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Cinnamon powder. Just moved into a new house, ants everywhere. Bought a large container of cinnamon powder from Tops (130 baht) dusted around the house inside and out, 24 hours later not an ant to be seen. A Great natural pesticide.

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  • 3 months later...

Very interesting. I might have to give it a try one of these days....if I can find some Borax. Those little yellow pellet things (in the clear green container) doesn't work too well.

Yes, thats what I have.

They are useless. I will find some borax somewhere, I will just have to ask some Thai friends.

But how do you say Borax in Thai?

I found this site that sells borax http://www.healthfoodthailand.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=borax&x=7&y=7

How is this web purchase site working out for people?

And how well did the borax subsequently work?

Edit, I see that the site is working for people. I will try this borax out and post the results. Right now I have an ant problem like NEVER before. It is amazing, I have never seen this many, even when camping etc. Something has got to give :)

  • 4 weeks later...

What is it about Borax which makes it work?

Does it kill them off, or scare them off?

How dangerous is it to pets and humans?


Why doesn't someone tell an expat market like Villa that there IS a demand for Borax in retail stores in Thailand? It's weird that basic and very useful product like Borax is so hard to buy here.

Ditto ammonia and whole bean coffee.


Not sure why you think it needs to dissolve in water ? Just sprinkle it around where the ants seem to originate from

I've heard that borax works on most insects, cockroaches, termites etc. It attacks their exoskeletons and all insects have exoskeletons and I can easily find borax at my local chemical supply shop, but in a crystal form and not easy to desolve in water. Any tips??


What is it about Borax which makes it work?

Does it kill them off, or scare them off?

How dangerous is it to pets and humans?

It can't be very toxic to mammals. It is used in the US as a laundry booster, as a foot soak to kill fungus and as a fiberglass shower wash to kill fungus.

It does for a fact kill ants and other insects. I'm not sure how and I've heard reasons debated. Some say that it destroys the digestive microorganisms much as it kills fungus and others say it is the sharp nature of the mineral part that does it. Whatever it is, it works. It's for sale in grocery and hardware stores.

The much earlier joke where the poster said, in response to where to get it, "I get mine delivered by a 20 mule team" was a clever reference to the original brand name. I had to hit the "like" button.

Here's one link to see it. Link


I think borax dehydrates the bugs (Edit: I actually just read it poisons their stomachs). It can't be TOO toxic, I know it is used orally in small doses as some sort of cure for fungus in the mouth.... I remember a friend used it for this one time. Isn't it also used in the eyes somehow??

I used these breadcrums things that come in packets in the ant control section found here in BKK stores. My friend bought them, so I am not sure exactly where. But they worked amazingly. They were 30 baht supposedly. I had ants everywhere, and I haven't seen one in 2 weeks. That was a lot cheaper than borax. Maybe borax is in those packages? I'll put a pic below.... again, this breadcrum stuff worked wonders for only 30 baht!!! I would try this b4 the hassle (and price) of buying borax.

If you do use the borax.... I heard it is good to both wet and dry baiting methods. Dissolved borax and sugar or honey in hot water and put it somewhere. Then mix borax with powdered sugar and put that somewhere else. Supposedly by using both solid and liquid you can kill a larger range of the ant population, ie workers plus larvae etc.

Here is a link to a some good ant killing tips on another forum: ((link removed per forum rules))



We were having some run in with ants, not to the extent as the OP but it was still annoying. Our house is new and we were actually more worried about termites so the missus called up a company that pumps a few chemicals in the ground (not sure what exactly) around the house four times a year for us for a couple thousand baht annual. Now its rare to see cockroaches, ants, or just about any other little bugger except those that fly. Usually the day after they leave i see piles of dead critters around the house. If anyone is interested PM me and i can send you the info.

p.s. this is in the bkk area, not sure if the company goes up country or not.


We were having some run in with ants, not to the extent as the OP but it was still annoying. Our house is new and we were actually more worried about termites so the missus called up a company that pumps a few chemicals in the ground (not sure what exactly) around the house four times a year for us for a couple thousand baht annual. Now its rare to see cockroaches, ants, or just about any other little bugger except those that fly. Usually the day after they leave i see piles of dead critters around the house. If anyone is interested PM me and i can send you the info.

p.s. this is in the bkk area, not sure if the company goes up country or not.

I am glad that you are happy with that, but that is probably some really nasty stuff they use. And since there are no regulations it makes it really scary. The borax for the ants is the way to go for sure. Cockroaches and others are perhaps another topic.

  • Like 1

I stand and applaud you.

Ants IN THE HOME must die.

My rule is, if I'm outside, I leave them alone. However, if they come inside, I kill them. Ants do not belong in our homes. Bad, bad ants. You must die.


I think borax dehydrates the bugs (Edit: I actually just read it poisons their stomachs). It can't be TOO toxic, I know it is used orally in small doses as some sort of cure for fungus in the mouth.... I remember a friend used it for this one time. Isn't it also used in the eyes somehow??

I used these breadcrums things that come in packets in the ant control section found here in BKK stores. My friend bought them, so I am not sure exactly where. But they worked amazingly. They were 30 baht supposedly. I had ants everywhere, and I haven't seen one in 2 weeks. That was a lot cheaper than borax. Maybe borax is in those packages? I'll put a pic below.... again, this breadcrum stuff worked wonders for only 30 baht!!! I would try this b4 the hassle (and price) of buying borax.

If you do use the borax.... I heard it is good to both wet and dry baiting methods. Dissolved borax and sugar or honey in hot water and put it somewhere. Then mix borax with powdered sugar and put that somewhere else. Supposedly by using both solid and liquid you can kill a larger range of the ant population, ie workers plus larvae etc.

Here is a link to a some good ant killing tips on another forum: http://<URL Automatically Removed>/view.php?pg=thai-ants

I agree, that works very well. It is what we have been using for years.

We have not seen an single ant in about 8 months in our currently apartment, and it was full of them before.

  • Like 1

I tried borax with mixed results. It reduced the ants (after several days) but didn't completely solve the problem. The problem with living in something like a condo is that there are going to be ant nests everywhere and they'll constantly be seeking out new food sources. Just killing one nest is not going to solve your problem. I found killing them on site by spraying them with a water and washing up liquid mix worked best. Spray the trails they follow and over time they stop following them.


Very interesting. I might have to give it a try one of these days....if I can find some Borax. Those little yellow pellet things (in the clear green container) doesn't work too well.

Yes, thats what I have.

They are useless. I will find some borax somewhere, I will just have to ask some Thai friends.

But how do you say Borax in Thai?

Bolak of course!rolleyes.gif


I tried borax with mixed results. It reduced the ants (after several days) but didn't completely solve the problem. The problem with living in something like a condo is that there are going to be ant nests everywhere and they'll constantly be seeking out new food sources. Just killing one nest is not going to solve your problem. I found killing them on site by spraying them with a water and washing up liquid mix worked best. Spray the trails they follow and over time they stop following them.

Different types of ants like different foods. I have seen some devour honey and others ignore it. The same with bacon grease or any other food. I am convinced that if you put out various food types with the borax mixed in and keep it there, you will kill all ants within range of your condo. They eat it and take it back to their nest where they share it and kill the whole colony.

You can actually get them out of your food in the cupboard. They will eat some of your bait, share it with others, leave and kill the colony. It takes long enough for them to die that they don't just die in your food. They are on a mission to get food for the colony.

The food type that they infest is a clue as to what to use for bait, although I always leave out fresh bait as a preemptive strike.


Having just tried this baiting method, and having GREAT results with it, sometimes I still wonder about what is actually happening. I know people say you are killing the entire colony, queen included. That seems pretty idealistic. Of course, it could be true.

Ants are pretty sophisticated little creatures. I wonder if getting a whif of the toxic substances (toxic to them anyway) could simply send signals within the colony that food will no longer be salvaged in that area. Ants just seem to sophisticated to let a toxic chemical kill their queen and colony. Anyway, this is off topic, I just find it interesting is all.


My experience is that it's not possible to kill off an entire colony, let alone all the colonies within reach of your condo, with borax. Borax mixed with honey and another one with bacon fat were quite effective. The most success I had was with the tomato sauce from a tin of sardines. It dried up and the ants were carrying away pieces of the dried fishy tomato sauce/borax mix. Within two days they'd carried it all away and a few days later no ants were there. But then after a few weeks one or two ants were coming back, finding the tiniest crumb and then the invasion starts again. Keep spraying their trails with the water/washing up liquid mix and I just see one every few days or so.


My experience is that it's not possible to kill off an entire colony, let alone all the colonies within reach of your condo, with borax. Borax mixed with honey and another one with bacon fat were quite effective. The most success I had was with the tomato sauce from a tin of sardines. It dried up and the ants were carrying away pieces of the dried fishy tomato sauce/borax mix. Within two days they'd carried it all away and a few days later no ants were there. But then after a few weeks one or two ants were coming back, finding the tiniest crumb and then the invasion starts again. Keep spraying their trails with the water/washing up liquid mix and I just see one every few days or so.

One has to kill off the queen, which is done only one way, and that is to make sure they bring the poison to the colony.

When the queen feeds on it and dies, guess what will happen.

Quite amazing.

This is why "baiting" is used in the hotel (and cruise ships) and travel/leisure industry.


My experience is that it's not possible to kill off an entire colony, let alone all the colonies within reach of your condo, with borax. Borax mixed with honey and another one with bacon fat were quite effective. The most success I had was with the tomato sauce from a tin of sardines. It dried up and the ants were carrying away pieces of the dried fishy tomato sauce/borax mix. Within two days they'd carried it all away and a few days later no ants were there. But then after a few weeks one or two ants were coming back, finding the tiniest crumb and then the invasion starts again. Keep spraying their trails with the water/washing up liquid mix and I just see one every few days or so.

One has to kill off the queen, which is done only one way, and that is to make sure they bring the poison to the colony.

When the queen feeds on it and dies, guess what will happen.

Quite amazing.

This is why "baiting" is used in the hotel (and cruise ships) and travel/leisure industry.

There's going to be a lot more than one colony and one queen in the average condo building.


My experience is that it's not possible to kill off an entire colony, let alone all the colonies within reach of your condo, with borax. Borax mixed with honey and another one with bacon fat were quite effective. The most success I had was with the tomato sauce from a tin of sardines. It dried up and the ants were carrying away pieces of the dried fishy tomato sauce/borax mix. Within two days they'd carried it all away and a few days later no ants were there. But then after a few weeks one or two ants were coming back, finding the tiniest crumb and then the invasion starts again. Keep spraying their trails with the water/washing up liquid mix and I just see one every few days or so.

One has to kill off the queen, which is done only one way, and that is to make sure they bring the poison to the colony.

When the queen feeds on it and dies, guess what will happen.

Quite amazing.

This is why "baiting" is used in the hotel (and cruise ships) and travel/leisure industry.

There's going to be a lot more than one colony and one queen in the average condo building.

That is true, which is why all "baits" these days are created to not work before at least 24 hours after the pest digest it.

Does something with the tiny nervous systems so they just die.

Most scavenging insects are also cannibals, so they keep the poison in their food circle by eating the dead ones.

Anyhow, when the ant queen dies, the entire colony die out very soon.

An amazing thing in nature.

Of course, if one will "bait", it is important the bait don't compete with real food, so it must be fairly clean so the insects choose the bait.


I had pockets of those really tiny ants around the house; some around the beanbag, some on the desk, some in the kitchen, and elsewhere. I tried all the store bought stuff to get rid of them and nothing worked; chalks, granules, etc. I had resigned to living with them until about a year ago I came across the OP's borax approach and to my surprise they all disappeared in a few weeks and never come back again. It is just so nice to be able to put donuts on the counter and they are completely safe there.


I had pockets of those really tiny ants around the house; some around the beanbag, some on the desk, some in the kitchen, and elsewhere. I tried all the store bought stuff to get rid of them and nothing worked; chalks, granules, etc. I had resigned to living with them until about a year ago I came across the OP's borax approach and to my surprise they all disappeared in a few weeks and never come back again. It is just so nice to be able to put donuts on the counter and they are completely safe there.

Did you try the stuff pictured above in post 101? I am just curious because it worked so well for me..... just wanted to know if it does or doesn't work in all cases. Anyway.... if that stuff fails me I'll pick up some borax. My ants were the small ones too.... small bodies, but big bites. I hated them. When I started keeping the kitchen really clean it seemed to get worse because there were low number of then ALL over my place after that.... bed, couch etc. Total nightmare. I'd come home from work and lay down and 3 ant bites every day, and my skin reacts so it was dreadful.


No, for completeness I had not come across the product in post #101. Each needs to make their own decision, but I personally would not switch from borax. I found the effectiveness and environmentally friendliness perfect. Cost was insignificant and the quantity should last a lifetime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know where to buy borax in Trang. I'm in Bangkok Friday Saturday does anyone know where I can get some. We are inundated at the moment baby's cot stands in stainless steel pots with water to keep them of him. We have hot the whole bunch minute ones small ones medium and great big nasty monster ones need this sorting ASAP.

Any help finding some would be awesome!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


another product I found that was great in Australia was ant sand, you just spread a little bit near a nest or trail and the buggers would dissapear very quickly and not return. No idea what was in it or how it worked but it did.


Very interesting. I might have to give it a try one of these days....if I can find some Borax. Those little yellow pellet things (in the clear green container) doesn't work too well.

Yes, thats what I have.

They are useless. I will find some borax somewhere, I will just have to ask some Thai friends.

But how do you say Borax in Thai?

ime="1343032074"> i just ordered two kilos from them I hope it works Im tired of fighting these ants and loosing the battle

I found this site that sells borax http://www.healthfoodthailand.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=borax&x=7&y=7

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