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Pale Ale/Stout


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Many on here bemoan the lack of decent stouts or pale ales here.

Many of us are fed up with the gassy Euro fizz that passes for beer.

Well for those living in Bkk help is at hand.

The other day I was in Tops Fashion Island, they have in stock Oharas Pale Ale and Stout.

500 ml bottle costs 199 baht.

I prefer the taste of the pale ale.

Also noticed Crumptons cider, think it was 79 baht per tin.

Coopers sparkling ale was also in stock at about 60 baht per bottle, way cheaper than the green and yellow label Coopers.

And for our Ozzy friends the hoons choice, VB also in stock.

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To be honest, you're the first person I've seen on here complaining about the absence of pale ale or decent alternative stouts.

I sometimes drink Connors in the gashaus, but that's not so convenient for you, I expect.

JBs in Shi Da Road used to have Belhaven Stout, and I got a pint of Deuchars IPA on Hart Avenue last time I was there.

If you're willing to go a little out of your way, you can always find what you're looking for (except, of course, that JBs had dropped the Belhaven Stout, last time I was there, and I've not been to Hart Avenue for four years, either....)


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