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Safety Measures For Foreign Tourists In Thailand To Be Stepped Up


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Last great idea was to make 7-11 the "help" point or something like that.

"Help I've been stabbed"

"Ow salapou perm mai kha?"

" Yes I can use it to block the artery that's been severed."

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How about CCTV on beach road in Phuket and Patong. Surely they would show the jet ski mafia extorting baht from tourists under the threat of violence.

100% agreed but sadly it will never happen. Edited by Skywalker69
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If they are serious about tourists welfare, then awareness should be the first priority, followed by security.

Produce a booklet (or book!) highlighting the hazards and what to look out for. If the tourist is aware then that is the first step to his/her/their safety.

Of course this will never happen unfortunately.....................sad.png

How many volumes would be needed??????

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... there is also a huge number of people that speak English and also many other languages as well ... there are more Thais than can speak English than there are English speakers that can speak Thai.

Yes, but both of these people work in other industries.

Can we get a cadre of people who speak Thai and good English to help tourists? Seriously, it's not like I'm asking for a fluent English speaker to help me negotiate better prices at an up-country floating market. Just someone to whom I can report that I've had my wallet stolen, or been stabbed, and would like basic police assistance and medical attention so I can feed myself, pay my hotel bill, and not bleed to death on Sukhumvit?

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representatives from hospitals which are popular among Middle East visitors would be invited to a discussion following complaints from tourists that their medical charges are too high.

You have got to be sh*tting me?!?!?!?!....In the first place what the hell does that have to do with the security of tourist, and just who the hell cares about the M.E. ( I use that abbreviation because I cannot come up with vulgar enough language to truly depict what I think of these animals) tossers who cannot afford the incredibly inexpensive and high quality medical services available here??!?!?!?!

(While your opting screams a bit of racism...) I do agree that "safety of tourists" and "cost of medical tourism" are totally unrelated issues. If you don't like the prices, don't come here to "shop". It's a free country and Thai hospitals can charge whatever they damned well want, IMHO.

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Last great idea was to make 7-11 the "help" point or something like that. I guess that failed so now onto another "great" idea.

Good memory... whatever did happen to this bright idea? (That was sincere, not sarcasm... having every 7-11 act as a safe haven seems brilliant!)

Good question, what happenedw00t.gif

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If they are serious about tourists welfare, then awareness should be the first priority, followed by security.

Produce a booklet (or book!) highlighting the hazards and what to look out for. If the tourist is aware then that is the first step to his/her/their safety.

Of course this will never happen unfortunately.....................sad.png

How many volumes would be needed??????

Yep, you would have to give each family a Kindle and e-book it up!.........tongue.png

They might be able to increase the order of and use the new tablets for the schools, reckon thet should last long enough for a 2 week/3 week holiday period. Anything over this, it would need to be a Kindle.....................wink.png

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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

I know a Thai that speak 4 languages quiet well, chinese, french, english and thai... I'm sure he is not alone. I think it just depends on what kind of circles you travel it.

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Police patrols will be reinforced in areas most frequented by tourists such as beaches

Would this include Pattaya and Phuket? rolleyes.gif

Maybe. But, definitely not Koh Samui, the forgotten island. There is zero law enforcement here. We have an impotent sheriff, Prasert Jitmung, who has decided his time is best spent arresting foreigners who own property on the island, in a Thai business entity. There is no crime to fight. There is no improvement to be made. There are no local gangsters. The taxi mafia behaves itself. Let's go after foreigners who have invested a fortune propping up our local economy. Pure genius.

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Let's stay positive! At least they are doing something!

But it has been proven that this does not reduce crime: "more CCTV will be installed in various spots". And of course "a central tourist center will be established to be manned by staff who can speak 7 different languages and equipped with sufficient hotlines to communicate with tourists" is not really crime prevention either.

But more police patrol out on the streets are, that is a fact. This really helps. Of course only as far as it is put into effect.

To a large extent the ball is in our court: we have to try not to be too stupid and not too drunk, and thereby offering up ourselves as willing sacrifices. Keep your wits about you when out and try not to go alone and to places that have a bad reputation.

Also of course when it comes to obvious fraud / extorsion like seems to be the case with jet ski rental, we can demand that the authorities take action and stop this practice. A simple contract stating that the customer is not responsible for damages on the equipment. The renters should then calculate wear and tear as part of their operating expenses and be obliged to have insurance that would cover greater damges. Very simple. Then one of the police's job could simply be to check that the renters follow these regulations.

What think ye?

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Police patrols will be reinforced in areas most frequented by tourists such as beaches

Would this include Pattaya and Phuket? rolleyes.gif

Of course, these are prime centres for the colelction of tea money - you know just to keep people safe

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Be careful of CCTV cameras, they can be used for more than just safety. Also, u can blame thais or the police or alcohol, whatever. but crime is a product of the society we have created. Simple fix isn't cameras or more cops, its deeper than that.

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If the police would do a proper job,then most would be fine,but problem is police is involved in most tourist related crimes.

if the police would enforce the traffic laws,i assume a lot of life could be saved

The police are way to busy to enforce the traffic law. They pull over tourists because they know they have the money to pay. And then shake them down telling them pay here or waste 2 hours of their time and pay at the station. Of course you get a copy of the ticket at the police station. You don't when you pay here from the police that stopped you.
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I deplore the idea that "cctv" is good police work. Perhaps if the police were seen at night in Pattaya, doing something than hassling the beach girls, then perhaps the incidents of crime against tourists would decrease. But having said that, has there really been an increase, if so is it significant or just a statistical blip? What about the crime of the cops stopping farang on a bike and asking for a 500baht fine for ... something.

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Seriously man, where are you from and just how much Thai do you speak. I have travelled over most of Thailand and yes, many people don't speak anything other than Thai, but most people don't need to. Then there is also a huge number of people that speak English and also many other languages as well. If you are married to a Thai then there surely is one that speaks two languages. Be fair when you comment about this as there are more Thais than can speak English than there are English speakers that can speak Thai.

Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

How about CCTV on beach road in Phuket and Patong. Surely they would show the jet ski mafia extorting baht from tourists under the threat of violence.

How to do if the owner of the jet ski rental is a policeman,or the police gets 50000bt tea money per months?

And don't forget that the policeman has to pay a percentage to the next guy up and the next guy up and so on.
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'Police patrols will be reinforced in areas most frequented by tourists such as beaches and city centers' ...........when I read this, the first thing that sprang into my mind was the memory of watching the Thai police act as negotiators/enforcers for the pond life character renting out jet ski's and scamming innocent people of their holiday money in Puket,,,,,that Big Trouble in Thailand thing .......oh, and the police execution of that Canadian guy in Pai and the attempted cover up by local cops ........anybody out there have more stories?

Having more of a police presents just scares the sh!t out of me.
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If the police would do a proper job,then most would be fine,but problem is police is involved in most tourist related crimes.

if the police would enforce the traffic laws,i assume a lot of life could be saved

why not all go back to a much safer Europe?????????? LOL

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If the police would do a proper job,then most would be fine,but problem is police is involved in most tourist related crimes.

if the police would enforce the traffic laws,i assume a lot of life could be saved

why not all go back to a much safer Europe?????????? LOL

or US

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Always grateful to see how the government here cares about tourists :)

In my humble opinion, the key problem that needs to be addressed, with the help of forensic scientists, and medical epidemiologists, and geneticists, is the infection of balconies in Pattaya by an unknown biological agent, which, somehow sensitive to the presence of male farangs on them, suddenly make the whole balcony buckle violently, sling-shotting the farang to his death, below.


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