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That Age Difference Question Again


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For you young bucks, keep in mind that you too will get old. How will you feel about it then?

Feel about what ? Being old ? facts are facts. But you can be old and in great shape.. or you can be old and too tired to lift a cane. Id rather be dead then the first is ok still.

If someone is ugly or deformed do you tell them so. No? Why not, it might be a fact.

Edited by giddyup
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To a 20 year old you are old, It's all relative. Wait until you're 50 (12 years away) and some young punk in a bar calls you grandpa, then you'll truly understand how an ageist remark feels.

But its true.. i would be a grandfathers age.. The truth hurts at times but it is the truth. You are old.

You are a also a bit of a hypocrite as you ad punk to young clearly shows you dont like young people. I see that a lot here too older guys scared to death for young guys and saying they all cheat and drink while many old timers drink as much untill their body says stop.

Before you use a word you better check as to what it means The word hypocrite has no relevance to what you are saying. I used the word "punk" because I was referring to the type of person that shows disrespect. To say I don't like young people is ridiculous and I'm finding it hard to believe you are 38, you are acting more like a 12 year old. If we all spoke the truth 100% we would hurt a lot of people, it's called having consideration, something you are clearly yet to learn.

Id love to be 12 again.. please if you could make that happen id win 26 years back.

But anyway i don't think its disrespectful to say grand dad to someone who is old. Here in Thailand they call someone who is fat fat and someone who is old old. That is one of the parts that like about this country. I am blunt always have been, why should i sugarcoat the truth for people.

If im doing a shitty job i hope my clients will tell me. If im growing fat i hope my wife will tell me. If im a jerk i hope someone will say that to me.

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To a 20 year old you are old, It's all relative. Wait until you're 50 (12 years away) and some young punk in a bar calls you grandpa, then you'll truly understand how an ageist remark feels.

But its true.. i would be a grandfathers age.. The truth hurts at times but it is the truth. You are old.

You are a also a bit of a hypocrite as you ad punk to young clearly shows you dont like young people. I see that a lot here too older guys scared to death for young guys and saying they all cheat and drink while many old timers drink as much untill their body says stop.

Before you use a word you better check as to what it means The word hypocrite has no relevance to what you are saying. I used the word "punk" because I was referring to the type of person that shows disrespect. To say I don't like young people is ridiculous and I'm finding it hard to believe you are 38, you are acting more like a 12 year old. If we all spoke the truth 100% we would hurt a lot of people, it's called having consideration, something you are clearly yet to learn.

Id love to be 12 again.. please if you could make that happen id win 26 years back.

But anyway i don't think its disrespectful to say grand dad to someone who is old. Here in Thailand they call someone who is fat fat and someone who is old old. That is one of the parts that like about this country. I am blunt always have been, why should i sugarcoat the truth for people.

If im doing a shitty job i hope my clients will tell me. If im growing fat i hope my wife will tell me. If im a jerk i hope someone will say that to me.

You're being a jerk. It depends how someone uses the word. Being called Grandad might be used as a term of endearment by some, or it might be used as a put down by others. There's being blunt and there's being inconsiderate and rude, you have yet to learn the difference, it's called tact.

Edited by giddyup
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I call several of my friends old man but since I am older than they are, I'm allowed and there are no hard feelings. One of my old man friends is a little touchy so it wouldn't do for you to call him an old man, even though I can. He is likely to challenge you to a street fight on the spot. Since he is quite big and fit, I wouldn't bet either way on the winner.

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why is this topic even a topic at all.

sure there really are some healthy age gap relationships, for real.

But the reality is most of them are a joke, thats why its talked about so much,and unfortunately thats why many thai girls are looked down on.

If your one of the miracle few to have a young girl thats real, fantastic, realy,but don't deny most the others a full of it and living in a bussiness exchange.

there are real ones,but they are rare, to those that are, enjoy, to the rest lol.

I'm 36, wifes 32, I do knowsame big age gaps that are dodgy, but I believe some a real.

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I call several of my friends old man but since I am older than they are, I'm allowed and there are no hard feelings. One of my old man friends is a little touchy so it wouldn't do for you to call him an old man, even though I can. He is likely to challenge you to a street fight on the spot. Since he is quite big and fit, I wouldn't bet either way on the winner.

He could challenge me all he wants I would not fight. I never fight, but if he trows the first punches things could change.

I don't go out calling people old man or grand dad or what, i just don't understand why all those people are complaining about PC and then when it applies to them they throw a fit.

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I call several of my friends old man but since I am older than they are, I'm allowed and there are no hard feelings. One of my old man friends is a little touchy so it wouldn't do for you to call him an old man, even though I can. He is likely to challenge you to a street fight on the spot. Since he is quite big and fit, I wouldn't bet either way on the winner.

He could challenge me all he wants I would not fight. I never fight, but if he trows the first punches things could change.

I don't go out calling people old man or grand dad or what, i just don't understand why all those people are complaining about PC and then when it applies to them they throw a fit.

I call several of my friends old man but since I am older than they are, I'm allowed and there are no hard feelings. One of my old man friends is a little touchy so it wouldn't do for you to call him an old man, even though I can. He is likely to challenge you to a street fight on the spot. Since he is quite big and fit, I wouldn't bet either way on the winner.

He could challenge me all he wants I would not fight. I never fight, but if he trows the first punches things could change.

I don't go out calling people old man or grand dad or what, i just don't understand why all those people are complaining about PC and then when it applies to them they throw a fit.

Have you even read the responses to your posts? No one has mentioned PC, so who does it apply to?

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Do you think i cant read... no need to post it double, one time is enough.

PC has been mentioned loads of times on Thaivisa people saying they hate it and are happy that its not in Thailand. Now im sure many of those are old guys too.

But you are throwing a good fit about age discrimination, your more then a tad sensitive. I said you were old.. and at 70 i think i'm correct to say that. Did not insult you in any way. I think ask 100 people 90 will agree.

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Do you think i cant read... no need to post it double, one time is enough.

PC has been mentioned loads of times on Thaivisa people saying they hate it and are happy that its not in Thailand. Now im sure many of those are old guys too.

But you are throwing a good fit about age discrimination, your more then a tad sensitive. I said you were old.. and at 70 i think i'm correct to say that. Did not insult you in any way. I think ask 100 people 90 will agree.

Hopeless case, no point in continuing with this dicussion, you make no sense.

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Do you think i cant read... no need to post it double, one time is enough.

PC has been mentioned loads of times on Thaivisa people saying they hate it and are happy that its not in Thailand. Now im sure many of those are old guys too.

But you are throwing a good fit about age discrimination, your more then a tad sensitive. I said you were old.. and at 70 i think i'm correct to say that. Did not insult you in any way. I think ask 100 people 90 will agree.

Hopeless case, no point in continuing with this dicussion, you make no sense.

Agree to disagree.. good different worlds and all.

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im 52 and the wife is 27, together 7 years baby due in sept, very very happy,

so what you think about age diff is shhhite

I only hope you have a good pension scheme set up, when the kid is eighteen you will be looking at retirement. Making no comment on the age difference by the way, that is entirely up to the individuals involved and for me is not a subject for discussion, only the late fatherhood would be a bit of a worry for me. Hope all goes well in September.

I have an aquaintance who is 74 who has fathered two children in the last 3 years. He is living on about 300 baht a day for 5 people, (his wife had a son previously), because his UK pension is so small. This is just utter madness, he will never see his children grow up, nor does he have the means to support them properly and he is the only falang living in a small village. Is he happy? He is miserable as hell but can't see any way out.

At 74 he should have been old and wise enough to have considered a vasectomy 20 years ago.

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so what i can look forward to then is allways having a beautiful wife,,,lol,

my wife has never told me im handsom,,lol, but she say i just love you,,


ps please be kind with your remarks,,,lol

She probably feels she doesn't need to state the obvious pigeonjake. wink.png

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She was 23 and I was 43 when we met. Now at 38 and 58 life is still great and she is still the love of my life. What was that saying...something about you are only as old as you feel, or was it the one you are feeling? Anyway, 20 years difference seems to work for us. Mileage for others may vary.wub.pngsmile.png

A success story indeed. thumbsup.gif

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Maybe posters should have a look at the Western countries divorce rates and compare them to the farang divorce rates here in Thailand. I'd guess there is very little difference and maybe the farang divorce rate here is lower.

I don't know where or if those figures are available but some clever Internet techie could likely find some information.

I don't like to talk about my ex-farang wife but will say that she was a virgin when I met her. We were near the same age and she turned into a true slut. We were married for fifteen years and had two children.

Regarding you and your ex-wife isn't that probably more to do with being a virgin and perhaps being too young to marry than being a farang woman ?

Anyone that only has sex with one person will always wonder what it is like with someone else many will act on it.

With regard to the farang-Thai divorce rate how many marriages end when the Farang dies of old age. I know this sounds horrible, but I've heard many times "I'm just waiting for him to die".

Plus all those unsolved suicides or missing wives.

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im 52 and the wife is 27, together 7 years baby due in sept, very very happy,

so what you think about age diff is shhhite

I only hope you have a good pension scheme set up, when the kid is eighteen you will be looking at retirement. Making no comment on the age difference by the way, that is entirely up to the individuals involved and for me is not a subject for discussion, only the late fatherhood would be a bit of a worry for me. Hope all goes well in September.

I have an aquaintance who is 74 who has fathered two children in the last 3 years. He is living on about 300 baht a day for 5 people, (his wife had a son previously), because his UK pension is so small. This is just utter madness, he will never see his children grow up, nor does he have the means to support them properly and he is the only falang living in a small village. Is he happy? He is miserable as hell but can't see any way out.

At 74 he should have been old and wise enough to have considered a vasectomy 20 years ago.

But how would a girl secure the inheritence of the farangland family castle that every poor Thai girl thinks we all own ?

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Each to their own etc etc etc...

But lets place a different perspective on this for the purpose of objectivity...

If your 20 year old daughter were to date a guy, how old would too old be ?

What if your daughter were 30 years old ? how old would too old be ?

I'm sure most of the replies from the older guys will be 'whatever makes the daughter happy, her life is her own'... But, if we are honest with this answer we can see how the age gap really appears to many...

i.e. I am 36 and I would think its acceptable for me to date a 20 year old. But, If I were the father of the 20 year old girl I wouldn't be too pleased about a 36 year old equivalent of me dating my 20 year old daughter (before some smart arse does the maths this is a hypothetical situation).

I also recognise I would have little in common with a 20 year old and have no interest. My wife is 3 years younger than I.

In answer to the Op.

I think that a woman at 30 years plus is acceptable with a man of any age.

I think that a woman aged between 20-30 looks like a money grabber and the man a fool when he is 40 years or more (i.e. a 10-20 year or more difference).

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Each to their own etc etc etc...

But lets place a different perspective on this for the purpose of objectivity...

If your 20 year old daughter were to date a guy, how old would too old be ?

What if your daughter were 30 years old ? how old would too old be ?

I'm sure most of the replies from the older guys will be 'whatever makes the daughter happy, her life is her own'... But, if we are honest with this answer we can see how the age gap really appears to many...

i.e. I am 36 and I would think its acceptable for me to date a 20 year old. But, If I were the father of the 20 year old girl I wouldn't be too pleased about a 36 year old equivalent of me dating my 20 year old daughter (before some smart arse does the maths this is a hypothetical situation).

I also recognise I would have little in common with a 20 year old and have no interest. My wife is 3 years younger than I.

In answer to the Op.

I think that a woman at 30 years plus is acceptable with a man of any age.

I think that a woman aged between 20-30 looks like a money grabber and the man a fool when he is 40 years or more (i.e. a 10-20 year or more difference).

I fairly agree with you although it's hard to set a number on such a thing. I know couples with 10 years difference from each other and have lived happily together for 30 years.

I do think it would have played less significance in the west than here but that has more to do with that some people are totally uneducated and assumptious.

What do western women and men who never traveled to the far east think about Thailand or Thai women in general? I think there is your answer.

Some western women that come here, European in particular have a strange sense of logic as whenever they see a mixed couple they assume the gal is 18 years old despite her real age maybe 30 or 40 AND she must be a BG, because how else could a "white" man met such a girl.

Though my wife speaks fluent English and we are just one year apart, we too are victims of these assumptions and that makes me wonder which side is the better one. The ones here who get together with girls who cannot communicate with their spouses or boyfriends OR the westerners who come here with their biased and unfair assumptions.

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I think, the age difference depends on how old each party is. A 30 year old person might find it hard to relate to an 18 one. Whereas a 70 old person may more easily related to 58 year old one.

Also appearance and acting like a certain age is a factor.

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9 years difference between me and the Thai lady I live with.

We`re both " middle aged", neither young nor old.

As I have friends both younger and older,, I don`t think age in itself is all that important.

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Each to their own etc etc etc...

But lets place a different perspective on this for the purpose of objectivity...

If your 20 year old daughter were to date a guy, how old would too old be ?

What if your daughter were 30 years old ? how old would too old be ?

I'm sure most of the replies from the older guys will be 'whatever makes the daughter happy, her life is her own'... But, if we are honest with this answer we can see how the age gap really appears to many...

i.e. I am 36 and I would think its acceptable for me to date a 20 year old. But, If I were the father of the 20 year old girl I wouldn't be too pleased about a 36 year old equivalent of me dating my 20 year old daughter (before some smart arse does the maths this is a hypothetical situation).

I also recognise I would have little in common with a 20 year old and have no interest. My wife is 3 years younger than I.

In answer to the Op.

I think that a woman at 30 years plus is acceptable with a man of any age.

I think that a woman aged between 20-30 looks like a money grabber and the man a fool when he is 40 years or more (i.e. a 10-20 year or more difference).

I'm not sure that your perspective looking at it from the eyes of a father is being objective Richard_S....more subjective I would think.

A father is generally going to be blinkered by the loves for his daughter and a man the same age as the father might seem odd to the father in that circumstance.

The point that is often missed here is that at age 20 a woman (or man) is an adult and is free to make their own choices in life, despite what the family might think. Like any adult they need to work out life for themselves

It doesn't really matter what other people think. If the couple are comfortable with the age difference then it is okay

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Each to their own etc etc etc...

But lets place a different perspective on this for the purpose of objectivity...

If your 20 year old daughter were to date a guy, how old would too old be ?

What if your daughter were 30 years old ? how old would too old be ?

I'm sure most of the replies from the older guys will be 'whatever makes the daughter happy, her life is her own'... But, if we are honest with this answer we can see how the age gap really appears to many...

i.e. I am 36 and I would think its acceptable for me to date a 20 year old. But, If I were the father of the 20 year old girl I wouldn't be too pleased about a 36 year old equivalent of me dating my 20 year old daughter (before some smart arse does the maths this is a hypothetical situation).

I also recognise I would have little in common with a 20 year old and have no interest. My wife is 3 years younger than I.

In answer to the Op.

I think that a woman at 30 years plus is acceptable with a man of any age.

I think that a woman aged between 20-30 looks like a money grabber and the man a fool when he is 40 years or more (i.e. a 10-20 year or more difference).

I'm not sure that your perspective looking at it from the eyes of a father is being objective Richard_S....more subjective I would think.

A father is generally going to be blinkered by the loves for his daughter and a man the same age as the father might seem odd to the father in that circumstance.

The point that is often missed here is that at age 20 a woman (or man) is an adult and is free to make their own choices in life, despite what the family might think. Like any adult they need to work out life for themselves

It doesn't really matter what other people think. If the couple are comfortable with the age difference then it is okay

The thing is a 20 year old from the country who marries an old man has usually had the education of a western 10 maybe 12 year old. It's not just actual age , but they need to be worldly wise to make this decision for themselves.

A 20 year old girl working in lower sukhumvit or Pattaya etc for a few years will have at least become streetwise and could make the decision for herself and will most likely be out to get her fair share out the guy for having her youth taken , but some 16-20 year old farm fresh from the country whose never seen anything except the farm and has the education of a western 12 year old they may not be educated enough to make that decision for themselves.

One case of this was when I was eating dinner in Jomtien and at the next table there was a greasy looking farang in his seventies (at least) arranging the deal with an Asian woman who wasn't Thai for the girl they were with. She could have been anything between 15 and 21 sitting there giggling at cartoons like a child. Maybe he thought she would be attracted to him due to his realistic looking tupee.

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