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Thailand - Land Of Smiles Or Tourist Trap?

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The article mentions 'transvestite thieves'. Do I take it that there aren't any non-transvestite thieves in Thailand then?

Interesting that transvestite thieves are always mentioned in articles and on this forum. In my several years of living in Thailand, I have always had pleasant experiences with transvestites.

There are probably more straight sex thieves then transvestives as you probably are aware of but far to many "ladyboys" are involved in criminal activitys.

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It is a tourist trap if you go to the tourist areas, otherwise it is the Land of Smiles. Go discover the real Thailand?

Aye, and then see how it really is and learn what's behind that smile! However, as opposed to living here, it's probably still a fabulous place to visit if you're not the discerning type.


The article mentions 'transvestite thieves'. Do I take it that there aren't any non-transvestite thieves in Thailand then?

Interesting that transvestite thieves are always mentioned in articles and on this forum. In my several years of living in Thailand, I have always had pleasant experiences with transvestites.

Wonder what u refer to when u say "pleasent" experiences?? We all know that far to many "ladyboys" r envolved in criminal activitys.


In every country is something bad going on. And tourists were always easy vicims of crime. Last year a friend of mine went with a group ( 110 people ) to Praque and 3 of them got robbed. I have the idea that the Thai criminals think very easy about death and also believe that every tourist is rich. ( there are also some other issues that I won't mention here ). In every bar or discotheque you are at risk, here, but also in Amsterdam or New York.

Personally I believe that the Thai Police really try to prevent all this misery, but it seems that the crime goes up while the police did not have enough men power to fight it.


Let's face it, all countries are rapidly changing and the memory or glamorous stereotype we have of it back a few decades ago is only found in our old photographs. Next, if you visit any large city in a Western country, you certainly know it does not repesent the majority people living in that country. You need to get out in the countryside or towns. Same in Thailand


What a waste of money been spent on this for the high so Thai elite nothing to do with tourism what so ever just another bs Guinness Book of World Records Kissing must have went out the window now ... ? whistling.gif

TOURISM Authority of Thailand (TAT) with cooperation of Fashion TV, the number one fashion television channel with more than five million viewers, will organise a “Hatyai Fashion Festival 2012” this Aug 18 in downtown Hat Yai.

The event aims to have the most number of models to be recorded by the Guinness Book of World Records; while 300 models will pose on the catwalk set up at Sanaehanusorn Road in Hat Yai City (between Central Department Store and Lee Gardens Plaza). The parade of models will be led by beauty queen, Natalie Glebova, the 2005 Miss Universe, together with other professional models and well-known celebrities of Thailand.

To watch this event, fashion lovers can fly to Hat Yai on Firefly Airline, which will simultaneously launch its inaugural flight from Subang to Hat Yai on Aug 17.

Read More : http://thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp?file=/2012/7/24/central/11705048&sec=central


Despite the bad things happening in Thailand, it is still the land of smiles (LOS)!

Too much corruption and fake and so the only thing people can do is: Smile!

Even the police guy smiles like a monkey when he takes your 100 bath to get rid of him...

Thailands tourist industry is based on Thailand being one of the biggest brothels!

Besides the few historical places to visit I wonder why the hell somebody would choose to go to Thailand for beach holidays?

Malaysia, Indonesia...Philipines have the cleaner sea and are sure the better places to visit.

My wife (thai) gets always angry when I say so and asks why I then married her and build a home there (if this has someting to do where the better place to live is or make holidays?!

But I just answer: Don't worry, my next wife is Philipina! ;) Discussion ended...


Where both the Thai Police and the Judicial System have a tendency to give the benefit of the doubt by a large percentage in all aspects of tourist engage ments,shows how little rule of law there is.

Thais are like the Cigarette companies, killing of their own trade; in this case the tourist trade.

Another problem is the lack of english skils amoung the thai people. No matter how good their skills may be in speaking English they lack the IDOMS and the NUANCES that are common to native speakers.

They thai mentality is they know they can cause problems to foreigners, by ripping them off, and with violence and nothing will be done about.

Until they learn thru the harashest of penalities they are quite confident nothing will happen to them.


I never heard tourist jumping in a plane, coming to thailand just to observ locals smilling.

Thailand was , is and will be remembered as the brothel of the world.

Dont you smell the sleazy? Sex addict will still come even if they have to cross a landmine, swimm in bangkok underwater, bangkok under riot, bangkok with sniper, airport closed, wat po closed, getting stabbed, food poisoned, drink spiked, got cheated, got hiv...

For them, whatever you said, Thailand will be for ever the land of the shiny smile.

It's so sad that so many pick up on the limited "sex trade" side of Thailand. Thailand is not, never has been, and never will be the "world's brothel". There are many countires that are similar in this respect, and some much worse. It's one of those silly urban myths that spread and gets accepted. Have a look at China, Philippines, Indian sub-continent, Nigeria, GCC area - yes some parts loaded with Chinese, African and Russian whores, Eastern Europe, Netherlands (not just Amsterdam), South America, Perth, former soviet republics,USA and the UK.

Anyone who thinks Thailand is the worst in the respect really needs to travel around more and open their eyes.

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Despite the bad things happening in Thailand, it is still the land of smiles (LOS)!

Too much corruption and fake and so the only thing people can do is: Smile!

Even the police guy smiles like a monkey when he takes your 100 bath to get rid of him...

Thailands tourist industry is based on Thailand being one of the biggest brothels!

Besides the few historical places to visit I wonder why the hell somebody would choose to go to Thailand for beach holidays?

Malaysia, Indonesia...Philipines have the cleaner sea and are sure the better places to visit.

My wife (thai) gets always angry when I say so and asks why I then married her and build a home there (if this has someting to do where the better place to live is or make holidays?!

But I just answer: Don't worry, my next wife is Philipina! wink.png Discussion ended...

Where both the Thai Police and the Judicial System have a tendency to give the benefit of the doubt by a large percentage in all aspects of tourist engage ments,shows how little rule of law there is.

Thais are like the Cigarette companies, killing of their own trade; in this case the tourist trade.

Another problem is the lack of english skils amoung the thai people. No matter how good their skills may be in speaking English they lack the IDOMS and the NUANCES that are common to native speakers.

They thai mentality is they know they can cause problems to foreigners, by ripping them off, and with violence and nothing will be done about.

Until they learn thru the harashest of penalities they are quite confident nothing will happen to them.

Sadly I have to agree. 20 years ago I felt safer and more welcome. Now, it's as if lots have realized foreigners are soft targets and nothing really happens if they get robbed, beaten, cheated etc. Thailand used to be one of the politest places I visited on my Asian business trips. Now I see many examples of rudness, often deliberate to foreigners.


Tourism has destroyed virtually everything that used to be interesting, charming, or adventurous about the country. The talk about Thailand no longer being a good place for "family" tourism makes me laugh, because I remember it from a time before it was ever considered a destination for "family" tourism. It was considered just too dangerous and weird for that. I'm talking about 25 years ago here, before Starbucks and Pizza Hut, before mega-shopping malls, before metered taxis (never mind the skytrain). Most tourists were single males, but not the frat boys and louts you see on Soi Bangla these days.

Unfortunately, you can never go back.


Thailand's tourist industry not getting any good press these past few weeks now also this has just come online also around the world printing about what’s been said on the front page of this topic and now Elephant Smuggling Exposed but still the government will come out and say it will look into the matter but instead the pm on a shopping trip in France?

Then you also have sex trafficking been shown also on Nat geo only a few days ago Amazing Thailand truly is living up to its name .. ermm.gif


Tourism has destroyed virtually everything that used to be interesting, charming, or adventurous about the country. The talk about Thailand no longer being a good place for "family" tourism makes me laugh, because I remember it from a time before it was ever considered a destination for "family" tourism. It was considered just too dangerous and weird for that. I'm talking about 25 years ago here, before Starbucks and Pizza Hut, before mega-shopping malls, before metered taxis (never mind the skytrain). Most tourists were single males, but not the frat boys and louts you see on Soi Bangla these days.

Unfortunately, you can never go back.

Yes 35 years ago...you can never go back...


Tourism has destroyed virtually everything that used to be interesting, charming, or adventurous about the country. The talk about Thailand no longer being a good place for "family" tourism makes me laugh, because I remember it from a time before it was ever considered a destination for "family" tourism. It was considered just too dangerous and weird for that. I'm talking about 25 years ago here, before Starbucks and Pizza Hut, before mega-shopping malls, before metered taxis (never mind the skytrain). Most tourists were single males, but not the frat boys and louts you see on Soi Bangla these days.

Unfortunately, you can never go back.

Yes 35 years ago...you can never go back...

A rather famous Italian journalist I had the pleasure to work with a long

while back detested tourism but loved traveling. I won't go into a long

explanation about the differences between the two but the differences

are clear. The journo's name was Tiziano Terzani...Google him for more

info. He's past away now though, but there are some of his books

available...and they're excellent reads.

Seem odd for an ex military man to work with and read stuff by an

anti-war actiivist? No...not really. Many big game hunters on the

African Continent long ago turned into conservation activists...just

an example FYI. One see's enough death and somewhere in all

that death one changes one's mind and begins to conserve life.

Bangkok in the early 70's was dangerous and unfit for family holidays.

I was in and out of there many times I know...A buddy of mine took

a "shortcut" through an alley in Patpong one night and lost his left

hand courtesy of a machete wielding thug that wanted his Seiko


Even in the early to mid 80's long distance buses were, more often

than not, targets for armed robbers as the buses drove between

Bangkok and Phuket at night.

A lot has changed in LOS since those days...both good and bad.

We can't go back if we wanted to...that's just not possible. We

have no choice but to go forward...wherever that leads us.


The smiles are caused by the money the Tourists bring in...nothing more and nothing less.

Their big brown eyes light up like a broken slaught machine as they visualize the money pouring out as if they

have hit the Jackpot!!! cajing cajing cajing cajing-jing mai gohok krab

The scam artists, the police in there shake downs start dancing the Thai Jig. As a matter of fact, it would take

a plastic surgeon to remove their smiles.clap2.gifermm.gifcheesy.gif


Crime does pay in Thailand. And foregin tourists do get ripped off time and time and time again.

Because the Thai police are tired in with the scam artists whether they are jet ski operators, or tuk tuk

drives which change the negoitated price at the start to a high amount, etc etc etc, the scam artists know they

are immutable from criminal prosecution.

When you stand before a Judge in a court of law here, they refer to you as a foreigner...thats a real tip off that

you are on the other end of the stick when you go in.

No Judge in any court in the U.S.A. or any other western court refers to anyone as a foreginer.

It is always Plaintiff or Respondent

History makes the rules here....and until there are harst penalties for crimes against foreigners here,

then nothing will ever change.

Thailand needs to be hit hard on the tourist trade here...right in their greedy pocket books where it will

do the most damage. Land of Smiles; phooey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Agree completely. I'm a classic farang in Thailand...in my early 60s, no money problems, in good health, etc. But, I do not and will not fall into the trap of serial sex with beautiful young Thai women; or pay for one Thai girlfriend. Why? because it is fake, it ain't real...it's just an image. I can not think of anything more lonely or desperate than going to a foreign country with a difficult language and culture to have superficial sex with someone half/one-third my age. It is phony and fraught with the moral hazards already mentioned.

Never go to the movies, never read a novel, never watch a sporting event, only speak to Thais in English ......... all fake by your judgment. Learn to enjoy entertainment for what it is ...... fake but fun.

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I now live/work in Thailand so I look at the tourist areas of Thailand differently now than when I came here with family just for holiday. I guess the short 1 week visit to LOS playing tourist, staying in 4-5 star hotels sheltered me from noticing the scams, decay, and neglect of the tourist areas. Now that I have live here for 8 years, unfortunately I see how rapid growth of tourist areas such as Phuket, Pattaya,Krabi...(the list goes on)with no planning, no updating of infrastructure,and many of the Thais not trained properly in customer service and unfortunatelycrime is gradually chipping away at Thailand's reputation as a great tourist destination. True,Thailand is a popular place since it caters not only to the backpacker but also to the 5 star tourist with its wide variety of hotels and eating places (and being a cheaper place to visit than other countries in South East Asia). But a growing number of tourists seem to be more of the single male looking for a good time in Thailand--(clean beaches don't matter then). You would think a government that gets over 10% of its revenue from tourism have the desire to clamp down on hotel and resort developments that cause erosion, water pollution, and decaying of the coral reef and stick to regulations and a plan, but making a quick baht is more important than preserving the golden egg that brought prosperity.

Erosion, water, air, noise pollution, destruction of coral reefs are not problems for most Thais. Some of these things they are so familiar with that they do not see them. And other problems they simply do not see anyhow or care about. It is the same with houses on stilts here. Have you seen them in the villages and what it looks like underneath? Garbage dumps. To a Thai family not a problem. If you do not see a problem, it does not exist.


Thailand is both a tourist trap for the unwary and also a land of smiles.

You don't need to look to hard to find either

Every first-time tourist is unwary... and easy to be trapped in the land of smiles.


But, I do not and will not fall into the trap of serial sex with beautiful young Thai women;. Why? because it is fake, it ain't real...

Who cares? It sure is fun if one is not a prude.


Thailand land of scams liars cheats and theives, home of poluted beaches covered in deck chairs and filth plenty of better places to go in the world

I have only one question...with your statement....If you're here in LOS...why are you here?

If you don't like it, airports are close with planes leaving LOS regularly...be on one.

Stazi still monitoring free speech on TV?


I agree - the numbers are up but is the quality of holiday still there?

These young college kids seem to think all of their "Dreams can come true" in Soi Bangla Phuket.

Awesome filmclip promoting Soi Bangla and Phuket's crazy nightlife.

There is only one Thailand and with all its flaws and faults it will continue to draw tourists because no other Souteast Asian nation delivers so much "Culture Shock"in one punch. It's a heady mix compared to the stilted experiences on offer in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. Seasoned travelers seem drawn back like moths to the flame...

You can't have the seeming chaos without some real danger... but for some this just adds to the experience.

This video was pretty funny. Props for the guys for managing to pull it off.

...however the rest of this topic bores me.

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Land of the Sneaky smile is actually more appropriate.

Thailand is definitively a tourist trap. And certainly one of the biggest in this world. I have been in many country where tourist are pampered like the golden goose, its definitively not the case in thailand. A couple of weeks ago, some embassy did make again one more useless official complain about scam/safety.

Just look at phuket, pattaya, koh samui, all these major tourist area a run by gang of mafia. And to make it worst, corrupted police and governements are main player of this trap. So here, you are on your own.

Back home, i never ever heard of, in a huge scale, jet ski scam, gem scam, taxi driver stabbing tourist, serial death due to poisining, duty free scam, insurance/hospital scam, tourist got beaten, murdered , raped and dont get justice, double price, animal cruelty, greed, polluted beach by sewer..., (i can go for hours). For decades, In thailand its a common occurence, how many tourist become victims and absolutely nothing is done. Luckily they have gogo bar...

The thai apologyst, really have to be schizophren to advocate a disingenuous smile as a genuine one.

  • Like 1

Land of the Sneaky smile is actually more appropriate.

Thailand is definitively a tourist trap. And certainly one of the biggest in this world. I have been in many country where tourist are pampered like the golden goose, its definitively not the case in thailand. A couple of weeks ago, some embassy did make again one more useless official complain about scam/safety.

Just look at phuket, pattaya, koh samui, all these major tourist area a run by gang of mafia. And to make it worst, corrupted police and governements are main player of this trap. So here, you are on your own.

Back home, i never ever heard of, in a huge scale, jet ski scam, gem scam, taxi driver stabbing tourist, serial death due to poisining, duty free scam, insurance/hospital scam, tourist got beaten, murdered , raped and dont get justice, double price, animal cruelty, greed, polluted beach by sewer..., (i can go for hours). For decades, In thailand its a common occurence, how many tourist become victims and absolutely nothing is done. Luckily they have gogo bar...

The thai apologyst, really have to be schizophren to advocate a disingenuous smile as a genuine one.

Well said. Let's face the truth, the nature as it is shrinking, the wild life as it is not existent in Thailand anymore. There is not much history of the country, too. What is left, diving, and the so-called tourist traps and sex tourism. I honestly think, if we take the sex tourism out there won't be much of a tourism here.

If Thailand (or at least Pattaya) is smart, it stays with its image of being the #1 "naughty fun" destination in the world.

It costs millions of Dollars to create a trademark - Pattaya has it already, but should utilize it a smart way.

Keep the action and fun going - but get rid of the criminal elements that can turn a fun holiday into a nightmare.

It can't be so hard - but of course requires a clear goal, some courage, a real 'crackdown' (how I love this word!) on *graft* and to force a few influential figures to cut off their ties to the mafia.

The problem is not the sex as some do-gooders never seem to get tired to suggest - the problem is most of everything else that goes on in the city (the pollution, the traffic chaos, the bad roads, the pollution of the sea, 'condos' replacing the last remaining green dots in the city, and then of course the endless ripoffs, scams, murders, robberies, KO drop attacks, bad attitudes of some Thais who can't get enough against tourists etc. etc.

  • Like 1

[quote name=Bender' timresorts here in Thailannd

estamp='1343146831' post='5515391]

Land of the Sneaky smile is actually more appropriate.

Thailand is definitively a tourist trap. And certainly one of the biggest in this world. I have been in many country where tourist are pampered like the golden goose, its definitively not the case in thailand. A couple of weeks ago, some embassy did make again one more useless official complain about scam/safety.

Just look at phuket, pattaya, koh samui, all these major tourist area a run by gang of mafia. And to make it worst, corrupted police and governements are main player of this trap. So here, you are on your own.

Back home, i never ever heard of, in a huge scale, jet ski scam, gem scam, taxi driver stabbing tourist, serial death due to poisining, duty free scam, insurance/hospital scam, tourist got beaten, murdered , raped and dont get justice, double price, animal cruelty, greed, polluted beach by sewer..., (i can go for hours). For decades, In thailand its a common occurence, how many tourist become victims and absolutely nothing is done. Luckily they have gogo bar...

The thai apologyst, really have to be schizophren to advocate a disingenuous smile as a genuine one.

Speaking of schizophrenia

Your post reeks of it. I am absolutely positive there are resorts here in Thailand

where tourist are pampered like the golden goose, But most of the tourists are not as wealthy as you and have to settle for less. The way you carry on I think Sudan would be a good place for you to vacation in. They will show you the golden goose. Or maybe northern Burma.


If Thailand (or at least Pattaya) is smart, it stays with its image of being the #1 "naughty fun" destination in the world.

It costs millions of Dollars to create a trademark - Pattaya has it already, but should utilize it a smart way.

Keep the action and fun going - but get rid of the criminal elements that can turn a fun holiday into a nightmare.

It can't be so hard - but of course requires a clear goal, some courage, a real 'crackdown' (how I love this word!) on *graft* and to force a few influential figures to cut off their ties to the mafia.

The problem is not the sex as some do-gooders never seem to get tired to suggest - the problem is most of everything else that goes on in the city (the pollution, the traffic chaos, the bad roads, the pollution of the sea, 'condos' replacing the last remaining green dots in the city, and then of course the endless ripoffs, scams, murders, robberies, KO drop attacks, bad attitudes of some Thais who can't get enough against tourists etc. etc.

well there are certainly people who wouldn't go to thailand precisely due to it's 'seedy' image

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