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What If... Tourist Bitten By Dog (The 2Nd Most Reason In Hospital Treatment)


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as it was published recently, the most incidents treated in hospitals are

1. motorbike accidents2

2. dog bites

What if a tourist is bitten by a dog?

He can try to find the owner to get his money back (for treatment, rabies shots)...

But what if there is NO owner to track down?

Does then the government have to pay for the treatment?

Its a minimum requirement to walk down a street, without coming to harm...

and a government is usually also hold responsible for "taking care" of straying dogs...

Edited by ddpffft
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If a dog* is killed by a ferang in a bike accident a dozen people will declare "I'm Spartacus" & seek compensation for 'their' deceased crufts champion.

If a dog bites a ferang the answer will be "Mai Mee".

There's no culpability here .......unless for personal gain.


(*Works for Cockerels & Bufallos too, THB 40k & THB 100k if local anecdotes are correct).

Edited by evadgib
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If you contact the Royal Thai Animal Embassy they will pay for all your bills and give you a voucher for a free weekend at the Mandrin Orential Hotel.


I'm not sure the OP was actually asking a serious question or just plain trollin'.

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If you contact the Royal Thai Animal Embassy they will pay for all your bills and give you a voucher for a free weekend at the Mandrin Orential Hotel.


I'm not sure the OP was actually asking a serious question or just plain trollin'.

Me either but i'm pretty sure he is a democrat who thinks it's the governments job to keep everyone safe or pay them if they stub their toe on an uneven sidewalk or get bitten by a dog.
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serious question...

if you drive or walk on a public bridge, and it breaks down because the government didnt care about it, even though a number of similar incidents happened before - people are left injured... do you have to pay for your treatment?

i dont think so, the government is responsible for the saftey of the streets...

why do you have to pay for dog bites, straying dogs hanging out on public streets and attacking people for no reason?

isnt the government responsible to take care of stray dogs?

so you think, people have to pay for obvious governmental negligence issues?

and if they have to pay with their lifes, then its alright, too ?

Edited by ddpffft
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the next lonely planet edition should expand their budget estimations by the quite expensive rabies shots...

as its the 2nd most treatment in the hospitals, and happens to people walking down a street...

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serious question...

if you drive or walk on a public bridge, and it breaks down because the government didnt care about it, even though a number of similar incidents happened before - people are left injured... do you have to pay for your treatment?

i dont think so, the government is responsible for the saftey of the streets...

why do you have to pay for dog bites, straying dogs hanging out on public streets and attacking people for no reason?

isnt the government responsible to take care of stray dogs?

so you think, people have to pay for obvious governmental negligence issues?

and if they have to pay with their lifes, then its alright, too ?

This is Thailand - if you do not come here the dogs wont bite you, if you do not come to Thailand then you would not be on the bridge....... etc, etc..... Standard official answer - get used to it!!

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serious question...

if you drive or walk on a public bridge, and it breaks down because the government didnt care about it, even though a number of similar incidents happened before - people are left injured... do you have to pay for your treatment?

i dont think so, the government is responsible for the saftey of the streets...

why do you have to pay for dog bites, straying dogs hanging out on public streets and attacking people for no reason?

isnt the government responsible to take care of stray dogs?

so you think, people have to pay for obvious governmental negligence issues?

and if they have to pay with their lifes, then its alright, too ?

Well first off let me say we are not really talking about my personal or your personal preferences we are talking about how Thai people do it in Thailand so let me adress that first ....... Yes you have to pay for your treatment and no the gov is not responsible for dogs here in Thailand , but thats by choice of the Thai people so it's not government neglegence. It's not as thought the local dog police is neglegent it's that they don't want a local dog catcher like in the west. As far as real neglegence even in thailand in theory you could be compensated but more likely you would negoiate a settlement or one side or the other would bribe someone and screw the other.

As far as what the government is responsible for it should be up to the people and that where we would probabbly disagree , I don't want the government (like the thai's) involved in being liable for accidents beyond their control , even in America the gov is not going to pay you for a stray dog bite even if they do have a dog catcher unless you could prove the dog catcher intentionally allowed the dog to run wild and knew it was a danger. You would not be compensated in America if a bridge collapsed on your head just because it's old unless you could prove the gov knew it was an accident wating to happen and neglegently didn't care to repair it ..... pretty much impossible to prove without wrtten evedence.

The crux of the issue is how much responsibility does a person have for themselves when making a choice to walk amoung stray dogs and how much responsibility does the gov have to pay for their bad luck if they get bitten , in Thailand the answer is none , in the west the answer is still none unless you can prove that the dog catcher was at the highest degree of neglegence , more so even than not even doing his job , he would need to actually know of the danger and intentionally allow it to continue. the reason for this is people are primarily responsible for the bad stuff that happens to them and the gov is only there to help out a little not there to compensate for every bad thing that happens even if they are trying to help ...... We have health inspectors for restraunts but you can't sue the gov because you got food poisioning caliming that the gov didn't do it's job well enough.

By your own admission you are aware of the risk , just like if you get hit in the head on a golf course by a ball you can't sue, because you have assumed the risk by standing on the golf course. Why should Thai people pay because you are assuming the risk of dog bites ?

So it boils down to what the people want the gov to do and exaclty how neglegent they are in doing it ..... In Thailand it not the gov duty to protect people from stray dogs however they would come and get a rabid dog or a snake in your yard. It is the gov job to build bridges and keep the streets safe but you are not going to win any lawsuits claiming the gov didnt do its job well enough because the people don't expect or demand that here ..... here being most all of South East Aisa and China not just Thailand.

So the upshot is yes if the gov is grossly neglegent and comes close to almost making something bad happen they should be held liable but just being incompetant or lazy or showing neglegence is not enough even by Western standards to hold the government more accountable than the person who choses to drive on the street or walk amoung stray dogs, eat at a rest ect.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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You said it's a minimum requirement to walk down the street without being harmed ...... thats simply not true. The requirement is only that the gov makes a resonable effort to make them as safe as the people want them, not that you can sue because you were harmed on the street by a dog or a falling piece of concrete from a bridge or a mugger. The gov is only their to assist not to assure no one gets hurt. And since thats the case they have no liability when people get hurt unless they were so outrageous in their behavior that reasonable people find that to be the case.

The problem with proving that is the gov is run by people who most of the time do not become police or dog catchers or inspectors of one kind or another just to be so outrageous that people get harmed, most of the time it's from simple neglegence or something slightly worse than a mistake and thats just not enough to make everyone else pay for your bad luck.

The reason it's like that is becasue if it was not people would have no incentive to keep themselves safe and accidents would happen more often , if the gov paid every time some bad thing happened more bad things would happen , like the other poster said when I joked about the voucher for the hotel and asked where are the dogs !

Sorry for the double post ? Not sure how that happened

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so bottom line, if i understood it right...

you can ask for compensation

1 ) the restaurant, if you fall sick with food poisoning after you ate there...

2 ) the dog owner, if you get bitten

nobody can ask for compensation when being seriously ill/dying of

1 ) a bacteria, killing people repeatedly, because the thai forensics were not able to determine it...

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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

in reality this means, people cant walk on the sidewalk...

i think, the travel guides have to be updated by this fact...

"you cant walk at nighttime on a sidewalk"

"be prepared to pay some thousands for rabies shots"

you might find that normal and to be accepted by tourists, i dont think it is...

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so bottom line, if i understood it right...

you can ask for compensation

1 ) the restaurant, if you fall sick with food poisoning after you ate there...

2 ) the dog owner, if you get bitten

nobody can ask for compensation when dying of

1 ) a bacteria, killing people repeatedly, because the thai forensics were not able to determine it...

I would say thats pretty accurate yes. Is that ok with you or do you think things should be different ?
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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

in reality this means, people cant walk on the sidewalk...

i think, the travel guides have to be updated by this fact...

"you cant walk at nighttime on a sidewalk"

"be prepared to pay some thousands for rabies shots"

you might find that normal and acceptable, i dont think it is...

Well IF that were true it would be unacceptable , but once again it's up to the Thai people to decide that ..... but thats simply not true in the first place. I have been here 10 years and have never been bitten and only one dog annoys me with his agressive manner. My wife has been bitten once though so it does happen. But seriously it's not nearly as bad as the way you put it , most of those dogs are looking for attention not looking to actually bite people.
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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

in reality this means, people cant walk on the sidewalk...

i think, the travel guides have to be updated by this fact...

"you cant walk at nighttime on a sidewalk"

"be prepared to pay some thousands for rabies shots"

you might find that normal and to be accepted by tourists, i dont think it is...

If you really find that happening to you personally it's because the dogs sense you are afraid of them , Dogs will react when they sense fear in humans partially because it makes for a nice break from laying down doing nothing all day and partially because your fear of them makes them fear you so they become defensive and agressive. The solution is to not be afraid and while thats hard for some people it works but another approach is to talk to them as though they were little children pertending to want to attack you ..... look at them and joke with them and say tings like ..... You are a little dog and I am a human are you serious about this ? lol .... or come on dudes don't you have better things to do than bark at me ? If you talk to them like kids and joke around with them they will stop bothering you unless they are more crazy than most. What they want and what makes them worse is getting more scared or agressive , yelling at them ect. It's just a game to them and like kids if you refuse to play they will find someone else to play with.
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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you.

I think you will find millions of people do it every day. Of course there are incidents, when a person is attacked viciously, but sometimes the attack is partly caused by the demeanor of the walker themselves. If you can find the dog owner you can request reimbursement of medical expense, also add a few million baht for mental distress, when the owner refuses you can sue him. Let me know the outcome if I'm still around in a few years time.

Same with a restaurant, of course you would have to prove that was where you got the bug. If you can, then a report to the health authorities is at the very least cost the Restaurant owner some money.

This is not a 'nanny state' so do not expect govt. hand holding.

The point of 'bacteria killing people' , how do you know it was a bacteria, might have been a virus or toxic substance ? Also if you knew the type of bacteria it was then you could tell Thai forensics.

Also shouldn't your medical insurance cover all these things not the government.

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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

in reality this means, people cant walk on the sidewalk...

i think, the travel guides have to be updated by this fact...

"you cant walk at nighttime on a sidewalk"

"be prepared to pay some thousands for rabies shots"

you might find that normal and to be accepted by tourists, i dont think it is...

I hope you bought a return/round-trip ticket. smile.png

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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

in reality this means, people cant walk on the sidewalk...

i think, the travel guides have to be updated by this fact...

"you cant walk at nighttime on a sidewalk"

"be prepared to pay some thousands for rabies shots"

you might find that normal and to be accepted by tourists, i dont think it is...

I hope you bought a return/round-trip ticket. smile.png

Well it must be accepted by tourists because as far as I can tell the tourists are more concerned about how cute the bargirls are than how ugly the dogs are ! smile.png

My guess woud be if the dog problem was a Cobra problem of the same magnatude the tourists would still not care !

Edited by MrRealDeal
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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

in reality this means, people cant walk on the sidewalk...

i think, the travel guides have to be updated by this fact...

"you cant walk at nighttime on a sidewalk"

"be prepared to pay some thousands for rabies shots"

you might find that normal and to be accepted by tourists, i dont think it is...

I hope you bought a return/round-trip ticket. smile.png

i wish...

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serious question...

if you drive or walk on a public bridge, and it breaks down because the government didnt care about it, even though a number of similar incidents happened before - people are left injured... do you have to pay for your treatment?

i dont think so, the government is responsible for the saftey of the streets...

why do you have to pay for dog bites, straying dogs hanging out on public streets and attacking people for no reason?

isnt the government responsible to take care of stray dogs?

so you think, people have to pay for obvious governmental negligence issues?

and if they have to pay with their lifes, then its alright, too ?

This is Thailand: No the government is not respondsible to take care of stray dogs.

I am actually happy that it isn't a nanny state that takes care of everything.

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Well it must be accepted by tourists because as far as I can tell the tourists are more concerned about how cute the bargirls are than how ugly the dogs are ! smile.png

My guess woud be if the dog problem was a Cobra problem of the same magnatude the tourists would still not care !

yes, posters on here would probably recommend to throw them half a pig, when passing by...

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so bottom line, if i understood it right...

you can ask for compensation

1 ) the restaurant, if you fall sick with food poisoning after you ate there...

2 ) the dog owner, if you get bitten

nobody can ask for compensation when being seriously ill/dying of

1 ) a bacteria, killing people repeatedly, because the thai forensics were not able to determine it...

no you understood incorrectly

you can not ask for compensation if the dog bites you or if you fall sick after eating at some place

You are welcome to file a law suit and wait it out till the hearing and then provide evidence that it was indeed that dog that bite you, and it was that food in the restaurant that made you sick

after you provide all the evidence, court will award you 5000-10000 baht and you can use that money to pay your lawyer's bill which should only be around 200-300K

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so bottom line, if i understood it right...

you can ask for compensation

1 ) the restaurant, if you fall sick with food poisoning after you ate there...

2 ) the dog owner, if you get bitten

nobody can ask for compensation when being seriously ill/dying of

1 ) a bacteria, killing people repeatedly, because the thai forensics were not able to determine it...

no you understood incorrectly

you can not ask for compensation if the dog bites you or if you fall sick after eating at some place

You are welcome to file a law suit and wait it out till the hearing and then provide evidence that it was indeed that dog that bite you, and it was that food in the restaurant that made you sick

after you provide all the evidence, court will award you 5000-10000 baht and you can use that money to pay your lawyer's bill which should only be around 200-300K

When I was refering to the sueing of a rest I was actually meaning in the US not Thailand .... In Thailand they would tell you to take a hike and eat someplace else unless everyone who ate their got sick the same day.
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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

A slight exaggeration?

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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

A slight exaggeration?

Unless dogs just do not like OP or worry about being suedtongue.png

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it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk along ANY street in bangkok at night time, without having a gang of dogs running after you... and to make clear, its not only one gang... one after the other, all along the way...

A slight exaggeration?

yes, possibly... the streets along the big shopping malls in the city might be ok

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serious question...

if you drive or walk on a public bridge, and it breaks down because the government didnt care about it, even though a number of similar incidents happened before - people are left injured... do you have to pay for your treatment?

i dont think so, the government is responsible for the saftey of the streets...

why do you have to pay for dog bites, straying dogs hanging out on public streets and attacking people for no reason?

isnt the government responsible to take care of stray dogs?

so you think, people have to pay for obvious governmental negligence issues?

and if they have to pay with their lifes, then its alright, too ?

You are describing Switzerland, here is Thailand

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serious question...

if you drive or walk on a public bridge, and it breaks down because the government didnt care about it, even though a number of similar incidents happened before - people are left injured... do you have to pay for your treatment?

i dont think so, the government is responsible for the saftey of the streets...

why do you have to pay for dog bites, straying dogs hanging out on public streets and attacking people for no reason?

isnt the government responsible to take care of stray dogs?

so you think, people have to pay for obvious governmental negligence issues?

and if they have to pay with their lifes, then its alright, too ?

Being bitten by a bridge and bitten by a dog could be deemed two seperate issues....IMHO...............rolleyes.gif

Don't think the government own the dogs. Welcome to Thailand.

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