climate... and you're going to go on getting these problems. Go with it, man! I'm with you all the way!

A Thai friend of mine was given a St Bernard. After two weeks of non-stop slavery to the poor dog, he couldn't stand it any longer. "You have to be a fulltime dog-keeper to have one of these", he said. I think he gave it away.


I wouldn't feel too bad.

Does your dog look something like this?

[image shamelessly stolen from pantip.com since we aren't allowed to link to webboards.]



Let's face it, meatboy, lovely though he is, your dog is unsuitable for the climate... and you're going to go on getting these problems. Go with it, man! I'm with you all the way!

A Thai friend of mine was given a St Bernard. After two weeks of non-stop slavery to the poor dog, he couldn't stand it any longer. "You have to be a fulltime dog-keeper to have one of these", he said. I think he gave it away.

me and mrs been together 25years she has never had children so this is her boy,sometimes i sit and think what would have happened to him if he hadnt come to us,and he was a gift,so cant wait for saturday when he see's his car and all the neighbours who cant figure out why the mrs with the biggest property on the mooban only has a rusty old push bike,see their faces when she say's she bought it for the dog.
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I wouldn't feel too bad.

Does your dog look something like this?

[image shamelessly stolen from pantip.com since we aren't allowed to link to webboards.]

yes he is grey and white with the same black and white face.i got to get my mate to show me how to post photo's.


jsut shaved foofoo and lilee down since we are having 40 celsius and only now am i using a/c; foofoo doesn have psychiatric problems when he is shaved down, including attacking himself when he feels his tail fringe on his naked back, biting his legs etc... however, theis year , i have shaved him every other week, so he has stopped that behavior.... and this week i also did his face, ears, and empty eye socket area (other wise he looks lopsided with hair over one side of his face but no eye)>

dogs do recognize other dogs and in mirrors, and recognize their own breeds more (had a bull terrier that loved to talk only to bullies; foofoo will talk with other furry lhasa types; boxers love meeting other boxers... they do have some self recognition, just dont think and consider how they look, which is why no balls, or one eye dont bother them, only the owner.)

just get a clipper (preferably, for a malamute , a dog clipper and not what i have which is a hair clipper), and do his stomach every week, what i told u to do many posts ago. a naked stomach and back is a cool dog ; i sometimes leave the legs unclipped to prtect against thorns and stuff we have here.



Wifes sister in bkk has a shnauzer and it gets a baldy job twice a year. From the way it reacts I reckon it loves it.

Lots more energy and doesn't spend so much time hiding in in shady corners in the garden


my mums budgie used to talk to itself in the miror,,

getting back to dogs i bought the wife a poodle cross schitsui little thing, hes great spends more time with me though, im sure he thinks hes a lion, just like my old jack russles back in england, when he gets hot he just goes and gets in our small fish pond and just lays there for a while,,lol,

then i got a thai dog patch,, hes started doing the same as chocko, just lays in the pond,

but i love them to bits, allways been a dog man



my mums budgie used to talk to itself in the miror,,

getting back to dogs i bought the wife a poodle cross schitsui little thing, hes great spends more time with me though, im sure he thinks hes a lion, just like my old jack russles back in england, when he gets hot he just goes and gets in our small fish pond and just lays there for a while,,lol,

then i got a thai dog patch,, hes started doing the same as chocko, just lays in the pond,

but i love them to bits, allways been a dog man


i am just coming round to seeing him like this pj.he seems to be rearly enjoying it,he doesnt drink half as much water and is full of energy,so we might keep his coat short.must find a good salon.with pretty girls.

When we moved to Tropical north QLD we had a shepherd Malamute x...always thought she may be excessively hot after the Melbourne climate and asked a couple of vets about shaving or trimming.....the answer was a definite NO. Although they are equipped for low temps they also survive well in the 38 + summer heat of the the northern climes.....guess it is about insulation...don't see Aussie sheep having a problem....

She was in a perpetual state of moult though ..of that fluffy undercoat...used to take her to an isolated beach and pull off in chunks..in addition to brushing with a wire type brush.

She spent all her time at the beach in the shallows though.....kept her belly cool I guess.

One of our dogs here in Thailand is a shepherd.....she lays in the midday sun...weird...maybe not, seen lots of hairy German tourists do it too....lol


its not the belly they keep cool, its there heart, thats why they go into the water heart between front legs,

ill try and get a pic of our just laid in the pond not a care in the world,



Thick haired dogs can get "hotspots" which, frankly after years of trying to deal with our dog's hotspots could only be solved with clipping her hair off. She loved it and she would present her back and rotate it round for maximum affect when I would clip her.

  • 2 weeks later...

As well as the big blanket for the back seat please tell us that you also purchased a suitable harness to ensure the dog is safe in the event of an accident. Even if you are good drivers there are many loonies out there that can cause you to brake sharply resulting in a dog hitting you in the back of the neck; would do neither of you any good.



As well as the big blanket for the back seat please tell us that you also purchased a suitable harness to ensure the dog is safe in the event of an accident. Even if you are good drivers there are many loonies out there that can cause you to brake sharply resulting in a dog hitting you in the back of the neck; would do neither of you any good.


hi cuban where have you been i missed you,yes we got to get a harness the mrs is going to day,thats a fine looking dog,since we had ours clipped he is more lively doesnt drink as much,he is still the same dog but with a different suit.

I smiled when I read you original post, our small dog was virtually shaved a few years ago between my wife and the place that said it was a grooming parlor. Our most recent dog a Golden Retriever had to be part shaved due to an injury and minor surgery a few weeks ago, he looks happier for it.

I'm considering if it's better to adopt a policy of removing much of his fur around March next year, to allow it to grow back for cool season. Our dogs are pets so I'm not subject to "demands" of the breed for showing etc. On reflection from your current experience would you make this a regular seasonal change for your dog? I know when I cut my hair very short it felt odd at first but now love it in the hot weather. I have no reason to consider a dog would not also enjoy the freedom of cut down coat.

I know that the primary cooling mechanism is panting (Our GR has a huge tongue) and there are no sweat glands in the body (few in the feet) but a GR in Thailand does not get subjected to snow or jumping in cold water, so are we just keeping his thick flowing coat as decoration, seems selfish to me.

Any thoughts?


if he feels better in himself,which he is i will keep it short i have got used to seeing him like this so i dont care what others think as long as he is happy,he has taken to sleeping all night on our bed and curled up in his chair during the day,only now he thinks he's a greyhound he keeps running round the house at speed that worries me a bit after having trained greyhounds for 20years i have seen enough injury's so i try to slow him down,where did you get the harness i had one sent to us but it was too small for him i will see if the company that i got the furminator from stocks them,well it looks like its stopped raining because he is pawing to take him out.


Well done with the speedy doggie, an interesting change - maybe suggestive that loosing the fur coat is totally the right course of action. Our GR is loosing his puppy fur atm, lots of combing out so something we might do.

That image I posted was just from a random Google search for a dog harness, we currently have less fancy ones as the dogs seldom travel these days. I am looking to get something custom for GR when he finishes growing. My wife thinks it should be a new pick-up. ermm.gif


Well done with the speedy doggie, an interesting change - maybe suggestive that loosing the fur coat is totally the right course of action. Our GR is loosing his puppy fur atm, lots of combing out so something we might do.

That image I posted was just from a random Google search for a dog harness, we currently have less fancy ones as the dogs seldom travel these days. I am looking to get something custom for GR when he finishes growing. My wife thinks it should be a new pick-up. ermm.gif

ordered a harness this morning from shamuquaterly and something we have been after for a while a dog tag,name&tell.no.they have a massive range to choose from including food.

Don't worry about the mirror. Dogs can't recognise their own reflection. The "mirror test", which is purported to show self-awareness, has only been passed by great apes (humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, &c.), dolphins, killer whales, elephants and (rather surprisingly) magpies.

Even the odd australian has been known to pass the mirror test!!cheesy.gif

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