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British Woman R_aped On Holiday In Pattaya


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Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

Rape is not about sex, paid or otherwise. It is about power.

Violent crime is a reflection on the criminal; the victim is most often simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. A rape victim, even one who makes a misjudgment like accepting a lift or leaving an auto unlocked or moving about Thai resort areas unescorted, must not be held even partially to blame for her victimisation. She has already been attacked once, and that was more than she deserved.

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From "Today Online":

Despite the latest cases, Major General Panya Maman (the head of Thailand's tourist police) insisted crime against holidaymakers was not on the rise.


"The growing number of crimes is not (statistically) significant compared to the increase of tourists coming to Thailand every year,"


"It seems like there were many cases against British tourists in Thailand, but it's actually because of a higher number of them arriving in Thailand," he said.


More than 12 million foreign tourists visited Thailand last year, including some 750,000 Britons. Both numbers have risen steadily for years.


Panya said some 300 crimes against tourists were reported in 2005, and that the number of cases typically increases by 10 or 15 incidents each year -- the vast majority of them robbery or theft.

Hmmm... extremely suspect national numbers. A review of PCN's website for 2005 would undoubtedly reveal more than 300 crimes against foreigners in just Pattaya alone..

"The increasing number of tourists coming here year by year clearly indicates that they are confident in our measures to guarantee their safety," Panya said.

OR....... simply that many of them are not aware of this issue as the glossy travel broucheres fail to mention it..

But Thailand's government worries about the negative image created by such high-profile crimes.


The Tourism and Sports Ministry announced Monday a series of measures aimed at improving security for foreign visitors.


Those steps include increasing the number of police investigation teams at major tourism spots, closer monitoring of criminal gangs, and urging greater vigilance among tour operators in reporting suspicious activity.

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Just came back from Pattaya...which seems, if possible, even seedier than it was 2 years ago. They even have a GO GO bar with only European "models." Same deal as any GO GO...500 baht plus tip and they will go home with a man or women. A lot of non-European men seemed to be going in and out. European men seemed disgusted at the idea.

Had a close friend meet a Thai girl at a disco-tech several years ago, really hit it off, went home together. After sex she asked for money, he refused as he thought it was consensual and no mention of money was ever made. She left and the police stopped by 4 hours later to arrest the guy for rape. She remembered his name, room number even when he arrived. They said they had found his "DNA" inside her. He pointed out that they couldn't have tested that fast. The police smiled and said, "should we?" A confession would get a much lighter sentence (1 or 2 years) verses a hostile prosecution (15 years). The hotel management intervened and the ordeal was settled for 50 Euros. Pretty tight case for rape if they REALLY wanted to prosecute.

I don't know any more or less than the rest of the "super-sleuths" responding but there are, even if remotely possible, reasons to wait for the trial.

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Iam sorry to hear that another british lady being raped,and i agree with kurgen Stick his apology where the sun don't shine and castrate him.

i hope they lock him away for long time

The problem in Thailand is that the police has zero credibility - negative even considering they do anything for bribes even their official business of policing the roads is mostly about making money and very little if at all about ensuring public safety.

The other problem is that the justice system, while better than the police, isn't very trustworthy either. Mostly because of a close collaboration with police.

Therefore, in both the Horton case and this case, it's impossible to know the truth. In the west, guilt/non-guilt would be 100% clear because there would be DNA tests from the semen and that would be that. In Thailand - who knows? There might be DNA tests but the results could just as well be faked as they could be real. Police plant speed pills on people they don't like in this country every day. Police shoot "suspects". Guilty until proven innocent is an accepted principle - remember the war on drugs dealers which ended in the deaths of thousands of suspects who were shot without trial? The public figured they must have done something if they were on the black lists.

In both the recent rape / rape and murder cases, there was an extremely strong pressure to "solve" them "quickly". The police and justice system has all the motivation in the world to quickly blame somebody, preferably kill them so there's no going back, and close the cases. Like in a bad movie, only it's real.

I hope they caught the right guys - the crimes were unforgivable. But will we ever know? No, we won't - and that is the dark legacy of a corrupt legislative and executive.

You really have a grim outlook on Thailands justice system compared to the rest of the world. I know there is corruption here but there is corruption everywhere. The Thai police has as much credibility as police in the west.

The west has their fair share of corruption too. DNA evidence can be faked in the west as easily there as it is here.

I'm sure everyone has read stories of police in the west placing evidence on a suspects just to get a conviction. The police in the west know how to cover their tracks when planting evidence because they know what the CSI people are looking for.

Do you think that because its the year 2006 that this has stopped?

This is a high profile case and the Thai police moved quickly to solve it. Give them the credit they deserve. They did a good job.

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You really have a grim outlook on Thailands justice system compared to the rest of the world. I know there is corruption here but there is corruption everywhere. The Thai police has as much credibility as police in the west.

The west has their fair share of corruption too. DNA evidence can be faked in the west as easily there as it is here.

I'm sure everyone has read stories of police in the west placing evidence on a suspects just to get a conviction. The police in the west know how to cover their tracks when planting evidence because they know what the CSI people are looking for.

Do you think that because its the year 2006 that this has stopped?

This is a high profile case and the Thai police moved quickly to solve it. Give them the credit they deserve. They did a good job.

Ye gods richard, do you really believe that corruption in the west is nearly as bad as it is here? :o

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I am not trying to sterotype here at all but I can tell you that some thai men(not all) think that it is worth going to jail if they get to rape a farang. Perticularly Blonds. A few years back I was working at a paper mill near Prachin buri. I had this thai man as my forman on the construction crew. He told me he wanted to rape a young american lady that was working in our QA dept. I told him that he would go to prision for it, and he said thats ok and it would be worth it. Prision did not bother him at all, but I told him I was responsible for that young lady and I would looses my job if anything happened to her. This seemed to persuade him not to do it because he did not want me to get in trouble. I had been taking care of him by getting him extra pay for diferent jobs and other things. And as luck would have it I just brought him back some Jack Daniels from the states so he was very happy with me.

This guy was dead serious about raping the farang girl. I just wonder how many more guys are like him out there, that think the jail time would be worth it.


**stupidest post in ages deleted by mod**

I sure hope you are joking or trolling. :o


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You really have a grim outlook on Thailands justice system compared to the rest of the world. I know there is corruption here but there is corruption everywhere. The Thai police has as much credibility as police in the west.

The west has their fair share of corruption too. DNA evidence can be faked in the west as easily there as it is here.

I'm sure everyone has read stories of police in the west placing evidence on a suspects just to get a conviction. The police in the west know how to cover their tracks when planting evidence because they know what the CSI people are looking for.

Do you think that because its the year 2006 that this has stopped?

This is a high profile case and the Thai police moved quickly to solve it. Give them the credit they deserve. They did a good job.

Ye gods richard, do you really believe that corruption in the west is nearly as bad as it is here? :o

I do believe its bad....maybe even worse. But in the west it takes on a different form and covers many different areas.

I'm from the USA, you know the place where we ate Thanksgiving dinner with the Indians, later we killed them, and took their land (because they were savages and didn't know Jesus).

Soon we enslaved the black man for a while before giving them freedom which they only began to enjoy about 30 years ago.

Of course, to protect us from Communism, we invaded Vietnam, Laos, and bombed the hel_l out of Cambodia.

Of course the French and English were already in Southeast Asia spreading the gospel and raping different countries. The English opening up the opium trade from India to China and the French taking whatever they wanted from their corner of Southeast Asia.

Why is it that many places where they French and English failed to colinize the country is a mess today? They never took over Thailand but it seems to be doing ok. But look at the coutries around it.

I think the west invented corruption. If they didn't, they perfected it. Our western values are based of our past history of taking advantage of weaker people.

Then after we become an all powerful nation, we help the weaker, less developed nations out just a little and then gloat about how great our compassion is and try to convince the world they are lucky to have us as a friend.

If that is not corrupt, I don't know what is.

Compared to the west, Thai police are angels and they did a good job in solving this case.

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the women knew what she was doing besides she came here for sex let the thai boy go he wanted to taste some white puzzy lol she proberly was banging many falong while here any way so what is 1 more we come here for thai puzzy so let get real

If that's not a ban-causing post, I don't know what is... :o

Topic: 30 Day As You Arrive Visa. Extendable?

aznyron Posted on: 2004-11-26 21:09:15

I was injured in bankok and could not travel back home to USA.

No.. wait... I'm sorry. I hadn't read that you had had a severe brain injury. Sorry. Perhaps another forum might be better for you:


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You really have a grim outlook on Thailands justice system compared to the rest of the world. I know there is corruption here but there is corruption everywhere. The Thai police has as much credibility as police in the west.

The west has their fair share of corruption too. DNA evidence can be faked in the west as easily there as it is here.

I'm sure everyone has read stories of police in the west placing evidence on a suspects just to get a conviction. The police in the west know how to cover their tracks when planting evidence because they know what the CSI people are looking for.

Do you think that because its the year 2006 that this has stopped?

This is a high profile case and the Thai police moved quickly to solve it. Give them the credit they deserve. They did a good job.

Ye gods richard, do you really believe that corruption in the west is nearly as bad as it is here? :o

I do believe its bad....maybe even worse. But in the west it takes on a different form and covers many different areas.

I'm from the USA, you know the place where we ate Thanksgiving dinner with the Indians, later we killed them, and took their land (because they were savages and didn't know Jesus).

Soon we enslaved the black man for a while before giving them freedom which they only began to enjoy about 30 years ago.

Of course, to protect us from Communism, we invaded Vietnam, Laos, and bombed the hel_l out of Cambodia.

Of course the French and English were already in Southeast Asia spreading the gospel and raping different countries. The English opening up the opium trade from India to China and the French taking whatever they wanted from their corner of Southeast Asia.

Why is it that many places where they French and English failed to colinize the country is a mess today? They never took over Thailand but it seems to be doing ok. But look at the coutries around it.

I think the west invented corruption. If they didn't, they perfected it. Our western values are based of our past history of taking advantage of weaker people.

Then after we become an all powerful nation, we help the weaker, less developed nations out just a little and then gloat about how great our compassion is and try to convince the world they are lucky to have us as a friend.

If that is not corrupt, I don't know what is.

Compared to the west, Thai police are angels and they did a good job in solving this case.

Richard, where did this all come from.The Chinese wrote the book about curruption...some of them even try to bribe their way after death burying themselves with fake money for christs sake!

To blame to west is absolute <deleted>.The Thai police did do a great job, however there are many, many unsolved murders. If nobody snitches, or there is no public outcry, the percentage of solved murders must be in the single digits.Don't bury you head in the sand mate.

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Well; Mobi D'Ark; there's no way that I could even begin to be as eloquent as you were on this subject !

I totally and full-heartedly agree, verbatum, with what you put forward !

Wish more people would get the 'overall' picture and see through the infantile rhetoric of those who pose as "The Leadership" in this otherwise wondefull Kingdom !

It is going to be very interesting to see how things develop on the "" initiative: my bet is, that if they're serious about this, it will become very lonely at Government House soon . . . . . . . . .


So sorry - I get getting all screwed up with my posting and quoting - can't get teh hang of it - must be getting old!! Can someone [ppoint me to some guidelines please?.

Anyway jaapfries, thank you for the compliments, but I think nikster on page 2 of theis thread has summed it it all up perfectly. I've been coming to and living in Thailand over 30 years, and beleive me there is little or no justice here. The country is totally corrupt from top to bottom, and most Thais don't give a sh.... As for the police- I could tell you stories that would make your hair curl. Gulit is an irrelevance, and ususually dictated by money, politics or both. As I said before it's the man in the street (or village) that suffers every time.

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Just came back from Pattaya...which seems, if possible, even seedier than it was 2 years ago. They even have a GO GO bar with only European "models." Same deal as any GO GO...500 baht plus tip and they will go home with a man or women. A lot of non-European men seemed to be going in and out. European men seemed disgusted at the idea.

Had a close friend meet a Thai girl at a disco-tech several years ago, really hit it off, went home together. After sex she asked for money, he refused as he thought it was consensual and no mention of money was ever made. She left and the police stopped by 4 hours later to arrest the guy for rape. She remembered his name, room number even when he arrived. They said they had found his "DNA" inside her. He pointed out that they couldn't have tested that fast. The police smiled and said, "should we?" A confession would get a much lighter sentence (1 or 2 years) verses a hostile prosecution (15 years). The hotel management intervened and the ordeal was settled for 50 Euros. Pretty tight case for rape if they REALLY wanted to prosecute.

I don't know any more or less than the rest of the "super-sleuths" responding but there are, even if remotely possible, reasons to wait for the trial.

There are enough naive farang newbies around that the scenario of some one actually believing that a Thai woman he met in a sleazy disco slept with him on the first night because she fancied him is quite common. I think the police in Pattaya, Patong, Bangrak & etc have a standard operating procedure for dealing with it and I have heard of several cases over the years. They show up at the hotel to accuse the farang of rape and extort cash. They know that no amount of DNA testing would help them secure a rape conviction in these circumstances because they would not be able to prove that the woman was forced. Witnesses would testify that the woman went willingly to the farang's hotel late at night and the defence would produce reams of genuine evidence of the plaintiff's "bad" character. Thai law doesn't define rape as refusal to pay for a prostitute's services post facto. However, any sane man would pay up a bribe of a few thousand baht in the circumstances. BTW I am not condoning those idiots who think they are god's gift and don't need to pay for hookers.

A more proactive variation I heard of being operated in Patang is the scam of the bar girl who calls her policeman friend or lover to tell him which hotel and room number she has gone back to with a farang customer. The plod gives them enough time to get down to business and then shows up banging on the hotel room door. He accuses the farang of raping his wife and flies into a rage while fiddling menacingly with the butt of his gun. Finally he calms down enough to suggest that the farang should pay compensation for the cuckolding which usually amounts to a lot more than 50 euros.......

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Very sad :D

But... What was she thinking by taking the ride in first place? :D

Didn't you read the articles, Dave? She thought he was a motorbike taxi rider. They are all over the place in BK and you can never walk past them without being 'solicited for business', as it were. He might even have had one of those fluorescent jackets on - that seems to be the main uniform. She would have had no way of telling if he was for real or not. But the same thing could have happened in an official taxi - minicabs in London, for instance, are notorious for it.

The point is that nowhere is safe when there are predators on the loose. People on holiday - not just women but men too - ought to be as cautious, especially when travelling alone, as they would be at home. :o

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As far as i know there is no proof that neanderthals clubbed woman over the head unless someone found a bone trove of cracked female skulls. Nor do any paintings of this legend grace neolithic caves. mankind likes to think of the mistreatment of women inherited from prehistoric genes rather blame the real source as our own culture. Look at movies like HALLOWEEN. Women slashed by men. R rating versus X rating for sex movies.

Violence is the true pornography

In real life or on the silver screen

Punishment for rape?

castration or execution

Or penal servitude along with some caning

Victim's choice

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Anyone who wishes to assign any portion of the blame for this crime to the victim has rocks in his head. And I sincerely hope you never experience the trauma of this crime in your own lives.

It would appear that guilt is not debateable in any reasonable mind at this point.

--The victim reported it promptly.

--The victim I D'd the criminal in a line-up the following day. It is irrelavent if YOU couldn't do that same thing in the past. SHE DID.

--Subsequent to the ID, the perp confessed to the crime.

--They also have some physical evident (i.e. genetic material) that they could also use in the trial.

Rape is all about power and control.

It has nothing to do with prostitution or sexual desire.

There is nothing in this world that the victim could ever do to deserve being assaulted.

Once you learn that you might have a chance to do something to prevent the next one.

Until you learn that, consider yourself to be part of the problem, not the solution.

Making excuses for the perp is disgusting IMO.


Well said. Couldn't agree more.

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I don't know Steve but it seems to me that not everybody has the same idea about guilt and blame.

For example a crocodile can be guilty of biting your arm off but can you blame the crocodile for something that he's supposed to do?

Slightly off topic I know.

So you're saying that rapists shouldn't be blamed for rape because that's what they're supposed to do? :D

Wake up call, idiot. The difference between men and crocodiles, supposedly, is that men are able to tell the difference between right and wrong. Besides, crocodiles may kill anything that falls into the pond as food, but I never heard of one raping anybody first. :o

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My friend an American bought one of them taxi vests as a souveneer(sp?). They cost next to nothing.

Any thai could buy one so best tell any females who come here on holiday just to get a taxi from a taxi corner only where they can see the motorbike taxis with the same colour vests.

Just to take care most tourists have a great holiday.

By the way, It's a waste of time reporting thief or the like in thailand as it is just a waste of your time and money. I've only reported once but have being screwed over and over as most foreigners will admit. It's a degrading experience to report crimes here so best not.

Edited by silk123
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You really have a grim outlook on Thailands justice system compared to the rest of the world. I know there is corruption here but there is corruption everywhere. The Thai police has as much credibility as police in the west.

The west has their fair share of corruption too. DNA evidence can be faked in the west as easily there as it is here.

I'm sure everyone has read stories of police in the west placing evidence on a suspects just to get a conviction. The police in the west know how to cover their tracks when planting evidence because they know what the CSI people are looking for.

Do you think that because its the year 2006 that this has stopped?

This is a high profile case and the Thai police moved quickly to solve it. Give them the credit they deserve. They did a good job.

Ye gods richard, do you really believe that corruption in the west is nearly as bad as it is here? :o

I do believe its bad....maybe even worse. But in the west it takes on a different form and covers many different areas.

I'm from the USA, you know the place where we ate Thanksgiving dinner with the Indians, later we killed them, and took their land (because they were savages and didn't know Jesus).

Soon we enslaved the black man for a while before giving them freedom which they only began to enjoy about 30 years ago.

Of course, to protect us from Communism, we invaded Vietnam, Laos, and bombed the hel_l out of Cambodia.

Of course the French and English were already in Southeast Asia spreading the gospel and raping different countries. The English opening up the opium trade from India to China and the French taking whatever they wanted from their corner of Southeast Asia.

Why is it that many places where they French and English failed to colinize the country is a mess today? They never took over Thailand but it seems to be doing ok. But look at the coutries around it.

I think the west invented corruption. If they didn't, they perfected it. Our western values are based of our past history of taking advantage of weaker people.

Then after we become an all powerful nation, we help the weaker, less developed nations out just a little and then gloat about how great our compassion is and try to convince the world they are lucky to have us as a friend.

If that is not corrupt, I don't know what is.

Compared to the west, Thai police are angels and they did a good job in solving this case.

Richard, where did this all come from.The Chinese wrote the book about curruption...some of them even try to bribe their way after death burying themselves with fake money for christs sake!

To blame to west is absolute <deleted>.The Thai police did do a great job, however there are many, many unsolved murders. If nobody snitches, or there is no public outcry, the percentage of solved murders must be in the single digits.Don't bury you head in the sand mate.

You asked me if I think corruption in the west is as bad as it is here.....I said yes and explained why. I never blamed the west for the rape.

You know the saying...love it or leave it....I can't say that I love or like the USA....so I left. Now I live in Thailand.

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Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

Rape isnt just about sex,its about domination and control, there's been plenty of happily married men getting sex all the time that turn out to be serial rapists.

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Very sad :D

But... What was she thinking by taking the ride in first place? :D

Didn't you read the articles, Dave? She thought he was a motorbike taxi rider. They are all over the place in BK and you can never walk past them without being 'solicited for business', as it were. He might even have had one of those fluorescent jackets on - that seems to be the main uniform. She would have had no way of telling if he was for real or not. But the same thing could have happened in an official taxi - minicabs in London, for instance, are notorious for it.

The point is that nowhere is safe when there are predators on the loose. People on holiday - not just women but men too - ought to be as cautious, especially when travelling alone, as they would be at home. :o

I posted this before the details regarding motorbike taxi's were announced. :D

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My friend an American bought one of them taxi vests as a souveneer(sp?). They cost next to nothing.

Any thai could buy one so best tell any females who come here on holiday just to get a taxi from a taxi corner only where they can see the motorbike taxis with the same colour vests.

Just to take care most tourists have a great holiday.

wow i did not know that you could just buy them off the street!that is quite scary as where my house is i have to go down a dark road for a good 10min before i get to my house!i have gotten robbed here twice in 3months so everyone tells me to get motorbike taxi home all the time,it makes me nervious that the person that would be bringing me home might not actually be a taxi man!!

Edited by irish25
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I always carry a perfume/bleach solution in a small spray bottle in my bag when having to walk late at night alone & make sure it is in easy reach (usually in my bag with my hand around it). It might not stop an attack but it will certainly slow an attacker down as it will sting like hel_l. Anything to give me an edge & the chance to get away. It may sound paranoid to some but it is a sad fact of life for most women, we have to keep our guard up when out alone & not only at night either :o

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I dont recall blaming the girl for being raped....I said that there were areas of this case that are questionable. The first couple of articles I discount because of inconsistant info regarding the time frame and locations....the PCN article is a lot more informative and detailed.

Why wasnt the girl taken for a medical exam ??....the attack happened very late Saturday or very early Sunday....she was taken straight to the Police station and then allowed to leave after the report was filed and a description given...the Police then rang her sometime Sunday morning to attend the ID parade. No mention was made of an medical examination taking place. The question arises here of when was the DNA sample taken....surely it would have been at a hospital while other physical evidence was being collected ??

The photos clearly show no evidence of scratches to the suspects face or arms...no bruises either. The face and arms of the girl also show no such marks. The girl was allegedly raped in an area that clearly shows the sort of ground where this sort of injury would have been likely, possibly even with consensual sex. The girl was not beaten up or knocked senseless, one would presume she would have at least tried somehow to resist the attack, there is no mention of her even screaming and yet there are residences very close to the location.

After the Samui case you can bet that the cops were keen to get a confession....how this was obtained we do not know. I would say it was a lot more than the cops saying "did you rape this girl" and him saying yes. As DNA was mentioned in the report it would seem that this would have been a confession tool but now it would appear from the reports that the DNA was unlikely to have been tested if at all taken. The timelines involved dont allow for that. This whole incident covered the space of 10-12 hours maximum from their meeting to the ID parade.

There is more to this than meets the eye....

Edited by gburns57au
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I dont recall blaming the girl for being raped....I said that there were areas of this case that are questionable. The first couple of articles I discount because of inconsistant info regarding the time frame and locations....the PCN article is a lot more informative and detailed.

Why wasnt the girl taken for a medical exam ??....the attack happened very late Saturday or very early Sunday....she was taken straight to the Police station and then allowed to leave after the report was filed and a description given...the Police then rang her sometime Sunday morning to attend the ID parade. No mention was made of an medical examination taking place. The question arises here of when was the DNA sample taken....surely it would have been at a hospital while other physical evidence was being collected ??

The photos clearly show no evidence of scratches to the suspects face or arms...no bruises either. The face and arms of the girl also show no such marks. The girl was allegedly raped in an area that clearly shows the sort of ground where this sort of injury would have been likely, possibly even with consensual sex. The girl was not beaten up or knocked senseless, one would presume she would have at least tried somehow to resist the attack, there is no mention of her even screaming and yet there are residences very close to the location.

After the Samui case you can bet that the cops were keen to get a confession....how this was obtained we do not know. I would say it was a lot more than the cops saying "did you rape this girl" and him saying yes. As DNA was mentioned in the report it would seem that this would have been a confession tool but now it would appear from the reports that the DNA was unlikely to have been tested if at all taken. The timelines involved dont allow for that. This whole incident covered the space of 10-12 hours maximum from their meeting to the ID parade.

There is more to this than meets the eye....

So let's see, you reason that a rape charge that was lodged the same night, an alledged DNA sample, and a guilty confession by the accused still seems dubious, even after the international spotlight of the Katherine Horton case, which had the authorities including the PM tripping over themselves to rectify immediately because of "severe damage to the Country". And yet, according to your reasoning the authorities are now going to collude in a "fake" rape case of another foreigner, not even 3 weeks after the last scandals.

The outward basis of your argument thus far include the lack of scratches visible in a little more than thumbprint web photo, and the fact that she was taken to a police station rather than a hospital, in Thailand (meaning, Thailand is obviously not the West; there are no consistent or standardized methodologies or procedures here).

And then, you lament the fact that everyone else including the Western justice system is flawed, while you reveal logic that is obviously marred by your own immense biases.

I really hope you are not employed as a lawyer or judge, because I pity the rape victim whose case has to rest with you.

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