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Rock Star Doherty Kicked Out Of Thai Rehab Clinic


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I always felt that Pete wore his drug habit and bad behavior like some high priced haute couture piece of clothing. A sober and well mannered Pete Doherty? What would be left?

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He just wanted to get into the papers again so checked in, realised he did not get the publicity so got himself kicked out. Sad tale of someone dying to be famous. Hope he hurry's up and meets his destiny soon to avoid further pain and anguish to his family; they will get over bereavement a lot quicker than watching his demise.

This is the closest post of all. Look at the construction of the article. There is certainly collusion between Doherty and the rehab in question which is written about in glowing terms. No professonal rehab anywhere in the world talks about its clients - except Thailand. Thus to do so would have required Doherty's nod. I don't think he's a rock star though. He's best known for being somebody more famous' boyfriend.

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He just wanted to get into the papers again so checked in, realised he did not get the publicity so got himself kicked out. Sad tale of someone dying to be famous. Hope he hurry's up and meets his destiny soon to avoid further pain and anguish to his family; they will get over bereavement a lot quicker than watching his demise.

This is the closest post of all. Look at the construction of the article. There is certainly collusion between Doherty and the rehab in question which is written about in glowing terms. No professonal rehab anywhere in the world talks about its clients - except Thailand. Thus to do so would have required Doherty's nod. I don't think he's a rock star though. He's best known for being somebody more famous' boyfriend.

The Rehab in question in run by westerners. Thailand has similar medical privacy laws and just like in the West, information can be released when a patient okays it. I can almost assure you that their statement had nothing to do with the fact this clinic is in Thailand and all to do with the patient giving permission for them to speak ... in this case Alastair Mordey, the program director.

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He just wanted to get into the papers again so checked in, realised he did not get the publicity so got himself kicked out. Sad tale of someone dying to be famous. Hope he hurry's up and meets his destiny soon to avoid further pain and anguish to his family; they will get over bereavement a lot quicker than watching his demise.

This is the closest post of all. Look at the construction of the article. There is certainly collusion between Doherty and the rehab in question which is written about in glowing terms. No professonal rehab anywhere in the world talks about its clients - except Thailand. Thus to do so would have required Doherty's nod. I don't think he's a rock star though. He's best known for being somebody more famous' boyfriend.

The Rehab in question in run by westerners. Thailand has similar medical privacy laws and just like in the West, information can be released when a patient okays it. I can almost assure you that their statement had nothing to do with the fact this clinic is in Thailand and all to do with the patient giving permission for them to speak ... in this case Alastair Mordey, the program director.

The webiste shows lots of photos of various professional staff but zero information about their professional qualifications or accreditations.

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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.

Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

I hope you are being sarcastic !

If not, then get a life. Next thing you will be suggesting all smokers are made to chain-smoke until they get cancer or all homesexuals to stop using condoms until they catch AIDS. Maybe all wan#ers should be made to masturbate until they explode. rolleyes.gif

A well thought out responseclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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He just wanted to get into the papers again so checked in, realised he did not get the publicity so got himself kicked out. Sad tale of someone dying to be famous. Hope he hurry's up and meets his destiny soon to avoid further pain and anguish to his family; they will get over bereavement a lot quicker than watching his demise.

This is the closest post of all. Look at the construction of the article. There is certainly collusion between Doherty and the rehab in question which is written about in glowing terms. No professonal rehab anywhere in the world talks about its clients - except Thailand. Thus to do so would have required Doherty's nod. I don't think he's a rock star though. He's best known for being somebody more famous' boyfriend.

The Rehab in question in run by westerners. Thailand has similar medical privacy laws and just like in the West, information can be released when a patient okays it. I can almost assure you that their statement had nothing to do with the fact this clinic is in Thailand and all to do with the patient giving permission for them to speak ... in this case Alastair Mordey, the program director.

The webiste shows lots of photos of various professional staff but zero information about their professional qualifications or accreditations.

If they can turn a key in a lock what more credentials do you or they need ?. sad.png
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The Rehab in question in run by westerners. Thailand has similar medical privacy laws and just like in the West, information can be released when a patient okays it. I can almost assure you that their statement had nothing to do with the fact this clinic is in Thailand and all to do with the patient giving permission for them to speak ... in this case Alastair Mordey, the program director.

The webiste shows lots of photos of various professional staff but zero information about their professional qualifications or accreditations.

If they can turn a key in a lock what more credentials do you or they need ?. sad.png

Or one could simply try to click on the various pictures to find the information or even use the links on the side bar with each of their names under each category of staff.

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The rock star-image given to Doherty ought to be kicked out, I see no excuse for people who in the limelight get above themselves, All these vip's that have massive young following SHOULD lead by good example. Young kids think it's the IN thing to do---They copy-- it's trendy they think. many movie and pop stars amongst others for decades have stained society, They being to my mind the worst kind of promoters for drug and alcohol abuse. Just think of recent stars, singers-famous--dead and gone- (A.W.-W.H.)......noteable world rich woman --dead and gone. and will never end. I feel for kids who look for these idols, follow them and copy. they too may well fall into the trendy trap.

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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.

Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

you might be surprised at who would be considered an alcoholic - unless you totally don't drink alcohol you might be included whistling.gif

I totally do not drink but still consider myself alcoholic. I stopped in 1993 so I am doing well. Just tell everyone no when they ask me if I want one and all good here so far.

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So cos he is/was a rock star it is big news ?. Millions of folk around the world have been taken over by the dreaded drugs but cos this twonk has cash it's news. He's a yob with cash. Thats it. rolleyes.gif

We all have decisions in life, same as a football ace l could name. Let them get on with it. sad.png

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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.

Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

I hope you are being sarcastic !

If not, then get a life. Next thing you will be suggesting all smokers are made to chain-smoke until they get cancer or all homesexuals to stop using condoms until they catch AIDS. Maybe all wan#ers should be made to masturbate until they explode. rolleyes.gif

The monk rehabs like Wat Tham Krabok and similar that have been going since the 1950s, with their intense purge-vomiting and serious hardship treatment, is the way to go. If this guy is in Thailand for rehab that is where he should be. The expensive comfortable clinics are not what everyone needs.

The monks rehab is pretty much free, except for donations or small fees. The incentive to quit is that the cathartic shock of purge vomiting, that puts a sort of permanent mental block associated with the drug part of their life and the resulting purge experience, which is permanently ingrained in the person's subconscious. There is a fail rate but the secret is to go back until it works. I know people who did the purge vomiting when they kicked heroin here in 1984. I went up to viWat Tham Kraboksit them at the temple gates before and after treatment and it was like meeting a different person.


Doherty had been at Wat Tham Krabok some time ago, but since (maybe a new rule) you can be treated there only once in a lifetime, he got his chance... He would not being accepted again. I only know that because a friend just finshed after a 12 day stay...she told me.

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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.
Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

I agree with both of you when you agree to stop listening to music, watching movies and appreciating works of art done by people who were high.

Agreed! Done. So how about you agree now before more robberies, rape, murders, slaughter of an entire family for 1200 baht, 15000 tortures and executions in Mexico each year alone, and then the lives trashed and train wrecks left behind by the drug abusers. I don't see much genocide and torture over a few bottles of Jack Daniels or a packet of Benson and Hedges. It's funny that some of these rich ponces like Doherty won't wear the wrong tee-shirt or shoes in case they have been made by child labourers in India, yet every fix of heroine and cocaine comes at the cost of murders, rapes, tortures and executions, all uploaded on to the internet for extra fun.

Your indirect acceptance of Doherty's right to 'fix' and influence the young by pretending it's cool to be a 'rock 'n' rolla', is an indirect acceptance of all the misery and destruction you would find if you followed the 'audit trail' of those little packets of white powder that you seem to think it's ok for singers, actors and their ilk to take. So, agreed, name and shame and turn them off.

Ok I'd be interested to hear what music you listen to know. What works of art you like and what movies you watch. I bet it's a pretty boring list.

I also take it form your I'm holier than thou attitude that you do not drink, smoke or have any vices at all.

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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.
Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

I agree with both of you when you agree to stop listening to music, watching movies and appreciating works of art done by people who were high.

Agreed! Done. So how about you agree now before more robberies, rape, murders, slaughter of an entire family for 1200 baht, 15000 tortures and executions in Mexico each year alone, and then the lives trashed and train wrecks left behind by the drug abusers. I don't see much genocide and torture over a few bottles of Jack Daniels or a packet of Benson and Hedges. It's funny that some of these rich ponces like Doherty won't wear the wrong tee-shirt or shoes in case they have been made by child labourers in India, yet every fix of heroine and cocaine comes at the cost of murders, rapes, tortures and executions, all uploaded on to the internet for extra fun.

Your indirect acceptance of Doherty's right to 'fix' and influence the young by pretending it's cool to be a 'rock 'n' rolla', is an indirect acceptance of all the misery and destruction you would find if you followed the 'audit trail' of those little packets of white powder that you seem to think it's ok for singers, actors and their ilk to take. So, agreed, name and shame and turn them off.

Reading more of your post I see you're one of those hypocrites who thinks that illegal drugs are bad but because you like alchol then that is no problem. I guess you turn your blind eye to all the problems in society caused by alcohol. But I guess that is ok because you like a drink.

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