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Safety Measures For Foreign Tourists In Thailand To Be Stepped Up


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Seriously man, where are you from and just how much Thai do you speak. I have travelled over most of Thailand and yes, many people don't speak anything other than Thai, but most people don't need to. Then there is also a huge number of people that speak English and also many other languages as well. If you are married to a Thai then there surely is one that speaks two languages. Be fair when you comment about this as there are more Thais than can speak English than there are English speakers that can speak Thai.

Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

The article said '7 languages', which Chef is referring to. Calm down.

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Goodness, you guys are scaring me!

I will be visiting Thailand from the 7th August for 2-3weeks. How do I avoid all these things?! I haven't the money to be having police scam me or anyone else for that matter. A couple of dollars here and there I can tolerate, but not frequent or large fines etc.

If I just go to cheap places and don't engage in all the expensive tourist stuff will I be okay?

I don't plan on riding jet skis or any expensive stuff, I might not even use a scooter if the risk of fines by corrupt police is high.

Advice please.

Where shouldn't I go?

What shouldn't I do?

What places are safe?



Don't do what you see Thai people do ahd think it applies to you. Just follow the laws as they are written. Like wearing a helmut and don't drink and drive. But mark my words in 3 weeks you will get stopped only because of the color of your skin. And don't talk back when you are stopped. Just smile, pay the 500 baht (20 dollars) and go on your merry way. You'll have a good time. All of us on here complain because we live here and have just been here to long and have seen it all. For you, just have fun and get laid

Straight to the point drdoom6996. If you live here long enough you've seen it all. And every time you visit the Immigration Office for your visa extension they point a loaded gun against your head to apply for a visa. If you ever try to leave this wonderful country the will shoot you at the airport or border crossing. So for this we expats has no other chose than to stay the rest of our miserable lives in the Land Of Smiles. But the beers are cheap and the girls in the bars tell us that we are the most handsome man and they will love us long time..

And we have Thai Visa to complain about everything and show our knowledge about everything.

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So many cases with no follow up. Food poisonings, chemical deaths, stabbings, building jumps, drownings, and others like accident rundowns. No follow up no original police "enforcement" or due diligence. No detective work, no willingness to cooperate with foreign doctors and embassies and worst, no reporting follow up.

This article is not to be taken seriously.

Well I would have to agree with you if I relied on the news papers. But I live in Chiang Mai and we had four unexplained deaths in the same hotel in about a two month period plus two who survived and the WHO was called in. So I know for a fact that what you read in the papers is not always the real facts but they are facts that will sell news papers.

But I do agree that Thailand is not up to the standards we see on. Crime Scene Investigation.

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BANGKOK, 27 July 2012 (NNT) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior are joining hands in stepping up security measures to assure safety for foreign tourists in Thailand.

"From now on all foreigners heading to Thailand in a " Krueng Bin" will have to wear a helmet before landing in Thailand.

Those who're already staying here must stay at a house on the first, but not higher than second floor, to reduce balcony accidents with a deadly outcome."

Full Moon parties on Ko Phangan from now on will be without the accessibly of drugs, alcohol and other substances that could harm them.

Chemical substances like Viagra won't be available for foreigners older than 18 to avoid heart attacks.

.Sex is only allowed with support of Royal Thai Tourist Police Volunteers from Ghana.

Foreigners are not allowed to drive motorbikes with more than 25cc.

Jet Ski operators and tourist guides from Myanmar will have the responsibility to make sure that they really enjoy their holidays.

The use of condoms will be prohibited, because some of them aren't suitable for foreigners.

Banana spitting girls in Go-Go bars must not use fruits to stimulate their customers as fruits can be as harmful as weapons.

Hookah smoking will be forbidden, because the Surgeon General has determined that smoking can cause impotence.

Foreigners are not allowed to talk to locals as a misunderstanding could cause serious problems for the Aliens.

Banana boats will not be allowed to have fun. Bananas will only be allowed for foreigners' wives to gain a sort of satisfaction, while their men are playing golf.

Tourists who're into Para gliding will have to inform the Royal Air Force to ensure that a rope from a helicopter attached to their bodies will make sure that they'll still be airborne, even after the boat exploded.

Foreigners who wish to become English teachers have to have an IQ of at least 256.

Those foreigners who pass the TCT test will receive a free tablet PC and a wireless dog.

Applications for a ten day Thai tourist visa will have to be given to the Thai Consulate in Haiti in person at least three months before entering.

Foreigners who already receive a pension are not allowed to enter the Kingdom without their Grandparents.

Aliens with Tattoos, Piercings and other cartoon characters will not given the chance to enter the country.

These measures will dramatically decrease risks for foreigners in LOS and are herewith necessary. wai.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Seriously man, where are you from and just how much Thai do you speak. I have travelled over most of Thailand and yes, many people don't speak anything other than Thai, but most people don't need to. Then there is also a huge number of people that speak English and also many other languages as well. If you are married to a Thai then there surely is one that speaks two languages. Be fair when you comment about this as there are more Thais than can speak English than there are English speakers that can speak Thai.

Rubbish !!! I have seen so many farangs married to a Thai lady who can barely speak English and nor can the farang barely speak Thai... and that is why you most often see a Farang husband in a bar / restaurant with his so called "the wife ( Thai )" who is sitting with her Thai friends and THE HUSBAND is sitting with his farang friends ... Now where do YOU come from again ..??? Go to a party or even a frineds home dinner invitation and see the scenario ...! And restaurants / bars also ..C'mon !

Annabel, did you ever hire a jetski? Despite my kids protests, and as a decent Thai speaker, where would one honestly embark on such an adventure?

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Last great idea was to make 7-11 the "help" point or something like that. I guess that failed so now onto another "great" idea.

Good memory... whatever did happen to this bright idea? (That was sincere, not sarcasm... having every 7-11 act as a safe haven seems brilliant!)

And most of the staff at any given 7/11 would be able to handle an urgent situtation and react and do the needful ...???? As they all speak very good English right ...?? blink.png

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Wow, super-human, seven language speaking tourist helpers. Maybe they'll just ship in the bartenders from Siem Reap? They're the only people I've ever met who can actually speak seven languages.

In related news, a Canadien friend recently stopped by the TAT headquarters in Bangkok and was greeted only by severely broken English and a complete inability to understand what he was saying. Long way to go...

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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

Guess that you do not get out much. I will not take the trouble enumerate for you the various languages that I have heard Thais speak but your comment is certainly that of an uninformed person. Perhaps you should take your old father's advice.biggrin.png
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Everyone seems to miss the comment concerning medical cost rip off of farangs. I recently went to Bangkok Hospital for second opinion and they wanted to do 200,000 BAHT surgery the next day to remove bones in my hand. Medical is turning into the big legal rip off for tourists at least in Bangkok. Not true here in Udon Thani where no seperate pricing for Thai and Farang.

Private hospitals are a business and has always been a business. $7000 for surgery is nothing compared to the west, where just a visit to doctor costs $300

That's in the USA .... not everywhere in the West !

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Goodness, you guys are scaring me!

I will be visiting Thailand from the 7th August for 2-3weeks. How do I avoid all these things?! I haven't the money to be having police scam me or anyone else for that matter. A couple of dollars here and there I can tolerate, but not frequent or large fines etc.

If I just go to cheap places and don't engage in all the expensive tourist stuff will I be okay?

I don't plan on riding jet skis or any expensive stuff, I might not even use a scooter if the risk of fines by corrupt police is high.

Advice please.

Where shouldn't I go?

What shouldn't I do?

What places are safe?



Don't do what you see Thai people do ahd think it applies to you. Just follow the laws as they are written. Like wearing a helmut and don't drink and drive. But mark my words in 3 weeks you will get stopped only because of the color of your skin. And don't talk back when you are stopped. Just smile, pay the 500 baht (20 dollars) and go on your merry way. You'll have a good time. All of us on here complain because we live here and have just been here to long and have seen it all. For you, just have fun and get laid

Straight to the point drdoom6996. If you live here long enough you've seen it all. And every time you visit the Immigration Office for your visa extension they point a loaded gun against your head to apply for a visa. If you ever try to leave this wonderful country the will shoot you at the airport or border crossing. So for this we expats has no other chose than to stay the rest of our miserable lives in the Land Of Smiles. But the beers are cheap and the girls in the bars tell us that we are the most handsome man and they will love us long time..

And we have Thai Visa to complain about everything and show our knowledge about everything.

I have a lawyer that goes to immigration for me.
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Thailand and crime against toursits. Key Facts Illustration.

  1. The safer the tourists (i.e. the more protection and anti-crime measures the government prodives), the less likely is it that they will be scammed and the less money that can be extracted from them and into the hands of the criminal fraternity.
  2. Most successful and smartest criminals that are nested within the tourist industry pay a premium to local bosses, who in turn pay a premium to regional bosses.
  3. In return for the premium, the criminal pyramid is given permission to trade, usually slightly over into the dark side of the law to give them competitive advantage within the local/regional economy.
  4. Protect tourists, turn off a lucrative revenue stream to local and regional bosses.

QED. Those in positions of power who are entrusted to actualy implement any new rules will not do so because it will cost them financially thus conflicting with their own personal interests.

An example of this is jet ski operators in Phuket. They don't actually murder and rape, but they do steal - and very openly. Some Thais might even consider this justifiable as in a necessary and fair way to extract a proportional amount of return from a disproportionately wealthy foreigner. They are allowed to continue to operate despite very international outrage simply because they pay the local cops an operators charge. The cops in Phuket almost certainly pay somebody to be allowed to allow jet ski scam to continue, and so on. Why do they do this? Do they think it's ok to rip off tourists? Yes they do. They see us every day in the bars, fighting in the streets, taking girls (and boys), hedonistic debauchery some may say. If you genuinely beleive that the locals and Thai cops in Phuket, Koh Samui, Pattaya or any other bar/beach/girly hot spot have any respect whatsoever for the two week tourist then you are sadly deluded.

Until the mentality of the majority of Thais is significantly altered with regards to their view of tourist personal wealth value and the great 'unfairness' of life the univserse and everything, AND, the bosses who are paid to allow reasonably petty criminal activity (stabbings and wanton violence are frowned upon, most crimes are theft and extortion/fear based) to continue (in reflection of the the redistribution of wealth because of the great 'unfairness' (and envy) of foreign wealth) crime will continue.

The sound-bite for this discussion is simple.

Corruption and kick backs within the circles of power (not even a need to say who) will continue to permit crime against tourists. All responses to pressure from consulates and other groups will be met with token gesture attempts at appeasement, where the Thais will still maintain CONTROL over who get's the whack.

CCTV? Sorry, can't find the tape mate...

+1 and this is not sarcasm (did I spell that right?).

I would never rent a jet ski in Phuket...Boycott works and only thing that will. I agree with what you say...will not change by Thais.

you hit the nail on the head. As a lot of foreigners seem to show very little in the way of common sense the moment they set foot in Thailand, perhaps a a more robust and idiot proof formula is required. Perhaps an enforced boycot, An example of which would be the government of Australia making it a criminal offence for it's citizens to hire jet skies whilst visiting Thailand. Another example could be the United Kingdom making it a criminal offence for it's citizens to invest any money earned in revenue or returned from a UK Pension Fund or other onshore investment (ISA, Endownment etc) in property or a businesses within Thailand that can not be owned legally, and in the majority, by the investor (in other words, you can't).

Just a thought.

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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

I agree , your Father was a great man..... I had such a father-in-law, in Issan.... this is what he said also...... Maybe it can be stated... It is not what you say, but how you say it !!!!!! Or maybe, let your lips speak with a purpose, and not a purpose that your lips speak.......

Great post...

Thank you!


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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

How many languages do you speak? A lot more Thais speak a eoreign language than Englanders or yanks

This whole ideal scares me in ways..... Can we all remember one thing? PLEASE? To know the language promotes understanding, and in understanding comes, a happier person..... That is what I have learned in dealing with Thais (both Issan and Thai dialect.....) My wife is almost fluent in American English now.... A 4.0 student in college..... I am proud of her.... It has made our relationship better.... On either side, it takes a long time to understand..... Let us not make it more confusing than it has to be.......

If you are there? You ae a quest....

If you are there? Take time to pay attention.....

Just my opinion........

Have a nice day, no matter where you are......


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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

I know a Thai that speak 4 languages quiet well, chinese, french, english and thai... I'm sure he is not alone. I think it just depends on what kind of circles you travel it.

Bingo. You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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Everyone seems to miss the comment concerning medical cost rip off of farangs. I recently went to Bangkok Hospital for second opinion and they wanted to do 200,000 BAHT surgery the next day to remove bones in my hand. Medical is turning into the big legal rip off for tourists at least in Bangkok. Not true here in Udon Thani where no seperate pricing for Thai and Farang.

Private hospitals are a business and has always been a business. $7000 for surgery is nothing compared to the west, where just a visit to doctor costs $300

That's in the USA .... not everywhere in the West !

Have you been everywhere in the West? I have been to private hospitals in 5 countries and it was

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How about CCTV on beach road in Phuket and Patong. Surely they would show the jet ski mafia extorting baht from tourists under the threat of violence.

Great idea, but what FKN good will it do, everyone knows it is going on, and Nothing has been done for YEARS

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So many cases with no follow up. Food poisonings, chemical deaths, stabbings, building jumps, drownings, and others like accident rundowns. No follow up no original police "enforcement" or due diligence. No detective work, no willingness to cooperate with foreign doctors and embassies and worst, no reporting follow up.

This article is not to be taken seriously.

Hit the nail squarely on the head there man,

in the "Mai Bpen Rai" society this article is an insult added to the barrage of injuries that tourism has suffered in Thailand of late.

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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

How many languages do you speak? A lot more Thais speak a eoreign language than Englanders or yanks

This whole ideal scares me in ways..... Can we all remember one thing? PLEASE? To know the language promotes understanding, and in understanding comes, a happier person..... That is what I have learned in dealing with Thais (both Issan and Thai dialect.....) My wife is almost fluent in American English now.... A 4.0 student in college..... I am proud of her.... It has made our relationship better.... On either side, it takes a long time to understand..... Let us not make it more confusing than it has to be.......

If you are there? You ae a quest....

If you are there? Take time to pay attention.....

Just my opinion........

Have a nice day, no matter where you are......


I.....Hope.....Someone....else....teaches Her....Punctuation.....and Grammar....

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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

How many languages do you speak? A lot more Thais speak a eoreign language than Englanders or yanks

This whole ideal scares me in ways..... Can we all remember one thing? PLEASE? To know the language promotes understanding, and in understanding comes, a happier person..... That is what I have learned in dealing with Thais (both Issan and Thai dialect.....) My wife is almost fluent in American English now.... A 4.0 student in college..... I am proud of her.... It has made our relationship better.... On either side, it takes a long time to understand..... Let us not make it more confusing than it has to be.......

If you are there? You ae a quest....

If you are there? Take time to pay attention.....

Just my opinion........

Have a nice day, no matter where you are......


So the next step is to learn english ? Now that she is fluent in American

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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

Guess that you do not get out much. I will not take the trouble enumerate for you the various languages that I have heard Thais speak but your comment is certainly that of an uninformed person. Perhaps you should take your old father's advice.biggrin.png

And how many of those languages do you speak? Fluent enough to determine what they said was actually a language not a string of words from a soap opera......

I heard Thai speak prices in Russian , I speak Russian about 90%.

The only words he knew were numbers to say the price, would you consider him speaking another language ?

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How about CCTV on beach road in Phuket and Patong. Surely they would show the jet ski mafia extorting baht from tourists under the threat of violence.

Everyone knows who the big man of the jet ski scams is... including the police in Pattaya, definitely even those in high in office in Pattaya...to NOT know could be likened to cutting of the left hand. Tackling thuggery at its root is simply being honest & truthfully putting behind bars those who do not comply.... but thats definitely hard work it seems here... it is easier to smile and paint the town. Now putting CCTV and all these post-violence attempts to define crime better.... is only good for the paper work. It does not physically protect any Tourist nor does it create an atmosphere of safety. The crime fighters are all tipped to have eyes open or to close them and even then they do not and cannot take action. The only benefits of CCTV.... more footage for the media and public discussion,

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Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

I know a Thai that speak 4 languages quiet well, chinese, french, english and thai... I'm sure he is not alone. I think it just depends on what kind of circles you travel it.

2 questions for you.

1. Do you speak French and Chinese ?

2. Do you think that Thai who you know would work in such a job discussed in OP?

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Goodness, you guys are scaring me!

I will be visiting Thailand from the 7th August for 2-3weeks. How do I avoid all these things?! I haven't the money to be having police scam me or anyone else for that matter. A couple of dollars here and there I can tolerate, but not frequent or large fines etc.

If I just go to cheap places and don't engage in all the expensive tourist stuff will I be okay?

I don't plan on riding jet skis or any expensive stuff, I might not even use a scooter if the risk of fines by corrupt police is high.

Advice please.

Where shouldn't I go?

What shouldn't I do?

What places are safe?



Don't do what you see Thai people do ahd think it applies to you. Just follow the laws as they are written. Like wearing a helmut and don't drink and drive. But mark my words in 3 weeks you will get stopped only because of the color of your skin. And don't talk back when you are stopped. Just smile, pay the 500 baht (20 dollars) and go on your merry way. You'll have a good time. All of us on here complain because we live here and have just been here to long and have seen it all. For you, just have fun and get laid

helmut is German, helmet is a protectve device

check the exchange rate

If you wear a helmet, and have a thai drivers license, when you get stopped for tea money, you just hand the guy 100 baht. They will be able to do nothing but accept it. They are banking on the fact that you are breaking the laws. When you have your stuff in order, there is little they can do, except move on to the next guy.

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Thailand and crime against toursits. Key Facts Illustration.

  1. The safer the tourists (i.e. the more protection and anti-crime measures the government prodives), the less likely is it that they will be scammed and the less money that can be extracted from them and into the hands of the criminal fraternity.
  2. Most successful and smartest criminals that are nested within the tourist industry pay a premium to local bosses, who in turn pay a premium to regional bosses.
  3. In return for the premium, the criminal pyramid is given permission to trade, usually slightly over into the dark side of the law to give them competitive advantage within the local/regional economy.
  4. Protect tourists, turn off a lucrative revenue stream to local and regional bosses.

QED. Those in positions of power who are entrusted to actualy implement any new rules will not do so because it will cost them financially thus conflicting with their own personal interests.

An example of this is jet ski operators in Phuket. They don't actually murder and rape, but they do steal - and very openly. Some Thais might even consider this justifiable as in a necessary and fair way to extract a proportional amount of return from a disproportionately wealthy foreigner. They are allowed to continue to operate despite very international outrage simply because they pay the local cops an operators charge. The cops in Phuket almost certainly pay somebody to be allowed to allow jet ski scam to continue, and so on. Why do they do this? Do they think it's ok to rip off tourists? Yes they do. They see us every day in the bars, fighting in the streets, taking girls (and boys), hedonistic debauchery some may say. If you genuinely beleive that the locals and Thai cops in Phuket, Koh Samui, Pattaya or any other bar/beach/girly hot spot have any respect whatsoever for the two week tourist then you are sadly deluded.

Until the mentality of the majority of Thais is significantly altered with regards to their view of tourist personal wealth value and the great 'unfairness' of life the univserse and everything, AND, the bosses who are paid to allow reasonably petty criminal activity (stabbings and wanton violence are frowned upon, most crimes are theft and extortion/fear based) to continue (in reflection of the the redistribution of wealth because of the great 'unfairness' (and envy) of foreign wealth) crime will continue.

The sound-bite for this discussion is simple.

Corruption and kick backs within the circles of power (not even a need to say who) will continue to permit crime against tourists. All responses to pressure from consulates and other groups will be met with token gesture attempts at appeasement, where the Thais will still maintain CONTROL over who get's the whack.

CCTV? Sorry, can't find the tape mate...

+1 and this is not sarcasm (did I spell that right?).

There is a rather huge difference between sarcasm and truth. Truth be told. Thailand needs more truth.

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manned by staff who can speak 7 different languages

The language most useful to step up safety for foreign tourists would be Thai. Just saying. rolleyes.gif

I hope they all made a vow to do thid along with another crackdown

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Everyone seems to miss the comment concerning medical cost rip off of farangs. I recently went to Bangkok Hospital for second opinion and they wanted to do 200,000 BAHT surgery the next day to remove bones in my hand. Medical is turning into the big legal rip off for tourists at least in Bangkok. Not true here in Udon Thani where no seperate pricing for Thai and Farang.

Private hospitals are a business and has always been a business. $7000 for surgery is nothing compared to the west, where just a visit to doctor costs $300

A friend of mine got into a serious motorcycle accident. He went to Bangkok Hospital Samui, which may be the most expensive hospital in Thailand. He then trasnferred to Thai International, where he was told by a surgeon that the same doctors work at both hospitals. The cost was 55% less, for virtually everything. He was quoted 1,350,000 baht for one operation on his leg at Bangkok Samui Hospital. A complicated procedure. He then went to Bangkok. He checked a local, private hospital, and was quoted 460,000 baht for the same procedure. One of the surgeons took pity on him, and told him he would look into doing the procedure at a public hospital. Same surgeon, and good facilities. He was quoted 46,000 baht, which he went forward with, and the results were fine. So, it pays to shop around, and I would advise avoiding BHS at all costs, unless it is a simple exam. Also BHS will not allow you the option of NOT BUYING prescriptions at their drugstore, which charges 100-200% more than the local pharmacies. That alone is a good reason to not use their services. As close as you can get to a mafia type hospital, though having said that, it is an excellent hospital, if money is not an object.

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Seriously man, where are you from and just how much Thai do you speak. I have travelled over most of Thailand and yes, many people don't speak anything other than Thai, but most people don't need to. Then there is also a huge number of people that speak English and also many other languages as well. If you are married to a Thai then there surely is one that speaks two languages. Be fair when you comment about this as there are more Thais than can speak English than there are English speakers that can speak Thai.

Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

My wife is Thai and can speak English,Chinese and vietnamese . To many get on here make comments about things they know nothing about

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