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(What Seems Like A) Sexpat Has A Go At Some Holidaymakers


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Some of those farang girls were really cute. I didn't get much else out of the clip.

Three sets of people, one exploiting a spotlight, one drunk on koolaid, and one simply drunk.

There are many tragic stories out there, but there is an industry exploiting that too. Truth is elusive here

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Same old story, seen it and heard it many times. Fact is hookers in Thailand are lazy girls looking for easy money. I say go home or get a real job and hope you can get the respect back you lost by working bar. A few years in the bar and the rest of your life is screwed... There are a few, very few, lucky ones who find someone nice very quickly and get out of the game. They are the smart ones. I don't feel sorry for any of them but it makes me angry at the farang who profit from it. Scum bags everyone of them !!!

So you've never availed yourself of their services?? not even once??? Hmmm

So do you use their services ???

I was asking you. If you have then does that not tar you with the same brush as the farang that profit from it?? Also if you have ever been in a beer bar/gogo bar then you are supporting the people you call scum.

And for the record before I was married, yes I did but I didnt accuse the bar owner of being scum you did.

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Interesting film.

The feminist NGO tries to make a sob story about the BG with the fake tears. So far nothing new, seen that many times.

Then a guy steps in and gives them a lesson.

You must watch the faces of the feminists. Pure hatred, totally out of control, you can suddenly see their true character.

Kudos to the guy to have the balls to interrupt their ugly game!

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I think the old dude was probably right.

Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

I've seen your various posts and your interpretation regarding Thais - you really don't have a clue actually.

Personal flame from ADMIN, what is TV coming to!

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Yep, must be a pretty big noodle shop. Would certainly question that as the "made" amount

Yes they do have tables inside and out, but no not big. No air con. Rent about 5-6000B a month, 2 staff outside the family, Laos on about 250 a day if board and food haven't been taken out of that.

No idea on the electric and gas costs, but as said no air con just a few lights at night.

25 baht a dish for some water with spices in, noodles , a few bits of veg and a few bits of meat bought from the wholesale market less than 10 baht a dish. Probably less than 7B a dish and they sell a smaller bowl for 15B so people buy will buy 2 dishes at 15B.

Open 22 hours a day.Obvioulsy they have high and low spots.

Say staff costs are not included in the previous costs of 10B and assume start up costs of the tables and cooking equipment have been paid off.

100k / 15 B / 30 days/ 22 hours = 10 sales/ hour average.

costs 15k wages + 2K electric+ 6K rent =23k

23k/30/22 /15 =2.3 dishes per hour to cover costs.

So under 13 sales per hour n average to make that.

Doesn't really need to be big does it ?

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Interesting film.

The feminist NGO tries to make a sob story about the BG with the fake tears. So far nothing new, seen that many times.

Then a guy steps in and gives them a lesson.

You must watch the faces of the feminists. Pure hatred, totally out of control, you can suddenly see their true character.

Kudos to the guy to have the balls to interrupt their ugly game!

I loved seeing the blonde burst into tears. Spoilt little bi*ch.

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Interesting film.

The feminist NGO tries to make a sob story about the BG with the fake tears. So far nothing new, seen that many times.

Then a guy steps in and gives them a lesson.

You must watch the faces of the feminists. Pure hatred, totally out of control, you can suddenly see their true character.

Kudos to the guy to have the balls to interrupt their ugly game!

I loved seeing the blonde burst into tears. Spoilt little bi*ch.

I dont quite understand how feeling overwhelmed equals being a spoilt little bitch.. any chance you can explain?

Personally i dont think the situation (all bar girls do it for fun -v- all bar girls are exploited) is as cut and dried as many people think.

Those kids felt compassion, and an old guy comes and launches an attack on them. He could have addressed them in a much better way.

Really cant see how the term spoilt little bitch applies. ???

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They sell a lot that's about all there is to it unless they are lying.

I lean towards of that farang disease called embellishment and exageration. wink.png

i would disagree as 2 of my neighbors sell noodles, both own the houses outright, both have 2 new cars, both have 5 or 6 bikes.

You would be surprised at how much money some make, giving the right position and tasteful food.

My ex's father is a taxi driver, who owns the house, 3 cars, put both daughters though uni.

So do not believe everything you hearwai.gif

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I dont quite understand how feeling overwhelmed equals being a spoilt little bitch.. any chance you can explain?

Personally i dont think the situation (all bar girls do it for fun -v- all bar girls are exploited) is as cut and dried as many people think.

Not for fun, not exploited ........ but greedy and lazy. There is a difference.

Not that I have anything in particular about greedy or lazy people, but crocodile tears about 'the kids' ..... geez.

Quite touching if your an all believing sap! I KNOW that girl in the video, she has opportunities to go home and see her kids but prefers to hook. Last Time I saw her she was living with an English guy and turning tricks whilst he was at work teaching.

Did you even read this post ?

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Interesting film.

The feminist NGO tries to make a sob story about the BG with the fake tears. So far nothing new, seen that many times.

Then a guy steps in and gives them a lesson.

You must watch the faces of the feminists. Pure hatred, totally out of control, you can suddenly see their true character.

Kudos to the guy to have the balls to interrupt their ugly game!

I loved seeing the blonde burst into tears. Spoilt little bi*ch.

ermm.gif What classifies her as a spoilt little bitch! do you know her personally?

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I dont quite understand how feeling overwhelmed equals being a spoilt little bitch.. any chance you can explain?

Personally i dont think the situation (all bar girls do it for fun -v- all bar girls are exploited) is as cut and dried as many people think.

Not for fun, not exploited ........ but greedy and lazy. There is a difference.

Not that I have anything in particular about greedy or lazy people, but crocodile tears about 'the kids' ..... geez.

Quite touching if your an all believing sap! I KNOW that girl in the video, she has opportunities to go home and see her kids but prefers to hook. Last Time I saw her she was living with an English guy and turning tricks whilst he was at work teaching.

Did you even read this post ?

Err yes but I posted at 11 am and he posted at 2.04 pm. So whats your point??

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Interesting film.

The feminist NGO tries to make a sob story about the BG with the fake tears. So far nothing new, seen that many times.

Then a guy steps in and gives them a lesson.

You must watch the faces of the feminists. Pure hatred, totally out of control, you can suddenly see their true character.

Kudos to the guy to have the balls to interrupt their ugly game!

It's amazing how we all can watch the same video and see completely different things. I thought the guy was being rather uncouth. Maybe this whole thread is some sort of sociological experiment.

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Err yes but I posted at 11 am and he posted at 2.04 pm. So whats your point??

My point was the Eek didn't appear to read your post (from reading her later comments).

And your post supported my post (hooker lazy and greedy not starving and desperate).

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It'd be interesting to see what percent of attempted restaurants/food cart businesses in Thailand succeed vs fail. I am guessing the numbers are probably about the same as in the West, which is not good. it is a tough and very competitive industry.

You're right, it's like everywhere, some succeed, some fails.

We know success stories like the one from arthurwait, their restaurants are usually full from the opening to the time they close. Their secret, according to my wife because I'm not specialized in Thai food, is usually their food is much better than anything else you can find in the neighborhood.

One the other hand our favorite taxi driver, a very nice, very honest hard working guy has already left his taxi three times to start his own business. Three time he went bankrupt and went back to drive his taxi.

Some people are born to run a business and some are not.

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It'd be interesting to see what percent of attempted restaurants/food cart businesses in Thailand succeed vs fail. I am guessing the numbers are probably about the same as in the West, which is not good. it is a tough and very competitive industry.

And I'm guessing greedy and lazy people won't do well in such a business environment.

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Err yes but I posted at 11 am and he posted at 2.04 pm. So whats your point??

My point was the Eek didn't appear to read your post (from reading her later comments).

And your post supported my post (hooker lazy and greedy not starving and desperate).

Ok got it now. im a bit slow today. Sorry

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It would be nice if they made a show explaining the sex tourism is only a fraction of prostitution in Thailand in comparisson to what goes on in the country by it's own people....but they won't and ever will and besides 'dirty old men' are there to be lambasted in this day and age.

Instead of poor country girls who haven't had a gun put to their head and chosen to do this for a living these NGO's need to concentrate on the traffickers and kiddy fiddlers....how coudl they rescue that woman in the clip with her 2 kids to feed?

The answer in the UK is to set her up in a bungalow, pay the rent and give her hand outs all donated by the working tax payer....bet thai people would love that if it was put on them...not.

To rescue someone they need to want rescuing. That girl in the clip doesnt, she enjoys what she does and the money it brings. The only problem is that they spend it as fast as they earn it and hence stay in the game for a long long time. job prospects for a thai bar girl?

1. New in the game young hottie - pole shuffling plenty of bar fines (probably last chance to get out if meet a farang)

2. Been in the game a while, getting older - beer bars, not so many bar fines attain expert level in connect 4 and jenga.

3. Been in the game longer, over 30 - BJ bars and anything goes establishments.

4. Getiing past it - Mamasan

5. Way past it - Sukhumvit road/Lumpini

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Interesting film.

The feminist NGO tries to make a sob story about the BG with the fake tears. So far nothing new, seen that many times.

Then a guy steps in and gives them a lesson.

You must watch the faces of the feminists. Pure hatred, totally out of control, you can suddenly see their true character.

Kudos to the guy to have the balls to interrupt their ugly game!

It's amazing how we all can watch the same video and see completely different things. I thought the guy was being rather uncouth. Maybe this whole thread is some sort of sociological experiment.

Yes, it is pretty interesting to read the various very different view points.

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Those kids felt compassion, and an old guy comes and launches an attack on them. He could have addressed them in a much better way.

These feminist NGOs and their reports they later show in the West have only one reason: shaming and blaming the "dirty old men". Or "sexpats" how you call it.

As you can see from the staged faked tears, truth and objectivity is not really their mission. Their mission is gender-hate. And the hatred you can see very well if you watch the scenes carefully.

The guy probably realized what was going on at that moment. And he stepped in for a few seconds. Should he have been "nicer" and "friendlier"? No. They are haters and they don't deserve politeness.

Totally agree. Do gooders and bible bashers should stay out of those areas and stop trying to convert/change the unconvertable/unchangeable.

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It would be nice if they made a show explaining the sex tourism is only a fraction of prostitution in Thailand in comparisson to what goes on in the country by it's own people....but they won't and ever will and besides 'dirty old men' are there to be lambasted in this day and age.

Instead of poor country girls who haven't had a gun put to their head and chosen to do this for a living these NGO's need to concentrate on the traffickers and kiddy fiddlers....how coudl they rescue that woman in the clip with her 2 kids to feed?

The answer in the UK is to set her up in a bungalow, pay the rent and give her hand outs all donated by the working tax payer....bet thai people would love that if it was put on them...not.

missing the point about exploitation and slavery, what if that were your daughter, sister, mother etc, a culling at imigration when ticking the come for sexual tourism box

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missing the point about exploitation and slavery, what if that were your daughter, sister, mother etc, a culling at imigration when ticking the come for sexual tourism box

You are missing the point, how can you help someone who has no wish to be helped?

The answer in the UK is to set her up in a bungalow, pay the rent and give her hand outs all donated by the working tax payer....bet thai people would love that if it was put on them...not.

This is what the Uk does, and they often turn a few tricks on the side, you can't help these people.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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It would be nice if they made a show explaining the sex tourism is only a fraction of prostitution in Thailand in comparisson to what goes on in the country by it's own people....but they won't and ever will and besides 'dirty old men' are there to be lambasted in this day and age.

Instead of poor country girls who haven't had a gun put to their head and chosen to do this for a living these NGO's need to concentrate on the traffickers and kiddy fiddlers....how coudl they rescue that woman in the clip with her 2 kids to feed?

The answer in the UK is to set her up in a bungalow, pay the rent and give her hand outs all donated by the working tax payer....bet thai people would love that if it was put on them...not.

missing the point about exploitation and slavery, what if that were your daughter, sister, mother etc, a culling at imigration when ticking the come for sexual tourism box

my daughter, sister, mother etc wouldnt enter that trade because they are neither lazy or motivated by material things

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It would be nice if they made a show explaining the sex tourism is only a fraction of prostitution in Thailand in comparisson to what goes on in the country by it's own people....but they won't and ever will and besides 'dirty old men' are there to be lambasted in this day and age.

Instead of poor country girls who haven't had a gun put to their head and chosen to do this for a living these NGO's need to concentrate on the traffickers and kiddy fiddlers....how coudl they rescue that woman in the clip with her 2 kids to feed?

The answer in the UK is to set her up in a bungalow, pay the rent and give her hand outs all donated by the working tax payer....bet thai people would love that if it was put on them...not.

missing the point about exploitation and slavery, what if that were your daughter, sister, mother etc, a culling at imigration when ticking the come for sexual tourism box

and you are missing the point about prostitution being home grown in Thailand....the Thai brothels and karaoke bars are where the real human suffering comes from not the tourist bars, what that girl made was a life choice by going to work bar to gain material things/feed her children, we all know in Issan/Thailand that nobody goes hungry really not with the abundance of food that grows there...

If someone is forced to do something then yes they have my fullest sympathy but I would like to think I could show my children the right way of going about things to coin a phrase 'lead by example'


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Farang 000999 said " But when farang make these comments, they do so with an air of superiority.

Bloody right I think I am superior to a prostitute, and so do all Thais not in this business!!

You and the likes of you are the root of all that is wrong in the world. YOU are not superior to anyone, nor is anyone superion to you. The sooner everyone realizes this and get off their high horses, the better.

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