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That Age Difference Question Again


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Seems strange to comment about this. As it happens all over the world

And the point about making sure they have enough so their family can survive is interesting.

How many people in UK have children, with no job and no future. Multiple partners.

If each are happy, that is their business.

As to the point about being faithful, I suspect the farangs might know a story or two about their own country, and wifes and husbands cheating..doh

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If all the old codgers come to Thailand to get a young wife/gf that they would have no hope of getting in their own country, please tell me why the young guys come here? The fact of the matter is that most of you are here for exactly the same reason. The difference is us old guys are restricted because of our age in our own countries, what's the young guys excuse? Let me guess, lack of social skills, ugly as a hatful, dumb as a post? Judging by the young guys responses to some of these posts, it's pretty obvious that at least two out of those three apply.

I came here eventually after putting it off for years. This city is a dump.

I met my wife while at university in the UK doing a Engineering degree. So must likely not dumb as a post.

I was going out with a 19 year old blonde with 36D tits and a tiny waist at the time. So probably none of the others above either. thumbsup.gifsmile.png

I do have wind problem after a few beers though.

Oh and I would guess many of the young guys are here for work the same as many of the older guys.

Young guys follow their wives back to Thailand because they are pussy whipped, happens all the time to people in your age group. They live in Thailand under the thumb earning half the salary they could command elsewhere, lashing out at other more successful relationships where money is sufficient without the associated complexities of having to work. In a few years if the young guys have not come up with the lifestyle the wife expects they will be out on their ear. Thai wife often has a rich young Thai guy lined up, just for when the middle age spread sets in, and if you fart your days are numbered, of course I am not saying this is true in every case, but if you think this does not apply to you you are delusional.

Just toooooo easy to post like this...... negative blue touch paper comment disguised as broad generalisation...enough half truths to be almost believable...... how do you like it guys? smile.png

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If all the old codgers come to Thailand to get a young wife/gf that they would have no hope of getting in their own country, please tell me why the young guys come here? The fact of the matter is that most of you are here for exactly the same reason. The difference is us old guys are restricted because of our age in our own countries, what's the young guys excuse? Let me guess, lack of social skills, ugly as a hatful, dumb as a post? Judging by the young guys responses to some of these posts, it's pretty obvious that at least two out of those three apply.

I came here eventually after putting it off for years. This city is a dump.

I met my wife while at university in the UK doing a Engineering degree. So must likely not dumb as a post.

I was going out with a 19 year old blonde with 36D tits and a tiny waist at the time. So probably none of the others above either. thumbsup.gifsmile.png

I do have wind problem after a few beers though.

Oh and I would guess many of the young guys are here for work the same as many of the older guys.

Young guys follow their wives back to Thailand because they are pussy whipped, happens all the time to people in your age group. They live in Thailand under the thumb earning half the salary they could command elsewhere, lashing out at other more successful relationships where money is sufficient without the associated complexities of having to work. In a few years if the young guys have not come up with the lifestyle the wife expects they will be out on their ear. Thai wife often has a rich young Thai guy lined up, just for when the middle age spread sets in, and if you fart your days are numbered, of course I am not saying this is true in every case, but if you think this does not apply to you you are delusional.

Just toooooo easy to post like this...... negative blue touch paper comment disguised as broad generalisation...enough half truths to be almost believable...... how do you like it guys? smile.png

Keep up the good work. Fire with fire.

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Good luck to all you guys with your balanced equity (of which finances are only one part) smile.png

Not only conspicuous by its absence but obviously my mentioning it irked you, for which I apologise.

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Young guys follow their wives back to Thailand because they are pussy whipped, happens all the time to people in your age group. They live in Thailand under the thumb earning half the salary they could command elsewhere, lashing out at other more successful relationships where money is sufficient without the associated complexities of having to work. In a few years if the young guys have not come up with the lifestyle the wife expects they will be out on their ear. Thai wife often has a rich young Thai guy lined up, just for when the middle age spread sets in, and if you fart your days are numbered, of course I am not saying this is true in every case, but if you think this does not apply to you you are delusional.

Just toooooo easy to post like this...... negative blue touch paper comment disguised as broad generalisation...enough half truths to be almost believable...... how do you like it guys? smile.png

This is a wonderful piece of fiction and might sell in a select market.

Most the young foreigners I know working in Thailand are on full expatriate deals, earning way above most people back home, schooling, housing, car, healthcare, pension etc all taken care of. I don't claim that to be all young foreign guys working in Thailand but it is by a very large margin most the young foreigners I know working in Thailand.

Edited by GuestHouse
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If all the old codgers come to Thailand to get a young wife/gf that they would have no hope of getting in their own country, please tell me why the young guys come here? The fact of the matter is that most of you are here for exactly the same reason. The difference is us old guys are restricted because of our age in our own countries, what's the young guys excuse? Let me guess, lack of social skills, ugly as a hatful, dumb as a post? Judging by the young guys responses to some of these posts, it's pretty obvious that at least two out of those three apply.

I came here eventually after putting it off for years. This city is a dump.

I met my wife while at university in the UK doing a Engineering degree. So must likely not dumb as a post.

I was going out with a 19 year old blonde with 36D tits and a tiny waist at the time. So probably none of the others above either. thumbsup.gifsmile.png

I do have wind problem after a few beers though.

Oh and I would guess many of the young guys are here for work the same as many of the older guys.

Young guys follow their wives back to Thailand because they are pussy whipped, happens all the time to people in your age group. They live in Thailand under the thumb earning half the salary they could command elsewhere, lashing out at other more successful relationships where money is sufficient without the associated complexities of having to work. In a few years if the young guys have not come up with the lifestyle the wife expects they will be out on their ear. Thai wife often has a rich young Thai guy lined up, just for when the middle age spread sets in, and if you fart your days are numbered, of course I am not saying this is true in every case, but if you think this does not apply to you you are delusional.

Just toooooo easy to post like this...... negative blue touch paper comment disguised as broad generalisation...enough half truths to be almost believable...... how do you like it guys? smile.png

You still got that bee in your bonnet ? Did you miss this bit ?

I came here eventually after putting it off for years.

Believe me, moneys never going to be a problem for my wife. smile.png

Oh and I didn't bother replying to your last reply to me as it really wasn't worth it. But just in case you're still struggling it was just that old Farangs aren't the premier choice of young Thai girls as you posted. Nothing else.

So keep lighting your blue touch paper. thumbsup.gif

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Young guys follow their wives back to Thailand because they are pussy whipped, happens all the time to people in your age group. They live in Thailand under the thumb earning half the salary they could command elsewhere, lashing out at other more successful relationships where money is sufficient without the associated complexities of having to work. In a few years if the young guys have not come up with the lifestyle the wife expects they will be out on their ear. Thai wife often has a rich young Thai guy lined up, just for when the middle age spread sets in, and if you fart your days are numbered, of course I am not saying this is true in every case, but if you think this does not apply to you you are delusional.

Just toooooo easy to post like this...... negative blue touch paper comment disguised as broad generalisation...enough half truths to be almost believable...... how do you like it guys? smile.png

This is a wonderful piece of fiction and might sell in a select market.

Most the young foreigners I know working in Thailand are on full expatriate deals, earning way above most people back home, schooling, housing, car, healthcare, pension etc all taken care of. I don't claim that to be all young foreign guys working in Thailand but it is by a very large margin most the young foreigners I know working in Thailand.

You just don't get it do you? He was deliberately creating a generalised, biased view on young guys in Thailand, in the same vein as all the young guys comments that have been directed at the old guys.

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Good luck to all you guys with your balanced equity (of which finances are only one part) smile.png

Not only conspicuous by its absence but obviously my mentioning it irked you, for which I apologise.

No apology necessary, not irked, confused me, money has never been my goal in life, I have always been happy to share when I can spare.......your view of equaility is alien to my thinking.......I do not see it as a flaw in another human being, that their birth country does not afford them the same standard of education and financial resource that I have appreciated.....should I?

Edited by 473geo
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Young guys follow their wives back to Thailand because they are pussy whipped, happens all the time to people in your age group. They live in Thailand under the thumb earning half the salary they could command elsewhere, lashing out at other more successful relationships where money is sufficient without the associated complexities of having to work. In a few years if the young guys have not come up with the lifestyle the wife expects they will be out on their ear. Thai wife often has a rich young Thai guy lined up, just for when the middle age spread sets in, and if you fart your days are numbered, of course I am not saying this is true in every case, but if you think this does not apply to you you are delusional.

Just toooooo easy to post like this...... negative blue touch paper comment disguised as broad generalisation...enough half truths to be almost believable...... how do you like it guys? smile.png

This is a wonderful piece of fiction and might sell in a select market.

Most the young foreigners I know working in Thailand are on full expatriate deals, earning way above most people back home, schooling, housing, car, healthcare, pension etc all taken care of. I don't claim that to be all young foreign guys working in Thailand but it is by a very large margin most the young foreigners I know working in Thailand.

You just don't get it do you? He was deliberately creating a generalised, biased view on young guys in Thailand, in the same vein as all the young guys comments that have been directed at the old guys.

Oh we know that and we also know that's not all he's doing.

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Young guys follow their wives back to Thailand because they are pussy whipped, happens all the time to people in your age group. They live in Thailand under the thumb earning half the salary they could command elsewhere, lashing out at other more successful relationships where money is sufficient without the associated complexities of having to work. In a few years if the young guys have not come up with the lifestyle the wife expects they will be out on their ear. Thai wife often has a rich young Thai guy lined up, just for when the middle age spread sets in, and if you fart your days are numbered, of course I am not saying this is true in every case, but if you think this does not apply to you you are delusional.

Just toooooo easy to post like this...... negative blue touch paper comment disguised as broad generalisation...enough half truths to be almost believable...... how do you like it guys? smile.png

This is a wonderful piece of fiction and might sell in a select market.

Most the young foreigners I know working in Thailand are on full expatriate deals, earning way above most people back home, schooling, housing, car, healthcare, pension etc all taken care of. I don't claim that to be all young foreign guys working in Thailand but it is by a very large margin most the young foreigners I know working in Thailand.

You just don't get it do you? He was deliberately creating a generalised, biased view on young guys in Thailand, in the same vein as all the young guys comments that have been directed at the old guys.

Worse, according to consensus of opinion of these young guys, if you refute or defend the allegation, they assume you are in the position described.....poor guesthouse...... I had no idea....smile.png

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Good luck to all you guys with your balanced equity (of which finances are only one part) smile.png

Not only conspicuous by its absence but obviously my mentioning it irked you, for which I apologise.

No apology necessary, not irked, confused me, money has never been my goal in life, I have always been happy to share when I can spare.......your view of equaility is alien to my thinking.......I do not see it as a flaw in another human being, that their birth country does not afford them the same standard of education and financial resource that I have appreciated.....should I?

I didn't even suggest you see a flaw, I do suggest many see an opportunity.

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Worse, according to consensus of opinion of these young guys, if you refute or defend the allegation, they assume you are in the position described.....poor guesthouse...... I had no idea....smile.png

Please allow, I did say its a wonderful piece of fiction that would sell in the right market.

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For the record, and because some seem to have slept through class during that education they appreciated years ago.

Equity is not equality, nor is it financial equality.

I realise its an alien concept to some, but please if you don't understand it there are website that can help you at least grasp the meaning of the term.

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GH - Well said thumbsup.gif

The trouble is all those who married a lot younger women take it personally.

Statistically it is not the norm. Although, if it does "work"...good luck to them smile.png

However, as GH alluded it to...it usually takes place when there is an imbalance in the relationship, educationally or financially etc

I just want to know where are all the usual TV posters who married a "hi-so, foreign-educated, Thai-Chinese woman"? Perhaps their partners are not 20+ years younger than themselves? whistling.gifwink.png


Edited by RAZZELL
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Good luck to all you guys with your balanced equity (of which finances are only one part) smile.png

Not only conspicuous by its absence but obviously my mentioning it irked you, for which I apologise.

No apology necessary, not irked, confused me, money has never been my goal in life, I have always been happy to share when I can spare.......your view of equaility is alien to my thinking.......I do not see it as a flaw in another human being, that their birth country does not afford them the same standard of education and financial resource that I have appreciated.....should I?

I didn't even suggest you see a flaw, I do suggest many see an opportunity.

Well yes, an opportunity to enjoy life rather than stagnate in their latter years, where was the issue again? oh yes but in order to achieve and maintain their correct status in the pretend social heirarchy, happiness cannot be achieved by being in a loving mutually caring relationship, they can only achieve happiness if they acknowledge (to all the poor souls heading for being stuck with same age wives at 60) that their relationship is purely financial. It cannot be otherwise because the wife is unable provide the required level of equity for any other type of relationship.......

Is that it?

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Statistically it is not the norm. Although, if it does "work"...good luck to them smile.png

However, as GH alluded it to...it usually takes place when there is an imbalance in the relationship, educationally or financially etc

There is always an "imbalance in relationships" because of the tremendously different nature of men and women. Which has evolved over millions of years.

Neo-marxist theoreticians from the West have big problems with that fact, and that's one reason we see so much nonsense written here on the subject. And the major reason why most Western relationships fail.

Once you accept the true differences in nature between men and women, you will succeed with your relationships and it is no longer a difficult task to get women of younger age.

But for those who believe it is either "true love" or "just a monetary relationship": get out from your Pattaya bar stool and get some life. Women are not binary.

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For the record, and because some seem to have slept through class during that education they appreciated years ago.

Equity is not equality, nor is it financial equality.

I realise its an alien concept to some, but please if you don't understand it there are website that can help you at least grasp the meaning of the term.

Indeed not, but equity does carry heavy leanings to the financial interpretation, just a coincidence I guess.....however if there is equality in a relationship, one could perhaps be forgiven for thinking equity could be major factor, hence the two are actually intertwined in the context we discuss

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Well yes, an opportunity to enjoy life rather than stagnate in their latter years, where was the issue again? oh yes but in order to achieve and maintain their correct status in the pretend social heirarchy, happiness cannot be achieved by being in a loving mutually caring relationship, they can only achieve happiness if they acknowledge (to all the poor souls heading for being stuck with same age wives at 60) that their relationship is purely financial. It cannot be otherwise because the wife is unable provide the required level of equity for any other type of relationship.......

Is that it?

No, that is no it.... nothing to do with status, nothing to do with social hierarchy (pretend or otherwise).

You are, for reasons I can't even be bother to guess at, referring to the language of class, which has nothing to do with what we are discussing.

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Statistically it is not the norm. Although, if it does "work"...good luck to them smile.png

However, as GH alluded it to...it usually takes place when there is an imbalance in the relationship, educationally or financially etc

There is always an "imbalance in relationships" because of the tremendously different nature of men and women. Which has evolved over millions of years.

Neo-marxist theoreticians from the West have big problems with that fact, and that's one reason we see so much nonsense written here on the subject. And the major reason why most Western relationships fail.

Once you accept the true differences in nature between men and women, you will succeed with your relationships and it is no longer a difficult task to get women of younger age.

But for those who believe it is either "true love" or "just a monetary relationship": get out from your Pattaya bar stool and get some life. Women are not binary.

"Neo-marxist theoreticians" that sounds awfully authoritative, but again are people here lost in the language of class?

I ask because equity has nothing to do with marxism or class and wholly allows that men and women are different and bring something different to relationships.

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Statistically it is not the norm. Although, if it does "work"...good luck to them smile.png

However, as GH alluded it to...it usually takes place when there is an imbalance in the relationship, educationally or financially etc

There is always an "imbalance in relationships" because of the tremendously different nature of men and women. Which has evolved over millions of years.

Neo-marxist theoreticians from the West have big problems with that fact, and that's one reason we see so much nonsense written here on the subject. And the major reason why most Western relationships fail.

Once you accept the true differences in nature between men and women, you will succeed with your relationships and it is no longer a difficult task to get women of younger age.

But for those who believe it is either "true love" or "just a monetary relationship": get out from your Pattaya bar stool and get some life. Women are not binary.

Wow...those sociology lessons paid off thumbsup.gif


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For the record, and because some seem to have slept through class during that education they appreciated years ago.

Equity is not equality, nor is it financial equality.

I realise its an alien concept to some, but please if you don't understand it there are website that can help you at least grasp the meaning of the term.

Indeed not, but equity does carry heavy leanings to the financial interpretation, just a coincidence I guess.....however if there is equality in a relationship, one could perhaps be forgiven for thinking equity could be major factor, hence the two are actually intertwined in the context we discuss

No they are not entirely intertwined, though they a both present, inequity and the financial imperative.

And once these two are present then as I have said their benefactor is going to have hard time even examining what s/he benefits from.

The consequences for the person on the other side of the equation are not represented in the discussion here. For that we have to take the word of old foreign men married to young Thai women, that their (the young Thai women) are living in bliss, and perhaps ignore the old wisdom that the hardest way to earn money is to marry it.

Though we do occasionally get a glimpse of the way the imbalance in equity is played out.

I'm so pleased google helped you with the definition of equity, I feel we are making some progress.

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Well yes, an opportunity to enjoy life rather than stagnate in their latter years, where was the issue again? oh yes but in order to achieve and maintain their correct status in the pretend social heirarchy, happiness cannot be achieved by being in a loving mutually caring relationship, they can only achieve happiness if they acknowledge (to all the poor souls heading for being stuck with same age wives at 60) that their relationship is purely financial. It cannot be otherwise because the wife is unable provide the required level of equity for any other type of relationship.......

Is that it?

No, that is no it.... nothing to do with status, nothing to do with social hierarchy (pretend or otherwise).

You are, for reasons I can't even be bother to guess at, referring to the language of class, which has nothing to do with what we are discussing.

Guesthouse said:

" the absence of equity and the presence of a pressing financial imperative creates a natural imbalance which of course those whom it favours are unlikely to criticise or even see fault with.

I absolutely accept that a less mature, financially dependent girlfriend/wife might very well be appealing to a certain mindset"

Geo says:

Your comment was all to do with financial status

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Guesthouse said:

" the absence of equity and the presence of a pressing financial imperative creates a natural imbalance which of course those whom it favours are unlikely to criticise or even see fault with.

I absolutely accept that a less mature, financially dependent girlfriend/wife might very well be appealing to a certain mindset"

Geo says:

Your comment was all to do with financial status

No my comment was "the absence of equity AND the presence of a pressing financial imperative"

The clue is in the AND

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Guesthouse said:

" the absence of equity and the presence of a pressing financial imperative creates a natural imbalance which of course those whom it favours are unlikely to criticise or even see fault with.

I absolutely accept that a less mature, financially dependent girlfriend/wife might very well be appealing to a certain mindset"

Geo says:

Your comment was all to do with financial status

No my comment was "the absence of equity AND the presence of a pressing financial imperative"

The clue is in the AND

We will have to agree to disagree

In my view "AND the presence of a pressing financial imperative" .....coupled with....."financially dependent" is a clear comment on the financial status of the girfriend/wife.....but as this is "not about status" I will let it go

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thai girls are obsessed with thai dramas, these programs play to there fantasy's.

why are there no old farang in these shows.

Maybe there is opinion that their Thai will only serve to prove they only mix with bargirls, not applicable to the Thai high society soaps, tell me, if the soaps are so true to life do they have burmese staff? are all the most beautiful girls from Issan? I don't watch the Thai soaps, are there loads of 18- 30 year old farang in the soaps?

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thai girls are obsessed with thai dramas, these programs play to there fantasy's.

why are there no old farang in these shows.

Please tell me why they are always filmed in a ''palace'' and not in the average Thai house ? Please rolleyes.gif
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