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Ear Wax Therapy


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Not sure about a salon.

I also have too many wax, I get myself ear wax remover drops from the pharmacy, drop in, relax, and clean with water and you hear sounds you didn’t hear for a long time

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Name: Dr. Prayuth Tunsuriyawong @ Bumrungrad he is an excellent ENT Specialist and has removed ear wax for me on many occasions. Speaks perfect English.

I have been going to the Ear Clinic in Cavendish Square London for micro suction which is amazingly good, painfree and realtively inexpensive and I am led to believe that Bumrungrad were also to embark on this treatment also

l pr of ears/ l pair of eyes, my advice is to seek the best professional care if possible.

Good luck

Edited by edwinclapham
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I had my ear wax removed at Bangkok/ Pattaya hospital some 5 yr ago. The Dr. actually scraped the wax out. In the process he infected my ear drum and I spent the next 10 days on morphine tabs. In the states they used a water pic, like you use to clean teeth with. Warm water with peroxide did a great job.

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Please, Please, Please do not go for anything other than orthodox medical, aniti-septic wax removal remedies, preferably by medical authoritiies.

You run the risk of infection, perforation or destruction of the Eardrum and eventual total loss of hearing in that ear, if nothing else!

Most physicians will advise that it is not a good idea to begin the removal of wax, as once you begin the problem will eventually reocurr...


As a long-time sufferer.... it is horses for courses... once the wax builds up to the point that it is both uncomfortable and affects your hearing -

that counsel becomes debateable.

For me... and I do not not presume to advise others... I initially went to a medcal clinic. They advised me to use drops of sterile olive oil for several days in the affected ears and then return. Which I did. The nurse then used a very large metalic syringe filled with sterile water and 'sluished' (sorry I do not know the correct word) the affected ear. Suddenly it was all of the difference between day and night with regard to sight and hearing. I had a peek at the containement bowl. You really would not know what I saw in there.

Time passes.

We all do not always have the time to return to clinic for this treatment.

For me... and I emphasize for me only, I use the following procedure.

For several days before I use sterile olive oil drops in the affected ear.

I have purchased a rubber syringe and sterilize it before use.

I then use saline or sterilized water to sluishe out the wax from the ear.

If in the first go there is no give... I then give it a few more days with the sterile olive oil.

Eventually the ear becomes clean.

The most important things is to ensure that everything is sterile and that if there is any resistance to the emmitance of wax... either give up for a few days or go to a clinic.

Again... I do not advocate this procedure. If I had the time and money in every instance I would go to a clinic.

I acknowledge that in this day and age that there may be other equally appropriate medical procedures which I am unaware of

Good luck


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I have my earwax removed about once a year at macormick hospital. I can't remember the name of the ent doctor but i think there's just the one. I've only ever come across him. He's excellent, and simply removes it all with some kind of metal hook or whatever it is. Don't know how to describe it, but it's done by his hand, not a machine. He calmly removes it all and that's fantastic hearing for me until the build-up begins again. My health insurance is at this hospital so luckily i get it done for free, although i doubt it would cost much.

However one time i was feeling lazy to wait for the full process to take its place for those on health insurance so i went to ram to have it done.

He used a machine that made some great sucking sound to 'pull' the wax out. At the end he told me to come back later if i found i'd got an infection.

Sure enough i got an infection and thereby put me on a path of several thousand baht and about three doctors and a pharmacy, all to no avail. I was left with this infected ear courtesy of the doctor who use the sucking machine. I paid for the privilege too.

In the end i was recommended by a chap in a health food shop to use colloidal silver to get rid of the infection. By now i'd had it for nearly a month i think. I put in seven or so drops into the ear, waited the 15 minutes or so, and the next morning all cleared up, no infection, gone.

My story is to suggest a great doctor who does it all manually, and to suggest a treatment if you do pick up an ear infection.

Edited by femi fan
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Seriously for once!!....just in case cotton buds are your preference..............

In March 1997, Brian Cranshaw, a chemical engineer from West London, returned to the UK after spending the previous six months overseeing work at a petrochemicals plant in Nigeria.

During his first week back, his wife complained that he seemed to have difficulty listening properly. Brian suggested that his ears had not fully recovered from the air pressure changes experienced during his flight.

Over the next two weeks, Brian's condition worsened as he started to feel tickling sensations deep in his ears. Thinking the trouble was caused by loosened ear wax, he attempted to clean his ears with a ballpoint pen.

When he pressed it into his right ear, he heard a cracking sound and saw the pen covered in a yellow goo. He went to his local GP claiming he had punctured his ear drum. The GP reached into Brian's right ear with a pair of tweezers and pulled out what appeared to be an insect antenna.

During the examination Brian was horrified to learn that he had a total of 5 African cockroaches living in his head. Four cockroaches were alive and one cockroach was dead, presumably crushed by Brian's pen attack.

An investigation revealed that when Brian was in Nigeria, a female African cockroach must have laid numerous eggs in the toiletries bag where he kept his cotton buds. When he was cleaning his ears, he was also transferring the cockroach eggs to his inner ear where they started to hatch.

sick or laughing right now????

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Having surfed and dived in the cold Pacific Ocean for 40 years, i have the boney growth of 3 nodules that block the ear canals.(Natures way of protection?) Very easily,i get swimmers ear and wax buildup. Every time you get an ear infection it kills and peels all the ear canal skin and forms scar tissue. The old saying to never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear is good advise and through years of suffering i suggest hydrogen peroxide solution to bubble out and soften the wax. Over a few days and with warm,not hot water and a bulb syringe and gentle sprays you can keep a normal sized ear canal clean. To get water out ,diluted rubbing alcohol with boric acid dries the water immediately. The fact that the alcohol and Hydro change the PH of the ears and make infections and bacteria unhappy is a side benefit.

If the wax is really deep or impacted, it's time for Doc. A Q-tip is just a good ramrod for packing it further. You Hear Me!!

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Seriously for once!!....just in case cotton buds are your preference..............

In March 1997, Brian Cranshaw, a chemical engineer from West London, returned to the UK after spending the previous six months overseeing work at a petrochemicals plant in Nigeria.

During his first week back, his wife complained that he seemed to have difficulty listening properly. Brian suggested that his ears had not fully recovered from the air pressure changes experienced during his flight.

Over the next two weeks, Brian's condition worsened as he started to feel tickling sensations deep in his ears. Thinking the trouble was caused by loosened ear wax, he attempted to clean his ears with a ballpoint pen.

When he pressed it into his right ear, he heard a cracking sound and saw the pen covered in a yellow goo. He went to his local GP claiming he had punctured his ear drum. The GP reached into Brian's right ear with a pair of tweezers and pulled out what appeared to be an insect antenna.

During the examination Brian was horrified to learn that he had a total of 5 African cockroaches living in his head. Four cockroaches were alive and one cockroach was dead, presumably crushed by Brian's pen attack.

An investigation revealed that when Brian was in Nigeria, a female African cockroach must have laid numerous eggs in the toiletries bag where he kept his cotton buds. When he was cleaning his ears, he was also transferring the cockroach eggs to his inner ear where they started to hatch.

sick or laughing right now????

Feeling a bit itchy in the ear actually

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Please, Please, Please do not go for anything other than orthodox medical, aniti-septic wax removal remedies, preferably by medical authoritiies.

You run the risk of infection, perforation or destruction of the Eardrum and eventual total loss of hearing in that ear, if nothing else!

Most physicians will advise that it is not a good idea to begin the removal of wax, as once you begin the problem will eventually reocurr...


As a long-time sufferer.... it is horses for courses... once the wax builds up to the point that it is both uncomfortable and affects your hearing -

that counsel becomes debateable.

For me... and I do not not presume to advise others... I initially went to a medcal clinic. They advised me to use drops of sterile olive oil for several days in the affected ears and then return. Which I did. The nurse then used a very large metalic syringe filled with sterile water and 'sluished' (sorry I do not know the correct word) the affected ear. Suddenly it was all of the difference between day and night with regard to sight and hearing. I had a peek at the containement bowl. You really would not know what I saw in there.

Time passes.

We all do not always have the time to return to clinic for this treatment.

For me... and I emphasize for me only, I use the following procedure.

For several days before I use sterile olive oil drops in the affected ear.

I have purchased a rubber syringe and sterilize it before use.

I then use saline or sterilized water to sluishe out the wax from the ear.

If in the first go there is no give... I then give it a few more days with the sterile olive oil.

Eventually the ear becomes clean.

The most important things is to ensure that everything is sterile and that if there is any resistance to the emmitance of wax... either give up for a few days or go to a clinic.

Again... I do not advocate this procedure. If I had the time and money in every instance I would go to a clinic.

I acknowledge that in this day and age that there may be other equally appropriate medical procedures which I am unaware of

Good luck


I had a family doctor in Vancouver do that to me about 35 years ago. I agree don't look at the bowl. Now a day they have specialists. I doubt a family doctor would do it. I am going to see mine next month I think I will ask her. Not that I need it. If it even looks like I am getting a build up the wife is right there. Sems to be about every other month.

About ten years ago I had candeling done by my wife of the time> I don't think it helped at all but there was a blob of some thing there. Not sure if it was wax from the candle or what.

Femi Fan

I had occasion to talk with the director at McCormick it seems they have two een's.

Fortunately for me it was a business meeting not his specialty. He is a urologist., Speaks excellent English and is very likable.

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The old saying to never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear is good advise

A Q-tip is just a good ramrod for packing it further. You Hear Me!!

An old hyperbaric/diving doctor gave me this advice years ago. I never have a problem with my lugs following this advice...

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  • 9 months later...

I see a lot of people getting their ears cleaned at haircut barber shop places.

Seems a bit more risky that seeing a doc with a camera and special tools.

Eating a low mucus diet is helpful too for now secreting that goo. Eliminate Dairy, sugar etc.

Do I really want better hearing?

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Sterile Olive Oil

If you cannot buy in any given pharmacy - 99 percent of olive oil will be sterile when the new bottle is opened. Just use it for wax removal purchase and once the wax has gone, discard and buy a new bottle if the wax recurs.

Ensure that the dropper, rubber syringe, water for flushing and container are sterile.

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I see a lot of people getting their ears cleaned at haircut barber shop places.

Seems a bit more risky that seeing a doc with a camera and special tools.

Eating a low mucus diet is helpful too for now secreting that goo. Eliminate Dairy, sugar etc.

Do I really want better hearing?

Considering the level of hygiene in salons/barber shops here i would think it is very risky to let someone stick a metal object in your ear.

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"Does anyone know any salon that offer a professional ear wax therapy session ?"

I do, but as you probably know, the best are all in HK. What is that thing with the string pulled back and forth, anyway?

If ear wax therapy is required, it is still your best choice to visit and Ear Nose Throat and Lip doctor to have them use one of their vacuum pumps to suck out all that wax.

I have seen it done, and I have had it done.

And I can tell you that I would rather have it done

Than see it done.

The doc uses a vacuum hose which pulls out the wax and deposits it in a glass jar attached to the vacuum machine. With enough clients lined up, before you know it, I swear, you've got what looks like a pound of disgusting yellow wax in that beautifully transparent glass jar.

It is not for the feint of heart to visit one of those clinics unless you also take some shades, and the darker the better.

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The video shows a doctor using the same "metal hook" procedure that a another poster said was done at McCormick. My general practice doctor in the U.S. did this same procedure for me a few times. He was always amazed that I come in complaining of the squishing noise in my ear and he always removed a very small piece of wax. He said normally, no one complains with so little wax and now I see why he said that after watching the video.

I can't imagine living with that much gunk in your ears. One or two small flakes of wax on the eardrum are enough to drive me nuts.

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The US doctors are very reluctant to do this because their malpractice insurance tells them not too. It's an elective procedure, they don't want to do during an office visit. I had the candling done, and that worked a little, but I had it done about 15 years ago at a salon in BKK, and became a believer. It's amazing how many places birds are singing. I have also tried without success to find a place in CNX that does it. I think a few folks may have had infections before they had the procedure. Also, while many are recommending what are likely very good ENT doctors, there are a lot of things that nurses and technicians are simply better at: like removing stitches or taking x-rays without making you feel like your in the agony booth. Consider how much pain a small splinter can cause. What about a fish hook sinker size ball of wax? And as others stated, many make the problem worse with Q-tips. I notice that one of my ears always produces quite a bit more wax. I remember the first time, she says "you have a plug." I also heard that the itching is caused by yeast, which is likely a reflection of diet, too.

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